I ŌTsutsuki Naruto: Left Eye Reincarnation Right Eye Reincarnation

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 The End Of The Ninja World, Ōtsutsuki Ya楳

The 100th anniversary of Konoha, which is a full 100 years since the establishment of Konoha Village by First Hokage Senju Hashirama, should be a day worth celebrating.

But at the moment the entire Konoha Village is empty.

There are dilapidated buildings and desolate scenes everywhere.

The original spring day, at this moment, seems to have entered the depression of autumn.

The leaves do not know when they have already withered.

The dense vines spread from the end of the world to the other end of the world.

In the old Hokage office, the walls have long been divided, and there are densely entwined withered branches. The Seventh Hokage vortex Naruto, who is over half a century old, sits quietly, looking at the withered world outside the window, and the sky in the sky. A huge Truth-Seeking Ball that expands almost infinitely.

At this moment, the entire ninja world has completely withered, and the more powerful sacred tree from Ōtsutsuki Yara has swallowed all the energy of the entire ninja world at this moment.

But now all humans and even creatures in the entire Ninja world have completely died.

Even the three eternal holy places have been broken.

He survived, but it was Chuanmu’s last resort to save his life.

But that was just a desperate struggle.

In other words, it just delayed the death time by tens of seconds.

Tens of seconds later, when this Truth-Seeking Ball, which is almost the size of the earth, falls, the entire world will completely disappear in this starry sky.

This time there will be no possibility.

Even if he once created miracles one by one.

At the age of seventeen, he and Sasuke defeated the almost immortal Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, and at the age of nineteen, he defeated Ōtsutsuki Toneri alone.

At the age of thirty-two, he faced the coming Ōtsutsuki gold style and Ōtsutsuki peach style.

Then Ōtsutsuki Ura style, and Ōtsutsuki Ichi style did not stop his miracle.

But this kind of miracle is limited after all.

In the battle with Ōtsutsuki, Nine Tails assists him in heavy particle mode and dies, though barely defeating Ōtsutsuki.

However, Kurama completely disappeared in the ninja world. Even with the particularity of the tailed beast, after using the heavy particle mode, there was no resurrection.

He, who lost Nine Tails, and Sasuke, who lost Rinnegan, had to take a back seat.

And even if their strength goes through the follow-up penance, they can only reach the level of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara during their lifetime.

If this level is invincible in the ninja world, just like First Hokage and Uchiha Madara back then, it can overwhelm the ninja world for an era.

But when facing Ōtsutsuki, especially the Ōtsutsuki god of ten pieces of Ōtsutsuki, it is not enough to watch.

Without Rinnegan, without the power of Ōtsutsuki, even the former super shadow is not even an ant.

The main force has become Boruto who has completely inherited the power of Ōtsutsuki Momo, and Kawaki who has completely inherited the power of Ōtsutsuki Ichishi.

But they are only barely touchable, and there is still a huge gap between them and the legendary Ōtsutsuki god, Ōtsutsuki Yagara.

Even if Boruto Yu Chuanmu assembled the power of the entire ninja world, he was defeated in the end.

Boruto Yu Chuanmu was fed to the super-big Ten Tails, and everyone in the ninja world, including the three holy places, became the nourishment of the super-big Ten Tails sacred tree.

And he was Chuanmu who barely saved a life with his young name Viguna.

But that was only a few seconds longer.

Ōtsutsuki Yara, who absorbed the energy of the entire ninja world, was finally about to take that step.

And for Ōtsutsuki Ya楳, who is about to escape, the ninja world is meaningless.

Of course there is only destruction.

The Truth-Seeking Ball, which is huge enough to cover the entire planet in the sky, is the best display.


“It’s time to meet Hinata, Sasuke, Boruto, Kawaki, father, mother.”

“Unfortunately, my strength is still too weak.”


A soft voice spoke, and the huge Truth-Seeking Ball fell, and then crimson filled the entire viewing angle.

Whirlpool Naruto thought of his wife, Uchiha Sasuke, and his father and mother in his mind.

Also think of the year.

Back then, if he could get to know him a little better.

It’s okay that today’s scene will not be like this.

The special nature of the ninja world makes it not too difficult for the power of Ōtsutsuki to be born on this land.

He originally had many opportunities to step into that level, but in the end because of this or that reason, he missed it after all.

And if you can step into which level.

Maybe it’s all different now.

Thoughts come to an end at this moment.

Naruto, whose hair was already madara white, fell silent.

However, when the starry sky was completely shattered.

Time and space are also stirred up at this moment.

The volatility of one stock is spreading.

The dragon vein aura that was originally tainted on him directly spread out at this moment.

Then, on Naruto’s body, a strange turtle shone with light.

That is the “plow”, the legendary treasure of Ōtsutsuki, but with the crossing of Sasuke and Ōtsutsuki Urashiki, the “plow” has long been broken.

But at this moment, “Plow” seemed to come alive.

“Detect users!”

“Vortex Naruto!”

“Identities are bound!”

“Bind successfully!!”

“Finally the Sky’s Path icon activates.”

The huge Chakra exploded suddenly.

Then annihilated.

And in this kind of eruption and annihilation, the entire time and space fluctuated violently.

Accompanied by violent fluctuations in time and space.

The surrounding space was shattered inch by inch.

And on Naruto’s body, an illusory figure escaped, and finally submerged directly into the illusory space.

Interweaving of time and space.

Souls from the last days gather in youth.

This leap seems to be forty years.

Forty years ago.

That year, the young ninja Uzumaki Naruto had already graduated, the wave mission was completed, and the Chūnin exam was completed.

That year, the young Naruto fought against the Valley of the End in order to recover his former best friend, but failed to bring back his lost best friend.

that year.

So many stories that year.

There are too many memories of that year.

That year, belonged to the whirlpool Naruto story.


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