I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 132 – Behind the Curtains ❤

Hari nuzzles her face into my chest for a few moments longer and I just let her rub her cheeks into me while patting her head. She lets out charming purrs the entire time. But, she knows that we can’t stay like this forever and finally withdraws herself, doing a slow, long stretch which arches her petite figure right in front of my eyes.

Thanking her for the eye candy with some more ear scratches, I slide off the bed and she bounces off it too, standing next to me. Her gaze skips down briefly towards the obvious place and I chuckle at her drive. I’m glad she’s still as eager as before after everything.

“Alright. Dress up. Others are surely already waiting,” I say, flicking her forehead to catch her attention.

Hari groans cutely and starts massaging it. “Into what? I had nothing on me when you carried me here, Alpha.”

“Shit. That’s true.” I start to browse the storage ring for something.

“I don’t mind going out like this.” She giggles sweetly and presses herself into my front.

“Of course, you don’t, you little pervert. ” I shake my head.

I extend a hand to her with a smile and Hari’s eyes sparkle. I guess I can spoil her a bit more. She takes it and climbs onto me like a koala, latching onto my front, pecking my cheek happily.

“Only until your room. Then you dress up and we go to the dining hall.” I raise a brow at her and await confirmation.

“Well… If it’s like this... Then…” She purrs quietly and wiggles her butt a bit.

Releasing her hold on me just a little, she slides down and I’m immediately assaulted with a warm sensation down below. Hari moans alluringly and shivers as I wrap my arms around her to prevent her from falling off.

But, she has been in perfect control of everything and pushes herself more into me, joining her legs behind my waist and her hands behind my neck, giving me a mischievous smile from below.

“Now we can go.” She giggles again.

I roll my eyes at her. “You are going to wipe all the stains from the floor by yourself later.”

With that comment, I start walking towards the door with a petite catgirl firmly nailed on my cock. Hari starts sighing blissfully as my steps cause it to explore her insides while she tightly hugs my chest.

Perhaps it was a mistake choosing to spoil her more.

Thankfully, we only run into Nebu on our way to Hari’s room, who is heading down to the dining hall. She gives us an amused look before flying away and I continue forward with the moaning and mewling feline latched onto me. Hari reaches her peak twice before we make it, once on the big stairs and once right in front of her room.

I help her down afterwards and clean us both. She doesn’t get any more mischievous and obediently jumps into some shorts and a t-shirt, placing an appreciative peck on my cheek. We walk to get some breakfast like normal people next. As normal as it can be with me still parading with a stiff pole leading the charge.

We stroll into the dining chamber and I spot my wives sitting together by two tables moved together. Hari thanks me for taking care of her and even letting her be a bit playful and scurries away to join her usual pack of friends. I wave at them with a smile and join the beauties waiting for my arrival.

“So. Any immediate issues I need to know about regarding last night’s accident?” I ask as I sit down between the naked Cornelia and the adorable Sirgia.

“How is Hari?” Astrea glances at me with a tinge of curiosity and worry in her neutral eyes.

“She’s well. I don’t think it affected her. She was blaming herself a bit, but I did my best to get that idea out of her head,” I explain.

My feline mate nods lightly and continues her breakfast.

“As for the rest of the night after the incident, everything was well too,” Elea joins in and I turn to her. “No one made a fuss. Many people saw how the guest was thrown outside by Teffith and how you then delicately carried Hari away so people quickly understood what happened, more or less.”

“Many didn’t accept the coupons, saying that they would feel bad for making use of our misfortune so only a few of those were handed out,” Cornelia adds.

“Everyone talked a lot about it between themselves so the information and rumours spread quite quickly,” Neira chimes in. “They were rather angry but I don’t think it was at you or us.”

“A lot of people shared their condolences and hopes that everything was okay as I held the door open,” Teffith continues. “I’m pretty sure I’ve seen a few people kick the naked bastard but he hastily escaped before the mob could pin him down and maul on the spot.”

I sigh heavily while shaking my head. “Thankfully. It would have been a waste after I’ve barely held myself back from doing so myself. I guess we will see soon if someone got him for good.”

“What now? He was part of the whole association, wasn’t he?” Cornelia glances at me with slight worry and I brush her cheek with a warm smile.

“A few things. I think I’m going to see Ross first to see if I can get some more info on them, and explain what happened. The meeting mentioned in the invitation is today so I’ll pay the association a visit and see what they are like.”

“Isn’t that dangerous?” She frowns lightly.

“I’m more than capable of dealing with them if things go to shit. And, no matter what I do, I certainly won’t be alone.” Accepting a bite from my cute Dwarf, I point towards the ceiling.

Everyone looks up, and as if on command, Hecate’s lithe form flickers into existence right under the top. They gasp in surprise and my personal stalker rappels herself down on her sturdy thread. I give the spirdergirl a few gentle pats.

“I’ll never get used to her sneaking around so much.” Cornelia shudders a little and I chuckle.

“Just give it time. Although, you could tone it down a little when it’s just us around, Hecate. It’s fine when we work or go outside. You follow me, right?”

She nods twice, most likely to accept my request and to confirm my guess. Cornelia’s eyes widen.

“Wait. Does that mean that she was there… in the castle…”

Hecate gives one more nod before I can answer and my lovely magician turns all crimson, earning herself curious stares from everyone else. It’s not really a surprise, honestly, with how clingy Hecate is. She must have gotten a good show of us in Lianne’s room.

“Alright. Anything important to note before I leave?” I look around at all my dazzling wives.

“There might just be something,” a voice responds behind my back.

I turn around to check the source and find Ria just reaching our place with Elise by her side. I give the ladies a nod as a greeting and they respond with the same. Although, Elise adds a faint blush to it as she takes a brief peek under the table.

“Good morning. And thank you for your hard work. Both of you. But especially Elise, regarding yesterday,” I add verbally.

The person in question turns even rosier and shakes her head. “It’s nothing. I hope Hari is okay. Everyone listened to our request to leave without making any problems. I didn’t do much.”

Ria chuckles softly. “You personally ran around to inform the guests about the unfortunate event and guided them to the exit while apologising a lot. I think you should take the credit when due.”

“She is right.” Cornelia smiles at them beautifully. “You could have left it to us, only taking care of the people in the queue.”

Elise drops her gaze to the ground but nods in appreciation, almost turning into a tomato.

“In any way, regarding your outing, it seems that our friend has already made up her mind about joining us,” Ria continues her initial topic.

“Oh. That’s pretty fast. What about your preparations?” I ask.

“They are more or less finished, with just a few more things required to be covered. We could bring her in today, though, after paying her a visit and finalising everything officially,” the mature lady explains.

“Awesome. Nyfile will be thrilled to hear that. What about the other pair we visited?”

“That will need some more time since they are a big supplier and it’s not that easy to tear them off that fat leech. Mari’s case is much easier as she is only a processor, one of many too. But, don’t worry, we will handle that.” Ria shows an icy smile which makes me shiver a little.

“Yeah… I’ll leave the details to you then…” I chuckle wryly. “Should we let her know soon, then?”

“I thought about doing it after you finish your business at the castle. You still should have some time before the gathering. I could meet you in front of her place when you are free. I’m going to be out to talk with my friends about our poaching anyway,” she suggests.

I nod a few times. “Sure. I’ll let you know through Whispers when I’m done. I really appreciate what you are doing for us.”

“Oh, don’t mind it. I work and live here. It’s only natural.”

“That’s right,” Elise supports her friend’s statement. “And it’s an amazing place to work and live in. Even if at least a tad peculiar…” 

Her delicate cheeks gain a crimson shade again after her gaze locks onto my waist, making the older woman chuckle quietly.

I smile wryly at the cute receptionist. “Sorry that you have to go through this.”

Elise waves her hands defensively. “No, no, no! It’s not a… bad thing… to look at…”

“Well, then don’t feel shy and enjoy the view.” I chuckle too. “It won’t last forever.”

“Unless we make another bet,” my mischievous Dwarf joins in.

“Oh, hell no,” Cornelia instantly shoots her down and everyone laughs together.

The two ladies then excuse themselves after Elise gets a bit more confident eyeful of my sceptre and jewels. I wink at her as they walk away, evoking an even deeper blush on the younger girl’s face.

My loving wives and I spend half an hour more around the table just feeding each other and talking about all the things related to the establishment, and them, of course. Meru has been quite silent even though she is here with us so I wiggle myself near her to cuddle my new shark mate a little before everyone is on their way to do whatever they are going to.

I visit Nyfile to inform her about our new arrival who will most likely join us today and she expresses her joy in having someone to share her interests with. Fortunately, she doesn’t mind that Mari is a Human and I’m sure the two will get together just well. Plus, they will finally be able to give me a more detailed list of things they will need for their craft.

Cornelia escorts me to the entrance as we walk through the mansion completely naked. I must admit, she seems to be taking it better than before, even though she still looks really embarrassed and awkward at moments. But, my presence clearly makes it easier for her so I’m all for it. Bonus side, I get to admire her perfect body all the time, and so does she with mine.

Giving my amazing wife a tender slap on her juicy butt, I summon my suit and we part ways with a loving kiss. I make sure to slip out without exposing her to the world so as to not make Cornelia feel uneasy. A carriage already awaits me so I guess one of the girls must have sent a notice to the stables.

“Alright. I know you can most likely easily keep up with it but why don’t you ride with me this time?” I ask particularly no one and soon Hecate shows up by my side.

Opening the door of the carriage, I invite my cute bodyguard inside and let the driver know where we are heading before I jump after her. Hecate examines the interior with her gaze and onyx spikes, making me smile at her adorable interest. After she gets enough, she takes a seat. On my lap. Making me chuckle a little.

I pamper the spidergirl on our way, suddenly getting an idea. Searching through my bonds, I reach out to Lianne.

~Hello? Is my favourite queen perhaps home?~

~Ah! Alastair? Is that you?~ the melodic voice soon answers back with a little gasp. ~Right. I forgot we could do that now. Do you need anything, dear husband?~

I shake my head with a wry smile at her clearly teasing remark.

~Can’t I just reach out without needing anything? Maybe I wanted to know how you are feeling?~

A quiet giggle reaches my mind. ~I guess you could. I’m great, thank you. Much better after all your invaluable help, including the recent therapy. When is another session?~

I snort to myself and sigh softly. ~We’ll have to schedule one. If you are getting a little lonely, then I’ll let you know that I’m heading to the castle right now. And you were right, I do need to talk with Ross about something.~

~I’ll let him know for you, then. I don’t think he is busy at the moment. But, if he is, I’ll gladly invite you for a bit of tea. I’ve had a craving for something hot and delicious to fill my belly since the very morning, fufufu.~

~Why do I have a feeling that you don’t mean the tea?~

Another ladylike chuckle answers me and we cut the connection. This damned nymphomaniac. Maybe I shouldn’t have let her know that I’m coming. Now I might end up coming and coming and coming for Goddess knows how long. I don’t think Lianne will be satisfied with just one serving.

But, things are already set in motion and I can only hope that our little tea party won’t suddenly turn into too much debauchery. I still have places to be today. Although, I’m sure she will keep her royal and noble facade like she always does around the castle so I should be fine.


We cover the rest of the remaining distance in silence as I pat my fierce spidergirl sitting casually on my lap. Hecate looks so much prettier after regaining bits of her proper figure. She still needs to gain some lost body but she’s certainly doing much better than weeks ago. She seems much brighter too, even if her completely emotionless face doesn’t convey it properly.

After arriving at our destination, I hold the door for her and assist the alabaster-skinned lady in jumping out. The very moment I turn around to close them, she’s already gone. If not for the connection we share, I would have no idea that she is right next to the closest wall, all camouflaged behind her webs.


Giving the little yandere stalker a nod of gratitude, I head in. A knight guides me through the hallways, most likely sent by either Ross or Lianne. I follow the man and we reach one of the casual meeting chambers in the inner sanctum. He lets me inside and heads back.

I scan the beautiful room with my gaze and find the Queen sitting by a round coffee table covered by a long azure tablecloth reaching the very floor right next to the balcony. The petite, white-haired lady hastily stands up and trots to me with a gentle smile on her dainty lips. I chuckle a little as Lianne throws herself at me and pulls me into a warm hug.

“Did you miss me that much? We’ve seen each other not that long ago.”

“I think you still don’t understand that a woman feels the passage of time differently when separated from her beloved,” she explains and pecks my lips sweetly.

“Crap. Is that why Cornelia jumped at me right after we returned?”

Lianne chuckles adorably. “After weeks? I wouldn’t be surprised if she pushed you down right after you crossed the doorstep. Now come. Sit. Ross should be here soon.”

I brush her fair cheeks with my thumbs and place a gentle kiss on her lips too before getting pulled towards the table. The Queen pours us both freshly boiled tea into fancy, ceramic cups and I receive mine with a nod.

“Huh. You really had some tea prepared. Paint me surprised,” I say with a faint smirk.

“Of course I had. Who do you take me for, Alastair?” She smiles back softly and I catch a little twinkle in her charming blue eyes.

“An insatiable nympho?” I raise a brow at her while taking a sip.

Lianne fakes a hurt expression and places a hand over her heart with a loud gasp. 

“How could you! I’ll have you know that I was pretty fulfilled after our last very pleasant meeting.”

I snicker a little. “You are not denying the second part.”

She winks at me while drinking from her cup like the proper, refined lady that she is. When in public, at least.

“What a beautiful morning we have today.” Lianne sighs blissfully after taking a glance out of the glassless windows.

I follow her gaze and admire the beautiful sight spanning from this chamber too. “Yeah. Seeing the city from this angle always takes my breath away to the same extent as a year ago.”

Returning my face to the lady in front of me, I frown heavily.


The issue is, there’s no lady there anymore, just an empty chair. I look around in confusion to see if she perhaps stood up to grab something but she’s nowhere to be seen. I jump a little on my own chair when something brushes over my crotch and my eyes dart down to see the velvety curtain partially covering my thighs move a little.

I grab the tablecloth and lift it up, finding the missing person right under the table, fiddling with my belt. Lianne gives me an impish smile, pausing for a moment, and continues unbuckling it while staring right back at me.

“You little—”

I jump again and instantly bring the cloth down when someone suddenly opens the door to the chamber. My head snaps towards it and I watch as Ross strolls into the room with a wide smile, spreading his arms to the sides.

“Al! My dear friend! You’ve been visiting me quite a lot recently, haven’t you?”

I chuckle wryly and lean more forward onto the table. “Nice to see you too, Ross. That’s just how things are, unfortunately. As much as I would like to tell you that I’m just eager to casually spend some time with you, another issue brings me here.”

The King sighs and shrugs. “I know that feeling all too well. There’s always some shit going on. But, don’t mind it. Mother already left?” He looks around and then at the empty chair.

“Uhhh… Yeah… She said she had to check on something… You literally missed each other, hahaha…”

“She must have been in a hurry if she didn’t even finish her favourite tea,” he comments and then takes her spot, getting a sip from his mother’s cup. “Can’t have it go to waste. It tastes much better when hot.”

I feel my belt finally give in and a certain someone spreads my fly open. Sensing a bunch of fingers slipping behind the edge of my underwear, I awkwardly bring my chair closer to the table by dragging it with my hips.

That horny minx is still going to continue, isn’t she?

“So, what do you have for me this time?” Ross asks and puts his chin on his interlocked hands.

“Well, there has been a small incident at the establishment last night and I wanted to see if you had any knowledge about the diiiiiickhead who stirred a bit of trouble for us,” I reply, getting a little shiver as my cock springs out of its hiding and something warm envelops my glans.

“Really? I thought most people have already learned not to fuck with you after that accident with Jericho’s son.” The King sighs and I smile wryly, shifting my butt a little as someone’s tongue makes rounds around my tip. “Another conceited noble?”

I shake my head. “Not sure. He said he isn’t but I prefer to be safe. I almost killed him on the spot after he hurt one of the girls but I let him go. He’s part of the weird brothel association which has recently invited me to some talks, going by Duke Gloomveil,” I say quickly, trying my best to finish before Lianne tickles a good spot.

“Ah, yeah, those guys. I’m pretty sure one of them is a fallen noble so I wouldn’t be surprised if it was him trying to compensate for something with that title,” Ross replies and I support my chin with both hands, hoping to hide from my face how his mother blows me like a fucking vacuum down there.

I’m a little surprised there are no noises with how fiercely she assaults my cock with her mouth and tongue but perhaps Lianne put a silencing barrier around herself or something. I can only hope he doesn’t stretch his legs and bump into her.

“Anything you could say about them? Like, do you mind if I wreck that sorry excuse of a helpful union by accident shortly after joining? I’m going to—fuuuuuuck… them over sometime soon, I guess…”

My face is starting to sting a little from how much I’m smiling and I’ve barely managed to somehow recover from that sudden spike of pleasure after Lianne has switched her attention to my sack while pumping my shaft like crazy.

“Well, that would certainly bring down the competition for you, hahaha.” Ross laughs openly and I do the same, using that chance as an outlet to release my voice a little. “Honestly, they have been a thorn in the side but I couldn’t deny the funds they provide us with. But, I’m sure even that isn’t completely honest so we should be able to find a reason or two for not helping them if you decide to assault the entire group openly.”

“I don’t think I’m going to have a heaaaaaad-on confrontation with them.” I wince a little as someone starts leaving strong, sucky kisses on my tip. “But I’m not going to run away or stay defensive if they start things first. And they might after one of their members was manhandled by my bouncer and even the guests who unloaded their anger on him.”

“I’ll have my people work through their ledgers and any records related to them, then, just in case.”

“Sorry about this. I would really hate to hurt your finances,” I apologise honestly.

“It’s fine.” Ross waves his hand at me. “Your place is starting to bring quite the profits too so I’m not that worried. With some more time, you’ll overtake them easily. Your establishment is getting a lot of attention. If I’m going to have to choose between them and you, my choice will be obvious.”

“Thank you. I’ll try my best to salvage the situation. Except for the shiiiiiiiithead who caused all of this. I’m going to cut him into little pieces the next time I see that ugly pig. He signed his death warrant by accepting the rules and breaking them.”

“Ah, right, there are those too.” The king chuckles. “I have nothing to say about him, then. You have full rights to report him for assault or worse, attempted murder, and we’ll take care of him, perhaps make a little show of it to help make your place even safer.”

I cover my mouth with my left hand to appear as if I’m thinking heavily but really just hiding my grimace of intense pleasure. A light breeze blows at us from the balcony and my right hand instantly catches the tablecloth to prevent it from revealing too much.

“I might try not to kill him personally, then. This seems like a good idea. Many customers saw what happened and they surely spread the rumours. Public punishment or even execution would make a good example of him, showing that no one is above the law.”

“Great.” He rubs his hands together with a wide smile. “Let me know when and we’ll arrest the bastard. There are a few criminals on hold right now so I could perhaps show up myself to trial them in public. You need to do that once in a while as a King and quite a bit of time has passed since my last one. It won’t look like I’m favouring you that way.”

I jump a little and hit the table with my knee when something tight squeezes my glans and I have all the reason to think that Lianne has just started deepthroating me. Shuffling my position a bit, I smile wryly and try to look like my earlier hit was an accidental part of it.

“I appreciate it a lot, Ross. Really, thanks for everything.”

“That’s what friends are for.” He raises his hands with a smile. “And I’ve been enjoying myself at your place greatly. I’m always having a blast, if you know what I mean, haha. Just don’t tell Mother. That would be so embarrassing. I can count on you, right?”

“Yeah, of course. She will never know, man, she will never know.” I chuckle wryly. “Just make sure to be a bit more mindful if you are planning on visiting soon and going for the usual, please.”

The smile immediately disappears from the King’s face. “He didn’t…”

“Well… Mhhhhmmmm… She says everything is fine but I’d still like for Hari to—”

“MOTHERFUCKER!” Ross slams the table, making me jump. “He hurt the catgirl?!”

I make a tiny nod and he shoots to his feet.

“I’m going to rip his dick off with my own two hands! Don’t you dare to kill him before I do! Give me two days! No, one! I’ll start the preparations right now!”

He then storms out of the chamber like mad, thankfully slamming the door behind him so they are shut close. The very moment we are left alone, I bang my fists into the table and groan loudly, finally stopping holding back. I explode like firehose into Lianne’s mouth, bucking my hips up to push my cock deeper into her throat. An ocean of white crashes into it while I can feel her holding me as deep as she can.

Letting out a long sigh after finally being able to release myself properly, I lean back into the chair and lift the tablecloth, revealing Lianne’s delicate face as she slowly cleans me up with her tongue. The Queen wraps it up with one last suck and my tip escapes her lips with a loud pop.

“I swear I pity and envy you at the same time for having such an oblivious son…” I chuckle wryly.

“I hope he doesn’t change too quickly.” She giggles softly. “I won’t be able to have fun like this otherwise.”

Shaking my head, I help the fine lady crawl out from under the table and pull Lianne into a loving kiss with my erection still dangling out in the open. After we separate, she gently tucks it back into its proper place and fixes my belt.

“Thank you for going along with it.” She smiles at me a little shyly. “You didn’t have to.”

“You serious? That was one of the best blowjobs of my life, and I’ve had a few. Certainly the most unique one considering the setting. I think I can understand how you and Cornelia became best friends so easily.”

“Oh?” Lianne raises a brow at me.

“She’s as horny for some action on the edge of being discovered as you are.” I chuckle again and brush her smooth cheek. “She got damn tight when I railed her in the carriage with the curtains slightly parted.”

The Queen giggles quietly with her petite hands covering her small lips. “That sounds fun. Perhaps I should try it someday.”

I roll my eyes and we share one more tender kiss.

“I gotta go now. Thanks for the amazing time, Lianne. Would you like me to visit you later so that I can return the favour?”

She shakes her head with a tiny smile. “It’s alright. I’ve had my fill, fufufu~ Go and focus on your issues. That man has to pay.”

“And he will. I promise.”

Lianne then escorts me partway through the castle and goes her way to take care of whatever duties she has. I quickly give Ria a notice that I’m done and walk back to the carriage while thinking about various ways how the upcoming confrontation could play out. Duke’s involvement certainly has an effect on it.

I check my surroundings for Hecate’s signature and the sneaky spidergirl joins my side shortly before I reach the parking lot. We jump into the carriage together and ride to Mari’s place, enjoying each other’s company in silence.

It doesn’t take long and I soon spot the familiar workshop, with the beautiful mature lady standing in front of it. Ria garners quite some attention from the male half of the population passing by and that’s no surprise. She still wears her pencil skirt and tight white shirt, emphasising her impressive bust. You can barely make out the lace of her underwear through it.

She opens the door of the carriage for us and we oblige. This time, I catch Hecate weave her threads around and disappear almost next to me, which spooks our MILF accountant greatly when she can’t find my companion after turning around.

I shrug with a chuckle and we head inside. After greeting the granny at the reception, we are allowed to go upstairs to meet our new employee. Reaching the door to Mari’s room, I knock lightly but no one answers. Being careful not to scare her in the middle of something, I press on the knob and create a small gap to take a peek inside.

The cheerful tomboy is deeply focused on operating a sewing machine, positioned towards us, thankfully. After nodding at each other, we step inside and stop a distance from her, waiting for Mari to notice us by herself. Three minutes pass and she finally reaches out for something, taking her eyes away from her work.

“Ah! Miss Ria and Mister Alastair! I’m so sorry! You should have said something!” She stands up and quickly apologises.

“It’s okay. You seemed really into it so we didn’t want to interrupt.” I chuckle at her softly. “What are you working on?”

Mari beams a toothy smile at us and spins around to yank her creation from the machine.

“I couldn’t get one of the sketches that I’ve seen in your notebook out of my head so I decided to try making it to present it to you as a sample to prove myself,” she explains with a lively tone.

Then, she suddenly presses the clasps of the belts holding her overalls on her shoulders and the big pants slide off her, leaving Mari only in a worn t-shirt and a pair of cute, white panties with pink flowers on them. In one quick motion, she leans forward and puts on a black stocking reaching halfway up her thigh. Showing off her leg, she points with both hands at its top, which has the shape of geometrical cat ears instead of a flat band.

“What do you think? They looked so cute in the drawing!” The unaware tomboy looks between the two of us with an excited expression.

Noticing Ria’s raised brows and my wry smile, she glances at herself again and her brain finally processes what she has done.


A heavy blush surfaces on Mari’s tanned cheeks as she smiles back at us shyly and stands up straight, starting to fidget a little, not knowing how to salvage her blunder. I chuckle at her lightly and pass her the overalls she has thrown away.

“We all make mistakes in the heat of passion, Mari. It’s okay. And those are really cute too.” I wink at her and she turns even redder, knowing well that I meant her panties. “In any way, I really appreciate you going out of your way to do something like this. I admit that they look great. I assume that you have made up your mind?”

“Y-Yes!” She tries her best to regather her wits while jumping back into her pants. “I would really love to! I regretted not agreeing right away so much! I think I can’t go back now after seeing that sketchbook, hahaha.”

I place a hand on her shoulder and smile warmly. “Then we are all set. Your new colleague waiting for your arrival is very excited to start working on things too. I’m sure you both will have lots of fun. Do you want to move now?”

“Ugh, I should have packed, I’m so sorry.” Mari runs her gaze over the attic, still in the same chaos as the last time. “I can just grab the necessities and come back for the rest later.”

“I can pack things for you if you would like. It won’t take long.”

“You can? How?”

Walking to the nearest pile of materials, I place my hand on them and empty the chair in a flash, shoving the fabrics into my ring. Mari gasps in surprise.

“Spatial storage! Amazing! How much can we take with us?”

“This entire building if we wanted.” I chuckle at her eyes almost popping out. “Put whatever you need in here.” I throw her a spare ring. “We’ll help to make it faster too.”

Purplish mist seeps out of my chest and the women watch it form a humanoid figure. Ailish materialises herself shortly after, giving me a seductive smile. Mari gapes at the sight of my Succubus companion.

As promised, we quickly swipe her room clear, leaving only the tools and machines behind since Mari doesn’t want to take them away from her grandma. We walk back down and let Muriel know that her granddaughter is moving in with us to work on-site. The rude granny grumbles something as goodbye but Ria and I know that she’s going to celebrate the moment we cross the doorstep.

Mari almost faints from excitement when she learns that she gets to ride a super fancy carriage looking like it belongs to the King. I ask Ailish to accompany the two on the way back and take care of things for me, assisting our new friend however she can. They soon leave and I wave at them driving away.

Now, with the pleasantries out of the way, it’s time to get serious. A certain circlejerk eagerly awaits my presence.



It's time for the final showdown.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Julian S., and Alvzorin! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Member - Michael S.! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - Magiwarrior, Fandley, Chicken Adobo, S. Kigi, Luiswu, Skyell, Dennis W., Vincent S., W. Jennings, Sonicblackfox, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, James M., Rando C., Eatsbreeze! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honoured by your presence!

Up to 15 chapters ahead are available on Patreon!

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