I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 142 – Brainstorming the New Journey

After we leave Sirgia’s workshop, Hecate decides to accompany us without disappearing somewhere into the surroundings. I get a chance to look at her new suit some more as we stroll through the mansion together, with her to my right and my lovely dwarf wife to my left. She really starts to look like a superhero.

On our way to the lobby, we let any women we run into know that I want to hold a small meeting. They agree to share the notice with everyone else they stumble on and continue heading wherever they are. Of course, I reach out to all my wives and they start gathering people on their own too. For those girls who are out of the mansion, I send a few Whispers, telling them not to hurry and that we will wait for their return.

I could send Whispers to literally everyone but it’s not necessary to suddenly interrupt anyone in the middle of something. We are not in a rush.

In the meanwhile, I prepare the reception hall with Sirgia, bringing some more chairs and sofas out, and getting some snacks and drinks from the kitchen. As we do our thing, a few women join us, including the slightly blushing Cornelia. I give my charming magician a reassuring peck on the cheek and try to take her mind off exposing herself to tens of other women by focusing on the preparations.

It doesn’t take that long before the spacious chamber begins to fill with beautiful ladies of numerous races. The air gets filled with friendly chatter as everyone picks their seats, usually in groups of closer friends. But, that’s not a rule and I can see a bunch of them mingling with individuals not strictly related to their race or time of arrival in our establishment. It’s a really nice thing. It just shows that they are finding common interests amongst themselves.

About half an hour later, I’m pretty sure everyone is here. The lobby got crowded as fuck. I’m not even going to try and count how many residents we have here at the current moment. As long as we can comfortably house all the women, it doesn’t really matter. I talked about it with Ria and Elea, and they will let me know when we start running low on personal rooms. But, just in case, I sent a word to Ross to look for some people willing to work on underground expansion already. Better early than late.

So, after everyone gathers and finds a spot to sit down, I head to the area clearly prepared specifically for me and my closest Partners, also my wives. It’s a giant sofa, possibly even wider than the one Micah had in the Beastkin Community. And that one was damn huge.

Oh, memories. We shared a very fun time with Astrea on it back then. I wonder if this one will experience something similar.

In any way, I watch as ten gorgeous women of various heights and body shapes parade through the centre like they are walking the red carpet to some world-class gala. Everyone stares at them with smiles. It doesn’t look like this procession evokes any negative emotions from the onlookers like envy, jealousy, or such. The spectators seem happy to see them.

Thus all my women sit down on the comically wide piece of fancy furniture, of course, made of dark mahogany and fitted with comfy, purplish cushions for the seating and the backrest. From left to right it’s Ailish, Teffith, Meru, Astrea, Cornelia, Sirgia, Elea, Neira, Elise and Ria.

Shit. Only now it actually gets to me how many there are. It’s kind of insane when I look at them and they look at me. To think that there’s also Shino and Lianne. Plus, I’m pretty sure I can count Ghilerie in, possibly even Elyari too. Things are getting quite wild, I’d say.

But, I’m caught staring for way longer than I should and notice an increasing blush on Cornelia’s cheeks even from as far away as I am from them. Not wasting any more time, I follow in their footsteps and reach the magnificent sofa. She and Sirgia leave a gap for me and I obediently squeeze myself in between these incredible ladies who have accompanied me for so long already.

Giving my dazzling scholar a reassuring rub over her magnificent thigh, I exchange smiles with Cornelia and turn to the entire gathering. Then, glancing towards the ceiling, I wave at it, and soon, a certain someone rappels herself down from it right onto my lap. I pat Hecate’s short hair and she lets me hug her from behind. Now, the preparations are complete. And I’m even somewhat covered so as not to distract our audience.

Taking a brief moment to admire the literal rows of charming women from multiple amazing races, I let out a sigh and smile.

“Alright. Thanks a lot for coming here. I appreciate everyone sacrificing a bit of their personal time to show up even though I mentioned that it isn’t necessary if you can’t or don’t want to for whatever reason. I wanted to discuss with you the current state of things, our plans for the future, answer any potential questions, and finally, do a little brainstorming session regarding my upcoming journey into the deep waters with Meru,” I explain.

A wave of booing echoes through the hall and I glance at the three women responsible for causing it. Shaking my head, I chuckle lightly at the smirking Tiefling trio.

“Don’t worry. I won’t leave until the punishment week is finished. You’ll get to feast your eyes on me for the entire promised duration, I can guarantee you that.”

The mischievous, colourful ladies cheer in response and hit a few high-fives between themselves.

“What about right now?” Hari, our horny exhibitionist catgirl asks.

I let out another sigh and tap Hecate’s tummy. She quickly catches on and climbs up over my body, seating herself on my shoulders instead. I hug her slim, toned legs to my chest with my junk completely exposed to the sea of women again. To give them some more fanservice, I spread my legs a bit, because why not?

A few whistles and catcalls roll through the air and my wives chuckle between themselves. I can see Hari starting to salivate but Zehra smacks her on the back of her head for the thirsty Catkin to control herself.

“Any more requests before we continue?” I ask while meeting the gaze of anyone I can.

No one speaks up or gives any other signs, although I catch a few of the more open girls giving my crotch a longer stare while clearly pondering over something. They don’t voice out their thoughts though and I’m pretty sure those are very inappropriate for the moment, and the main reason why they don’t do so.

“So, let’s begin with how things stand right now.” I resume our gathering. “I bet some of you have already familiarised yourselves with our new residents, who I want to gladly welcome into our small but quite quickly growing family. They are of course Mari and Velen. I hope that you two will find your stay and work here a pleasure rather than a chore and that the atmosphere won’t disturb or make you uncomfortable.”

Everyone starts clapping as the two women stand up and give a few small bows around them. They sat down next to each other, possibly anticipating something like this, so it looks even better when they do it than when they would have chosen different spots.

“I’m happy to be here too. And I do not mind the atmosphere or a bit of peculiarity like this,” Velen answers first, gesturing with her eyes at my body. “The people here seem to be very kind and helpful from what I’ve already experienced and I’m grateful for it. I’m also looking forward to working here.”

“Same here, hahaha,” Mari joins in with a hearty laugh. “I had a hard time peeling myself off my work to come here. I can’t even imagine what kind of things I will be able to create with Nyfile and the others. And, I think I’ll soon get used to the unique atmosphere too. It’s definitely not a bad thing…”

Her eyes skip briefly to my hard member and a more apparent flush covers her freckled face. I smile at the blushing tomboy and we share a nod before they sit down together.

“Thank you. I’m happy to hear that. Let us know whenever you need anything.” I regard the duo with one more glance and return my gaze to the gathering. “Thanks to their arrival, we’ll definitely see some upgrades related to both our services and everyday life. First, possibly the most eagerly awaited aspect, the cosplay and roleplay departments will be finally properly opened in the upcoming days.”

Some applause follows, a few more enthusiastic cheers echo through the hall, and the crowd calms down after a moment. Mari gives me a glance and I nod at her. A little timidly, she stands up again and steps forward so that everyone can see her.

“As Alastair said, we are going to start bigger projects soon, but we can already showcase a little something which I think looks really nice,” she says a little hesitantly, perhaps stressed by the huge audience, and then unclasps the shoulder belts of her work pants.

The overalls fall to the ground, revealing Mari’s tanned and toned legs, a short black skirt hiding her underwear, and most importantly, extremely cute black stockings which end with a pair of adorable ears at the front edge, where a very simplistic few white lines imply a cat’s slitted eyes, whiskers, and nose. The back edge is decorated by a curly black tail with a white asterisk on the black material below it, which I bet is meant to be the cat’s butt.

That part is definitely new.

There’s a collective ‘ooooooh’ and our resident half-blood Catkin girls perk up in their seats. Even Astrea stirs a little as her eyes lock onto the stockings. Hari jumps off her chair and practically hovers towards Mari with Feriha following shortly after her feline friend. The two catgirls trot around the tomboyish woman while examining the apparel from all sides, excitement literally written on their faces.

“This is so cute!” Hari finally fails to hold it in and almost squeals from delight. “Can we get those? Can we?”

“They look very adorable indeed.” Feriha nods, tilting her head on both sides. “I didn’t even know I wanted anything like it until I saw this. Will this be a part of the roleplay costumes?”

Mari blushes even more as the two girls circle. “N-No… These are just normal kneesocks… We planned to make a bunch of them after asking who would like a pair or two and taking their measurements…”

“I want one! No, three! Or maybe seven so that I can have a pair for each day!” Hari jumps happily, beaming at our new tailor. “Can you make other colours too?”

I chuckle at her. “Do you really need that many? Ninety percent of the time I see you, you are almost completely naked over some piece of furniture.”

She whips her face to me with an elated smile. “I’ll keep them on! They can stay during sex! Wouldn’t they make you want to mate with me even harder if you saw me in nothing else, Alpha?”

I roll my eyes with a smirk, already starting to imagine finding a hanging, exposed butt somewhere on the railing with nothing but feline stockings in sight.

“You can have as many as you want, just don’t overwhelm our friends, alright?” I squint at the thrilled Catkin.

“It’s alright. These are nothing complex,” Mari answers with a weak smile and even pats the much shorter girl a little. “We are also working on panties with a similar theme, maybe even bras later.”

Hari’s eyes narrow into slits and she launches herself at the poor woman, repeatedly giggling to herself and shouting ‘I want them!’ in turns. Feriha seems to be more in control of her emotions but I can see the other feline bouncing on the soles of her small feet, and her tail dancing eagerly.

After a moment, the calmer catgirl somehow brings the excited one back in line and they return to their seats alongside Mari, who picks up her dropped pants on her way. Judging by their reactions, I think there’s a good chance that her new underwear line will be a grand success no matter what.

Then, Velen stands up and everyone glances at her with expectant gazes. She shakes her head with a soft smile.

“Unfortunately, I don’t yet have anything to show but my new colleagues have already filled me in on most things and we began discussing our next move. Nothing is yet confirmed. I can only promise that we’ll come up with great things too, possibly for everyday and work use like with Mari’s clothes.”

Her statement is welcomed with a round of applause and the chamber turns silent again. Seeing as no one seems to want to add anything else, I continue.

“Great. Thank you. Now, let me just say that I’m extremely proud of you all, no matter your field of expertise or the department you work in. Everyone should be aware of how much our guests praise not just the establishment but you as the amazing people who actually give life to it. I appreciate your efforts.”

After another wave of cheering, I glance over my wives and the audience.

“Anything else regarding the current matters that any of you would like to add?”

Elea rises from her seat. “Making use of this occasion, I would like to inform everyone that we will be expanding the schedule for the acting classes. I think it’s a good time to put some more hours into it. Therefore, if you are interested in being a core part of the roleplay service and would like to practice some more, feel free to let me know and I’ll sign you up. Joining for any other reason is fine too, of course.”

The gathered women whisper between themselves while sharing an occasional nod. My dark-skinned wife gives me a dazzling smile and plops down on the sofa once more.

Next, surprisingly, it’s Ria who chooses to say a few words.

Ekhm. As the person supervising our finances, I have the pleasure to announce that we are doing well enough for everyone here to comfortably receive a raise in their allowance. Starting next week, you can expect your available budgets to increase by about one-third. Don’t let it get to your heads and splurge everything overnight.”

She lets out a ladylike chuckle as the hall is filled with cheers. As our eyes meet, Ria gives me a wink and I shrug at her with a warm smile. It looks like we might be doing a bit better than I thought. I did give her free reins on any aspects of our finances, including our wages and allowances. Of course, I still check those myself now and then.

The next person to get a word out is Sirgia. She hops off the sofa and takes a step forward.

“In my spare time, I’m currently working on a few small artefacts to make it even safer for everyone to go out into the city. They are little trinkets for self-defence. I don’t know when they will be done since I need to run many tests on them and there might only be a few at first, so we will have to share. But, I think any help is good in case Master isn’t around.”

She receives her own round of appreciation and glances at me over her shoulder. I nod at her and she hurries to my side, or rather my front, and I pull her up to reward my hardworking little dwarf with a gentle kiss. She then slips back into her own spot with a tiny flush.

I really wonder when she finds that spare time she has mentioned with how she spends more hours than there are in a day working in her forge. Perhaps she’s created a time-controlling artefact or something.

We wait for a few seconds and I take over once more. 

”Let’s move on to another point on our list, then. For the future plans, there are two aspects we should mention, but one of them is about my quest from Meru so I’ll save it for later when we get to its own segment.” I exchange glances with my new sharkgirl mate. “So, there’s one more thing that will take longer than a week or few to develop. Some of you might remember our plans to start a mercenary force. I had my beloved Cornelia do some more digging into all the laws and regulations so that we can finally get to it properly. I think we have a few people who are ready to tackle this task, and many are eagerly training in our underground arenas.”

The mentioned magician lady sighs quietly and stands up with rosy cheeks. It’s not really a surprise since she’s completely naked in front of literally everyone living here. She attempts to hold herself proudly, puffing her appetising chest out, but I clearly catch her keeping her palms right in front of her precious place to somewhat cover it up. But, being located behind her, I can see through her shapely behind that slightly glistening slit, revealing that she might be getting a little bit turned on by this entire scenario. Perhaps that’s what she’s trying to hide from the others.

“As Alastair said, I did some research and queried our friends in high places about the project. We can go straight through them to register as a mercenary company as long as we are able to bring up at least five individuals who will pass the necessary tests. One of the requirements to even participate is the knowledge and good understanding of Common. But, don’t worry too much if you aren’t well-versed in it and would like to be part of this department.”

She looks around and a few more people stand up, including Elea, Ria, Elise, and Teffith. Then, she exchanges glances with them before turning to the front again.

“These four, or five if I include myself, will be happy to help anyone learn the ropes of the most common language around these lands and the world in general. We’ve been teaching a person or two here and there kind of on the side, but now, we’ll be opening a fully prepared course. Everyone can sign in, though the spots will be limited. They will free up whenever someone graduates into a higher class.”

“As for classes, there will be three levels,” Ria takes over. “Beginner, Intermediate, and Expert. Elise and I will have one Beginner class each, Teffith and Elea will take care of the Intermediate ones, and Cornelia will help the Expert rank.”

“Also, while we will be teaching people mainly in groups, we are going to do some individual lessons too, depending on one’s circumstances,” Elise joins in. “We aren’t sure how many yet since we need to see how everything works out in the beginning. We certainly do not want this to become a time-consuming chore that will eat up all of your free time that you have outside of your usual work.”

I rub my chin and nod to myself. There’s no doubt that my request to help Hecate with her issue has sparked this development at least to some extent. She’ll definitely be one of the few people getting individual lessons since she needs way more assistance and work, starting from a much worse position than the others.

Cornelia clears her throat, capturing our attention again. 

“Returning to the main point, everyone willing to join will receive a notebook with the ruleset and guidelines for mercenary work. The strongest and most experienced of us will be allowed to take the tests after studying them thoroughly and fully graduating from their language classes. For the others, our best warriors and fighters will also officially start their practical lessons, taking care of their field of expertise. For example, Garrena will be overseeing unarmed combat and axes, Astrea will teach martial arts, Filue will ingrain archery in you, and Teffith will let you familiarise yourselves with polearms.”

“You don’t have to learn all of that,” Elea continues after her. “You are free to choose one area, best if it’s related to your Class. But, you are allowed to take more than one course if that’s your wish.”

“Let’s all work hard together to get stronger and more experienced to show Alastair what we can achieve in his name!” Teffith throws her fist into the air and receives quite a lot of cheers in response.

There might be more people interested in becoming mercs than I initially thought. 

“We will let you know about everything as it becomes available. There are a few things we still need to prepare. You can look forward to these opportunities. And just like Teffith said, let’s show everyone that non-Humans are not behind any other Human adventurers or mercenaries,” Cornelia finishes their lengthy presentation to a lively applause.

All the women who stepped forward return to their places and the attention is back on me.

“Amazing. Thank you. I’m really looking forward to seeing all of this in motion.” I smile at them. “Now, I guess this was exhausting enough for our future plans. Does anyone have questions they would like answered? Not necessarily linked to the aforementioned topics. General ones are good too.”

“Can I suck your dick?”

I snort to the side. “Serious ones, Zalia.”

The Tieflings giggle together and their mischief evokes some chuckles from the rest of the audience. I wait for a moment as everyone whispers between themselves but it doesn’t look like we’ll get any meaningful questions.

It’s not that surprising, honestly. I always remind them to find me or my wives whenever they want to ask about anything. We’ve been answering such queries all the time and I’m quite close with most of the women living here, in the non-intimate sense, so I’ve been talking with them a lot too.

I guess this section wasn’t exactly necessary.

“Okay, not to waste your precious time, we shall move on. Let me know if you think of something that is an actual question.” A wave of nods responds to my words and I smile softly. “So, we’ve finally come to the big finale, which is my journey to aid Meru’s home.”

The mentioned Nershark hops off the sofa and makes a polite bow towards me. “I’m extremely grateful for your help, Alastair.”

“It’s alright. We haven’t done anything yet. I can’t accept this thanks until we actually see some results.” I turn to the crowd. “I’ll be departing in a few days, more or less. I’m not sure for how long but I’ll keep you girls updated through my trusted companions as usual. Before anything, I wanted to hear your input regarding this matter.”

“How can we be of help?” Yudie, our pure-blood Pantherkin, asks.

“The main thing is, it’s obvious that we’ll be going underwater for a long time. I have already checked with Meru to see if I can borrow something useful from her skills and learned that breathing won’t be an issue for me. And neither will be for her, of course. But, I would definitely like to take some more people with us. Is there anyone who would like to go? Or do you have any ideas on how to solve this issue for the non-aquatic species? I just want all of us here to think a little and see what we come up with.”

As per my request, everyone starts pondering over my words and our upcoming journey. I can feel even stronger gratitude and appreciation not just towards me but also for the other women coming to me through the bond I share with the fierce sharkgirl.

Before anyone suggests anything, I glance at the two Nereids. “What about you?”

Vivi and Leilei show faint smiles and lightly shake their heads.

“We apologise, Master, but we are not fighters,” the former replies.

“And honestly, I don’t think either of us would want to go back to see all that destruction and carnage,” the latter adds. “We have already put our past behind us the moment you turned us into real Nereids.”

“I see. No worries. I was only asking to see if you had any thoughts on the matter. Don’t feel pressured into anything just because water is part of your nature,” I respond, feeling my cheeks getting a tad warmer with all those gazes directed at me and my body. “On the other hand, I can think of one person that most likely shouldn’t follow me.”

Angling my head to the back, I bump into Hecate's slim navel and look up just as she gazes down at me with her neutral expression.

“Yes, I mean you,” I specify and instantly feel a tinge of uneasiness in the spidergirl’s mind. “Don’t get me wrong, I would love nothing more than to have you by my side everywhere, but I really don’t think water goes well with spiders, does it?”

After a brief moment of silence, she gives me the faintest shake of her head. Smiling at her reassuringly, I bring Hecate down to my lap again and start brushing through her hair.

“I’ll have at least one or two people to protect me there. In the meanwhile, you will be able to focus on the task I’ve given to you, alright? I promise to talk to you mentally as much as I’ll be able to.”

She gives me a slight nod while Sirgia places her small hand over hers.

“Don’t worry. You know how strong Master is. Since you won’t have to protect him every day, you will have a lot of time to learn how to speak just as we talked about, and to do that thing Master asked you to.”

Hecate gives her a blank look, then glances at my face for a few seconds, and finally nods at each of us. I hug her lithe, pale body lovingly and peck the nape of her neck.

“Thank you. I’m sure you will do great. Just don’t overdo it like this little, naughty dwarf often does.”

Sirgia giggles adorably at my remark and I return my attention to the others, who have also quietened down, clearly ready to suggest a thing or two. First, Velen stands up and I raise a brow at her.

“We have already talked about your new journey back in the lab and I wanted to share that we are confident in preparing a potion, or perhaps pills, which will make it much easier on the skin under the water. Breathing might not be an issue when you use magic or anything else, but that doesn’t change the fact that Human skin, or any other non-aquatic race’s to be precise, isn’t designed to function properly while completely submerged in liquid for longer periods of time,” she explains professionally.

I cock my head back. “Now, that is something I did not think about. Shit, all those movies lied to me.”

A few women look at me curiously and I wave a hand at them dismissively.

“Anyway, how long might you need to prepare a working prototype?” I ask.

“We hope to be done before you are ready to depart, but naturally, alchemy is often unpredictable so I can’t guarantee results in that timeframe. We will do our best.”

“I understand and appreciate this. You can’t rush perfection.” Velen gives me a tiny smile and I respond with the same. “I’ll wait as long as necessary. We don’t want to turn into water balloons down in the abyss.”

“Considering your situation, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that water is like your second nature.” Cornelia smirks at me, clearly hinting at my Primordial origins.

“If we somehow can cover these two aforementioned matters, I think I know who could potentially accompany you, Master,” Ailish joins in.

“Yeah?” I glance at my charming Succubus.

“Cornelia is a good fit.”

“Eh? Me?” The person in question looks at her in shock. “I’m just a normal Human woman, how am I a good fit?”

“You are a Frost Magician. There will be water everywhere. You will literally be able to snap your fingers and freeze anything you want solid. Your magic should experience a tremendous boost too.”

“Well… You do have a point there…” Cornelia chuckles awkwardly.

“Don’t want to go on an adventure with me?” I ask with a grin while rubbing her thigh.

“I’m just… not so sure… I’ve barely done any swimming and we’ll be so deep in the sea…”

“It’s alright. Give it a thought but don’t force yourself. We have time to decide. We are here to consider our options.”

We share a longer glance and she nods. “Alright.”

I pull Cornelia in for a passionate kiss and we exchange a few loving pecks before she lets me return to the matters at hand. It’s quite obvious that she really wants to go with me but there are a few concerns that keep her logical mind from fully throwing herself at the given opportunity. It’s a thing to be admired, not mocked.

“Speaking of water and magic, that’s pretty much my area of expertise as a Water Elementalist.” My lovely artist wife enters the spotlight. “I didn’t focus that much on my offensive spells and my Tier isn’t high, though it rose a bit thanks to you, but my Water Manipulation and some other abilities could make it much easier to move around at least.”

“I can confirm Neira’s high level of proficiency in that regard,” Elea says. “She can both control entire lakes to do her bidding and focus on the tiniest amounts of fluid inside even her own paint.”

“That definitely sounds useful. I’ll be happy to have you.” I nod at Neira.

“It would be my pleasure.” She gives me a courteous bow.

“See? Master already has two strong people to protect him,” Sirgia says to Hecate while glancing up and I pat her brown hair with a smile.

Then, I look around the lobby to see if there are any more volunteers or if anyone has another idea we could incorporate into our upcoming expedition. But, it doesn’t look like it. From what my hearing can pick up, everyone seems to be chatting about the topic without any more specific remarks. And that is alright. We’ve already touched on a few important points.

But, when my eyes land on the two jelly beauties sitting on their own chairs right in front of our fancy, wide sofa, my brows shoot to my hairline.

“Wait… Slimes don’t breathe, right?” I ask.

Safi notices me staring at them. “No, Master, we do not require air to live.”

“And water doesn’t really have any negative effect on you, right?”

“It doesn’t. You know how durable and adaptable our external coating is,” she continues to answer.

“Can you even move under the water, though? Do you float back up to the surface? Or do you sink to the bottom like a stone?”

“I’m not sure about our humanoid shapes, but while in our neutral state, we should have no problems propelling ourselves in any direction.”

Suddenly, Emi springs to her feet and starts bouncing up and down.

“Are you going to ask Safi to come with you, Master?! Can Emi come too?! Emi will be super useful to Master! Emi promises! Please!”

I’m sure that if her blue-skinned friend didn’t hold her back by grabbing Emi’s maid uniform, the emerald girl would have crashed into me while begging. Seeing Emi so energetic causes me to chuckle and I gesture at Safi with my hand to release the overexcited bundle of cuteness.

My green Queen Slime hops onto my lap and I start patting her bouncy head. “I’m thinking about it right now. You’ve been with me since the very first days so you’ve definitely earned the right to accompany me out somewhere. The five of us could make a great team.”

“Yes! Emi thinks so too! Emi will be a good girl and help Master the best Emi can!”

I laugh some more as she rubs herself into me with no remorse.

“I know, I know. We’ll talk about this in more detail with all the people involved later. For now, return to your seat so that we can continue, okay?”

She bobs her head so fast it becomes a jelly smudge and jumps off my lap. Before long, she’s back next to Safi and the sapphire lady gives me a charming, ladylike smile as they sit down. I turn to the front once more.

“Alright. This already feels like plenty of progress. If no one has any more ideas or suggestions at this time, I think we can wrap this up. As always, come to find me or any of my wives if you do come up with something. I appreciate your input and everything you do for us. Thank you, everyone. This has been a great meeting.”

After a brief round of applause, people start slowly leaving alone or in groups. We remain on the sofa and watch them go. I share a word or two with the women that pass by, be it some small talk or some flirting. Soon, even my wives begin to scatter after stealing a goodbye kiss from me and only three of us are left. Sirgia and Cornelia glance at me from my sides.

“Soooooo…” I raise a brow at them and notice a rising blush on their faces.

Oh, well. I don’t think they played this episode yet.



Oh no.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Julian S. and Lynderyn! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Michael S. and Alvzorin! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - Magiwarrior, Fandley, Chicken Adobo, S. Kigi, Luiswu, Skyell, Dennis W., Vincent S., W. Jennings, Sonicblackfox, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, James M., Rando C., Eatsbreeze, Daniel T.! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honoured by your presence!

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