I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 153 – A Beguiling Show ❤❤❤

I spin slowly with the pretty Mermaid, or rather I should say the pretty Diva in my arms as we exchange gentle kisses. Joyful cheers fill our ears as we nibble on each other’s lips in the centre of everything. It sounds like the party is just getting started with this quite interesting ritual their matron initiated. At least from what I understood during her grand speech.

But, Fei doesn't let my mind wander away from her, actively chasing after my mouth. I can feel her pouty lips curling up with each dainty kiss she plants on mine. Her delicate hands hold my cheeks as her fingers brush over my skin. Meanwhile, I graze over her smooth, alluring back.

“So, a tribute, hm?” I whisper to her the moment I get a chance to open my mouth.

Fei withdraws her lips for a moment, still hugging me dearly. “If you expected the Matron Mother to be one then I’m very sorry.”

“No, not in the slightest.” I chuckle at her and steal one more kiss from her. “I didn’t expect any. But, I’m happy that you decided to fulfil that role. I just hope that you aren’t doing this just to repay my earlier favour. And making you into a Diva.”

She shows the sweetest smile as an adorable trace of rosiness paints her cheeks. “I would lie if I said that those aren’t part of the reason, but I’m doing this because I want to. Just like everyone else here. Including Matron Mother.”

“It looks like I left a lasting impression on you after our first meeting.” A small smirk sneaks onto my face.

A cute giggle escapes Fei’s mouth. “That you did. You are very handsome, and you seem smart and charming, not to mention how good you made me feel with just your tongue. It was heavenly. I only hope that I can do half as well. But, that will come in a moment. First, I wanted to show you something.”

Sneaking a shy glance at my face, she trails with her palms over my chest until she reaches my waist. Finding my hands on her hips, she takes a hold of them and giggles quietly, flapping her enchanting fin with enough strength to pull me with herself. I let the black-haired Diva guide me to a block of stone near the ground and sit me down on its edge, facing the entire gathering of the celebrating Mermaids.

Fei takes a look to the side, nods at someone in the distance, and the music that the various instruments have been playing the entire time switches into a slower, more enchanting tune. She shows a beautiful smile at me and pushes herself a little bit to the back, floating in front of me.

It takes me a moment to realise what she’s up to, but after the first few seductive waves of her arms, it becomes crystal clear, just as clear as the water inside this ancient underwater complex. Fei intends to give me a good show of her body and most likely her dancing skills as a Mermaid. She might lack legs but that doesn’t mean she can’t present me with a skilled belly dance that can make my blood boil. Especially in a certain place.

I rest my hands on the stone by my sides and politely watch the kindly offered spectacle. Fei’s smile grows even bigger and more charming after she sees me fully intent on following her every movement. She shakes her hips to divert my attention to her tempting, completely exposed feminine mound, just to steal it again with her fingers, waving them seductively in front of her girly parts and tracing them up her slim belly to her very breasts.

She keeps her long tail and wide hips swaying from side to side while leaning slightly to the back. A seductive sigh leaves her luscious lips as her fingers pass over her hard nipples, with her pert and tender chest displayed to me in all its glory, now even much more due to her faintly arched back. She keeps running her palms over her front, inching closer to her sealed slit, sneaking lustful glances at my face.

The music becomes a little bit quicker and she swims closer to me again. Our faces stop right in front of each other for a brief moment before she unhurriedly floats up. My nose literally traces a path over her chest, stomach, and then pelvic area. She spins around when it reaches her nether regions and all I can catch is a whiff of her strong arousal before her fragrant pussy disappears from my sight.

A giggle reaching my ears confirms that she knows perfectly well what she is doing and Fei circles me while slowly spinning. She looks down at me as my gaze follows her dazzling figure the entire time. I get a glimpse of her perfect breasts and inviting slit every now and then as she moves her hands to different regions with each lazy rotation.

The tune switches once more and she returns to my front with an even more seductive sway, extending her arms high above her head. She wiggles her hips around while angling her body from side to side, watching me intently with her head locked in place. It looks almost impossible but yet she is doing it right in front of my eyes. And the effect is amazing.

Lazily moving closer, she hangs her perky chest at my eye level and holds it there for a moment, almost smushing my face with her delicious-looking breasts. It takes quite a lot of self-control not to lean forward or reach out but I know better than to disturb a lady during the dance she’s putting so much effort into.

But, it seems that the Earth's rules of no touching do not work the same in Naharren as Fei first brushes her hands over my cheeks, then grazes them down my chest and stomach, and finally finds my own palms. Pulling them up, she mirrors the motion over her body while using my hands, placing them around her cheeks and dragging them down.

She stops briefly around her fair bust and releases a dainty sigh, still swaying her pretty tail and hips. Her delicate fingers force mine to knead and squeeze her tender breasts. I act accordingly and fulfil my role while leaving the lead to her. Fei nibbles on her lower lip while looking at me with hooded eyes.

After letting me play with her chest long enough, she drags my palms down her sides. Surprising me a little, she slowly turns around and my hands end up on her back. Floating even closer, she pushes herself into my chest and guides my fingers to stroke her charming hips and travel up her sides. Letting go of me, she raises her arms up again, giving me a perfect view of her alluring back and seductive figure. I can see the inviting roundness of her breasts poking past the sides of her lithe frame.

Straightening her back, she rests her head on my shoulder and turns her face to me as much as she can. Taking hold of my hands once more, she runs them over her smooth belly and soft breasts while leaving fluffy kisses on my neck. I graze her nipples a little more than she intends me to and evoke a quiet moan from the cute Diva. She giggles sweetly and bites me, punishing me for getting ahead of myself.

Though, she decides to reward me right away and brings my fingers down low, passing her pelvis. She looks deep into my eyes as my digits run into intense heat and I quickly recognize the texture embracing my fingers. Fei drags them up and down her parted lower lips using one hand, and teases her clit with the other. Her mouth hangs open, whispering sweet whines and sighs into my ear.

But then, she slides down, escaping my grasp as the music takes another turn, becoming almost chaotic and frantic. She makes a lot of spins and pirouettes around me, flashing me her privates. At the same time, she keeps one palm all the time on me, making one, uninterrupted path.

Slowly, bit by bit, the tune calms down and so does the dancing Mermaid. After making a few more laps, Fei ends up back in front of me and brushes her fingers down my cheek, neck, chest, and stomach again. Just as the music comes to a complete stop, her hand finishes its path right on my crotch. Leaning forward to give me the best view of both her beautiful breasts and aroused pussy, she gives my manhood a tender squeeze and sighs heavily.

“How was it?” she asks with a wide, toothy smile, trying to catch her breath.

“I lack words to describe how unimaginable that was.” I smile back at her, evoking a deep blush on her adorable face.

“I’m so glad,” Fei breathes out quietly. “You are the first person I showed my full dance to. Others saw only parts of it. I wanted to save it for an important man. I still can’t believe I got the chance to dance for our new protector. And the male I like.”

I chuckle softly and graze her cheek. “I’m honoured. There are so many handsome sailors you could have chosen to perform for, especially with your first dance.”

“No, I am honoured. And I want to keep showing you more of my dances. And only you. If that’s okay, of course.” She glances at me with an upturned gaze and a deep blush.

“It is.” I lean forward to place a tiny peck on her forehead. “Do Mermaids settle down like this, though? I thought your race prefers to be a bit more free, unrestricted.”

“You are right. But it’s not a rule. This is my choice. From the moment we saw each other, I knew that was it. And then you awakened me. And stayed to help. I think that might have ruined the taste of other males for me.”

“I guess I now have to take responsibility for that.” I laugh a little and her blush deepens because of it. “You are aware that I live mostly on land, right? I’m not a sailor. I don’t spend my life on the sea. I won’t be able to be with you regularly.”

“That’s okay with me. I will be very busy from now on too. Just seeing each other now and then will be fine. And if it gets too hard, I’ll figure something out. Maybe I’ll seduce some sailors with my songs, make them put me in a barrel and deliver to the place where you live.”

I chuckle again and shake my head. “Don’t do that. It’s dangerous. You’ll have to promise to tell me whenever you grow too lonely. We will be able to converse mentally at any time if you accept me.”

“Oh. Really? That’s amazing.” She beams at me. “Do we have to mate for such a magical bond to form?”

“Well, it certainly helps to do so, but it can be done without it too. You just have to accept this.”

I send her the request and Fei regards it with a quick glance before accepting it.

“What a useful ability.” She giggles. “But, I should try to tuck away my curiosity for now. I’m keeping everyone waiting far too long already. I was supposed to present myself as a tribute to you right after the dance. So, may I do it now?”

Finding her pretty eyes again, I nod at the pretty Diva. A charming smile takes over her gentle face and she hovers closer, pressing her perky chest into mine. Both of her hands move to my crotch and rub the bulge visible through the elastic material. She clearly searches for a way to unveil it but since she won’t find it no matter how long she looks, I make my suit disappear completely.

A small gasp escapes her lips as my hot member suddenly lands in her grasp. Fei’s cheeks grow more crimson and she regards my face with one last glance before floating a little bit lower, positioning her head in front of my cock. Placing her hands on my thighs, she spreads them a little and leans forward to plant a peck on the monument of desire standing between them.

“It’s finally time for me to return the favour.” She giggles adorably and focuses her attention on my waist.

I observe how she rains fluffy kisses all over my length, almost nibbling on me mischievously. Those loving bites make me bob all around and I can barely hold back a chuckle at how she plays with my member. It does feel nice for sure and I continue to enjoy Fei’s gentle caresses.

Getting bored of just kisses, she slides her mouth down my shaft and sucks one of my orbs into her mouth. Her hand starts unhurriedly pumping my erection up and down as she licks one of the two precious jewels like a lollipop, swirling her tongue all around it. Watching her work on me from above, I reach out and brush through her black hair, uncovering more of her beautiful face. Our gazes connect and she doubles her efforts in response.

Moving to the other half of the treasure, she still uses her free hand to tickle the released one. She is more than just skilful at what she does. Fei clearly possesses the necessary knowledge to drive a man mad with lust. It might come from the fact that she is a Mermaid perhaps. They are kind of like the distant cousins of Succubi but living in the water so that doesn’t come as a big surprise, honestly.

After a few short minutes of pleasing my two dangling friends, she finally traces her tongue back up my shaft and stops her lips right on the tip. Looking straight at me, she parts them and very carefully takes me inside her mouth. Almost instantly, she creates such a vacuum with her cheeks that she forces a groan out of my throat. She spares no effort to milk that sausage dry.

Unhurriedly bobbing her head up and down on my cock, she makes the most powerful vacuum cleaners ashamed of themselves each time she pulls back, and embarrasses any massage devices while going in again, coiling her slick tongue around my length, giving it an unbelievably complex series of squeezes and tickles. 

That thing about Succubi might actually not be too far off from the truth.

To reward Fei’s devotion, I let my pleasure slowly build up through her efforts, limiting almost none of it. She clearly senses me getting closer and closer to the grand eruption and speeds up even more, not dropping the quality of her blowjob in the slightest. Shortly before I reach an orgasm, she pulls back far enough to almost let go of my tip, most likely to focus her attention on it for the last bit.

Or so I thought.

Instead of doing that, she suddenly opens her mouth wide and sings a loud, high, echoing note. In the middle of it, she slams her face down, literally impaling her vibrating throat on my cock, pushing my dick deep into it up to the very base. I groan loudly and grab her head as she assaults me with pleasure-blasting soundwaves, making not just my manhood tremble but also my entire fucking underbelly.

With that firm grasp of her narrow throat coiled around my glans and shaft, and with those orgasmic, muscle-penetrating sound waves, I erupt into her embrace like never before. Holding her in place, I ride my high with her keeping it like that for the entirety of my climax. Not even the hot serpents of cloudy liquid painting her throat white stop her resonant song. And I feel like I shoot a double from that unconceivable stimulation.

After I’m fully done releasing my load, which takes a while, Fei withdraws herself from my member while scooping all the cum along the way with her flexible tongue. She lets me out with a soft pop and a dainty peck on the tip, showing a wide smile.

“It’s so delicious. And so abundant. I’ve never had anything like this,” she says with a tiny spark in her eyes.

“Well, you might not have had a Primordial, then.” I chuckle at her and she joins me with a giggle.

“Did I do good?” she asks with an upturned gaze.

“Let me just say that I usually don’t cum this much.”

Fei hits an adorable fist bump by her side and blushes heavily after realising that I was able to see that. “I’m glad, then. Now we can properly seal the promise. This was just me being a bit selfish.”

“You can be as selfish as you want.” I smile at her and accept the hand she extends to me. “What now?”

“Oh, nothing much. I just get to offer you my body. I’m sure you will know what to do with it.” She shoots me a quick grin and pulls me back to the centre of the celebration.

After nodding respectfully at the matron, she turns to me and we float closer to each other. Fei takes a deep breath, causing her pert chest to heave strongly while pressed into me, and closes her eyes. The entire hall grows completely silent as every single Mermaid watches us with bated breath.

I’m a little lost for a few seconds, not sure if there’s something I need to do or say at the current moment, but Fei starts whispering something without opening her eyes. I soon realise that she is beginning another song. And this time it is an actual song

Her voice gradually grows louder and louder as she sings about the journeys her people, the Mermaids, have made in ancient times. I hold her close as she tells a beautiful tale about a pilgrimage to find a place they could call home, the work they put into turning the location they discovered into one, and the rise of a friendly and kindhearted society.

At the moment when she reaches the part about starting a search for a guardian and protector of their people, her tone hits a crescendo, and the dormant until now lines covering her lithe figure come to life. The temporary tattoos begin to shine with a rainbowy glow and I follow them with my gaze, admiring her entire body. I quickly notice that they all head towards the same place, her womanhood.

Even though Fei is in no state to instruct me, these lines are enough of a guide. She keeps her song echoing through the underwater chamber and I wait for the perfect moment, confident that I will know exactly when to do my part.

And that time truly comes as she spreads her arms to the sides and directs her face towards the ceiling.

Reaffirming my hold on Fei’s hips, I thrust myself into her pussy with all I have. Her voice instantly hits a much higher note as my hard member slides through her loving embrace, reaching her very depths. The tribal tattoos glow the strongest for a few seconds and then start coming off her skin, dissipating into the water.

Fei slowly lowers the volume of her song as it nears its end. Bringing her face back in front of mine, she opens her charming eyes the moment the last sound escapes her throat, showing me a warm smile. No more patterns decorate her smooth skin.

“It is done. You can now release your seed inside my womb. The ritual will be fully completed when I receive your semen deep in my body,” she announces quietly.

“You don’t need to ask twice but…” I grin at her and Fei raises a curious brow at me. “I ain’t going to cum by myself.”

I lean forward and steal her lips, moving my palms to her tender breasts. She lets out a sharp gasp of surprise and giggles sweetly. Our tongues are soon coupled in a passionate dance as we make out with any reservations. Fei’s fingers rub my muscles as I knead her chest, focusing on making her feel as good as possible.

“Mhmmmmmm… Our tribe is so lucky to find such a generous patron…” Fei moans into my lips, starting to grind her pussy on my cock.

I break the kiss first and bring my lips lower. Fei sighs blissfully as I nibble on her nipple, playing with the other one using my palm. She wounds her fingers into my hair and holds me close to her soft boob, starting to get even more proactive with her hips. I can feel myself going in and out of her warm, comfortable pussy.

To not leave it all to her, I move my hands to her lower back and thrust my waist forward while pushing her body towards mine. Some more ardent moans travel through the water as Fei receives my affectionate strokes with a pleased expression. I don’t forget about her petite bust and continue pecking both of her breasts in turns.

“Ohhhh… Ohhhh… This is so good… Please, more…”

It certainly isn’t easy to make love to a Mermaid while floating in the open water but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to give it my all. For now, I keep pounding Fei’s tight channel with our bodies joined together by hammering into her from slightly below. To get a better angle, I leave her tasty nipples be for now and float a bit higher, going after her lips again.

My movements grow quick and mighty enough to throw us into a slight spinning motion and we start descending lower at a sharp angle. Only muffled moans are now able to grace my ears as I keep Fei’s lips sealed with mine. Our mutual thrusts throw us around more and more whenever we fail to time them together properly.

Soon, Fei gasps sharply as her back hits a stone wall. She glances to the sides and notices that we arrived between a Mermaid playing on the lyre and a few other girls next to her. A fierce blush taints Fei’s cheeks as she makes eye contact with one of them and I use that opportunity to push her more into the wall and start nailing her wonderful passage with more force.

The other women stare intently at the place we are connected, observing how Fei’s pussy spreads around my dick with every shove. Since all the Mermaids have gotten rid of their panties, I can see their own arousal wafting from their closed girly mounds. The more strength I seem to put into fucking their friend, evoking louder cries from the enchanting petite lady, the more love nectar leaks out of their sealed crevices.

“Ohhhh! Ohhh! Alastair! Ohhhh! I’m getting close!” Fei moans into my face, holding onto my cheeks to keep our gazes locked. “Please, let it out deep inside! Ohhhhh! Fill me up and accept the allegiance of our tribe!”

“You want it deep? Say no more.”

She gives me a curious glance and then yelps when I suddenly yank my cock out of her snug pussy and spin her around. Taking a peek at me over her shoulder, she ends up squished into the ground underneath us as I grab her mesmerising fin and pull it up. Fei figures out what I’m after when her tail gets bent up just the way I thought it should be able to and the curve of the tender and flexible appendage reaches her nether regions.

With her cute slit exposed and pushed out by the unexpected stretch, she receives my penis with a loud, throaty moan. I thrust into her while firmly holding onto her tail with one hand and her hair with the other. Fei starts releasing slightly incoherent noises and moaning cries as I hammer her tight channel relentlessly. Our spectators don’t have enough self-control not to reach down to their own warm folds and they begin pleasing themselves to the stimulating spectacle.

“Ohhh! Ohhh! It scrapes so many good spots! Ohhh! At this angle!” Fei whines loudly as I dick her down into the ground. “I love it! I love it so much! Ohhh! Ohhhh! Ohhh! Cumming! Ohhhhhhhhhh!”

Sensing her firm embrace squeeze my member even harder, I plunge myself as deep as it’s physically possible as per Fei’s earlier request and release all I have into her womb with a grunt. Her own high strokes me real good with the little convulsions, coaxing more and more of my seed out of my tip. We ride our orgasms together until we are fully done and only then do I unplug Fei’s little pussy by drawing my hips back.

Letting go of her hair and tail, I let them both fall down naturally and turn the black-haired Diva around, raising and supporting Fei against the wall. She smiles at me charmingly while catching her breath and pulls me into a gentle hug. I chuckle softly and reciprocate the embrace, running my fingers over her soft back.

“That was incredible.” She breaks the silence first, bringing our faces in front of each other. “No one has ever bent me like that. I could feel how much tighter my pussy got from it. Sex with a Primordial is something else.”

I chuckle at her timid smile and place a peck on the tip of her nose. “I don’t think it has a lot to do with that. I possess quite a bit of unusual knowledge I gained from various valuable literary and artistic masterpieces created back where I’m from.”

She giggles shyly and I can recognize the curious glint in her eyes but Fei doesn’t chase after answers for now. And that’s good since it might get a little tough to explain how people on Earth have lewded every possible fictional creature in every possible way imaginable and unimaginable, immortalising their creations in books, comics, and animation.

Before either of us says anything else, a faint shadow falls onto us from behind and we both glance towards its source. The busty matron floats to us with a proud smile and exchanges a nod with Fei.

“You did great. Thank you for becoming the pillar of our loyalty towards Alastair. The tribe won’t ever forget your involvement,” Cir says with dignity.

“I’m grateful for this opportunity, Matron Mother. Thank you for relinquishing your spot as a tribute to me. I felt it. The oath proceeded properly. It’s such a divine feeling. And the knowledge that I had a part in it is making me unspeakably happy,” Fei replies with a half bow.

“Rest now. You’ve earned it. I think… it’s my turn to welcome our patron.”

The older Diva extends a hand to me and I accept it. We bump into each other while ascending through the water and I get to experience the tender firmness of her voluptuous bosom on my own skin. She still wears lots of golden chains that press into me but her nipples are free, poking into my chest intently. Some movement catches our attention and two figures appear next to us, which I quickly recognise as Nel and Yun. Fei’s scout friends.

“Do you mind if we join you, Matron Mother?” the former asks.

“We would like to show our appreciation to our new patron too,” the latter adds with a tiny smirk.

Cir chuckles softly. “I’m sure we can all work together with what I had in mind for our dear patron.”

She lets go of me and the trio gathers up, starting to whisper between themselves. I could easily eavesdrop on their conversation but choose not to. I’m pretty sure that wherever they are scheming, I will end up on cloud nine.

They finish soon and the two younger Mermaids show impish grins while their matron gazes down at me with a ladylike smile. Yun swims to me first and positions herself horizontally with her head facing my direction.

“Please, have a seat.” She giggles with a tinge of rosiness decorating her cheeks.

I furrow my brows at her and she keeps smiling back at me. After her eyes jump to my crotch for a second, I finally catch on and chuckle. Crossing my legs over her face, I do sit down right over it, with my back directed towards her legs. 

Yun guides my hands to her alluring breasts behind me, clearly instructing me to use them to hold myself steady, forcing me to lean back. The moment I comfortably settle down, a warm invader tickles my backdoor and I jump a little. She lets out a muffled giggle and continues to play with my butt a little, making my dick twitch in response to her gentle prodding.

Then, Cir shows up in front of me and positions herself right before my member. I watch her take a hold of her impressive breasts and bring them around my dick, squeezing those amazing cushions all around it. Without any further ado, she starts an incredible titfuck while looking me straight in the eyes.

To complete the formation, Nel arrives at my back and pushes her own breasts into me from behind. Her arms embrace my torso and she starts grazing my muscles with her fingers. Purring into my ear seductively, she nibbles on my earlobe, licking the edge with slow, sensual movements.

Somehow, I end up in the care of three Mermaid bombshells with one literally eating my ass, one squishing my dick with her massive tits, and one giving me a massage while kissing my ear. There’s so much stimulation that I have no idea what I should focus on. If not for my extremely helpful abilities, I would be unloading buckets at such a combination.

Well, I have nothing else to do other than to enjoy the situation so I do exactly that. With the kind offer of Yun, I sink my fingers into the delicate flesh of her quite sizable boobs, which in turn translates into my chair sighing and moaning into my butt. Cir devotes her entire being to kneading my cock with her tits and I watch it disappear and pop back into existence between those two huge mountains. Nel might have taken a less direct role but she doesn’t let the other two best her, putting commendable effort into stimulating my hearing receptors with her musical voice.

“Are you enjoying our service, Patron?” Cir asks with a mischievous smirk.

“Very.” I smile at her, letting out another grunt of pleasure.

“It looks like we aren’t yet doing good enough if you can answer.”

As if waiting for that moment, all three of them intensify their delegated actions three times harder if not more and I plunge into the depths of cumulative pleasure. Yun additionally starts kneading my orbs, trying to coax an even bigger load out of me as her tongue curiously pokes my backdoor. Cir leans forward and uses her lips to suck on my tip whenever it pops out of her cleavage and Nel reaches out to massage around my cock just close enough not to inconvenience the matron.

Not wanting to keep them at it for too long and I fully embrace their efforts and let the wave roll through me, bucking my hips up to plough through Cir’s bosom during my intense orgasm. She squeezes her breasts even more into my cock as I unload multiple jets of cloudy delicacy into the water between us and the two women share a collective ‘ooooooh’ at the amount pooling up before their eyes.

After I finish creating a priceless piece of surreal art with my cum, my seat shakes me off and the three ladies suddenly compete amongst themselves to scoop the most of my seed for themselves. They float around the concentration of my semen while pushing each other aside and suck the milky resource out of the gathered deposit.

I chuckle at the unexpected sight and watch them relish in the sweet taste of my Primordial seed before they turn around to face me with hungry gazes. The scent of their raised arousal escapes from their slits like a serious leak in an important underwater pipeline. Looking around, I notice that many more Mermaids are starting to slowly swim towards our position, easily able to notice their state too.

Well. We all knew where this was heading right from the start.

There are going to be so many more Divas in this tribe in the morning.


Casually breaking the balance of the sea kingdoms.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Julian S., Lynderyn! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Alvzorin, Psycolo, and William H.! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - Magiwarrior, Fandley, S. Kigi, Darth Mole, Luiswu, Skyell, Dennis W., Michael S., W. Jennings, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, James M., Sura, Astrowolf, Jampodevral! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honoured by your presence!

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