I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 168 – Twice the Fun

I take a deep breath and sigh heavily as my mind leaves the pleasant, dizzy stupor of a good sleep. A groan leaves my lips almost immediately and I move my right hand to my forehead. I don’t remember drinking so much as to deserve such a world-splitting migraine. In the first place, after getting my Primordial body, I haven’t ever felt that much of the negative effects of alcohol anymore. It’s very, very unexpected.

Everything is a little bit hazy too. I don’t usually have any issues remembering things. And again, especially not after tiering up so much and becoming what I currently am. This must have been one hell of a party that took place… where? On the ship? In the new settlement of the Mermaids? In the water?

When the headache finally subsides to a bearable level, I lift my eyelids and stare absentmindedly at the unfamiliar ceiling spanning above me. It’s made of wooden planks with an unusual colour, something like a much deeper and darker pink. Well, this is a world full of magic and such so it shouldn’t be that surprising to find out about the existence of pink trees or something.

But, at the same time, that wood gives me a weird feeling of familiarity.

So, I move my eyes around and examine the rest of the charming cabin. There’s a single, empty window south of the bed I’m currently lying on. I can see a fragment of the sky, which is also of a beautiful, pink shade. For whatever reason, the frame lacks glass or anything else that would protect the inside from the weather outside. Though, not even the faintest breeze seems to be disturbing its peace.

Looking more at the sides, I notice that all the furniture is made of the same wood. Some pieces are carved out of full logs and some are combined from planks. But, as I glance even lower, I finally realise that I’m not the only one under the sheets. A stunning woman with light violet skin lies by my side while snuggling her well-endowed chest into my arm, sleeping peacefully. Her crimson hair looks messy and an adorable frown disturbs her pretty forehead.

“Ailish?” I whisper to myself. “Where—”

The headache hits me again and I grunt in pain with a heavy grimace. Everything comes back to me all at once. All the details about the battle with the Sahuagins, the Kraken, the emperor, and then the evil goddess. But, one thing still remains unclear.

Where am I and how did I get here?

The last thing I remember is losing consciousness in the middle of the ocean. Though, I can make a quite simple guess after considering the dominant hues in this place and the presence of my lovely Succubus.

The voluptuous woman in question stirs softly and lazily opens her eyes. Since I’ve been looking at her calm but troubled face, they meet mine and we stare at each other for a few silent seconds. Then, her demonic pupils narrow into thin slits and she launches herself up into a sitting position, which gives an alluringly lively bounce to her generous bust.

“Master! You are finally awake!” A massive, relieved grin forces itself onto her luscious lips. “I thought you would never wake up…”

It falters a little as she bends forward and lays her forehead on my chest alongside her fists. I reach out to slide my fingers into her soft hair and brush through it gently.

“I’m alright. My head is slightly killing me, but it’s bearable.” I chuckle quietly. “What do you mean never wake up?”

The beautiful Succubus lady brings herself up again and shows a slightly hesitant smile. “It’s been… a week since that day…”

My brows rise to my hairline. “A week? Holy fuck. No wonder everything is so hazy.”

“Please, just continue resting for now. Don’t move too much and just lie down. I know that you haven’t yet fully recovered.” 

Ailish pushes my chest down as I try to sit up. To stop me from any further attempts, she climbs on top of me, showcasing her toned belly and alluring girly mound to the both of us for a brief moment. A tiny smirk curls her lips up as my gaze roams her delicious body and she leans her entire self down on me, pressing her more-than-fair breasts into my front.

I sigh heavily. “Fine. But I can still talk, right?”

She places a peck on my lips and nods with a charming smile. “I’ll answer all your questions, Master. In the meanwhile, please, just rely on me.”

“What do you—ohhhh…”

My eyes fall on Ailish’s plump lips as she nibbles on the bottom one with an expression of pure bliss. Something warm envelops me below the waist and I don’t even have to look to understand what has just surrounded my member with a hot, wet embrace. Her reaction only confirms that guess.

“Take as much of my vitality as you can. It will help you recover quicker. I don’t need it for the time being so don’t hold back, please,” she whispers with a beguiling tone.

“Don’t you need that to live? Besides, don’t Succubi absorb rather than release it?” I frown at her.

“You are my master and the person I formed a bond with. It’s only natural that I can give you everything, including all of my energy. Don’t worry about me. I won’t starve to death just from this. And I promise that I won’t attack anyone until you come and fill my womb up with your incredible seed until it bursts.” Ailish giggles impishly and pushes herself even more into me.

“Alright. I can’t just ignore your goodwill. Promise me that you won’t go too far, though.” I squint at her and she pecks my lips once more. “Okay. I’ll leave the transfer to you. Can you now tell me why we are inside my Soul Realm if I’m not mistaken?”

“I think it will be better for me to answer that question instead.”

Another woman steps into the cosy bedroom through the door to my left, stopping in front of the bed with a wry smile.

“Lumina.” I nod at the Goddess and then gesture at the mattress. “Please, sit down first. There’s no need to just stand there.”

But, instead of following my suggestion, she bows down extremely low.

“I’m so sorry about everything. I don’t even know where to begin. It’s all my fault and I feel horrible for it. You were never supposed to suffer for my mistakes, yet they affect you every single time. I have no idea how I can even apologise at this point.”

“Slow down first. There’s no need for you to apologise so much.” I stop her while raising my hands and directing them at her, as much as my prone position allows me to. “I thought we were long past that phase already. So, get up before I get angry for real.”

Lumina remains bowing for a few more seconds and finally straightens her back. A moment of silence later, she steps closer and follows my request, sitting down on the edge of the bed with her divine back to me. I can see the faint traces of tears under her golden eyes while staring at her profile. It takes a moment for her to turn her gaze more towards me rather than the wall ahead of her.

As our gazes meet, she understands that I’m still waiting for her answer. 

“Your soul… was almost extinguished…” she reveals with a shaky voice.

“I see.” I nod.

She frowns a bit. “You see? That’s it?”

I raise a brow at her. “What else should be there?”

“You didn’t just almost die. Your entire existence was on the verge of being erased. It’s so much worse,” she explains.

“And? That was going to happen anyway, no? I don’t think Umbra would have just happily offed me and was done with it. That creepy darkness certainly didn’t feel like that. Therefore, your intervention saved me. Doesn’t matter if you tried or not, the worst possibility was already an option. Your influence was what led to a different result.” I shrug.

“Even if you say that, in the first place, everything happened because of me. If I didn’t—”

“What?” I cut her off before she goes on another tangent. “Correct me if I’m wrong but I was the one who embarked on a journey to help my mate reclaim her home and take revenge on the bastards who raided it. I wasn’t embarking on a heroic journey to take down the evil goddess’ minions and her avatar. Or whatever that thing was. It was a coincidence that those two things overlapped. How can you still blame yourself for it?”

“Maybe not directly, but this was still the consequence of my actions and my feud with my evil sister. Nothing like that would have happened if I hadn't accidentally summoned you here and then forcefully pushed that Class and skills onto you, turning you into something much more than just a common person.”

“Suddenly, we are regressing again and we will soon be back to square one.” I sigh and sit up, causing the lovely Succubus lady still connected to me down below to gasp in surprise as she locks her arms and legs around my torso. “Lumina, the choices I make are mine. You gave me this power but you never put an obligation on me to use it for the sake of dealing with Umbra. You wanted me to have a good life here and that’s what I’m doing. I’m just trying my best to protect the people I love and care about. It so happens that many of them inhabit this realm. Its destruction wouldn’t really make them happy, would it? And that obviously includes you.”

The Goddess takes her gaze away from my face and turns back to the wall in front of her with a conflicted expression. I sigh again and crawl a bit closer to the edge of the bed. My wriggling movement stirs Ailish’s pot quite a bit but she sinks her sharp teeth into her bottom lip as hard as she can to hold back any moans from escaping her throat so as not to disturb our conversation. It’s impossible for me to miss her effort and I place a silent kiss on her cheek before resting a hand on the other woman’s shoulder.

“Listen here, Lumi. As I said, we are already long past this. You can’t bring this up every time something unexpected or dangerous happens that’s related to your sister.” I squeeze her shoulder gently.

“L-Lumi?” Lumina’s eyes widen a bit as she looks at me once more.

“Yes. Lumi. And I won’t stop calling you that until you cease this pointless worry, self-blame and apologising, and show me a beautiful smile on those charming lips of yours.” I squint at the Goddess.

Almost immediately, her mouth twitches a few times as its corners try to curl up involuntarily but she fights them down. It’s an unbelievably cute sight. One would think that a goddess would have much more control over such insignificant bodily reactions. It’s not like this is her real body anyway. It’s just a projection of her soul, not even a perfect one.

“I see… I’m sor—”

I interrupt her by poking my finger into her cheek. “What did I say?”

A quiet, pretty chuckle slips out past her defences and a barely discernible tint surfaces on her dazzling cheeks. Lumina takes a deep breath, exhales slowly, and nods.

“Alright. I’ll stop. And you don’t have to hold your voice back. I’m well aware of how good the transfer feels for your kin, no matter which way it goes.” She smiles kindly at Ailish.

My sexy caretaker shudders and directs her face to the ceiling as a lusty, shivering groan escapes her alluring throat for a good few seconds. Afterwards, she drops her head and looks straight at me through her crimson strands with her light violet skin flushed to its limits. She’s really been keeping so much under the lid this entire time.

I laugh lightly and use my other hand to uncover her face, pulling part of her hair behind her ear. “That almost sounded like a mating call of a moose. You really love having it inside, don’t you?”

Even fiercer, deep purple blush attacks her cheeks as Ailish gazes deep into my eyes. I smirk at her and turn my attention back to Lumina while continuing to caress the Sucubuss’ head.

“So, Lumi, where were we?”

“You promised to stop after seeing me smile.” Her lips twitch again.

“The awkward ones do not count.” I wave my hand dismissively at her. “It has to be pretty, open, genuine, and straight from your heart.”

This time, I manage to get a half-smile out of her before she tames it down. 

Lumina then sighs softly. “We were talking about your soul being almost extinguished. It’s true that Umbra would have most likely done that if I hadn't stepped in, but my own intervention was extremely reckless too. It’s still way too early for you to become my avatar.”

“What is that and how does it work exactly?” I ask out of pure curiosity.

“We can use a vessel to descend into the world by inserting our soul into the chosen entity. You became mine when I started influencing your Class and Status. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to do anything without disturbing the world’s harmony. I can’t do it even to the grandest Hero without risking severe repercussions and trouble for them,” the Goddess begins her explanation.

“Interesting. And your sister selected that Sahuagin for her vessel, right?” I rub my chin.

“That’s correct. She must have reached out to the Sahuagin Emperor with the promise of unlimited power and control over his kin. You have already discovered her goal in doing so.” Lumina shows a small but proud smile. “In any way, we can descend into the vessel, turning it into our avatar, but the vessel has to obviously be strong and durable enough to withstand the divinity of our souls. Things like racial qualities, Class, Tier, and so on are important attributes. Otherwise, it will end up obliterated, including its own soul.”

“And I assume it was way too early for me to house your divine soul in my body.” I chuckle lightly.

“Definitely too early. But I still forced myself inside you even while knowing that.” She lowers her head in visible shame. “Umbra didn’t care about that monster since it was just her pawn so she didn’t have any reservations about overusing its body until its soul burned away alongside its vitality. The good news in all of this is that, while not by much, she was certainly hurt when we destroyed her avatar as she was still connected to it.”

“Yes, that’s very good news. That bitch deserves it all.” I snort to the side. “So, I somehow managed to survive, and now we are here, inside my soul.”

“It’s a miracle, but yes. If I took even a few seconds longer, we might not have been seeing each other like this.” She turns a bit sad. “Your soul was damaged but not beyond the point of no repair. Your body is in a much worse state, but don’t worry, your amazing wives are taking great care of it. While it's recuperating out there in the real world, your soul is recovering its strength here, inside you. As Ailish said, a week passed since the incident. That’s how serious this was.”

“And you’ve been by my side all this time, haven’t you?” I turn to the dazzling lady sitting on my lap.

Ailish shows a somewhat timid smile as I move my hands to graze them over her sides, reaching her pert breasts. She gasps sharply as I bump my hips up and she giggles lustfully. I share a passionate kiss with the caring Succubus who has been tending to me for seven days straight without rest, kneading her voluptuous chest as our tongues dance together wildly. She deserves a much better reward than this but I don’t want to be rude to Lumina either.

“It’s only natural. I won’t help much out there with the other girls already crowding your bed from all sides and angles so I chose to aid you in my speciality, which is spirituality over our bond. I was holding back from connecting with you much deeper without your clear consent, limiting myself just to hugging you and rubbing my body into yours, but I was starting to lose it and I would most likely have done it today or tomorrow. I’m glad you woke up before that,” she explains.

I smirk and shake my head. “You silly thing. If that was part of the necessary treatment to save my life, you shouldn’t have hesitated so much. You are Succubus, aren’t you? How can you be so reserved all of a sudden?”

“Well, I guess someone’s personality started influencing me a little.” She grins at me beautifully. “But, I would have done it instantly if I was any less confident in your strength.”

“Good.” I give her cushiony bust a few more squeezes and glance to the side. “Do you know what happened after I was out?”

“Of course.” Lumina nods. “The death of their leader threw all the Sahuagins into a strong turmoil. The scene they witnessed didn’t help either. They were influenced by Umbra’s power through the emperor, which made them listen to all his commands no matter what. That magic disappeared and they watched the emperor turn into a scary monster of pure darkness, additionally lowering their morale. The forces present on the battlefield have been dealt with in a flash by the joint army of prisoners, survivors, and all your other allies while your mates retrieved your weak body and brought it back to the ship.”

“They really were controlled…” I mutter under my nose.

Ailish presses her breasts more into me. “You don’t need to feel bad for them. Controlled is right but it’s a strong word. They are all complete scum regardless of the fact that something magically compelled them to listen to the orders of a single person. They were and still are vile monsters plaguing many seas. With or without the emperor, they would be doing the same as usual, minus the combined effort to create gates for Umbra. Their conquest was a matter of time too. They weren’t going against their wishes. They were just compelled to listen to their leader no matter which clan or tribe he was from. A good Sahuagin is a dead Sahuagin.”

“It is as she says. Nothing would have changed if they were or weren’t used by Umbra. They would have kept inflicting pain and torture on other beings as usual.” The goddess nods with a sad sigh.

“What happened next, then?” I ask, deciding not to prolong this topic.

“The Mermaids split into groups and took care of various tasks. Some of them started escorting the freed people to their new home that you have kindly made safe for their tribe to settle down. Others started combing through the Sahuagin settlement in search of more captives and to kill all the living Sahuagins. A small squad is guarding your ship day and night, made up of the few Divas you are the closest to. Everyone is eagerly awaiting your return.” The Goddess smiles kindly.

“Looks like there’s still a lot to do. We can’t leave the gates out in the open like that, can we?” I smile back at her.

“I knew you would say that. But, before you do anything, you should rest more. The Shaman is no more and so is the spell to activate them fully. As you can imagine, he didn’t share it with anyone else. The patterns are dangerous but they can wait a little longer.” She points a finger at me.

“Yes, I will. I promise.” I laugh openly. “I don’t think the girls will let me do anything for a few days after I wake up for real anyway. I would hate to make them even more worried after all of this. This is going to be tough. I guess it means no more descents of your beautiful true form for a good while. What a shame, Lumi.”

A slightly more honest smile tugs Lumina’s pretty lips at the mention of her divine body. It looks like I was right to think that it’s how her divine existence really appears to everyone. It’s only logical, to be honest. People often assume that gods look like us because most of their depictions are made with the existing races in mind, or the dominant one. While using the body of a gorgeous woman right now, Lumina is most likely close to a cluster of light particles of divine energy, like that avatar of hers.

“For a good while, yes.” She glances at me with a kind expression. “It was unlucky that you didn’t have time to properly advance. Alongside everything you have done since your last advancement, slaying that ancient Kraken has pushed you past the threshold again. If you had at least a night of rest before engaging the emperor, my intervention wouldn’t have left you crippled for days like this.”

“Wait. Does that mean that I went up a Tier?” My eyes widen at her statement.

Ailish chuckles on top of me. “It was a matter of time. You’ve been slaying so much pussy during this journey that it would be blasphemous for you not to advance after all of that heavy effort. The stages above Tier 5 do take a much longer time to fill up than the lower ones but you’ve been working hard.”

“It’s as she says,” Lumina agrees. “But, since your soul was almost destroyed that night, it hasn’t consolidated yet. You should advance in a day or a few after both your soul and body recover enough to bear the upgrade. I apologise but I don’t have anything fun regarding your Status to show you at this time.”

“No, that’s alright. I wasn’t expecting it anyway.” I shake my head. “This is perfect, though. With this, I’m Tier 6, and I can finally get more information about Lilith from the hilt. Nothing should be stopping us from going after her now.”

“Alastair…” Ailish whines quietly and I move my face to match hers, catching her quivering lip and welling-up eyes as she blinks faster and faster.

A chuckle reaches my ears from the side. “Why I’m not surprised that this is your very first thought after learning that you have advanced?”

While Lumina sighs softly, I stroke Ailish’s cheek and pull her more into me to embrace her gently. She sniffs quietly while hugging me dearly as I pat her back, forgetting completely about the way we are sitting on the bed. It’s no wonder. This is quite important to her. Much more important than her desires or anything else.

“Please… Suck me dry…” she whispers into my ear with a trembling voice.

Well, maybe not as important as making me recover, though.

“Control yourself,” I admonish the overzealous Succubus kindly, giving her tail a sharp tug to stop Ailish from transferring way too much into me.

She trembles and I can feel the flow of lifeforce lessen a bit from the sudden tsunami that crashed into me right after I mentioned Lilith. Taking deep breaths, Ailish draws herself back and I wipe off the remaining tears from her dazzling cheeks. She smiles at me beautifully.

“I didn’t say that we are going to find her right away. There might be things we have to take care of before that, you know? We are still on a quite important journey,” I continue to keep her hopes somewhat in check.

“I know. I’m not stupid, nor am I selfish that much. I’m just happy that we now have the necessary capabilities to do that. Whenever you decide to depart is up to you. I will wait for your decision as long as I need. I know that it will be like seconds compared to my entire life of searching. Thank you for respecting our promise so much. I don’t know how I will ever repay your kindness. It’s obvious that my flesh will never be enough.”

“Just be a good girl and we will be even.” I wink at her, evoking a giggle from the naughty Succubus. “Now, I think this is enough. You might want to argue about it, but I feel much better already. I don’t want to lie pointlessly here when everyone is anxious about my state. I swear that I’m not pushing myself. Want me to prove it by sharing with you some of my lifeforce?”

I buckle my hips lightly but Ailish instantly puts her hand on my chest. “Stop. You need all the lifeforce you can get, even if you feel like you don’t.”

She raises herself up from my lap with gentle movements.

“Let me at least finish you off—”

“No.” Ailish presses a finger over my lips and fully takes herself off me. “I will finish myself off on my own. My fingers or your replica will be enough. You need to rest and relax. My pussy can survive a day or two without climaxing from your cock.”

It’s pointless to continue with how much resolve I can spot in Ailish’s purplish eyes as she watches me intently so I nod back at her. The current state of her girly parts is quite severe and it has to take an enormous amount of strong will and perseverance to deny herself the ending she deserves with how much dripping she is down there. I really admire her devotion in going against her nature this hard.

“I’m going to set your tight pussy on fire with how hard I’m going to wreck you after I fully recover,” I groan at her with a husky tone.

She nibbles on her bottom lip and her knees wobble a little as a flash of faint regret dances in her enchanting eyes. But, it quickly disappears and I help her step off the bed and sit down next to Lumina, leaving a gap for me. I quickly scoot myself into it and end up between the two ladies as they glance down at the proud beast standing tall while coated in glistening nectar from the bewitching Succubus.

“Well, thanks for visiting me and explaining some bits, Lumi. I should go now. I want to let the others know that I’m fine.” I smile softly at the Goddess, recapturing her attention from my shameless display.

“Think nothing of it. It’s the least I can do after what I’ve put you through. And Umbra will now have her sights on you due to me using you as my vessel. It’s not like she can do much to you directly, but we made her aware of your existence and how much I favour you. As you can imagine, it’s not a good thing.” Lumina shows an apologetic expression once more.

“That was bound to happen. It’s a miracle she didn’t notice me back when I was snooping around her prison realm.” I shrug. “At least she will take some of her attention off the Heroes. While they aren’t exactly weak, it makes me a bit more relieved to know that she will more likely target me rather than them with her schemes.”

“You are such a good person.” She places a hand on my thigh as a pretty, honest smile finally starts blossoming on her dazzling lips, just to quickly yank it away with wide eyes full of horror.

I chuckle softly and raise a brow at her. “Have you missed how I touched your shoulder earlier?”

She clearly goes through our interactions in her mind again and chuckles quietly too. Then, Lumina returns her hand to my thigh and starts leaning forward. I remain still as she presses a tender, slightly tingly kiss on my cheek, brushing her fingers up and down my leg, inching just so close to the area past it.

“Thank you for saving the world from Umbra’s vile plans.” The Goddess withdraws with a lovely smile. “This is already more than I can do for you so… Stay strong.”

“What?” I smile wryly, a little confused at the cryptic message.

But, before any of us can say or do anything else, my vision blurs and fades to pink before going full black. A moment later, intense pain throbs through my entire body and I can feel every single fibre of my material existence burn with scorching heat able to melt fucking steel beams.

“Argh! Fucking hell, this shit hurts!” I groan through my clenched teeth.

“Al!” Cornelia’s anxious shout forces me to open my eyes.

I watch as four naked women jump off me, who seems to be lying atop a jelly bed made of two of my most trusted jelly companions. Neira, Cornelia, Meru, and Lianne all stand by the edges of the bouncy mattress and stare at me with wide faces full of various levels of shock, depending on the person and how expressive they usually are. I can tell that we are in Lianne’s cabin on the ship and that I’m in the nude too but there’s not much more I can gather with the agonising sensation spreading through my entire body.

Then, I feel myself sinking more into the pillowy surface and I actually plunge into the comfortable slime. Safi’s and Emi’s mixed bodies pull me deeper into their chilly embrace until I’m almost fully inside their jelly. My face sticks out of the emerald-sapphire viscous fluid right behind my ears so that they are left out in the open too. 

That, and one more thing. 

My dick.

Thanks to how close I am to the top of the jelly bed, my cock pokes out almost fully, standing tall in the middle of nothing like a watchtower.

But, regardless, I exhale deeply in true relief. The chilly embrace calms the inferno that’s my body and all my muscles, bringing a comfortable smile to my lips. I can finally look at my gorgeous wives without scrunching my face like I’ve stepped into shit.

As I glance at their faces one by one, Cornelia briefly meets my gaze before taking a peek at my stiff manhood. I smirk a little, awaiting the snarky comment she is going to make regarding this whole situation. But, contrary to my expectations, while she does gain a tiny flush on her dainty cheeks, she starts walking towards me as her skin assumes a pale-blue shade and her hair turns white.

“Make me some space, girls,” she says to Safi and Emi.

The bed shifts a bit and narrows to the middle around my waist, forming something akin to a saddle. My beautiful magician steps over it and carefully lowers herself with a deep breath. I watch as her icy wetness welcomes me fully, sighing in bliss as a shiver runs down my spine. Burying me fully in her cold embrace, Cornelia stares at my face with a dark-blue blush.

“Better?” she asks with a shy smile.

I would shake my head if only I could. “You have no idea how much. Being inside of you makes me relax so much, no matter the temperature.”

“Bastard!” Cornelia snarls at me and starts chuckling to herself. “Oh, how glad I am that you have finally opened your dirty mouth…”

Tiny droplets start to fall onto the slime underneath her as she hangs her head down.

“Shit. I really want to wipe your eyes and hug you but this is quite fucking impossible…”

She laughs even more openly and does that by herself with a huge smile. The others come closer too and gather around as the bed switches into something akin to a rounded coffin. Lianne rests a hand on Cornelia’s shoulder while Neira and Meru look at me with traces of tears in their eyes too as they rub her thighs.

“Just lie there and don’t fucking move you big idiot… Don’t even dare to fucking talk or I will force Meru to sit on your face… She has the second coldest pussy after me in the end…” Cornelia threatens me with her big smile.

“I’m so relieved…” Lianne whispers just loud enough for all of us to hear her gentle voice. “You didn’t move for an entire week… Not even your body has responded to our touch in any way…”

“We couldn’t reach you through our bond… Whispers did nothing too…” Neira nibbles on her bottom lip.

“It was painful… We thought that you wouldn’t open your eyes anymore…” Meru’s mouth draws a thin, strained line, and even her always fierce expression turns impossibly soft and worried.

“I’m really sorry for making you feel like that,” I apologise sincerely. “I fucked up. I don’t think I can make it up to you ever.”

“No. You saved us. You saved everyone.” Meru shakes her head. “But, what happened? Both to the emperor and to you.”

“It will take a moment to explain fully.” I chuckle.

“We have time.” Neira strokes my forehead to wipe off some sweat. “Things are alright out there so you don’t need to act like a hero for now and can focus on resting. Let’s fill each other in on everything that has happened since.”

I roam my gaze over their beautiful faces, stopping at Cornelia. My eyes are naturally drawn to her perky breasts and then to the place where we are connected. She blushes even harder but shows not the slightest intention of being embarrassed about her actions.

I can’t believe I’m going to hold a conversation with someone impaled on me for a second time today…

“Alright. So, it’s like this…”


That's going to be an interesting conversation.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Julian S., Lynderyn, Muff Diver Dave! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Alvzorin, William H., James M.! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - Magiwarrior, Fandley, S. Kigi, Darth Mole, Luiswu, Skyell, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, James M., Rando C., Sura, Jampodevral, WiggleRick, D3monEmper0r! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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