I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 173 – The First Endurance Exam ❤

Back in a certain merchants establishment...

After leaving Selina’s, we slowly make our way through the streets while more actively looking around. It feels nice to be able to spot the change in people’s behaviour, even if it’s still minimal. Certainly, not everyone is happy about the new regulations, but what matters the most is that the previously oppressed side seems to have gotten better.

The road ahead is still incredibly long, but I ain’t gonna lie, seeing your actions have a real impact on the world feels great.

I’m sure this has introduced a lot of new issues for Ross and plenty of other people, but there’s no change without those. Someone will always be unhappy, even if just because things are getting different. Unfortunately, those people will have to deal with it. This time, the change is one of the best possible ones for everyone and their future.

Soon enough, our beautiful mansion enters our sight. From the outside, nothing much has changed in our absence. I don’t recognize some of the flower and hedge formations in the front yard, but that’s a minor thing. Plus, it’s certainly not anything negative. It’s a breath of fresh air instead. And seeing what kind of creative things our resident gardeners tend to come up with is always a pleasure.

Nevertheless, even though the manor itself doesn’t look any different, it’s more than obvious that the same thing can’t be said about the inside. And by inside, I don’t exactly mean the interiors but things my smart wives and other women in charge came up with in recent weeks.

There has been not a single time that I returned without some kind of a surprise awaiting me. Having in mind how many things we discussed before this campaign, there’s no doubt that everyone went out of their way not just to fulfil all the goals they have set for themselves on that day but even to go a step ahead.

It’s not just Siriga who is a workaholic. Somehow, when it comes to most of the girls living in the mansion, they turn into overachievers whenever they are doing anything for our little family. Or me specifically. I basically gave up on talking them out of it.

So, as we pass the luxurious gate and stroll down the paved path leading to the beautiful fountain statue before the entrance, I can’t help but grow anxious. But, the good anxious. I’m partially excited, partially scared to learn what awaits me on the other side of the doors. I could technically prod the entire mansion for any surprises or ask anyone whose mind I can connect to, but that’s rude and something I promised myself not to do.

Well, maybe this time it won’t be anything much. That would be an unexpected surprise on its own. Having in mind how many scheming and teasing minxes joined our ranks recently, it’s certainly a possibility.

Stopping in front of the main entrance, I take one more glance at my jelly companions and my aquatic mate, not finding any peculiarities in their expressions. Without further ado, I open the doors and step inside.

“Congratulations on the successful accomplishment of your mission and safe return, Leader!”

A chorus of voices instantly echoes around the entire reception hall and I flinch involuntarily. It’s not some soft and sweet greeting but a mighty, thunderous exclamation that shakes the very air hanging in the spacious chamber. Almost like a hundred knights addressing the return of their general or king.

And, it actually doesn’t look to be that far from it.

After the initial shock, getting stuck from the sudden yelling right at the doorstep, I take a glance at the source of the commotion and find two rows of figures dressed in matching armour and outfits. About a dozen people stand on both sides of the welcoming carpet with their backs straight, hands joined behind their waists, faces directed straight ahead, and generally holding themselves like some kind of valorous knightly order. Not a single person makes a move.

Before my shock can fully subside and I regain my bearings, someone approaches us from the side and my head snaps towards the incoming individual. If my chin wasn’t already hanging low, it would have certainly dropped to the very ground at the sight of my alluring Dark Elf love dressed in the most exotic outfit I have ever seen pacing my way with an enchanting sway of her hips and a proud, heart-stealing smile.

I’m pretty sure there was a word for such beauties back on Earth. To be more specific, in Eastern fiction.

Ah. A fairy.

Or a goddess.

She looks as mystical as all those otherworldly ladies from Eastern cultivation fiction.

Stopping before me, Elea’s smile grows even more jubilant. “Welcome home, Master.”

It takes me a few good seconds to find back the voice that she has obviously stolen from me. Finally, a good attempt at clearing my throat fixes the issue as I tear my eyes off her accentuated charms, mystical ribbons, and see-through veils. She lets out a lovely chuckle at my silliness.

“I’m home?” I ask rather than answer back properly, still recollecting myself. “I mean, damn, what’s all of this? I might have expected two rows of cheerful maids like a few times in the past, but this? Are we hosting a foreign ruler on our premises or something?”

Elea clearly relishes my stunned and awed expression as she waits for me to finish.

“Have you been crowned the King of the Sea while on your journey?” She raises a single, teasing brow at me.

I roll my eyes with a smirk.

Well, it might not be that inaccurate, to be honest.

“Alright. So, what’s the deal with the Twelve Warrior Maidens standing at attention in the middle of our house?” I question the Elf lady.

“It’s not really twelve.” She chuckles impishly.

“What?” I move my eyes from her to the two rows of women, count them again, then back to her, and a few more times between them before I notice a faint flush on one girl’s cheeks. “Ah, hell no! You know well that’s not what I meant!”

Some giggling reaches my ears from behind and it’s obvious that it comes from my other companions, most likely Emi.

“You don’t have to worry, Master. There’s no one more important than you in this manor right now,” Elea says.

Though, I bet that no matter if even the Goddess herself would have been lounging in one of our Pleasure Chambers, she would still have said the exact same thing.

In any way, she definitely chooses to ignore the little verbal joke she has played on me and nonchalantly walks to the middle of the carpet. The women of various races seem to stand even straighter and prouder as she stops and turns to me once more, spreading her arms to the sides.

“Allow me to introduce The Second Regiment of Utopia’s Mercenary Corps, Eden Beta.” She makes a low bow. “These girls are under your command.”

“Equality and equity make Utopia’s main quality!” They all suddenly hit their chests twice and throw their fists in the air before returning them behind their backs.

That’s like the third time I’ve flinched from the unexpected outbursts and I have a feeling that it won’t be the last one.

“Okaaaaay…” I roam my gaze over all the hardened faces.

If not for a certain detail, one could have assumed that a professionally trained military unit is standing right in front of them. But, honestly, I have no idea if even the most elite Beastkin soldiers are capable of being in perfect control of that part of their body.

Yeah. Their tails.

The armed and armoured women standing perfectly still and proud with focused expressions would have hidden their excitement and eagerness perfectly well if only a few colourful bundles of fur and hair weren’t swinging from side to side like the needle of an overcharged seismometer. Perhaps they are unaware of it, but that makes it even cuter and more adorable.

“Care to elaborate a little bit more?” I somehow manage to pry my eyes off them and look at Elea while placing my fists on my hips.

“But of course, Master.” She respectfully lowers her head. “You are standing in front of the first twelve official members of our own mercenary organisation. All the girls here have passed the necessary trials and exams to receive certifications of becoming a C-rank mercenary, which allowed us to properly register on the kingdom’s list of authorised mercenary companies.”

“C-rank? That’s a quite high start. They must be a very strong and capable bunch.” I throw a small compliment at them to see how they will respond.

Surprisingly, not a single woman breaks focus. Their tails certainly swish faster, though.

“Not just strong and capable but also smart and knowledgeable, Master,” Elea continues. “During your absence, they have arduously trained and learned from our best teachers and instructors. I dare to say they are currently the best of the best amongst our forces, even if they are the only ones.”

“I see. Looks like you were able to wrap things up much more quicker than I expected. This is incredible.” I nod to myself. “Though, Second Regiment? Eden Beta? Why not first and alpha?”

“The First Regiment is already established, Master. By no one other than you. Have you already forgotten?” She smiles at me enchantingly.


I do recall calling that our little joint party back in the past. We have been involved with that evil scheme amongst the villagers at that time. As expected, nothing gets lost amongst my attentive wives.

“But, technically there are no members in that group so you should have felt free to fill it up,” I add.

“No can do, Master. Eden Alpha will remain under your strict, direct control whenever you need to leave the city with a capable escort of highly experienced individuals. Right now, it might be empty, but with time, it will be up to you who should receive the honour of being promoted to such a respectable position,” Elea explains. “The other Regiments will keep undertaking requests from our clients and answer mostly to me and other officers right under you. After we recruit and train more volunteers, further Regiments will be formed and their members will move up or down depending on their performance. But, Eden Alpha will always remain your special unit.”

“So, it’s actually more like ranks rather than divisions, right?” I stroke my chin.

My dazzling wife shoots a killer smile my way. “You are exactly right, Master. It’s a system we devised to quantify everyone’s capabilities. Using the ranks popular amongst adventures and mercenaries would have just introduced more confusion due to the overlapping naming. In the end, something unique and standing out is much better.”

I chuckle lightly. “Yeah. That’s true. I can easily spot the Eden Beta insignia on their uniforms. There’s hope it becomes recognizable sometime in the future.”

There’s also curiosity about how they stumbled on the Greek alphabet, but I would hazard a guess that our lovely Heroes were involved in that. Specifically, a certain Samurai girl with a passion for design and outfits.

“Well. I’m looking forward to learning all the details about our new side hustle. From the ground up. And to getting to know all these incredible ladies standing behind you. I’m sure they are all waiting for my thanks and congratulations for their achievements.” I walk towards Elea and place a hand on her shoulder.

“Naturally, Master.” She nods at me. “Besides your kind words of gratitude, they are all also awaiting your blessing. Everyone is ready. You may hold the ritual whenever you wish to.”

“Blessing?” I frown at her.

As I look between her and the women, she just keeps smiling at me.

“Who do you take me for, a god?” I snicker, shaking my head. “I mean, maybe half, but I don’t—ah.”

The tiny smirk at the corner of Elea’s lips finally makes it click in my head.


Right. Of course.

That’s what they call it now, huh?

Elea clearly realizes that I realized and steps aside without a change in her happy expression. As if to emphasise the whenever part, she makes a low bow while gesturing at the two lines of women standing at their full attention.


Right in the middle of the reception hall?

Surely, she can’t be implying what I think she is, right?

“If you wish to, feel free to examine your new subordinates to your heart’s content before moving on to the ritual, Master. That would definitely make them happy. Everyone here put a lot of effort to present themselves to you the best they could,” she says softly but loud enough for everyone to hear. “I’ll take the others to enjoy a bath and some refreshments after your long journey home. Give it as much time as you need to familiarise yourself with everyone. And you girls, remember whose orders you are to obey from now on.”

“Sir, yes, sir!” they roar all at once, and this time, I’ve been somewhat ready.

With that, Elea sends me one last smile and accompanies Safi, Emi, and Meru further into the mansion, leaving me alone with a dozen of armoured beauties. Even as she disappears from our sight, they remain in the same positions with their hands joined behind their backs.

They don’t plan to stay still until I tell them to stop, do they?

Well, then. Let’s see how long they can keep this up.

I mirror their posture by hiding my own hands behind my waist too and trying to appear proud and confident, schooling my expression into that of a firm commander who is going to attentively examine his troops for the smallest discrepancies in their drills.

At first, I stop in the middle of the first pair, taking in the sight of the two rows of badass women of various races. Each of them wears an incredibly intricate outfit that stands out from the other ones. With just a single glance, it becomes obvious that Shino was directly involved in their design. A wide range of clothing and armour styles decorate the pretty ladies, matching their roles in battle.

Slowly but surely, I start walking forward while moving my eyes from left to right. Even as my intense gaze bores holes in their faces and bodies, they valiantly keep their composure. I do catch a few pairs of eyes quivering just a little, but no one loses our little game and they all keep staring forward with their masks on.

Reaching the end of the line, I frown a little as an unusual scent tickles my nose. Then, my brows rise back up as I realise what exactly I’ve been smelling the entire time I made my way through the middle of the group. A small smirk sneaks onto my lips before I manage to quickly tame it down.

Elea was right. They are ready.

Suddenly, the fact that not a single living soul has made an appearance since we arrived home, excluding these twelve beauties, makes even more sense.

I guess I don’t mind playing along.

On my way back, I move closer to one of the rows and bring myself almost in the very faces of the women standing shoulder to shoulder. Keeping my expression neutral, perhaps even a tad cold, I stare them down one by one. Each person gets a few long seconds of extremely close attention as I practically tower over them and lean in to glare into their eyes.

To their credit, they still somehow bear with it like total champs. Minus all the wagging tails, of course. And the smell of pure need wafting from quite a few individuals. This whole situation might be a tad arousing to them, actually.

Should I take it a step further, then?

“I’m proud. Very proud. It looks like you have been trained well to keep calm during tense situations,” I compliment the girls with a loud tone. “I wonder. Would you like me to test you before we move on to the… ceremony?”

“Sir, yes, sir!” they shout in unison.

The desire to prove themselves seems to burn brightly in their determined eyes.

“Very well.” I smile at them as I roam the carpet and finally stop in front of one of the girls. “You look like the person that can endure anything.”

The woman I stand before looks to be a pretty half-blood Foxkin with stunning, golden hair and fur. She’s about a head shorter than me and wears what looks like one of those sexy ninja outfits from quite questionable productions. Her sleeveless, ninja-styled obi of black and purple tightly embraces her lithe figure and ends barely in the middle of her thighs. It’s pretty clear that, with a more spirited movement, plenty of secrets get easily revealed. Her arms and legs are covered in dark, see-through fishnets, and cascading armour of overlapping plates rests on top of them.

As I slowly reach out towards her hair, she clearly understands the challenge and her icy-blue eyes sparkle with even more resolve. She doesn’t even blink as I gently run my fingers through her long, smooth strands of pale, shining gold. Nothing much happens when I trail onto her cheek and then her chin, lowering my face to her level. Except for the noticeable musk that suddenly grows twice as thick around her.

Smirking at the little lady, I move my lips to one of her adorable fox ears and whisper, “Blink twice if you are okay with this.”

Drawing myself back, I take a peek at her sweet, focused face to see her response. As expected, she hastily does exactly as I said. Right after, she barely catches herself before her eyes snap to mine to confirm if I saw her do it or not. The little jerk her pupils make halfway there and back almost makes me chuckle out loud but I manage to save myself.

To answer her unsaid question, I kneel in front of her while placing my hands on her sides. Bit by bit, I trace them lower and lower, soon reaching her exposed thighs and then calves. Making it look like I’m examining her outfit and armour in detail, I sneak a few little rubs, massages, and more-than-obvious touches, keeping my gaze on her determined face.

My fingers explore all her soft skin and tender curves over the smooth material of her short robes. Yet, she doesn’t make the slightest noise or movement. The only sign that my touch is affecting her besides the alluring scent is her cute nostrils. With her lips tightly shut, her nose has to work thrice as hard to pump the heavy breaths she is taking in and out of her lungs. And, as we all know, its capacity is quite limited.

Standing up, I lazily move behind her, keeping an eye on the others too. My next target is her bushy tail. Hers has been moving the least out of everyone else, even if it still makes tiny, restricted wags. Unfortunately, even as my fingers sink her heavenly fluff, it fails to bring any noise out of the sweet foxgirl. A shiver does pass through her body, though, and her lips form a tense, firm line.

I groom her tail for a little while until her modest chest starts rising and falling with a considerate rhythm. Only then do I sneak one of my hands into her robes from above, slipping it through the overlapping edges of her obi and finding out that this lewd ninja wears no such thing as a bra.

Another little shiver that’s only noticeable by me runs down the adorable foxgirl’s spine as my thumb tickles her hard nipple. I press myself into her from behind and make it clear what kind of reaction her body and scent evoke from me. Her breathing grows a bit more audible as my other hand trails down her delicate thigh and dives under the bottom of her outfit from the front.

“You are really good,” I whisper into her long ear, making it twitch cutely. “Let’s see if this will be as easy for you to endure too.”

As I play with her moderate breast with my left hand, my right palm reaches the slightly damp material of her panties. Her tail shoots up like it has gotten electrified when my fingers trace over her obstructed slit, but otherwise, she straight up refuses to make a sound.

Leaning in, I start placing fluffy kisses on the side of her neck and teasing her precious place with tiny rubs. Each time my digits brush over the hood hiding her sensitive nub, her lithe frame shivers. She’s turned out to be a much more impressive opponent than I have assumed. It seems like these ninja clothes aren’t just for show. She’s a perfect, unbroken spy.


Continuing to shower her neck and nipple in gentle attention, I unhurriedly snake a single finger under the material of her drenched panties and pull them aside. The moment I touch her dripping folds, an unbelievable heat sinks into my digits. She shudders again as I rub her up and down without parting the warm curtains sealing her snug channel.

Just as I position my middle finger in front of them with the intention to slip it in, an unusual sound catches my attention.

I pause and enhance my hearing with mana. It’s definitely not the foxgirl in my arms who has let it out. And, it’s still ongoing. It kind of resembles the quiet noise of fabrics rubbing together.

My eyes scan the direction of the sound, which source seems to be located in the opposite row, and my gaze lands on a half-blood Wolfkin with weathered dark blue fur. She appears to be standing straight just like everyone else, looking to the front, but as I squint my eyes at her black pants, I spot the tiniest traces of movement. It matches the rhythm of the weird noise.

I almost snort when I realise that the wolfgirl is literally wedging herself by pulling up on her panties behind her back. She must be trying to rub her clit with the material. With her front towards me, I can’t see anything she does on the other side.

Smart girl.

But you still got caught.

Regretfully, I release the incredible foxgirl from my clutches and step back onto the carpet. I run my gaze over all twelve women to see if I can catch them moving their faces or eyes away, but I fail to do so. Nevertheless, I decidedly walk a few steps to the left and stop in front of the wolfgirl. Naturally, she’s stopped rubbing one out the moment I moved. But, the droplets of sweat gathering on her fierce yet beautiful face betray just how nervous she is. Another sign is her heart beating like a war drum. I can almost feel its thumping through her chest.

I glare at her from up close. She’s only a tad shorter than me so our eyes are pretty much on the same level. Her blood-red irises barely stay in place with just the tiniest jitters giving her away even more. The scent of arousal is twice as strong as near the foxgirl. Perhaps someone has been imagining herself in her place. Or just really, really enjoyed the show.

She seems to be some kind of an archer. A dark purple, metal breastplate covers her quite ample bust, placed right over a black, leather tunic that ends up shortly below her belt. She wears similarly dark pants that clearly are reinforced too, and a pair of purplish, fingerless gloves. A cloak of the same shade as her breastplate flows down her back with a lowered hood. She keeps her quiver by her right leg, hanging off her belt.

First, I try to intimidate her more, or maybe arouse if I’m going to be honest, by blowing a puff of air at one of her sharp wolf ears. I catch her throat moving as she swallows her saliva right after the fluffy triangle twitches twice.

Oh, this one will be much easier to crack.

But, we’ve been playing around for a bit too long already. It’s time to bring out the big guns.

“It’s getting quite hot out here, isn’t it, girls?” I ask all my companions.

Obviously, no one answers me, but I ignore them and stare right into the wolfgirl’s eyes while unpinning the two buttons holding my jacket together. I unhurriedly take it off, making sure to flex myself as much as I can, and throw it somewhere to the side. It lands on the carpet with a soft thump. I’m not evil enough to toss it onto some poor girl.

The wolfgirl does manage not to react. Perhaps I underestimated her a tiny bit.

Without a word of warning, I pull my zipper down and whip my cock out into the open with one, swift motion, having my underwear already sent into the spatial ring a moment earlier. Almost instantly, the woman’s pupils dilate to their limits and immediately shrink almost into nothingness as she shudders. They haven’t moved down so she must have caught quite a whiff of me instead. I almost had her there. Her soft cheeks bloom with pure crimson as her sharp nose tries its best to provide oxygen to her almost hyperventilating lungs. Which only makes things worse.

I smile impishly as her irises quiver and tremble in effort not to jump down right to my dick. It’s a valiant effort, but a wasted one. I slowly reach behind her and pull one of her wrists towards myself. After a brief moment of hesitation, she lets me move it. 

Unfortunately, that’s a huge mistake.

Now, she can’t do anything to prevent me from slipping the glove off her right hand and wrapping her dexterous fingers around my length. The moment her palm gets in contact with my rock-hard erection, she almost whines, for sure. Her lips tense so much that they almost disappear from sight. Her ears fall flat on her hair and her tail puffs out like a pufferfish in a blink.

Using her hand to pump myself up and down, I enjoy the way she struggles to keep her composure. Her irises are practically a blur from how much they are vibrating. A moment later, I frown softly. Somehow, I smell blood. Only faintly, but I’m certain.

My brows rise to my hairline after I notice one of her cheeks being a bit more sucked in than the other. She’s definitely biting on it to keep herself in check, isn’t she? Damn, this one's a fighter. But, we can’t have that.

I lean forward and press my lips into hers. It somehow surprises her even more than me grabbing my dick with her hand but she doesn’t let out a peep. Her pupils do dilate a tiny bit from the pinpricks that they currently are. I fight my way through her teeth and send a pulse of Rejuvenate into her while passionately kissing the fierce wolfgirl. Naturally, I never stop pumping myself with her help.

After making sure that her wound is completely gone, I nibble on her bottom lip and pull away a bit. Placing fluffy pecks on her face, I trail up and up until I reach her fallen ear. Gently prodding it with my nose, I bring it to its proper position and stuff my mouth into its ticklish embrace.

“Good puppy,” I whisper sensually while squeezing her hand around mine and my shaft in turn.

She shivers immediately and lets out a lustful moan. Right after, she stomps into the ground with frustration and draws her hands back to her sides, tightening them into fists.

“I fucking can’t anymore! I give up!” She huffs in annoyance, but clearly, it’s not directed at me.

At that very moment, the spell breaks.

A cacophony of moans and heavy, laboured breathing fills the reception hall. I look around myself and note that every single girl is either leaning forward, holding her thighs together, pressing her hands to her crotch, or wrapping her arms around herself. Everyone is panting at various levels of intensity. Almost all eyes are directed right at my cock.

After admiring my work for a few seconds, I return my gaze to the wolfgirl and a grimace twists her pouty lips as she flinches when I look at her. Her ears are back down and her tail loses all of its energy.

I smile at her warmly and place my palm over her pretty cheek, bringing her face to meet mine.

“Now, now. You have all done exceptionally well. I didn’t expect all of you to endure my antics for so long,” I speak loudly to break through all the stimulating noise. “I went hard on you girls, picking my targets with deliberate caution. Even though both of them were Beastkin, not a single person made a peep until the very end. You should be proud of yourself.”

I pull her chin into me for another kiss and she completely melts in my embrace this time. The wolfgirl lets me invite her tongue for a wild dance straight away and she whines adorably as we make out, pushing our bodies into each other. Her hand moves to my member on its own and caresses it lovingly. In no time her ears are back up and her tail wags like crazy.

When I pull back, she chases after my lips, making me chuckle. Her blood-red eyes open with a flutter and an even deeper flush darkens her cheeks. A somewhat embarrassed, timid smile curls her lips.

“What’s your name?” I ask, grazing her fluffy ear.

“Ressia, sir,” she answers without hesitation.

“It’s pretty. Suits a tough girl such as yourself.” Her smile grows even more vibrant. “Do you mind going second?”

She scans my expression for a few seconds before it clicks in her mind and she shakes her head. “Not in the slightest, sir. It would be my honour.”

“Thank you.”

I lean in and leave a loving nibble at her long ear, evoking a sultry whine from the wolfgirl before stepping away.

Turning around, I find out that the golden-haired ninja foxgirl has dropped onto her knees and rests on the floor while still a little winded. Her palms are holding the fabric of her uniform tightly against her crotch. She really must have been on the very edge when her canine colleague unintentionally saved her.

Walking up to her, I kneel down, and immediately remember that I haven’t tucked myself back into my pants as her face snaps to my dangling member. Thankfully, my awkward chuckle captures her attention and her eyes meet mine as I extend a hand to her.

“You beat me. Congratulations. We haven’t really established any rewards before all of this, but let me know if there’s anything you might like and I promise to see to it.” I wink at her.

She takes my hand and we stand up together. Her legs wobble a little and she falls onto my chest with a quiet gasp. I hold her close as she grasps my shirt and vest. After a brief moment, she looks up at me with a tint of rosiness adorning her tender cheeks.

“My body...” she whispers softly. “Please claim it... Sir.”


After the test comes the reward.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Julian S., Lynderyn, Muff Diver Dave! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Alvzorin, William H., James M.! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - Magiwarrior, Fandley, S. Kigi, Darth Mole, Luiswu, Skyell, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, James M., Rando C., Sura, Jampodevral, WiggleRick, D3monEmper0r! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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