I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 175 – The Importance of Discipline

“Looks like the initiation is finally over.”

As a familiar voice reaches my ears, I open my eyes and raise my head towards its source. Cornelia slowly approaches the headrest of the demigod-sized bed and rests her elbows on the wooden piece. A visible smirk plays on her dazzling lips as she glances all over the massive mattress decorated with over a dozen naked bodies if we include me into the count too.

I sigh blissfully while scratching behind Yuru’s ears as the pure-blood Leopardkin snuggles to my side, purring quietly. My other flank is in Oniri’s clutches as the half-blood Foxkin wrapped herself with my arm around her slim waist. A potent blush tints her soft cheeks at the arrival of another person, though neither of the girls escapes or hides their bodies. The rest of the squad lies sprawled all over the sheets too, in various states of dishevelment and exhaustion, leaking creamy fluids here and there.

“Is this where the hidden audience steps forward and starts applauding the unaware actors?” I raise a playful brow at my magician wife.

She chuckles lightly while shaking her head. “We’ve had enough time to observe and judge everyone’s physical performance during your absence. This part of the show was available only to you, as per their own request. But, compared to our own assessments, you seem to have put them through total hell. They can barely lift a finger right now.”

“Damn straight.” A snort arrives somewhere from the side, coming from Ressia if I’m not mistaken. “Even Instructor Garrena’s most intense drills can’t hold a candle to this one. My entire body aches inside out.”

“Gee, I wonder why that is? It’s completely not like you’ve begged Leader to turn you into a wreck by blasting all your holes,” one of the Tiefling ladies lying next to her smacks the wolfgirl on her bouncy ass, evoking a wave of chuckles and giggles from everyone around.

“You really are a total bitch in heat,” another one adds, copying her friend.

“Zip it, you wannabe Succubus!” Ressia quips back, flicking the other woman’s thin tail. “Only Leader gets to call me that! Don’t make me rip your throat out!”

“Mmmmm… Feisty… Looks like someone slept through manners classes… Don’t worry, it’s never too late to begin… Let’s start with something simple… Sit!” The first Tiefling smacks Ressia’s behind once more.

“You are fucking dead meat, you ashen slut!” The Wolfkin lets out an audible growl and rolls over, lunging at her offender in a flash.

They tumble around all over the bed while wrestling each other. The other girls just chuckle at them and sometimes squeal as the pair bounces off the innocent bystanders. From the spoken words, it might have sounded like a serious situation, but Ressia and Besfi, the Tiefling, attempt to put each other into possibly the most shameful poses they can come up with.

Roll after roll, they try to spread each other’s legs to flash to the world their opponent’s privates from multiple humiliating angles. Grapples and chokeholds are plenty in their little competition. The Tiefling girl has a small advantage over the Wolfkin thanks to her much more agile and nimble tail, which she often uses to spread the latter’s pussy open or accentuate the swell of her breasts. But, Ressia fights valiantly, without a single thought about giving up, and definitely scoring at least a few points.

As I divert my gaze from the rolling, grunting, groaning, and moaning duo, my eyes find Cornelia, who stares back at me with an amused expression. Noticing my attention, she raises a brow at me in turn as if asking ‘you gonna do something about that?’ without any words.

Sighing to myself again, I reluctantly leave the embrace of the remaining two beautiful Beastkin girls, not parting with them without an affectionate peck on their foreheads first. Hopping up to my feet, I step around a plethora of long, sexy legs and arms as their owners shoot me sultry smiles. At least those bolder ones do. The more timid fraction just blushes shyly.

Arriving above the fighting duo, I grab them both by the scruff of their neck right as they give me the chance to do that. They yelp from surprise, suddenly getting pulled apart and into the air. 

Holding the shocked pair slightly above myself so that their feet dangle freely, I squint at the naughty couple. “Looks like some of my new troops seem to lack discipline. We can’t have that, can we?”

They swallow in perfect sync as I grin at them impishly. Without a word of warning, I throw them forward and they let out startled squeals as their bodies fly to the back. Before they can land or crash into anything, I snap my fingers and a bunch of Void Chains quickly tie them up from multiple angles. The leather-imitating restraints put their wrists and ankles together at the small of their backs.

“Girls, be so kind and teach your teammates the importance of respecting each other, will you?” I clap my hands and roam my gaze over all the other members of Eden Beta. “Since you are all a unit, I’ll leave the internal matters to yourselves. Don’t stop until they pass out. Today is a special day for all of you, so I will benevolently forget all this happened. Next time, you will be held responsible for your actions as a group. That applies to punishments and rewards both. Remember that.”

“Sir, yes, sir!” they shout in unison.

Then, I watch as ten naked women crawl up towards the dangling duo with wide, predatory smiles. They have clearly caught onto this little game and are more than eager to participate. In turn, the two offenders might have taken my words a bit too literally and their eyes are jumping from person to person with panicked expressions on their faces.

Just as the first wet noises and ardent moans fill the air, I turn around and step off the bed to join my beautiful Cornelia behind the headrest. Her face remains directed forward for a little while after I reach her side, growing more flushed by each second as she witnesses the lewd punishment being justly handed out to the two troublemakers.

I chuckle lightly and wrap my arm around her waist, bringing my lips to her ear. “Don’t worry, there’s no one else who looks better in these than you.”

She shivers and smacks my chest with a playfully offended gasp. The way she looks back at me and nibbles on her bottom lip makes that more than clear. I catch her wrist as I pull us closer and our lips join in a passionate kiss. Cornelia doesn’t fight back. Rather the opposite. She melts against me while chasing my tongue with hers, closing her eyes to enjoy this brief moment of affection.

“You are incorrigible,” she berates me after we finally put some space between our faces.

“I wouldn’t be if only you put some effort into correcting me.” I smirk at her.

She rolls her charming, hazelnut eyes and leaves a peck on my jawline. “And lose all this fun? Not a chance.”

We laugh together and glance to the side. The punishment is in full swing.

Pun intended.

The girls are going hard after the two bound ladies, caressing them with quite an eagerness. It looks like they’ve employed the help of a bunch of toys available to our residents and customers as both offenders are stuffed with a vibrating dildo in each opening. Gags have somehow made it into the play too, muffling the cacophony of lascivious cries.

“I can’t see how that can be considered punishment. They are having the time of their life right now.” Cornelia snorts.

“It might look like it to you as someone who enjoys this kind of situation more than a little, but from what I’ve managed to understand about these two from our brief romp, they are much more interested in the more traditional, fleshy approach.” I rub her side lovingly. “That said, it’s not torture for them. They might prefer to be railed and wrecked by an actual dick, but they are blissfully cumming themselves to sleep right now. Just look at their ecstatic expressions.”

“You. Are. Evil.” She gently slaps my cheek, then places a giggling peck on it. “Come on, then. Let’s leave them to it. We have lots to talk about.”

I nod at her and turn to the girls before we leave. “Jump in the baths after you are done here. Wash your passed-out teammates too. Someone store the bed and bring it to me later.”

And with that, I follow Cornelia’s lead to the very place I’ve just mentioned. A good, steaming pool is the best location to hold a serious discussion. Totally.

I don’t even bother dressing up until we reach our destination and share a few simple greetings with the women we pass by. They are more than happy about my return. It honestly feels good to be back. As fun as it is to go out on an adventure, this is still the most important place to me. This is where everything started, and it’s nowhere near the end. There’s just so much more we have to do and introduce.

But, there are also plenty of things to take care of outside the capital. I might have just come back from an epic journey but there are more waiting in line. Now that I’m Tier 6, the minimum requirement for Lilith’s quest has been unlocked. We should be able to access the information she’s been holding back from us due to her safety concerns. I just know that Ailish is looking very forward to it, even though she does her best to act patient and understanding. It’s a big deal to her and her entire race.

Then, we have Elea. She’s one of the first ladies to join us and also become something more to me, and she did present her desire to visit her old settlement to settle some debts. I really owe her this. She deserves the best, especially for putting everyone and everything above herself so much. If I asked her right now, I’m certain she would start talking about the others and that she would wait for a time when I’m not busy to fulfil this promise I made to her.

At the same time, there’s Sirgia. Save for Safi and Emi, she’s my literal first girlfriend or wife. Always working so damn hard to make me happy with her creations. Finally becoming proud of her own work, she has earned the right to reconnect with her famous family. She might belong to a lower branch, but she deserves nothing else than pure respect and I won’t be myself if we don’t travel to her hometown together and show those prideful pricks who is the real deal.

And these might be just three main matters to touch upon amongst who knows how many more. It looks like our mercenary side hustle has just started too without a hitch. These twelve fierce ladies are incredible. We might have only had a bit of sex right now, but I could easily tell that they’ve gone through lots of training and learning to become who they are now. And each of them is an amazing woman with a unique personality and history too. I can’t wait to interact more with them outside of bed.

As I’m mulling over my life in my mind, we step into the baths and the sight that greets us instantly recaptures my full attention. Cornelia grins slyly by my side, letting her purple dress fall to her ankles as I take in the view in front of me.

“Don’t take too long staring.” She takes a few steps forward, winks at me over her shoulder, and continues toward the biggest pool.

My eyes follow her jiggly backside as she prowls with clear intent to make herself look the sexiest possible. Stretching her arms above her head, which causes the sides of her charming breasts to swell past the edges of her torso, she descends into the water and joins the group of women already chilling in there.

From what I can see, most of my wives are present. Sirgia, Elea, Neira, Teffith, Astrea, Meru, Shino, Ailish, and even Lianne. Additionally, I spot Ria and Elise huddled together right next to them. It seems that they’ve already been dragged deep into our small family after our little fun not that long in the past. Not that I haven’t thought about them seriously, of course.

Taking into consideration Cornelia’s earlier words, I spend only a short while admiring the dazzling ladies gracing me with a plethora of mesmerising smiles. It’s hard for my eyes not to wander over Elea’s and Ria’s figures as the two seem to now compete in the contest of who has the most titanic tits in this little group of well-endowed ladies. Their generous peaks peek out of the water like plump buoys and it’s honestly hard to tell who is bigger.

Trying not to throw myself into a daze with this painting-like scene, I shake my head, causing a bunch of them to chuckle at me, and start walking forward. Arriving at the edge of the pool, I put my fists on my hips and look down at the gathering of women.

“Good afternoon, ladies. Do you mayhaps mind if I join you? The other baths seem to be quite crowded,” I speak with a gentlemanly tone.

Shino giggles sweetly. “Oh, no. That’s so unfortunate. I can’t even imagine the pain you must feel not to be able to take a well-deserved bath, good sir.”

“We can’t have that. A man needs to be clean and tidy. Especially a man of this calibre,” Lianne joins in with a tiny smirk.

“What are we going to do? We can’t leave this poor guy alone and unwashed, can we?” Elea asks and they all shake their heads gloomily. “I think we can find a little bit of space right… here!”

She grabs Sirgia under her armpits, who is sitting just next to her, and hoists the adorable Dwarf up. My precious cinnamon roll chuckles quietly and stares at me with a deep blush and expectant gaze, even if a tad shy. With an empty spot between Elea and Shino, it’s pretty obvious what their ploy is.

Smiling at them, I descend into the water and slip into the created niche. Right after, Elea lowers her petite sister-wife onto my lap and Sirgia snuggles into my chest with her back. I wrap my arms around her petite waist and place a few kisses on her brown hair. Everyone scuttles a bit closer to me, with Ailish, Lianne, Ria, and Elise moving to sit down in front of me, the first two straddling my legs.

“It’s good to see you again, husband.” The Queen bats her eyelashes at me.

“It’s rare to see you here, wife.” I smirk at her a little. “I would have thought you would be at the castle, busy taking care of the mess you created by slipping away from your responsibilities and onto a random guy’s ship.”

“What do you mean by mess? Everything is in perfect control, please and thank you.” She huffs playfully, crossing her arms over her modest chest. “No one even noticed I was away. Especially not my blind son. Besides, a week was enough to catch up with everything. I couldn’t miss my husband’s big return.”

I shake my head and reach out, letting Lianne take my hand and pull herself close for us to exchange a few loving kisses. As she returns to her seat, I glance at our voluptuous accountant and her cheerful receptionist friend.

“I hope they haven’t pulled you in here and made you both uncomfortable.” I look into their eyes while caressing Sirgia’s belly.

“Not in the slightest!” Elise replies first, waving her hands at me. “We were really happy to have been welcomed here! Even though I’m nowhere as important or close to you as the others, I’m really glad I’m allowed to be here with everyone.”

“Now, now. We both know you shouldn’t be saying things like that unless you want to make your boyfriend angry at you. Do you want that?” Ria rebukes her younger friend.

“Goddess, no!” Elise’s eyes widen in panic.

“Then be a good girl and greet your love properly before he has a chance to berate you.” The busty accountant gives her a light shove.

Our sweet receptionist hastily crawls forward and pauses right in front of my face with a bit of hesitation, hooking a lock of hair behind her ear. As my palm rests on her crimson cheek, she crosses the remaining distance and does as she’s been told by the mature lady. As we share a lovely kiss, my other hand snakes down her spine and my finger slips down between her tender buttcheeks to tickle the first hole it stumbles on.

She gasps into my mouth and somehow manages to grow even redder but doesn’t shake me off. Rather than that, I can tell that Elise is subtly trying to find an angle that could possibly force my fingertip into her extremely tight ring. This little minx.

I part with her with a delicate smack on that horny ass, eliciting a moan of surprise from the pretty girl. She giggles at me while nibbling on her lower lip and returns to her earlier position, letting Ria have her turn next.

As for Ria, she has to be extremely careful while approaching me. Her two enormous weapons of mass destruction could literally suffocate the tiny girl in my lap if she pressed herself into me without a moment of thought. As we exchange a few gentle pecks, I still completely lose sight of Sirgia under my chin, fully obstructed by the voluptuous mounds that have gotten in the way.

After tonguing Ailish while firmly gripping one of her horns, it gets much easier to share greetings with my other women. We finish it in just a moment, turning ourselves left and right to reach everyone. I end things up with one arm wrapped around Sirgia and the other around Shino. It’s been a moment since we’ve been together in the flesh so she deserves some gentle intimacy whenever possible.

“So, we are now mercenaries, huh?” I lean to the back and sigh contentedly.

“Everything has gone official. We are registered and ready to take on jobs,” Elea replies. “The girls are eager to prove themselves in the field after enduring our harsh training. They want nothing but to bring us fame and respect. For many of them, it’s an opportunity to begin their life anew, with strength and wisdom that should allow them to become someone great.”

 “You might want to evaluate them once more now that they have joined for real.” I chuckle lightly. “I’m surprised you didn’t wait for my return for me to boost them before taking the registration exams.”

“If they are going to represent us in the world, they have to be skilled enough to handle such a small thing without relying on your power,” Teffith explains. “Plus, as Elea said, they are eager to prove themselves. Achieving the highest possible rank during the initial assessment was one way of doing it. They really want you to be proud of them and find them worthy of your support. And perhaps something more.”

“They are slaves, right?”

“Former slaves,” Cornelia answers. “Most of them were either kidnapped or convicted for minor crimes. They have been released as of now. The twelve girls you met aren’t the first dozen we have purchased and freed. As per your wishes, we didn’t want to force anyone into this so we offered them a chance for a new start and slowly collected volunteers. The rest have been tended to over the course of a few weeks and either departed or are soon going to.”

“We are slowly collecting the second batch while making slight adjustments to our training and lessons,” Teffith adds. “It might take a moment, but we aren’t exactly in a hurry. It would be good to secure proper headquarters first that will be capable of housing everyone. Or we can let them live in the city, taking care of the rent. After the recent changes in demi-human laws, it’s slowly getting better outside, and they wouldn’t be exactly weak.”

“The adjustments are recent, but you can already see changes in the streets,” Lianne chimes in. “It’s far from peace and mutual respect, but people are aware that they can’t get away with what they could in the past anymore. Some are actively trying to look at other races in a new light, and that’s all thanks to your shrewd business idea.”

“I honestly didn’t think we would see the effects of what we are doing here this soon.” I chuckle to myself. “I guess this isn’t one of the oldest and most ancient professions in the world for nothing. As some people from my home keep saying, make love not war.”

“That’s a good slogan for our troops. And our main business too.” Neira comments, stroking her chin. “I need to integrate it into our calling cards and other things. It’s going to look great on promotional posters too.”

“Speaking of which, how are we doing on the other fronts?” I glance all around at my lovely experts from each field.

“Nothing to really worry about in terms of our standard services. Guests are flooding just as usual. The growth is quite steady. There have been no issues while you were gone,” Ria answers first. “As for our finances, as you might have expected, we spent way more than before due to all the projects and investments, but we are still above the line.”

“What about our potential new employees?” I glance down at Sirgia.

“We are preparing the access just as you requested, Master,” my master artificer replies with a tiny smile. “Underground construction is being handled by trusted contractors while I focus on preparing welcoming and comfortable living conditions for the aquatic races. I knew you would bring some of them home and started designing the rooms early. Everything should be ready in just a moment. The canals are more or less finished.”

“Oh, you.” I tickle her sides a bit, making Sirgia wriggle and giggle in my lap. “This little devil knows me inside out it seems. Or am I just that predictable?”

“You could not pass idly by people in need,” Astrea comments, lounging next to Neira. “It would have been more of a surprise if you returned without someone to introduce, Alpha.”

“I assume things are alright in the Community?” I turn to the catgirl.

She nods lightly. “No issues there. We actually had a few volunteers for both the pleasure and the mercenary departments from their new arrivals and a bunch of older residents. We will see how that goes.”

“That reminds me, these current twelve girls, are they just mercenaries, or…?”

“Most of them, yes.” Elea smiles at me. “A few were happy to join both departments and plan on sometimes showing up during open hours while they aren’t on a mission. They are two Tieflings and one Dark Elf.”

“Thanks.” I gesture at the others to continue.

“Sensei, the cosplay option is almost ready,” Shino takes her chance to speak next. “Mari-san and Nyfile-san created plenty of outfits in multiple copies. They are really lovely and look super professional. We assembled some of the common armours and clothing purely from this world too. It’s now just a matter of final lessons in acting and everything should be perfect.”

“As for that, the dedicated acting and roleplay classes have been slightly reduced to make sure that Eden Beta finished their studies in time. But, there are plenty of girls who already know what to do and have a real talent for being all sexy while assuming a character so we should have no problems making the addition,” Ailish continues, licking her luscious lips.

“That’s great to hear. If you think that everything is properly prepared, we can see to it whenever you want. It’s been a while since we introduced something big. We might want to give it a few test trials amongst our most loyal patrons before hosting an announcement party. It will both make them feel more valued and let us finetune the little details,” I suggest.

“Definitely,” Cornelia agrees. “So, this is pretty much it. Naturally, there are many little details and plenty of other matters but everyone will fill you in along the way. It would take hours of just sitting in this bath and talking non-stop. I don’t think you are in a hurry anywhere just yet so it’s alright to take things slow, one at a time.”

“Well, I don’t know that yet. I gotta make some plans first. There certainly are a few options to consider now that I’m back and also a little bit stronger.” I shrug at her and glance at the trio of Sirgia, Elea, and Ailish.

“Ah, right. Sensei is now at Tier 6. Amazing! We are so far behind now!” Shino giggles quietly. “Or rather everyone else is since my progress is much faster thanks to you, Sensei. Are there any notable changes?”

“I saved the surprise for later so that we can enjoy it together. We can take a peek at things after getting out of here, perhaps snuggled into each other on our beloved bed.” I chuckle at her. “Though, I’m not expecting fireworks. Just the stats alone are starting to spike considerably with how many Partners I stumble on during these journeys. Now you can even add another twelve sources into that, freshly connected.”

“Regarding plans…” Ailish speaks up before the conversation moves forward. “I’ve been thinking…”

Oho. Here it goes.

“Technically speaking, you are now Tier 6 and the condition has been fulfilled, but according to Lilith’s words, the entire place is extremely dangerous. So, while I would love nothing more than to rush there to investigate her tomb right away, looking at this from another, more careful angle, makes me wonder if we shouldn’t wait a little longer just to be sure. It might be better to first reach Tier 7 or 8, don’t you think? Rather than struggle amongst many unknown dangers, you should be able to trample on them instead.”

“That sounds wise.” Elea nods at her. “Alastair could gather more experience on another journey or two before we try to tackle this challenge. Perhaps we should start with Sirgia’s wish to pay a visit to her homeland. There will be plenty of opportunities to meet many other races besides Dwarves both at the destination and on the path leading to it.”

“Alright, stop, stop.” I wave my hand to capture their attention. “Let’s not have this evolve into the three of you trying to convince us just how unimportant your own wishes and desires are in comparison to the others. If only I could, I would go out with all of you at once. Unfortunately, we will have to decide on an order, but we will do that together in a calm manner after taking into consideration all the pros and cons. Understood?”

They share a look between themselves, chuckle softly, and apologise for their silly antics.

“Are there any immediate matters I should attend on-site rather than half a continent away again?” I smirk at them.

“Just the usual. I’m sure you would like to personally check on everyone and their respective fields of work. We might as well let you focus on visiting our alchemists, tailors, artisans, cooks, trainers, teachers, and so on,” Teffith shares her two cents. “Plus, your friends are currently back in the capital too. I’m sure you would like to catch up with them or at least spend some more time with Shino. In real life rather than in your head. Or soul. Wherever that secret realm of yours is located.”

“You will definitely get many occasions, Sensei.” The samurai girl shows me a faint grin. “Possibly everyone from our party is involved with training exercises your mercenaries are going through so we are all around here quite often. In my opinion, it’s beneficial for both sides.”

“True. You can never discard any free fighting experience against different Classes. I’m glad we have you all.” I smile at her and she graces me with the same. “So, the current main objective is to find a good place for our base of operations. Or create one.”

“Perhaps we could do something about it from our side,” Lianne chimes in with a thinking expression, tapping her supple lips with her slender finger. “I’m sure you were planning to visit Ross and report your return. We could discuss this matter during the meeting. Having a troop of trusted mercenaries partially indebted to us would be great. And your group working with us would further elevate your position amongst the others in the future.”

“We haven’t even opened and we are already talking about corruption and playing favourites?” I laugh at the petite Queen. “I guess you are right. In the long term, the government relying on a band of demi-humans as their first pick might support our anti-racist movement.”

Our conversation is interrupted by the sounds of the doors opening and a cacophony of soft plops on the hard floor. The group in question strolls into the baths with two of them hanging off the Orc’s shoulders, passed out and twitching regularly. Of course, they are still naked as they chat happily amongst themselves.

They notice our presence and stop in their tracks, unsure about what to do. Before they decide to postpone their turn for the sake of our privacy, my women start getting up. Elea approaches them and exchanges a few words with the mercs while Cornelia sends me a wink over her shoulder and leaves with everyone else.

I shake my head at their antics, clearly catching the conversation that happens between my Dark Elf beauty and the other ladies. She also heads out while the girls step closer to my pool and start descending into the water with charming smiles. Pushing myself up, I get to work.

First, I take care of the two unconscious girls, pumping them up with my Rejuvenate. They recover in just a moment and get startled by the sudden change in environment. After they calm down, I tend to their bodies, hair, and fur as lovingly as I can, personally washing them up just as Elea told them I would.

Everyone gets their turn as the girls literally line up to make use of my services. I happily oblige and care for each of them attentively. We chat a little as I softly brush their fur, run my fingers all over their soft skin, and clean every nook and cranny in their appetising figures. Naturally, I make sure that their most precious parts are well tended too after our little fun a bit earlier.

Just as my wives said, these women truly seem willing to prove themselves. It’s easy to get from our brief exchanges. They are grateful for what they received, including the chance to gain incredible strength through such amazing means. I really need to be careful with this project else it might turn into a damn cult if left only to Elea and the others.

Thankfully, while they are definitely looking up to me, they don’t seem indoctrinated or brainwashed by the devoted Dark Elf. The earlier scuffle showed that they are still themselves in terms of personality and typical behaviour. I certainly don’t want to lead an army of mindless thralls and my wives understand that well.

Finishing our unexpected social gathering, I help the girls dress up again and let them free. They leave together as one small family and I move to the dining area to grab a snack before we head to the castle. Paying my respects to the chefs afterwards, I try to find Lianne but learn that she’s gone ahead of me through the tunnel.  Therefore, I jump into my usual suit and exit through the main entrance.

Once more today, the sight of two rows of six women per side greets me. The mercs are back in their calm and collected character. Elea stands in front of them and I raise a brow at her.

“Since you are going to be discussing the matters of our mercenary company, why not take them as your personal escort?” She smiles at me softly. “Lianne went ahead to let the King know so that the guards wouldn't panic when a dozen armed women marched towards the castle.”

I shake my head. “You girls just survive a day without plotting something. No, scratch that. An hour.”

She chuckles lightly and steps closer to brush my cheek. “We all work for your benefit, dear husband.”

“You certainly do.” I smirk at her.

We part with a brief kiss and I join the group of my personal guards. Standing in the middle of them, they form a triangle formation with teams of three and a bit of distance between the three peaks. I start walking and follow after one of them.

We attract quite the attention as we walk the streets. The girls literally glow with pride while escorting me. I kind of feel like a king myself. They are clearly enjoying this even more than I do. Can’t deny that this looks epic. Never thought I would start my own private military.

Thanks to their royal image, we reach the castle in no time. Everyone steps out of our way either in fear of getting shoved aside or to stop and admire the rare procession. Some people recognise me for sure as I catch a few comments and whispers amongst the passersby.

The guards at the outer gate tense up when they see us, but Elea didn’t lie about Lianne’s involvement. We are let through in a hurry and one of the sentries takes the role of our guide. We follow the man to a meeting chamber and he announces our arrival before fully opening the door for us.

Lianne and Ross sit on a royal sofa opposite the entrance as my unit flows into the room. The girls scan their surroundings attentively and proceed to take positions all around just by the walls. They avoid moving further than the royal family, though, most likely taught against that. It honestly surprises me that Elea and the others haven’t convinced them that I’m a god above any kings and therefore they shouldn’t bother with trivial respects like this. It’s a pleasant surprise, though.

Ross stands up as I walk to the middle of the chamber. “Al! Good to see you again! And damn, you seem to have surrounded yourself with quite the retinue! Strength and beauty, as usual! I kind of envy you. There’s no way for me to fill my knights with badass chicks at my very beck and call. You lucky bastard!”

Lianne shoots to her feet too and smacks the King up the back of his head with quite some force. “You little rascal! Is that the way to speak to your father?”

He freezes with his hand massaging his skull.

Ah, shit. Here it goes again.


Luke, I'm your stepdaddy.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff Diver Dave, and Jeffrey B.! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Alvzorin, Julian, William H., James M., and Kody B.! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - Fandley, S. Kigi, Darth Mole, Luiswu, Skyell, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, James M., Rando C., Sura, Jampodevral, Julian L., Drew P., D3mon Emper0r, Riley M., and Doug C.! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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