I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 177 – Entangled ❤❤❤

For a few seconds, I do nothing but stare at the ethereal face of the pale beauty poking out from under the covers. Then, I realise that I shouldn’t be as surprised about hearing Hecate’s soft voice. It can’t really be helped. My brain is still locked on the notion of her being pretty much mute and illiterate, even though I just recall her trying to speak when I jumped here for a short Heart Swap during our journey.

Besides uttering that single, sweet word, my loyal spidergirl doesn’t say anything else. She looks back at me with the usual neutral expression, which only makes the scene so much more adorable. The only issue lies in her pleasantly chilly body pressing onto me from above, and in turn, a certain part of me brushing against the now fully recovered plump insides of her thighs. And possibly, something a little higher too.

Trying to shove aside the vivid imagery of our position under the sheets out of my mind, I slowly sit up while wrapping one arm around Hecate’s slim waist. The covers slowly slide off her shoulders as we both rise and fully reveal her lithe frame. Naturally, she is now no longer pressed into my chest so her own petite front enters my sight, from the gentle swell at the top to the alluring valley disappearing at the bottom. I do my best to take control of my body and make sure nothing is actively poking her from underneath.

“Hello there.” I smile warmly at her as she sits on my thighs with her hands resting on top of them between us. “It’s been a while. I hope you were a good girl while I was gone, were you?”

“Were.” Hecate graces me with a tiny nod and a single word again.

“I’m glad to hear that.” I can’t stop myself from bringing my palm up to her face and delicately caressing her beautiful cheek. “What do I owe this pleasure of you waking me up? Do you perhaps need something from me or were you just feeling lonely?”

“Request,” she replies calmly. “Promise.”

“Request?” I furrow my brows at her as I try to decipher her brief messages. “Ah. Your request. Your reward for behaving while I was gone. Right. Well, if you came to speak your wishes, I’m all ears. Which means that I’m listening in case that phrase confuses you. I should probably ask around about what you’ve been up to but I’m fairly sure that’s unnecessary. I trust that you’ve been good for me.”

“Catch criminals. Assassinate bad guys. Save people.” Hecate lists what must be her achievements or usual schedule.

“Yeah, I probably really should talk to the others about this.” I chuckle to myself. “Not that you did anything wrong, of course. It was me who nudged you in that direction and I’m proud if you did all that. I would just like to receive a few more details on your time outside the mansion, preferably from someone more well-spoken.”

I have no doubt that her mental communication would be not much different from how she talks so I would rather not put too much strain and effort on the silent girl when I can just ask someone else.

“Anyway.” I ruffle through her short white hair. “Do you have anything in mind for your request?”

Hecate extends her arms toward me, partially past my sides with how close to each other we are sitting, in a motion that mirrors a kid wanting to be picked up. She then gazes into my eyes with her ominous but charming pure black three pairs.

“Take me,” she requests.

“Pardon?” I raise a brow at her in moderate confusion.

Does she want me to carry her around for the day or something like that? I mean, it wouldn’t be that surprising with how clingy she’s been with me since day one. This certainly could feel like a step forward from just stalking me from behind her reality-bending threads. I just hope it doesn’t mean we will have to parade naked once more, hah.

“Mate.” Hecate interrupts my musings with another hint.

“Mate?” I ask, refocusing on her charming visage.

“Take me. Mate.” She repeats it together.

“Ah.” It finally clicks.

“I want to… Master… Feel good…” She adorably tries to form a sentence while clearly rummaging through her mind for the correct words.

“What have those women been teaching you…” I sigh lightly while shaking my head and gently bring her arms back down. “Listen. You don’t have to use your hard-earned request, and neither your own body, to make me feel good. You don’t have to listen to them and give yourself to me, alright? I really need to have a talk with Elea and the others about what kind of things they are focusing on during your classes…”

As I finish moving her arms to their natural position, she grabs my wrist and gives it a firm squeeze, showing the faintest shake of her head I’ve ever seen.

“No. Want. Mate. Hecate. Master. Likes.” She holds me in her grasp while staring at me intently.

I stare back at her in silence for a little while and sigh once more. “Do you even know what you are talking about?”

“Sex,” she answers, dragging my hand to her chest and placing my palm over her modest breast. “Feel good.”

“Yeah, the subject ratio of what you are learning is definitely skewed.” I smirk at her but she doesn’t really react to it. “Elea has been drilling all of this into you, hasn’t she? Just like she converted those girls into my excited devotees who dream about getting railed by their leader. Be honest.”

She doesn’t reply immediately and I’m not sure if she is hesitating or just looking for more words to respond to my inquiry properly.

“No. Elea teach good. Speaking. Writing. Talking to people. World. Humans. Cities.” Hecate squeezes my wrist a bit harder. “I was… curious. I was… get closer. Be good girl. I want. Not told. Me.”

I have to say, watching her struggle to explain herself properly is literally melting my heart into a warm, gooey puddle. With her calm, serene, neutral face with somewhat sharp features, the awkward way she expresses herself with so much determination is just unimaginably adorable. It’s hard not to immediately give this sweet girl whatever she wants.

But, it’s exactly because she is so sweet and pure on the inside that I can’t instantly jump at her without second thoughts.

“I see.” I nod at her, using my free hand to brush her side since I don’t want to try and pry my locked one from her hold in case she takes that as me rejecting her affection. “It seems like you’ve been learning hard. Did you perhaps learn more about what or who you are?”

She nods back cutely. “Arachne. Unusual. Human female like. Can sex.”

I snicker a bit. She just had to add that last part.

“And what am I to you right now? Your previous… leader… said I’m your queen. Are you doing this because it is your duty to make your queen feel good?” I ask her softly.

“No. No queen. No tribe.” Her head swivels from side to side with a bit more force and she points at me. “You. Master. Friend. No duty. Want. Happy. Me.”

My eyes wander to the solid grip she holds on my wrist. I guess it’s enough proof of her no longer mindlessly following my orders and my best interest or else she wouldn’t be able to show this much independence and defiance.

“Alright. You can let go of my hand now. You’ve proven your point.” I smile at her reassuringly and her face tilts to her chest.

She quickly releases my wrist and looks back up. “Sorry.”

That evokes another chuckle from me. The fact that she’s been holding onto me somewhat unconsciously, unaware of the little squeezes she’s been making, just further shows how far she’s gotten on the road of becoming more of a person rather than a caged, enslaved monster.

“No need to apologise.” I start caressing her side again, running my fingers up and down her smooth, alabaster skin. “I’m really happy to see you getting a bit emotional. You’ve made a lot of progress while I was out. I should be the one apologising to you. I promised to help you with that and yet I wasn’t there.”

“No,” she interrupts me. “Master. Busy. Organised. Others. To help. Good help.”

“If you say so.” I smile at her understanding words. “Does that mean you won’t be sneaking after me literally everywhere from now on?”

No reply comes as she looks at me with the same blank expression. But, her deep black eyes betray how big of an internal turmoil my words have put her in and I let out an honest laugh. It’s great that she is conflicted about this. She’s finally starting to think for herself. For her own desires and benefits.

“I’m sorry. You don’t have to answer that. And I don’t really mind you watching over me all the time. You can continue doing that. Just promise that you will listen when we tell you not to do that at specific points of time in the future, alright?” I tap her thigh reassuringly a few times.

“Yes. Promise.” She makes a more lively nod.

“Great. Now, I’ll have to catch up with what you’ve already learned and are learning about so that I can insert myself into your program. I would love to begin right away, but I literally have no idea where you are. I don’t want to talk about silly, simple stuff and make you feel like I’m treating you like a child. I know first-hand how mature you are.” My gaze involuntarily wanders down for a second and then back up to her enchanting face.

I meant it mentally but it’s kind of hard not to mention the physical aspects too. While moderate to some extent, they definitely can make a thing or two rise in a single breath. Especially from up close and personal. Without my very specific abilities, the sight of the little dip and line below her fit tummy would have towering consequences.

“But, if you are serious about this, I think we can start with a more practical lesson,” I continue, taking both of her hands into mind and holding them between us. “I’m going to ask for the last time and won’t ever bother you with this again. You want to mate with me and feel good together?”

“Yes. I want to mate and feel good together,” she repeats a major part of my sentence but it’s kind of sweet of an attempt to answer. “Want. Not duty.”

With one more sigh, I stop thinking about all the unimportant stuff and give my full attention to the pale lady sitting on my lap. I let myself fully take in the sight of her pretty, sharp face; her adorable, petite breasts; her well-toned stomach; and her extremely tempting lower lips poking out from between her soft thighs, hiding the similarly coloured precious flesh of her most secret place.

Which, well, I had her already spread open for me once or twice when we examined her physique in the past, including our little dip in the wild, underground hot springs, but that’s a detail.

Now, everything points towards me seeing and learning about it a bit more intimately.

And I can’t say that I’m not interested.

Returning my attention to the silent Arachne’s face, I smile gently and lean forward. She observes me as usual while my face draws near and my lips touch the chilly skin of her pretty cheek. My thumbs brush over her hands as I leave a delicate peck on it and draw back.

She takes one hand from me and touches the spot, rubbing it slowly. Glancing down, she looks at her fingers afterwards. I like to think that she’s trying to see the warm, fuzzy feeling I always experience whenever my lovely wives and the other gorgeous girls do the same to me. It can sometimes last for quite a while.

Then, I notice her moving. I try to remain still as she leans forward this time and mirrors my motion, bumping her lips into my cheek. A tiny shiver runs down my spine from the chilly jolt of faint pleasure. Hecate then draws herself back and a wide smile sneaks upon my face.

 “Kiss?” she asks and I move right away.

This time, I gently cup her chin up as I go for her pale lips and our mouths brush together in a delicate fashion. But, surprisingly, Hecate starts pursuing mine actively soon enough and even prods me with her cold tongue. It’s either pure instinct or someone has been teaching her how to kiss properly.

I’ll have to get to the bottom of this.


Naturally, I let the wordless beauty into my mouth and we play with each other’s tongues a little bit. My other hand moves to her chin and I graze her cheeks as we make out with more vigour as time passes. Our caresses still remain soft and inquisitive but it’s clear that Hecate is becoming more comfortable with the act of kissing, growing more fond of it.

Her slender hands move to my chest as she pushes herself forward. I let go of her face and grab her plump behind to pull her into me, removing the physical limits I’ve placed on my physique. Warmth soon rushes south as Hecate’s small peaks brush against my skin as we continue to kiss affectionately.

I jump a little when something sharp touches my back but I quickly realise that she is wrapping her limbs around me the same way as I do. Her arms snake around my torso and embrace me closely while her six spider legs follow them from the sides and lock me in a gentle but undoubtedly deadly cage.

Curious, I lead my fingers up her spine and trace some paths between the bases of her onyx spikes. As expected, they react to having the muscles over that area tickled and they shiver or tremble lightly. I don’t think she even notices, focused fully on consuming this sweet moment of us going after each other’s lips and tongues.

When I finally end this long exchange, a faint trace of deeper grey tinges her fair skin around the softness of her pretty cheeks. Her petite chest marginally rises and falls with a bit more movement, though she certainly isn’t out of breath or even slightly winded. Without looking at the finer details, one wouldn’t know that she’s been up to anything else than existing.

“And? What do you think?” I smile at her knowingly.

“Like.” She licks her lips. “Very like.”

Her face then tilts down and her eyes lock on a certain hot pole resting against her underbelly. Hecate’s hand trails down my chest and finds a grip around my member, evoking another shiver from me as her chilly fingers envelop my length. She gives it a few unhurried tugs up and down while staring at it intently.

“Yeah… You’ve been taught… No doubt there…” I chuckle lightly. “But I can’t have you be the only one making the other person feel nice…”

My own hands briefly graze her well-toned stomach before heading up and stumbling into the gentle swell of her tiny breasts. I can barely cup them in my palms but that doesn’t diminish their allure in the slightest. Leaning forward, I start placing kisses on her pale neck while lovingly kneading her perfect peaks.

With my face at the side of hers, I can hear the slowly rising tempo of her breathing as she enjoys my care and showers me with her own. Still, she only inhales and exhales through her small nose, not yet warmed up enough to make use of her delicious mouth. It’s a super adorable and turning-on sound, though.

Wanting to give her some of my own experience too, I trace my right palm south and reach the edge of her lower front. My fingers brush against her chilly folds and I note a tiny hitch in her breathing. With a satisfied smile, I rub her precious mound back and forth without yet dipping into her sealed-up pussy.

But, it doesn’t take long before I run my digit between those two lower lips of hers and learn that she’s definitely starting to look forward to what’s coming. A bit of slick nectar covers my finger as it grazes against the inner flesh of her sensitive pussy, tickling her shy nub as it goes. The more I stroke her petite folds, the wetter it gets.

Then, her spider legs unwind from around me and I freeze.

Not because of something I feel or experience but because I literally can’t move an inch anymore.

Withdrawing my affectionate kisses from Hecate’s shoulders, I examine myself and notice the faint sheen of an uncountable number of threads going all around my body, limbs, and close vicinity. I have no idea when, but she has bound me tighter than a straightjacket.

Leaning back too, Hecate moves her hand to the side and hooks her fingers over nothing. But, that nothing turns out to be another invisible line as I’m instantly lifted up and rearranged in the air.

“Woooooahhhh…” My gaze jumps from left to right as I desperately try to find balance before I fall even though I know it won’t ever happen.

With just that single gesture from the skilful spidergirl, I end up in a sitting position with my feet resting on the bed sheets. It’s like I’m on an invisible chair. Or more like a lounge instead. My legs are spread open, my elbows lie on nonexistent armrests, and my back pushes into an imaginary backrest. Naturally, my member valiantly points towards the ceiling.

Still, even though I’m suspended by tens of barely noticeable threads in this unusual pose, it does actually feel somewhat similar to resting on a comfortable piece of furniture. Nothing wedges itself into my skin, nothing cuts me, nothing painfully rubs against my sensitive spots. It’s like it truly is a royal, invisible throne standing atop the bed.

Additionally, this position puts me at the perfect height for the beautiful Arachne to crawl closer to my crotch on all fours and sit on her knees in front of it. My cock hangs out just right for her to lean down and do the obvious.

Of course, she does exactly that.

Without a single word, Hecate rests her chilly palms on my thighs and lowers her lips to my tip. She pecks my glans a few times, sending some more shivers through my body, and opens that alluring, pouty mouth of hers to slip it in like it’s her everyday thing. I inhale sharply as her cold tongue and inner cheeks embrace my member lovingly.

Not really having any options to move or do anything without expressing enough strength to ruin this entire contraption, I choose to just remain still and enjoy the slightly awkward but learning attempts of Hecate trying to give me a good blow. Her curious tongue swirls around my tip as she slowly bobs her head up and down, stroking me both with her lips and hands.

And something else.

It takes me a moment to realise but I finally notice that one or more of her threads are wrapped around my cock too. As I said earlier, it’s not painful and definitely super hard to spot. I have no idea how she can suck me with those around without cutting her own mouth but it’s better to just not think about the details. It feels heavenly and that’s all that matters.

She is so dedicated to her work on my lower half that she doesn’t even glance up to meet my eyes. Though, I can’t be sure if she doesn’t pick up my expression with them anyway. She does have three pairs so who knows? I’m glad she isn’t forcing herself to push me far into her throat right away like some of the girls, though. Her gentle caresses are more than enough.

Therefore, I approach my peak at a decent pace, fully relishing the devotion she shows to my cock. Hecate certainly notices the change as her movements and suction grow quicker. She shows no signs of stopping so I say nothing and watch the fierce Arachne coax an orgasm out of me with her honest efforts to make me feel good.

Reaching my peak, I grunt softly and release my load with her lips still tightly wrapped around my length. She milks the bursts of cloudy delicacy rushing into her throat to the very last drop and proceeds to clean me up completely, finishing her act with a few cute pecks, nibbles, and flicks of her tongue over my tip.

Our eyes meet as she sits back and calmly looks up at my face from the level of my crotch. Just the image of her down there is stimulating on its own. I have a feeling that she’s intentionally put me in this position to make me look like a king towering over his subject. Might be another idea she’s gotten from those damn perverts.

“You were amazing. I loved every second of it. Including this.” I wiggle myself a little while honestly complimenting the awaiting spidergirl. “Now, would you mind letting me go so that I can return the favour?”

She gives me a small nod in response but makes no further motions with her hands to pull another string and suddenly let me drop onto the bed free of my restraints as I expect to. 

Instead, she stands up and starts walking towards me. Step by step. Higher and higher. Up into the air.

Her small feet move over even more of the webs she must have prepared ahead of time while we were making out and she literally arrives at the level of my shoulders. She steps on them gently and crouches down, bringing her alluring tummy and beautiful pussy right in front of my face.

Then, she leans to the back and lounges on another set of threads at about twenty-five degrees or so. Her pale slit gets presented to me at the perfect angle to be worshipped while her delicious thighs surround the edges of my vision. I can only look into this inviting crevice of hers, trickling with faint traces of glistening liquid, or at her charming front deliciously angled for the best viewing.

What even is this situation?

I don’t dwell on it for too long as my arms come free and I lock gazes with Hecate once more. Full of desire to make her feel amazing, I slip my fingers to the sides of her chilly folds and spread her mesmerising flower to reveal its secret insides. Without further ado, I trail my tongue over her delicate flesh and start raining kisses onto her sweet pussy.

As I gently eat her out, my gaze often wanders to her softly rising chest and cute nose which is barely working through her increasingly heavier breathing. Trying not to smile impishly, I use my tongue to delve deeper into her channel and tickle some usually good spots, sucking on her shy clit in the meanwhile.

My sly actions are soon rewarded with the first open breath taken by the tough spidergirl. Her lips part and she starts making use of her pouty mouth to gasp for the air. Her raised breathing pace is still quite silent, somewhat quiet, but the small puffs she keeps releasing are already a ton more sexy and seductive. I know that she is enjoying it as much as I am.

I’m still to earn my first moan but I’m happy to work hard for it. Something like that is a precious moment, a symbolic sigh of pleasure during our first embrace which breaks the dam for more enticing noises in the future of our lovemaking.

My tongue explores Hecate’s chilly passage as I lap up her delicious nectar. She might not be showing it openly, but I can tell that she is quickly reaching her limit too. Her insides clench around my muscle now and then as her pussy squeezes me lovingly, urging me to do more. Having the same idea, I move one hand higher and begin caressing her clit with my fingers while the two digits from the other one slip into her leaking opening.

A slightly sharper gasp escapes Hecate’s plump lips as her butt jolts up a little. I chuckle to myself and hold back from pushing my fingers all the way in, only tickling the beginning of her frosty channel. We will use something else for the farther areas soon.

“Master…” Hecate manages between her quickening breaths. “Cum…”

“Yes, come on, cum. All the way.” I double my efforts with an immediate response.

“Cum… Cum… Cum, cum, cum, cummmmmmmmmmmmm!”

She finally enters her high and gushes nectar at my lips a little more. Her lithe frame shivers softly while held up by tens if not hundreds of threads and we fortunately do not come crashing down onto the bed amidst her orgasm. It looks like she is able to keep them in check even while cumming.

I stroke her pussy lovingly while waiting for Hecate to recollect herself fully. She meets my eyes and slowly climbs up with her hands grabbing invisible strings of steel-like silk. Then, she falls into my lap and hugs me from the front, squashing my member to her belly. My arms are still free so I hug her back and present my sweet spider mate with a delicate kiss. We chase each other’s lips for a brief moment before drawing back.

“Would you like me to take the lead or…?” I raise a curious brow at the calm girl.

“Both,” she answers right away. “Like both. Master?”

“I’m fine with either too.” I chuckle lightly. “Since it’s supposed to be your reward, let’s have you start.”

I receive a faint nod and she glances down at our nether regions. Resting her palms atop my shoulders, Hecate moves to a crouch and places her feet on the sides, opening up her legs quite wide. Of course, she steps onto more threads which makes it look like she is crouching on empty air in front of my dick.

Giving her a small peck on her faintly flushed cheek, I watch her lower herself onto me. My tip kisses her lower lips for a second or two before Hecate pushes it in with her mouth parting for a silent sigh. She descends onto me bit by bit and we observe my cock disappearing into her chilly and snug channel until the very base.

“You feel perfect, my cute little spider,” I whisper into her ear.

“Feel good. Inside,” she whispers back and pulls her hips up with a more vocal sigh. “Like. Warm.”

For a little while, Hecate repeatedly moves her waist up and down to impale herself on my member and get used to the pleasant motion of having her pussy stroked from the inside. Her adorable breathing grows more intense and I catch a few barely audible whines escaping her silent throat. It urges me to draw more of them out and I start nibbling on her shoulder and neck.

Somehow, it makes it harder for her to ride me and she slows down a bit. I would like to help with that but I’m all stiff again, not just between my legs. Fortunately, it’s not necessary as the crafty Arachne figures out the solution to her troubles with the usual answer.


She hooks her fingers over another line going by our heads and pulls it down. I gasp in surprise as my own hips rush forward and my pelvis smacks into her butt from the sudden thrust. Hecate wraps one arm around my neck for more stability and keeps drawing on the string repeatedly, which in turn makes me slam into her pussy like a swing.

Damn, she is smart and skilled.

“Mmmm… Mmmmm… Mmmmm…”

Her sweet whines finally grow loud enough to be enjoyed fully without straining my hearing. Naturally, the noise of her folds smacking into my underbelly joins the cacophony of lewd sounds as her pussy leaves wet kisses on my skin with each slam. I sigh into her neck as her tight passage grips me firmly with each shove, parting with my cock very reluctantly as it drags back through the firm grip of her soft walls.

“Don’t hold back. Go as hard as you want.” I bite gently into her collarbone.

“Mmmmm!” Hecate lets me hear another delicious moan and speeds up my thrusts.

At this point, she is yanking the string down like it’s a whistle on those old locomotives. My cock hammers her pretty flower relentlessly as loud slapping fills the room and bits of her chilly love juices splatter our bodies, dripping down onto the sheets.

As she comes closer to another orgasm judging by the increasing grip around my member, I can feel more leeway in my arms again and quickly wrap them around her slim figure. Hecate turns her face to me and I steal her lips as my hands roam over her back, cupping her jiggly butt and caressing her smooth sides, rarely brushing against the swell of her petite breasts from behind.

Her quiet but powerful voice reverberates in my own throat as she finally trips over the cliff of her pleasure and she tugs the string as much as she can, driving my cock into her pulsing passage as far as she can. My palms press onto her bottom and slam her hips down too, releasing my seed into her furthest depths, jet after jet. We exchange loving kisses while riding our respective orgasms, which in her case makes the ominous spikes tremble even more than her lithe frame.

Hecate pulls away first and glances down, stroking her tummy with one of her spider legs. “Full. Seed. Hot. Feel good.”

“As it should.” I peck the side of her forehead.

She then looks up at me. “Master. Take me. You. Feel good.”

I watch her climb off my lap and take a few steps to the back over empty air, almost as if she is hovering a few feet above the bed. Hecate then watches me calmly and waits. Our joint nectars drip down her slender thighs but she cares not for her exposed body.

“I already did feel good a lot, but I guess I’ll oblige.” I flash her a warm smile. “Though, how do I…?”

“Walk. Move.” She gestures around with her hand, brushing against numerous thin lines. “Me. Control. Master. Act.”

Nodding as if I’ve fully understood her explanation, I try to stand up. I do so without any issues and realise that I’m stepping on the air too. Somehow, no matter how I move or what I do, I don’t get entangled in the countless webs. At the same time, whenever I take a step forward, I place my foot on them positioned at a perfect angle to play the role of invisible ground.

Hecate lets herself fall to the back as I approach her in the air and run my hands along her smooth sides. I cup her breasts as she angles herself at an almost lying position again by operating her threads with her six spider legs. They twitch and pull on threads whenever either of us makes any movements.

I can’t imagine how skilled she has to be with those to make it work for both of us at once.

As I lean forward to join our lips together, her normal legs wrap themselves around my waist. I line up my tip with her dripping entrance and make a firm thrust since we’ve already been through a bit. She whines quietly into my mouth as I plunge deep into the spidergirl’s embrace and start my fully independent motions. She doesn’t boost my thrusts with her threads anymore. It’s just pure swinging of my hips and hammering of my cock into her tight little hole.

Well, plus the fact that we are literally fucking in the air above the bed at an unusual angle.

But that only makes it more exciting as I pound into my silent guardian gently but firmly, enjoying her occasional moans and sighs of pleasure. Her hands rake over my back and hair, pushing me more into her yearning, welcoming embrace. She clearly urges me to go harder and I naturally oblige.

Hecate’s body swings back and forth on her threads as I rail her without holding back. Our loud smacking echoes from the walls in my spacious master bedroom. With her small breasts, they don’t really jump around from my thrusts, but they don’t have to. I love the sight of her modest bosom jiggling delicately under my fingers as I tease her nipples.

But, when my hands move to her hips and drag her into my hammering even stronger, Hecate finally slips with her control. I hear the characteristic but super quiet thwang of a string getting free and vibrating from the accumulated tension as we lurch forward a bit.


The motion drives my cock even further into her precious lily as Hecate hastily regains her balance. I didn’t even notice one of her hands shooting to the side and clutching another thread to save us. She’s so fast and capable.

While we haven’t crashed into the bed or the ground, this little event positioned her at something like forty-five degrees down, with her alluring bottom and the enticing valley between her legs pointing up. Our eyes meet and I smirk at the spidergirl, starting to slam into her tight channel with renewed vigour, making full use of this new angle.

“Mmmmm! Mmmmm! Mmmmm! Master!”

“Cum for me,” I command her and she explodes immediately.


I follow right after her and smack my pelvis into her with the mightiest thrust, releasing a sea of milky white liquid flooding her snug insides. We keep staring at each other for the entire duration of our peaks and I adore her heavily rising and falling chest as she gasps for air. Hecate yanks another line and her body floats up to press into mine. She observes my face for a few seconds, pecks my cheek, and snuggles to my neck, surrounding me with her spider legs in a loving and protective manner.

A quiet chuckle escapes my lips as I do the same for her. “I love you too, my precious little spider.”

The door to the room opens and I glance towards it, noting the arrival of my lovely wives. They walk inside with smiles on their faces and Shino curiously peeks from behind Cornelia with her eyes sparkling at the two of us hovering in the air while still united. No doubt she was very much looking forward to seeing Hecate use her threads for this.

Oh well. I guess everyone is finally here and nothing else should distract us from taking a peek at my progress.

Unless they are the distraction.


Caught in the web.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff Diver Dave, and Jeffrey B.! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Alvzorin, Julian, William H., James M., and Kody B.! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - Fandley, S. Kigi, Darth Mole, Luiswu, Skyell, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, James M., Rando C., Sura, Jampodevral, Julian L., Drew P., D3mon Emper0r, Riley M., and Doug C.! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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