I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 187 – Dressing Up ❤❤

After taking a quick glance back at the Altcroft family mansion, I shake my head with a light chuckle and get on the move. With a faint glimmer, a petite silhouette appears right next to me and I jump a little. Hecate stares back at me with those deep, black eyes of hers as I move my gaze to the source of the spooky effect.

I really should get used to her jumpscares. Especially since I know that she’s always with me. Now I wonder if she had a nice view of our little blood transfusion session on the balcony. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that she was hanging right above us, ready to strike Loyna down the moment things started getting out of control.

Reaching out, I gently brush through her short, whitish hair. “Thanks for always looking out for me. Anything to report?”

“No. Peaceful night. One thug. Dispatched now. Master no worry,” she responds, closing all pairs of her eyes to enjoy the delicate caresses.

Well, I guess one bad guy caught can be considered a peaceful night in this world.

“Good work. Let’s go home now. Would you like to accompany me or return to the sidelines?” I raise a brow at the cute spidergirl.

“With Master.” She opens her eyes and looks up firmly.

“Alright. I have an idea. Come here.” I smile at her.

Hecate steps closer and I turn around, crouching to the ground. Glancing over my shoulder at her, I gesture at her legs with my eyes and then nod at myself. She processes the signs for a few seconds, but as expected, the smart Arachne figures out my intentions fairly quickly and places her thighs on my shoulders, letting her feet dangle in front of my chest.

Without further ado, I stand up and she naturally buries her slender fingers in my hair. With one last glance at the sweet pale lady, I begin our journey back. No surprise there, we don’t really talk much while on the go. Hecate is the silent type and she’s only just learning some proper words so it’s all good. I can’t neglect my little vigilante just because she can’t easily reply to every single question and statement, can I?

Her smart and curious eyes wander over the people and buildings surrounding us from a nice vantage point. I’m sure part of the reason behind that is her desire to take the role of my guardian seriously. She doesn’t stop scanning the area for threats and suspicious signs. I affectionately caress her soft thighs as we move, showing some of my appreciation for her efforts.

It takes a bit longer for us to get back than the trip to the Altcroft mansion, but that’s natural with my more casual pace. The streets at night are very charming and climatic. It would be a waste to rush through them again when there is no reason to hurry back home. I’ll still make it a good hour or two before the closing time so the patrons will get a chance to approach me. There were no reports of any incidents so we can take things easy.

Soon, we reach our own pretty residence and Hecate jumps off me. Before she can escape to disappear behind her light-bending curtain, I catch her waist and pull the adorable spidergirl in for a delicate kiss. She rests her slim body on me while reciprocating the few pecks I shower her with. After making sure that my amazing bodyguard is rewarded properly, I pull away and nod at Hecate with a warm smile. Surprising me a little, she wraps her arms around me and gives me a quick, loving hug before stepping back and phasing out of sight.

“Slowly but surely we are making progress.” I stare into empty space she’s left behind for a little while and turn to the mansion, switching back to my suit.

The noise of a good time reaches my ears as I approach, and the sight that greets me past the entrance confirms that everyone is having lots of fun even without me present. Thankfully, our continuous test runs of the cosplay and roleplay services are keeping the most loyal of our guests entertained. At the same time, we are collecting some valuable data. Our amazing masters of craft and art are already working on some of the suggestions gathered from the patrons.

Catching Elise’s attention, I nod the young madame’s way and she blushes a tiny bit. I’m very tempted to walk up to her and let her know where I’ve just been to tease our incredible receptionist, forcing her mind to keep thinking about the reasons behind it, but I try my best to hold that urge in. We’ll have to share a good, long conversation later with all three of us. If Lyona is going to stay, Elise and the others deserve to know about her circumstances. Better avoid a situation when someone discovers the secret on their own and gets spooked.

For now, though, I slip into the crowd and mingle with the patrons. There’s still work to be done tonight. A few dudes notice my return and I’m quickly dragged into a decently interesting discussion about the superiority of priest mommies over military mommies. A cultured conversation for sure. The gentlemen seem pretty respectful of each other even though their exchange is full of strong emotions and feelings. And imagination, of course.

Moving through the floors, I also bump into a girl or two from our side, and that pretty much always ends up with some light teasing and even a little inappropriate touching. Those hidden perverts get off to making fun of me and also receiving some secret affection in the middle of the crowd without getting caught. Tieflings are the worst. They are too skilled in the use of their tails. I’ve long lost count of how many Tiefling pussies flashed me during walk-by with raised skirts.

Because of course, many girls still love the thrill of going full commando.

Time flies rather enjoyably and we soon reach the finishing hours. Our guests slowly trickle out of the main hall and the other chambers. It’s always an amusing sight to see groups of noble women leaving together all giggly and rosy on the cheeks. Noble in the streets, freak in the sheets, as they say. We could write quite saucy books with what Mafaris and others have seen while overseeing the Pleasure Chambers or lending a hand to their customers.

After seeing everyone out by the door like the proper host and business owner, I close the entrance and move to help the girls tidy things up. As expected, literally anyone I approach tries to shoo me away, but they are dreaming if they think that I will just laze around while they not only work during the open hours but also tire themselves out cleaning. It’s appreciated, but I do need to have some part in it.

Before long, things are all taken care of. We’ve gotten pretty good with post-work cleaning and it doesn’t take ages to complete with everyone chiming in with whatever they are the best at. Magic and abilities certainly help. And, when you add all the boosts most of the women received from me, it just stacks up to absurd levels. I bet there aren’t that many maids in the kingdom who can lift and carry sofas and other furniture like they are made of feathers.

Now, the only thing left is the debriefing and we all can grab a well-deserved nap.

“Al?” Cornelia’s voice interrupts my train of thought and I spin to face my beautiful and smart wife.

“Yes, my dear.” I grin at her.

She rolls her enchanting eyes but shows a pleasant smirk on her delicious lips. “I remember someone reporting a slight damage to one of the roleplay chambers earlier. Do you want to check it yourself or should I send someone there instead?”

“Well, now that you brought my attention to the issue, I’ll naturally see how bad it is.” I wink at her. “People really need to chill. It’s not even fully released to the public. The girls are fine?”

“Yes, don’t worry. Sounded like a simple accident.” She waves my concerns off. “Take your time. As much as you need.”

Moving closer to place a peck on my cheek, she briefs me on the location and walks away with a somewhat amused smile. I raise a curious brow at her but she disappears behind the corner without addressing it. Shrugging to myself, I make my way to the correct room and step inside.

And the very moment I close the door, turning to face the stylized chamber, I freeze. But, it’s not because of the extent of damage, or the intricately detailed theme of a wooden dressing room before a bath. No, it’s due to the two unexpected figures present inside.

Shino and Mari hang out by one of the dressing benches going through the middle of the room. My Japanese lover smiles my way slyly while our talented seamstress does her best to look at me but keeps dropping her gaze to the floor with rosy cheeks. 

While Shino wears her usual adventuring getup of a white shirt and black skirt with stockings, Mari has been put into what looks like a neat, styled uniform I'm pretty sure I've seen plenty of times in Shino's arts of university-themed collections. The cute tomboy wears simple red shoes, dark grey kneesocks, a short black skirt and a matching black top, adorned with a red collar. It’s quite ridiculous just how well it fits her. And I don’t mean in terms of the correct size and all. It’s hard to drag my eyes off the boyish cuteness.

My samurai girlfriend giggles quietly and steps closer to the blushing student. “See? I told you Sensei would be speechless if you wore this, Mari-san. His brain can barely work after getting a dose of your beauty.”

Mari gets even redder as she squirms under my gaze and Shino’s teasing fingers, which explore the tailor’s uniform. But, a happy smile does push through her shyness as she eyes me up too, focusing quite a lot on a certain point in the middle.

Hell, there would have been a serious problem with me if there was nothing to focus on there after witnessing such a miraculous display.

“It doesn’t look like there’s any damage to check.” I smirk at the sly shortie, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Not yet.” She giggles again with a playful grin.

“So, what’s the deal here?” I move my eyes between them.

“Isn’t that obvious, Sensei? You’ve just walked into a women's changing room by accident. Since we are not shouting, screaming, and throwing things at you, there’s only one other way such an incident can move forward, isn’t there? I’m sure you have studied enough research material to figure it out.”

“Is that right?” I chuckle to myself, doing my best not to roll my eyes at the scheming minx. “Is that the way where I apologise, turn around, get out, and continue with my responsibilities, which are giving everyone a quick debriefing before they retreat for the night like the proper boss that I am?”

“That would be a quite sad and disappointing end of the story, wouldn’t it?” Shino shakes her head softly. “Especially since you don’t need to do any of that, Sensei, as Cornelia-san is already taking care of it at this very moment.”

Curious about that, I prod my lovely magician with my senses and confirm that she seems to be talking to a lot of people. Because of course, she’s been in on this since the very beginning.

What do I have to go through with these women…

“So, what do you think of Mari-san, Sensei?” the teasing shortie asks.

I take a short moment to properly admire Mari’s outfit and general charms before nodding approvingly. “If I was still a professor in this situation, I would have quite the dilemma regarding the commonly-enforced student-teacher relationships.”

Shino leans in to whisper something to Mari and the other girl’s smile grows even more proud and charming. Then, she brings them both a few steps back and seats them both at the edge of one of the benches. Her left palm twirls over Mari’s covered tummy while her right hooks the outfit’s skirt and daintily pulls it up and up.

“And now?” she asks with an impish expression.

My brows rise as her shameful action reveals the bottom of what definitely seems to be a full-body sports swimsuit of navy blue colour. Its tight and stretchy material hugs the pouty edges of Mari’s girly mound in the perfect cameltoe. Her exposed, delicious thighs only add to the enticing and extremely erotic image.

“Now, I believe I would need to look for a new job in another country because there’s no damn chance they are letting me into another nearby academy after this somehow gets out to the public.” I whistle appreciatively.

Shino chuckles sweetly while Mari’s cheeks start to rival a tomato. She doesn’t seem to need a translation from my mischievous girlfriend this time. Unfortunately, my response evokes a slightly disappointing reaction as she closes her thighs in a faint wave of shyness that flows through her.

“And here you have it.” The teasing minx smiles at the artisan girl. “What are you going to do now?”

Mari clearly considers her reply for a moment while staring up at me intently before whispering something back to her, bringing an even wider grin onto the Japanese lady’s lips. Shino helps her up, guides her to the side, where a wall of fake wooden lockers is located, and then trots up to me.

“Come, Sensei.” She giggles at me and I let her lead me by hand.

She sits me down on the bench in front of Mari and jogs to rejoin the taller woman. They both direct one more glance my way before facing the lockers and… starting to undress.

I watch as the two beauties slowly and sensually shed pieces of their uniforms right in front of my eyes. Shino does it with practised movements while Mari struggles a tiny bit to quickly wiggle out of her top. Receiving some help, she soon gets past the initial hurdle and removes her skirt and stockings too.

In no time, two gorgeous girls stand in front of me in nothing but firm full-body swimsuits which emphasise their charms to the limits of the elastic fabric. Their plump behinds, perky breasts, hard nipples, and tender girly parts leave almost nothing to the imagination. Shino sends a sly wink my way and I shake my head with a light chuckle.

Whispering something again to the slightly shy tomboy, she makes Mari step forward and the tanned goddess of adorable athletic perfection approaches me with her hands joined behind her back.

“Could you help me… stretch a little… Sir?” she asks a bit nervously.

I stand up and slowly close the distance separating us, placing my palms on her covered hips. “If that’s what you want, then I’ll happily oblige.”

“It is.” She nods softly. “I… When I was briefly attending a school in the capital… I had a crush on one of our teachers… And—”

“Shhh… That’s enough.” I silence her by pressing a finger to her delicate lips and smile warmly at her confirming her wishes.

Even if Shino clearly instigated this, it doesn’t look like Mari has just been dragged into the entire thing without proper thought. So, before we continue, I walk to the lockers and remove most of my suit so as not to appear overdressed for the occasion. Naturally, I leave my underwear on since we are technically heading for a bath or a pool. According to the setting, of course.

Then, I approach Mari again. “I’m with you.”

She smiles at me sweetly and turns around. Seeing the obvious invitation as she starts stretching her arms above her head, I step closer and press myself into her from behind, delicately placing my fingers on her sides and trailing them up and down. Over her shoulder, I find Shino sitting on the bench in front of us while watching us with rapt attention, following the path of my fingers intently. No doubt her own digits are going to start their own journey in just a bit.

As Mari continues her pre-fun workout, I drag my palms higher and run into the tender swell of her moderate chest. She lets out a heavier sigh and presses her butt more into me, definitely feeling the bulge in my shorts through the thin, elastic fabric. I follow her stretches to the side with my fingers tickling her hard nipples correspondingly with the direction, one per rep.

When she leans forward to reach the ground with her fingers, I push myself into her more and drag my hands down her front and to her thighs, avoiding her girly parts for now. She shudders lightly as I caress her soft skin and I can tell how she rubs her ass in my crotch while bent forward, masking it as the motions of her repeated stretching. As she raises herself, I graze up her front again, ending at her breasts, giving them a fair squeeze.

She glances at me over her shoulder while nibbling at her bottom lip and gestures down with her eyes while slightly widening her stance. I catch on right away and move one hand to the small of her back, staring her straight into those pretty gems as my palm slides down to her perfect ass. It doesn’t stop there and I watch Mari shiver again as my digits slide over her covered pussy, noticing a hint of disappointment when they move to her thigh.

Nevertheless, she grabs the arm I’m holding for her at the front and extends her leg to the right, keeping her adorable face locked on mine. I squeeze her soft thigh while helping her raise it and show an impish grin. When she holds it steady on her own, I trail back to her stretched mound and start running my fingers over that tiny valley, causing her pupils to grow bigger.

Her breathing hitches a bit as she struggles to keep her leg in the air and receive my gentle caresses. My other hand reaches one of her breasts and massages it affectionately. Her eyes skip briefly to my lips as she breathes at me quickly and I move my face a bit closer. She leans in too, but before our lips can meet, I change the course and leave a peck on her heated cheek.

A quiet whine escapes Mari’s throat as I back off and make it obvious that she should swap legs. We both hear an adorable giggle, coming from the obvious person. One glance forward confirms that Shino is smiling at us while her dainty fingers work the fabric between her legs too. That little devil is enjoying the show to the fullest.

Mari obediently switches her leg and I help her raise it again. She naturally looks back at me once more, from the other side now, and I meet her expectant eyes just as my palm presses into her feminine mound with a bit more strength. She bites into her lips as I tease her through the fabric, but leaves it be to raise the pace of her breathing when even my other hand moves south.

With both of them below her belt, I use the fingers of my back hand to drag the bottom part of her swimsuit aside, uncovering her quite drenched folds for all to see. Mostly Shino since it would be difficult for me. Then, my front fingers slide down and one of them slips into her hot embrace.

I’m graced with a delicious moan as my digit sinks into Mari’s gentle inner flesh. She trembles lightly and grasps my forearm with one hand while the other upholds her leg in the air. She drills holes in my face with her intense gaze as I delicately finger her wet pussy faster and faster. Soon, a different tone of moans joins the lewd symphony but we ignore those for now.

“I… Can’t… Hold on…” Mari struggles to say in between her laboured breaths.

It looks like she’s on the verge of a very good time after all that teasing so I guide her leg down for her to be able to stand properly, lend her my left forearm for additional support, and keep plunging my fingers into her hot channel from the front as we lean slightly forward. She continues to moan sweetly while on her tiptoes, bucking her hips lightly.

“Ahhhh… Ahhhh… Sir…” She glances back at me again and I capture her lips with a deep kiss this time. “Mhhmmmmmm!”

Mari shudders strongly and whines into my mouth as I tickle her shy pearl alongside my strokes. Her climax washes over her in a few powerful waves as she coats my fingers with her love nectar more and more. Kissing and fingering the adorable tomboy, I glance to the front and meet Shino’s eyes just as she reaches her peak too. The little samurai sinks her teeth in her lip and shoves her digits into her petite snatch while holding my gaze, shaking slightly too. The two girls slowly come down from their highs as Mari continues to nibble on my mouth.

She then stumbles a little as her legs shake and I catch her quickly. An embarrassed chuckle escapes her lips but I just smile at her reassuringly. Guiding her forward, I lay her lithe form on the bench by Shino’s side. She gradually catches her breath as I step over the wooden plank and hover over her with my hands stroking her cute cheeks.

The sweet tomboy glances down my front before finding my eyes again. “What should we… stretch next…?”

I smirk at her. “I think we need to work on your core muscles. From what I felt earlier, you seem a little bit tense down there. They are quite tight.”

She rewards my playful dirty talk with a beautiful blush and nods expectedly.

“I’ll bring Sensei’s equipment out for you and get it ready,” Shino chimes in and makes a move before either of us can say a word.

The small girl slips between the two of us, going straight for my underwear. She drops it in a flash and I feel her dainty fingers wrap around my member with tender care, starting to rub it up and down. Her sneaky play puts her cute butt right between mine and Mari’s faces, with her knees on the sides of the tomboy’s head. Mari stares at the tiny, dripping slit hovering over her nose with wide eyes as I chuckle at her.

Sensing a warm, wet tongue around my tip, I exhale softly and gesture at Mari with my eyes to help me out a bit. She nods and I press Shino’s butt down. Then, I use my fingers to spread her fragrant lily, pulling the curtains to her secret place aside, causing Mari’s eyes to widen even more. But, she gets to work in no time, meeting my eyes as she begins tickling Shino’s pink insides with her tongue.

A throaty moan hits my cock and I grin at the gorgeous tomboy. She understands the praise and licks with some more vigour. I keep Shino’s petals away as she laps her tender muscle over the shorter girl’s entrance while looking at me for guidance. I don’t hide anything, showing just how good Shino’s tongue is making me feel as I watch the little minx being eaten out for some additional entertainment.

But, this isn’t about her this time so I slap the adorable butt after a while. “That’s enough. We have more stretching to do. Help your colleague a little. You have more experience with this equipment.”

With one last suck, she plops my tip out of her mouth and moves back, smushing Mari’s face with her drenched slit in the process, causing the sweet tomboy to chuckle in amusement. She then grins at me mysteriously and pulls the other girl up a bit by her armpits. Mari ends up resting her back on Shino’s soft thighs while the petite samurai caresses her short hair. Figuring out her intentions, I put my hands under Mari’s knees and bring them close to her chest, relinquishing their control to the boyish girl as Mari holds them by her frame.

“Ready?” I ask while aiming myself at her girly mound, coated with lots of sexy juices.

“One moment,” Shino replies instead and slips the straps of Mari’s swimsuit off her shoulders, revealing a pair of moderate and perky breasts, also displaying her modest chest next. “Now it’s perfect.”

“You damned pervert.” I shake my head at her and she giggles innocently.

“Go on, Sir. Stretch me good,” Mari adds while attempting a confident grin.

I lean forward and invite the sexy tomboy for a deep kiss as I slowly enter her hot passage. A quiet whine tickles my lips when I push past the initial boundary, but thanks to my saliva and all the previous teasing, Mari doesn’t seem in too much discomfort. She chases after my tongue as I fully sheathe myself in her marvellous pussy to the very hilt.

“Haaaaah… Are all cocks so big? I feel so full,” she comments after breaking the kiss.

“Sensei is special and you know it.” Shino chuckles. “But, he also knows how to use it.”

Prompted by her comment, I start moving, slowly at first. Mari watches my face with a big smile as I slide in and out of her soft channel, occasionally glancing at her girly mound and pouty folds being stretched by my shaft as she holds herself open for me like the most lovely invitation.

“Ahhh… Ahhhh… It feels good already…” She doesn’t hide her beautiful voice. “You can be rougher if you want… Ahhh…”

Cupping up her gorgeous face, I thrust with more strength and her voice grows louder. Her sultry moans are joined by the noise of our lovemaking. My pelvis slaps into her thighs and cute pussy with each slam, bumping the boyish girl up constantly. Her pillowy hills bounce to the motion too, creating a pleasant show for me.

Moving my fingers to her sides, I hammer her hungry snatch even more, making the bench squeak a little from our intense coupling. Shino keeps grinning proudly at both of us while enjoying the spectacle too. Looking forward, I meet her flushed face and she steals my lips greedily. I fight for dominance with her, letting our tongues dictate the course of the battle. At the same time, I never stop pounding the stretched tomboy underneath us with deep strokes.

“Ahhh… Ahhh… Ahhh… I can’t believe… I’m already… Ahhhh…” Mari paws at my chest to recapture my attention and I drag myself away from the tiny seductress.

Sensing her encroaching orgasm, I offer Mari my lips so she can peck and nibble on them as I take her knees from her and spread her even further. She moans and whines into my mouth as I aim for the most sensitive spots in her snug passage. Then, she suddenly tightens even more as Shino decides to chime in and starts flicking Mari’s bean with her sneaky fingers.

“Ahhhh! Ahhhh! I’m coming! I’m coming! Please! Inside! Ahhhhh!” Mari breaks the kisses to shout at me and instantly gets back to assaulting my mouth.

I groan into her as she squeezes me like a vice with her exploding climax and make the last, powerful thrust the moment we both cum. My milky seed coats her heated passage from inside as she squeezes everything out of me burst after burst. I unload completely without spilling a drop outside of her tight snatch.

Mari sighs blissfully into my lips as we slowly finish. She opens her eyes and stares back at me with an adorable blush on her tomboyish face. A joyful grin curls the edges of her mouth up and we both chuckle together.

“Sensei…” Shino’s breathy voice makes us glance up and we find the petite samurai girl biting on her lip as she rubs her small breast. “May I… have a turn too?”

I snicker at her craving expression. “Well, it’s only proper to take little breaks between exercises so I could assist you while Mari rests. If she doesn’t mind.”

“I don’t.” Mari smiles at my foreign girlfriend. “Please, enjoy yourselves.”

Shino lunges after my lips in a flash and I gently extract myself from Mari’s amazing pussy. Carefully stepping over the lying beauty, I pick my short lover up and we kiss fervently as I carry Shino by her plump ass, her legs wrapped around me possessively.

“I’ve dreamed about this scenario so many times…” she admits quietly, daintily pecking my mouth now.

“Yeah, I’m sure you did.” I smirk at her. “And knowing you and your fantasies with my desk in our classroom, you most likely pictured something like this.”

I let go of her and she plops her bare feet on the wooden planks beneath us. Before she can react, I firmly spin her around and aggressively push her lithe body forward. Shino gasps softly as I press her petite chest into the closed lockers and arch her back by pulling her butt to me, teasing the lips of her pussy with one hand. Widening her stance and holding one of her arms behind her back, I poke her dripping slit with my tip.

“Yessssssss… I’ve been a bad girl, Sensei…” Shino shivers and looks back at me with a reverent glint in her charming purplish eyes. “I slacked off with my training and got fourth place in my last competition… I disappointed our team soooooo much…”

“Looks like you need some disciplinary… lessons!” I shove myself into her narrow canal in one move, bumping her up to her toes.

“Ahhhnnnnnnnn! I dooooo!” Shino whines lustfully with a joyful smile. “Ahhn! Ahhnnn! I need the coach! Ahnnn! To correct my behaviour! Ahnn!”

“I know perfectly well how to handle delinquents like you,” I growl into her ear. “You’ll be a model athlete when I’m done with you!”

She throws her pert ass into my thrusts with almost animalistic intensity and loud slapping fills the air. It’s been a little while since we had our moment but it looks like Shino has really been looking forward to it. My lovely little pervert. I’m going to make all your dreams and fantasies come true. Especially now that we have the means to recreate even some of the Earth settings.

I continue to pound her slender frame into the lockers as Shino stares into the distance with an ecstatic expression. Since she already has my support, we don’t need to be as gentle as I was with Mari’s first time. The closets squeak and creak a lot as our bodies bang on them repeatedly.

Shino’s perfect pussy grips me with unbelievable tightness and pressure. Yet, my cock plunges in and out of her wonderful channel with ease thanks to how wet with arousal she is. And, of course, some of my own influence which makes it more pleasant for both parties to take a deep dive into a dance of depravity. Her fresh nectar splashes and drips down my thighs as we slowly create a small puddle underneath us. I hammer her little pussy with enough might to throw her into the air for the briefest of moments.

“Ahhn! Ahnnn! Ahnnn! I will do my best! Ahnn! Ahnn! If you cum in me, Sensei! Ahnn! Ahnn! I will always win! Ahnnn! If you fill me uppppppppppp!” Shino shouts at me and we lock gazes.

Understanding passes through us within a fraction of a second and I pull out for just a tiny moment right after bumping her up with my strong thrust. She easily flips herself around in the air and lands back on my cock with a shuddering moan as I meet her pussy with another slam. Her legs pull me in by wrapping themselves behind my back and her arms hug my neck with equal intensity.

I fuck her right into the lockers with double the effort and Shino proceeds to moan into my lips, tickling them with pleasant vibrations. Her already tight insides attempt to rip my cock off and I blow in her right away. The first hint of my cloudy seed throws her into a mighty orgasm and she releases a sweet, carnal cry, partially muffled by our kiss.


I fill her up according to her wishes with a few more pumps, evoking a tiny whimper out of her each time. We stay connected while gasping into each other’s lips, and even so, I can feel our mixed love spilling from our connection. That’s just how much semen she’s coaxed out of me. This little perfect vixen. Still holding her impaled on my cock, I walk back to the central benches and sit down gently next to Mari. 

“Wow… You guys really were intense back there…” the tomboy comments with a delicate flush.

Shino groans sweetly as she slips herself off me. “I’ll take a little break now. It’s your turn to do what you always wanted to, Mari-san.”

She pecks the corner of my lips and lies down with a satisfied sigh, shooting me a dazzling smile as I look down at her sweaty, lithe frame. The evidence of our fun escaping her almost fully sealed slit.

A hand on my shoulder captures my attention and I turn to Mari, who is glancing at me a bit shyly. I chuckle softly and take her hand to kiss it lovingly. She responds with a brief smile and then pushes me down gently so I fully oblige. Then, she daintily steps over me, puts her feet on the sides of the bench around my waist, and lowers herself on me in a cowgirl position, humming quietly as I enter her.

Moving my arms behind my head, I grin at the bold tomboy and let the gorgeous girl do as she pleases with me. We share excited smiles as she starts to ride me to her own rhythm, trailing her fingers over my chest.

I feel like we’ll be here for a little while now that she is gaining some real confidence.


What a combo.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff Diver Dave, and Jeffrey B.! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Alvzorin, Julian, William H., James M., and Kody B.! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - Fandley, S. Kigi, Darth Mole, Luiswu, Skyell, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, James M., Rando C., Sura, Jampodevral, Julian L., Drew P., D3mon Emper0r, Riley M., and Doug C.! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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