I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 189 – Passion of a Maestro

While I help Shino regain her balance after the quite alluring and draining act, a somewhat awkward silence fills the office. She slowly works on taming down her heavy breathing, glancing up at me as I continue to hold her from behind, my hand still pressing into her now much more pronounced wetness.

We will really need to wipe off the floor before we forget.

Extracting myself from her panties, which evokes a blissful sigh from the cute girl in my arms, I aid her recovery with my Rejuvenate and bring us back to the sofa. Shino lets me guide her and plops into my lap, resting her back against my chest. I fix her skirt a little to hide her secrets and earn myself a quiet giggle of appreciation. We certainly can go without displaying her underwear to Lyona after it went through a massive crisis.

Glancing at the quiet Vampire lady, who followed our lead and also took her place once more, I find Lyona sneaking some apprehensive and anxious glances at her Human friend. No surprise there. She must be a bit too scared to directly ask what Elise thinks of her after witnessing the whole ordeal.

Even though Shino turned it sexual.

But, someone has to break the stalemate so I take that responsibility onto my own shoulders. “So, you mentioned a difference between my blood and Shino’s. Care to elaborate a little in that regard?”

Lyona’s pretty scarlet eyes focus on mine and she gives me a gentle nod. “Save for yours, Master, her blood was the most exquisite out of the Human blood I have consumed in my life. It still can’t compare to yours, but how do I say this without sounding weird, it has quite an exotic taste. It lacks the energy yours provides. Though, it would definitely be an expensive and highly-sought commodity if a Vampire family decided to trade it with others.”

Then, after a moment, a flash of concern appears in her eyes, and she turns to Elise.

“Not that I have ever preyed on any Humans. Master was… my first. What Human blood I tasted in the past has come from bottled supplies,” she adds with her composed face.

“I noticed that you call Alastair master now,” Elise replies hesitantly. “Is that because of the job, or…?”

“It’s the only appropriate way to address him besides lord,” Lyona answers, giving me a brief look. “I pledged myself into Lord Alastair’s service. He did emphasise that extremely formal language and greetings aren’t enforced so I decided to settle for something simple like master.”

“Lord?” Shino raises a curious brow at her.

“With his status as a Primordial, Master is more or less equal to a Vampire Lord, of course,” the crimson-eyed beauty expands. “If the truth would be revealed, most of us would follow him devotedly.”

“Speaking of secrets, as I mentioned before, I told my wives-slash-mates about you, but I did keep the matter of your lineage from one of them. Namely, the Queen. Would you be alright with her knowing? I assume that your people haven’t exactly been pronouncing their race to the King and his retainers.” I stroke my chin with a free hand, the other one currently caressing Shino’s thigh.

“You assume correctly. We kept ourselves hidden from the authorities. Our houses attained noble status to make sure that our secret remains safe,” Lyona confirms. “I would be grateful if you agreed to keep these matters between us, Master. Though, if you trust that the Queen can do the same, I have no objections to telling her. I apologise for making a demand of you.”

I wave her off dismissively. “No, don’t do that. Why would I choose to give away your entire race just like that? Trust me, I know well how that would inevitably end. And I also know that the process of reintroducing you guys to society would be a long and arduous one. All in all, we are in the middle of doing that but with less scary races.”

“Lyona-san, there is no need to worry.” My cute samurai shifts a little in my lap and takes a more dignified position, sitting straight. “The Queen and the King wouldn’t ever betray your secret. They work with Sensei and follow him too. Lianne-san is his woman and Ross-san also worships Primordials. Rather than hurt you, they would definitely be able to help you at least a little. In my personal opinion, we should tell them. You won’t have to be so careful around them then. And so won’t your people.”

Our Vampire friend locks gazes with her as she contemplates the suggestion. As usual, it’s hard to get a read on the cool visage of the ethereal, white-haired lady. After a moment of consideration, she nods lightly.

“You speak wisely. I trust Lord Alastair. Therefore, I also trust the women, subordinates, retainers, and servants he chose. After you let the royal family know, I would like to inform my parents about this change so that they can prepare themselves accordingly and spread the news,” Lyona replies.

“Sounds good. We might even end up arranging a meeting with the family heads of the Vampire households you know of. As Shino said, the King and the Queen might be able to help a bit and make your lives somewhat easier. Maybe even aid you with your blood supplies or such.” I smile at her softly.

“But… If that doesn’t work out… I wouldn’t mind doing this regularly…” my dirty-minded samurai adds with rosy cheeks.

I bonk her on the head. “Calm yourself. Why are you so insatiable recently?”

Lyona shows a hint of a smile and a trace of a blush makes it to her cheeks. “I appreciate the offer, but…”

Shino giggles and grins at her in understanding. “Right. Compared to Sensei, who is like a gourmet meal from a five-star restaurant, I’m just a mere snack from a random street stall.”

Snorting to myself, I glance to the side and reach out to place my palm over Elise’s hand, which is resting on her thigh. She turns to me and tries to smile charmingly.

“In any way, how are you faring?” I ask, stroking her delicate skin.

“It’s a lot… to wrap my head around.” She chuckles tensely, which makes Lyona’s shoulders slump a tiny bit, clearly enough for her to catch it. “No, no, no! I don’t hate you or anything! I just need a moment to readjust! We are still friends! I hope?”

“I would love to,” Lyona replies, raising her face a bit higher. “Thank you, Elise. I always worried how you would react after finding out.”

“I’m definitely shocked. But, in a good way. Compared to my secret, it’s really something extremely serious and anxiety-inducing.” Elise laughs it off.

“Your secret?” Her Vampire friend tilts her head, showing a rare sign of curiosity on her usually collected face.

“You didn’t tell her?” I ponder out loud, recalling that they have definitely gossiped about our love life.

Elise turns fully red in a blink, pointing to an obvious answer to my question. We exchange glances with Shino and chuckle together, which makes her even more embarrassed.

“Come on, you’ve gotta say it now. It’s only proper. Lyona trusted you with hers.” I smirk at her, tracing a bit more sensual circles on the back of her hand to tease her.

She keeps her gaze down for most of the time, only occasionally glancing up at Lyona, who keeps her attention on our perverted receptionist without a second lost. Whatever Elise thinks about her own tastes, she’s clearly grossly exaggerating the topic. Unfortunately, it looks like it will take a longer moment before she grows used to embracing that side of hers.

“We are amongst friends here, Elise-san,” even Shino urges her to spill. “And you even watched me cum shamefully in front of Lyona-san while she drank my blood. Is there anything that can be worse?”

“I didn’t see any shame on your face when you were grinding your pussy on my fingers earlier.” I squint at the depraved little lady, making her squirm a bit, now plagued with some post-act bashfulness.

That doesn’t stop her from sneakily grinding her ass into my crotch without looking back, though.

Cursed vixen.

I’m no match against this lecherous Japanese girl.

Or maybe I am.

But, before I can fight back, Elise finally decides to raise her head enough for Lyona to face her properly. “Ummm… I never told you this before… Uhhh… I… I like it more… In the butt…”

The last bit of her admission comes out as no more than a whisper, but Lyona’s super hearing, as Shino has called it, picks up on her words without any issue. The two of us notice her pupils expand in surprise but she manages to school her expression rather quickly. I can tell that she is amused or happy to learn a new thing about her best friend.

“That is… certainly something you haven’t shared with me,” she replies calmly. “I think… that it’s a worthy secret. Thank you.”

“Now you are even.” Shino grins at them joyfully.

“I admit that I haven’t ever tried… approaching that side of things. Is it really…?” Lyona looks at Elise with a somewhat inquisitive gaze, making the poor receptionist girl shrink into herself and the sofa from pure shame.

“Lyona-san, do you like Sensei?” My petite girlfriend suddenly interrupts.

“We’ve literally just met.” I pinch her naughty cheek and pull on it gently. “Plus, we are in front of her best friend. Let’s start having some tact.”

“But Sensei,” she slurs while struggling to speak. “I don’t want her to end up like Mari-san.”

“Are all your thoughts revolving only around sex?” I shake my head. “Looks like I haven’t been giving you enough appointments as our resident artist and designer. Maybe I should leave you behind to catch up on those when the rest of us go on the escort mission soon.”

“Noooooooooo…” Shino whines playfully. “Nothing but that, Sensei... I won’t be able to sneak into your tent by accident, mistaking it for Natalie-san’s, and start masturbating to you while unknowingly lying right at your side…”

“Sometimes I wonder when it was that you’ve become so corrupted.” I snort to myself, releasing her aching cheek.

“When I met you,” she quips back with a lewd smirk.

“Yeah, no. You’ve been drawing that horny bait for longer than I taught you.” I flick her forehead.

Ignoring her pointedly, I return my focus to our other companions and find them both looking at us with smiles. At least on Elise’s face. Lyona is a bit more reserved, but I’m starting to recognize the slight motions of her calm visage that indicate various emotions.

“You are such a good couple, being able to talk openly about your intimate time like that,” our receptionist friend comments.

Shino giggles and I roll my eyes. It’s the second time in like twelve hours we’ve heard that.

“I have nothing to hide from Sensei or his other women,” the Japanese cutie replies. “I know he will love all of me no matter what.”

“To answer your question, yes, I do,” Lyona chimes in right after, and I meet her pretty eyes as she directs them at me.

“Then I will give you a piece of advice, Lyona-san. If you don’t throw yourse—mmmhhhwwhmmm!”

I seal Shino’s mouth before she gets too far in her attempt and smile amusingly at the fair-skinned beauty in front of us. Certainly, I won’t be opposed to getting to know a gorgeous Vampire lady more personally, but there are still things we should keep in mind instead of purely impure thoughts.

“Now, I believe this meeting is about Lyona and Elise, not Lyona and me. I’m happy to expand on the latter at a different time. Are there any other topics related to the former that we still need to address?” I ask, roaming my gaze over the other two.

They look at each other in turn and both nod softly. My sweet, backdoor-loving receptionist glances at me.

“I don’t think so. For this very moment, at least. It’s still very shocking and I bet I will have many questions later. But, now that Lyona shared her secret with me, I know that I will be able to talk about it with her anytime. Well, anytime that it doesn’t put it at risk of exposing her, naturally.” She chuckles quietly.

“I did add her to my Partners after she officially joined us so you can converse privately,” I point out. “Though, her messages might be a little special since, you know, she isn’t, while you are.”

That gets a melodic laugh out of her. “Ah, yes, I understand. I remember hearing about that issue from the girls who haven’t taken the next step into the bond. It will be fine. Lyona usually talks in short sentences. It’s me who always gushes at her. I still have no idea how she tolerates my rambling.”

“I like listening,” Lyona answers the rhetorical question. “And what’s this about?”

“Try sending a mental message through the skill you received from Sensei.” Shino smirks at her knowingly.

Thankfully, at my current level, and their current level, most if not all the women I have made intimate contact with can avoid this specific peculiarity of Sweet Whispers. It’s been a true pain in the ass in the past. But, those who haven’t rolled in the sheets as Elise stated, still struggle with that feat.

And it looks like that includes Lyona. 

She sends a private whisper to Elise, most likely, and her friend giggles at its arrival, confirming our theory. Then, to illustrate the problem, Elise sends something back while consciously applying that filter to her words. Lyona’s eyes widen visibly and a more apparent flush colours her pale skin.

“And I will always sound like that to others?” She glances between the two of us.

“Unfortunately, there is only one way to fix that.” Elise chuckles wryly, also growing more flushed.

From the few seconds of attention Lyona gives me, skipping with her gaze below my face, I’m fairly sure there is no need to further expand on what fix is being talked about. She’s clearly aware.

“Anyway, with that out of the way, we might as well cover some actual business.” I correct my position to sit more comfortably, pulling Shino up a bit and wrapping my arms around her slender waist. “We’ll be having another job from the Queen.”

“I see.” Lyona nods curtly, easily switching to her composed, professional persona. “What’s the request?”

“Escort of arriving royalty from another region. The Hero party will be accompanying them so I don’t think we need to send our entire force. In the end, there aren’t many threats that could give them trouble, not to mention our ladies,” I explain.

“That’s good. We’ve received a few commissions that can be taken care of by two-person teams. If you wish to take half of our second division, that would leave six people available to be split into three parties. No one would have to stay behind by themselves,” she notes.

“So, best to go with even numbers. Either six or four. Since Shino’s party will be there, including their companions, I think me and four girls will be enough.” I stroke my chin ponderingly.

“I agree.” My Vampire assistant nods. “If you allow me, I shall contact the commissioner in your name and discuss the details of the request. The more we know, the better we can be prepared, and the better-suited members I can suggest we assign to this mission. That is, if you want me to do that for you, Master.”

“Great idea. You’ll be able to have a chat with the Queen that way, maybe discuss some of your personal matters with her.” I smile at the gorgeous lady. “And please, I’ll always welcome your assistance and opinions. This might make me look like a lazy boss, but feel free to do everything and then just drop the documents I need to read or sign onto my desk. I hired you not only because you are a beautiful girl, but because you are passionate and knowledgeable in this area. I trust your judgement. And I do want to see it in action.”

Some more faint rosiness surfaces on Lyona’s cheeks and she nods appreciatively. 

“If I may ask, are we even needed if the Heroes, and you, are going to be protecting the caravan?” Lyona ponders out loud.

“Technically, we were commissioned first, and this little gremlin wormed her way into this.” I ruffle Shino’s hair with quite some force. “Plus, having both Human and non-Human groups escorting this particular trip will be a smart move. The clients are coming here to discuss matters of the recently raised status of other races. I’m sure you are aware of all that stuff considering you are a noble.”

“Yes. It was a big change. And I understand. It’s a good opportunity to show us working together. I’ll do everything in my power to make sure that this mission succeeds.” She bows low before me, and unfortunately, I’m too far away to stop her.

Besides, a certain horny gremlin obstructs my reach.

“Alright. This would be all for now. I do have some other things to take care of today. We will soon have another establishment next to yours. I hope having a religious site right by your side won’t be a problem for you.” I snicker to myself.

“A temple? Here? I didn’t hear anything about it from the other nobles or royalty.” That makes Lyona’s brow furrow a little.

Shino giggles impishly. “The Goddess is going to announce Sensei’s ascension as the Demigod of Lust soon and he needs his place of worship, doesn’t he?”

“What?” The Vampire lady displays more shock than ever. “A new faith?”

“Not exactly.” Elise chuckles. “It’s more like part of the Goddess’ divine domain is being delegated to him. They are working together. People will be able to pray to them both, but from what I understood, Alastair is actually allowed by the rules of our world to interfere with mortals more directly through blessings and other gifts.”

“Are we expected to convert?” Lyona asks, glancing at me.

“That’s not required.” I shake my head. “I respect everyone’s beliefs. You are free to simply ignore me and remain devoted to the Goddess.”

“But you can become Sensei’s Apostle or Devotee!” Shino adds. “The mercenary girls all joined to spread the word about how great he is!”

“Hopefully, that won’t end in a disaster.” I sigh heavily. “But yeah. If you wish to know more, ask me or Elea. Oh, that actually makes me remember, you mentioned knowing someone good with a chisel. Can we reach out to him?”

“I already did. Should I schedule a meeting? Or would you like to visit them personally, Master?” The ever-so-dependable assistant doesn’t disappoint.

“I’ll meet with him if you don’t need a week-long appointment.” I nod at her.

“Very well. Here are the details.”

She takes out a clean note and a pencil from her inner pocket and scribbles down what I need to know. This reminds me that we need to get her a spatial storage ring or something. It will help her out for sure.

After that, I get up and leave with Shino. Elise decides to stay behind so they can chat a little longer. Lyona looks at me with some faint concern but I assure her that I don’t mind if she has company while working. Especially if it’s one of the ladies I trust explicitly. So, they head out to talk with the mercs before most likely getting in touch with the Queen.

“Crap. Was that actually a good idea?” I say to myself as we leave the headquarters.

“What, Sensei?” Shino looks up at me.

“Sending her to the Queen.” I glance down to meet her charming violet eyes.

“Why not?”

“It’s Lianne.”

She snorts cutely, that single statement being enough. “Worst case scenario, you won’t be able to push her away for much longer, Sensei.”

I roll my eyes at her poking fun at me and we move on.

“You just want her to join my harem so that you can ask her to bite you in bed.” I smirk at her, landing a light smack on her tender behind.

“Well… I am kind of sad I can’t experience it a bit more…” she confesses, rubbing the place where Lyona’s fangs previously pierced her skin.

Realising something, I grin to myself and quickly navigate through my menus. Locating what I’m looking for, I bring up the description of a certain skill of a certain scarlet-eyed woman and push it towards Shino. She takes a glance at the floating window in front of her face and freezes.

Stopping a few steps ahead, I turn back to her and waggle my brows. “Behave.”

She straightens up and hastily joins my side without any snappy or salacious comments. The barely contained bounce in her step almost makes me chuckle out loud. She’s practically buzzing on the inside, that’s for sure.

With some luck and acting like a good girl, she might get to see me borrow something she desires before we head out for our next assignment.

We walk into the neighbouring building to check on the place being repurposed. No surprise, Elea seems to be leading the charge here. As my Apostle, she’s certainly taking the matters of my faith seriously. But, save for her, there is one more person who has some knowledge and experience in the field. Field of sex.

I catch Ailish’s thin tail as she floats by us without spotting either me or Shino. She yelps in shock and falls from the air, landing on all fours while shivering slightly. Shooting a fierce glare over her shoulder at the offender who dared to assault her, she instantly recognizes that it’s me and moans in ecstasy, biting her lip alluringly. I snort at her obvious display and tug her up.

“Masterrrrrrrrrrrrr~” She purrs seductively, rubbing her thighs together as I keep her tail in my grip. “I was a baaaaaaad girl~”

“I bet. How many penis knobs or pussy windows have you installed here already?” I squint my eyes at her while Shino giggles amusingly.

“I was just getting to—”

“No.” I yank her tail again, making her shudder and groan in bliss. “You are not turning this place into another Castel de Erección. We can’t have people walk in and the first thing they see is cock and balls. This is going to be a place of worship.”

“But it’s going to be. They will worship your co—fuuuuuck…”

I give her bonus appendage a good squeeze and she almost crashes to the floor as her knees buckle underneath her weight. Admirably, she manages to regain her strength just before that happens and slowly stands up with a wobble.

“Don’t overdo this. It’s already as bad as it is with me being the literal God of Sex. Make it a bit more family-friendly. Are we understood?” I knead her spade while emphasising the last sentence.

She trips onto me and lands on my chest, nodding vehemently while breathing heavily. “Just… One statue… In the middle… Please…?”

I sigh softly and shake my head. “Keep it truthful. Based on facts. Not your vivid imagination.”

She proceeds to nod like crazy so I assume she’s gotten the point and pull her in for a deep kiss, at the same time, quickening my fingers, jerking off the tip of her tail furiously. In no time, she moans into my mouth as her eyes roll to the back and I have to hold her steady during the crazy high she experiences. After we part, she stays leaning on me, catching her breath, her knees shaking.

“That’s always so hot,” Shino comments next to me with a big smile. “I wish I could turn into a Succubus for you, Sensei.”

“You already can turn into a demon or two as far as I’m aware.” I laugh at her.

She blushes shyly and meets my gaze. “Would you… like to do it… with me like that?”

“You bet.” I lean down to peck her forehead.

“That’s a promise.” She smiles sweetly. “Next time.”

“Now, off with you. And remember your lesson.” I push Ailish away a bit roughly, knowing she will enjoy it.

Elea shows up behind her and catches the Succubus by the shoulders. “I will make sure she does, My Lord. Don’t worry. Everything will be perfect. It can’t be any other way.”

“Great. How is progress?” I glance around.

“According to the assumed schedule. We are going to finish the most important rooms and facilities first to launch early and then finish the less crucial areas afterwards. Not much is needed right away besides a prayer hall, a chamber to receive blessings, a library, a storeroom and shop, and your private auditorium,” she answers dutifully. “We are mostly working on decorations now. While I’m taking care of this, Cornelia assumes most of my duties at the establishment. She might need to continue that for a while after we start since I will need time to find and train your priestesses to aid visitors alongside me.”

“That’s understandable. We’ll figure things out. This is definitely the place you belong to so you gotta prioritise it.” I step forward to embrace my loyal Dark Elf Princess, joining our lips in an affectionate kiss. “We have Ria, Elise, me, and many others to manage the brothel. I want to see you thrive here.”

“I’m so glad we haven’t departed for your journey yet, My Lord.” Elea smiles amusingly. “Now, I will be able to bring the news about you to my people like a true Apostle whenever we go. Patience truly rewards.”

I snicker and peck her soft cheek. “I won’t let you delay it forever. After Sirgia, you are next. Ailish’s quest can use more developed mercenaries and perhaps some priestesses of our own.”

“I will need something to keep my mind off it, though.” The lewd woman winks at me.

Shino gives her a slap on the ass for me and I grin at them. “I’ll head out to meet our recommended mason. If things go well, I’ll send him here for you two to talk details. And remember. Keep it in moderation.”

We part ways after some more kisses and our two-man group lands on the street again.

“Do you want to keep me company or is there anywhere you need to be?” I turn to Shino.

She makes a pondering face, tapping her finger against those plump lips of hers. “Hmmm… I would love to, Sensei, but maybe I should meet up with everyone and tell them about the commission. And other things.”

“Off you go, then. We’ll get to spend lots of time together again so you don’t need to cling to my arm every moment.” I chuckle at her and lean down so she can kiss me goodbye too. “Don’t cause too much trouble.”

My lovely samurai girlfriend giggles mischievously and disappears in a coat of shadow, plunging into my own shadow. Taking a deep breath to deal with the sudden feeling of loneliness, I hail one of the two carriages which always remain in front of our mansion and give the address to the driver.

I can enjoy a different ride once in a while, can’t I?

We reach the house of the sculptor Lyona mentioned in about fifteen minutes. You can tell it’s the correct place with all the decorations and art made of various minerals in front of the small shop. Ceramic noise echoes from deep within.

I admit, I have been expecting a wise old man with years of experience which shows in more than just his work, but what greets me is a charming and quite handsome guy with a more than decent body. And I can tell that because he is wearing only a pair of brown suspender work pants similar to Mari’s. Dude is decently ripped and lean, having perfect short blond hair and the face of a Greek demigod.

And yeah, judging by that bright red eyes of his, I can only assume who he really is.

But let’s not judge the book by its cover. Even if this one is damn hot.

I stand a distance away from the figure he is currently working on, keeping myself safe from any marble splinters and ricochets. Knowing better than to disturb a master in his artistic trance, I simply observe. Even to my untrained eye, his movements and technique look very skilled. Years of experience. Perhaps more than his appearance lets on.

Ready to wait for quite a bit, I’m surprised to see him pause only after like ten minutes and roll his shoulders, locking his piercing gaze on me, definitely being aware of my presence since the very first second.

“Thank you,” he says with a voice that could drop ninety-nine percent of panties with a single word, placing his tools away.

Dude is going to give me complexes.

“What for?” I raise a brow at him as he nears my position, walking around his current work-in-progress.

“Waiting without rudely interrupting me. I could tell you were ready to stand there as long as necessary,” he replies, extending his arm for a handshake with a friendly smile. “Petros. How may I help you?”

“You can’t rush art.” I shake hands with him, seeing the appreciation in his expression. “I’ve gotten here by a recommendation. Lyona sent me.”

His face turns stone-cold in a flash, and I swear his hold on my hand becomes quite firmer.

“Alastair,” he mouths with forced indifference. “I’ve heard.”


His crimson gaze examines me from top to bottom before returning to my face.

“All good things, I hope?” I smile wryly at him.

All good things,” he parrots. “A very special customer. She talked about you. A lot. Which is very uncharacteristic for her.”

Ah, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

Homeboy is piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed.

I squeeze his hand stronger to not let him think he can intimidate me. “I’m looking for a professional sculptor. I’ve been told I can find one here. Can I?”

He stares at me indifferently, continuing to put more pressure into our hold, but I can note the hidden glare in his almost glowing eyes.

Unfortunately, he picked the wrong opponent.

After realising that he can’t go any stronger, he drops his hand before getting hurt. That would definitely impede his work. Petros rubs his fingers while walking away from me, trying to hide it.

“I take only orders that are worth my time. If you are looking for another pair of simple nudes in front of your mansion, I’m afraid I can’t help you,” he responds with a slightly deeper tone, one which I assume is meant for not-friends.

“Trusting your professional confidentiality, I’ll let you in on a little secret,” I reply, going after him but stopping on the side by a work desk. “The Goddess will announce the ascension of a new Demigod soon. We have an entire temple to decorate. That includes both his and her figures. Amongst other things. Plus, there’s also a newly opened mercenary company which will need some busts of its members. Perhaps you might be familiar with it if Lyona really spoke more than usual. She’s working there.”

Even without looking, I can feel his gaze on my back. Finishing examining some of his tools, I do face him and cross my arms over my chest.

“Is this some kind of a joke?” He openly glares at me.

“Is Lyona someone who vouches for jokers?” I stare back unamused.

“Never,” he answers after a moment.

“Then the question is simple.” I push myself forward and stop in front of him. “You either believe her and can work to the high standards she seems to hold you up to, or you don’t and I leave to find someone else. Let’s not waste our time.”

Our face-off continues for a good minute before he looks aside and strokes his chin, smudging it with a bit of white powder that covers his fingers.

“I’ll do it,” Petros finally answers. “But my prices—”

“I have money,” I interrupt him. “What I need is quality.”

He meets my gaze once more.

“The very royal palace has to turn red in embarrassment in front of our sculptures,” I continue. “This is a serious business. Are you up to the task?”

After one more stroke of his chiselled chin, he reaches out to me again. I catch his hand and we shake it, holding each other’s gazes like there’s war to be held.

Petros retreats first and starts picking up tools, which, unsurprisingly, disappear into a spatial storage. “We start today. I know where. If you have open space, I can work on-site.”

“Lyona will guide you. And my other employees.” I turn around too, starting to head for the exit. “I’m looking forward to your honest efforts.”

I leave his workshop without glancing back and stop only after taking two turns. With a deep breath, I sigh heavily.

“Oooooooooh, boy… I really can’t sleep with her until he is done…”


Dangerous territory.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff Diver Dave, and Jeffrey B.! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Alvzorin, Julian, William H., James M., and Kody B.! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - Fandley, S. Kigi, Darth Mole, Luiswu, Skyell, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, James M., Rando C., Sura, Jampodevral, Julian L., Drew P., D3mon Emper0r, Riley M., and Doug C.! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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