I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 191 – The First Sermon ❤

So. We are really here. I am really here. The whole cult and faith thing is here and there’s no coming back from this.

The news will still need lots of time to spread fully to most of this realm’s population, but it seems like a lot of people have already heard a thing or two about this most likely once-in-a-lifetime event from the kingdom’s announcements and gatherings. 

Thanks to the fact that Ross and Lianne acted immediately and decisively, no one had a chance to panic or worry about the sudden change and revelation. To be honest, it does feel a tiny bit like manipulation or propaganda, but who am I to dictate what the kings and queens do?

Well, except for classifying as the same being as the entity that started this entire nation, of course.

Anyway, their efforts to present the Goddess’ decision in an even more positive light and announce that the kingdom fully accepts both of us as valid and respected deities certainly had an effect on the general population. I can only hope that the situation isn’t any worse in other regions of the world, populated by different races. I’ll get to experience that very soon, most likely. The Dwarves did receive the revelation too, obviously.

But well, I’ll have the chance to talk more about the details of this entire grand reveal with Ross and Lianne a bit later. At this very moment, we have gathered here for an official confirmation from the other side mentioned in the revelation. Our side.

Honestly, I thought about how to approach this situation for many hours, assisted by my incredible wives, of course, and I still have plenty of doubts about the correct approach here. None of us could agree on a single one, with our votes pretty split between all options.

In the end, it looks like I’ll just have to wing it.

Thankfully, they all seemed to be confident in my ability to convey my unusual, otherworldly beliefs and aspirations to the inhabitants of this realm. So, I can only do what I can and act as myself. What happens next is in the Goddess’ hands. Figuratively speaking.

Taking a deep breath which is easily concealed by the curious and excited whispering filling the entrance hall, or prayer hall as Elea insists on calling it, I take a good look around. It has come a long way in these last few days. I’ve seen my fair share of temples and churches back on Earth and I can admit without a second thought that ours is no short of magnificent while trying to remain as modest and approachable as possible. The idea was to appeal both to proud nobles and anxious commoners without making either uneasy.

And we shall see if we succeeded in that goal.

Besides the beautiful paintings and portraits displaying my and Lumina’s visages, the outside ends of the multiple rows of benches are close to the distinguished white, black, and marble statues respectively. Petros did a great job, even with the mean stink eye he had directed my way each time I came to check on his work. If looks could kill, I would be long dead. Especially after the moments the two of us were present in one room with Lyona.

His godly creations were worth it, though.

We now have a pair of full-body statues of me and Lumina, positioned one per side. They are white and depict us inviting the guests further while wearing fairly distinguished robes. Another set of statues follows them, the same size but from black material accentuated with gold, this time showing us in more modest and even slightly worn clothes. Then finally, to complete the arrangement, a final pair stands on both sides of the stage, made of mesmerising marble, and presenting us in heavenly togas which clearly accentuate our respective charms as we direct our hands towards each other longingly.

Gods, I know my aspect is lust and so on but he couldn’t have made it more obvious that I have the hots for her. Or both of us have for each other.

Nevertheless, our bodies are works of art in every single sculpture. Petros can easily put Michelangelo and the other masters to shame with his technique. I can already see a certain rowdy Succubus rubbing herself all over my arms, hands, fingers, even face or other body parts. If not for the fact that these monuments are scaled up, they could pose as a real thing with some paint.

Besides those grand six, a bunch of busts decorate the hall at various places all over the hall. They are more modest but still capture Lumina’s beauty perfectly. Though, I certainly can’t complain about my own visage. Personally, I think I look too normal right next to her, but everyone tried to convince me otherwise every time I brought that up. I can’t really see what they see in my sculpted appearance. I can’t even blame it on my skills or race as stone doesn’t seduce everything like my body can if I simply let the restraints go.

Noticing that the murmurs are starting to fade, I note that we are nearing the time of the big event and recompose myself again. Let’s just hope I don’t screw this up.

As I slowly and deliberately walk to the centre of the stage, the noise fully dies out and all the eyes land on me. Spreading my arms in a warm and welcoming gesture, I try to smile without looking too kind like the artificial masks professional presenters or spokespeople use to wear.

“Welcome to our humble temple, people of Evaneheim and Naharren,” I begin slowly and gently. “That includes everyone gathered inside as much as our precious visitors filling the streets and nearby front yards. I have just received confirmation that my voice travels far and wide so everyone should be able to hear me clearly. Though, I’m not so sure that’s a good thing now that I think about it as at least a few matters I’m going to mention today are of… a delicate nature, to put it lightly. Ones that I certainly wouldn’t go shouting shamelessly around the city.”

That draws out an amused chuckle from the crowd, both the noble and common side. As far as good signs go, this can be considered one. No better to warm people to you than having them aware of your public embarrassment. In the worst-case scenario, they will enjoy me trying to sound dignified while talking about bees and flowers.

“As you might already know, my name is Alastair Carter. Some people might recognize my voice or visage as I’ve been a fairly active resident of the capital with a fairly thriving business. Yes, I’m the man behind Utopia and its diverse crew of lady companions who are more than happy to heal the wounds of the heart and lead both gentlemen and ladies into figurative heavens of physical affection,” I continue, starting to pace around slowly. “I bet you are starting to see a pattern here already, are you not? Let’s just say that it’s not the first time I have been titled the Demigod of Lust. It’s just that the location might be different and a bit more… clothed.”

Some giggles travel through the female half of our visitors while the men either grunt in approval, look aside with some mild embarrassment, or try their best not to react, most likely attempting not to betray the fact that they understand where I’m coming from.

“Now, I’m sure you have noticed that the way I’m addressing you and talking about everything doesn’t exactly feel that… divine. And that’s because I have no plans of hiding my past, trying to conceal who I was before I got here and was honoured with such unbelievable grace and responsibility at the same time. I’m still the same person and everything until this point has made me into who I am. And who exactly am I? Well, I’m one of the Summoned Heroes who have descended upon this kingdom and realm slightly less than two years ago.”

This, in turn, evokes a round of gasps and shocked glances. Yes, I’m going to play this card. While the exact identities of all the Heroes weren’t spread to every single common person and even noble in the kingdom and further outside of it, most of the Humans and some other people are well aware of our existence and summoning.

In the end, it was their beloved Goddess who brought us into this world.

And I will not let such a beneficial notion simply pass by without taking some good old advantage of it.

Before silencing the crowd with a kindly raised hand, I lock eyes with the petite Queen and her cultured son. They both nod at me with excited smiles. We’ve obviously discussed this move beforehand. It wouldn’t do me any good suddenly spilling maybe not the kingdom’s secrets but quite valuable information without consulting the source.

“As such, I’m a healthy Human male who has been blessed by Goddess Lumina during my arrival in these beautiful but troubled lands.” I refocus on the gathering. “But, it happened not just once. I’m standing before you after being so generously offered another blessing. I can’t fully fathom the Goddess’ kind and affectionate mind, but she’s been happy with the assistance I willingly offered to her children enough to allow me to affect even more of them. Yes, through my recent ascension into the rank of a Demigod and being gifted the honour of watching over the aspect of love and pleasure.”

I can catch a few whispers as people wonder what I’m talking about and their neighbours explain that I most likely mean the other races I’ve been employing in my services. Some rumour exchange takes place too with them considering if everything I’ve been doing was for the good of all races and if that’s what the Goddess wishes to see, her children reunited.

It’s damn near impossible to keep a giant smile from forming on my lips. That would certainly betray the fact that I can hear them even with how quiet everyone tries to be. 

Good. Good. You talk like that and think about it more. That’s what you call hitting a jackpot. No better way to raise the status of the poorly treated monster and beast races than to appeal to the general population through their faith and beloved Goddess.

Manipulative? To some extent, yeah. Effective? I hope so.

As long as it will make the streets safer for girls and guys of races other than Humans, I’m willing to take the blame.

“We could sit here and talk about the details of my ascension and my role and everything connected to this arrangement for days, but I don’t think anyone would like to suffer that.” I chuckle lightly to bring the attention back to me. “Just know that I’m still me and while I will respect all shows of respect and manners, no one should worry about approaching my person with their usual business or inquiries regarding my new field of expertise. I have been given this position to help first and foremost, not to demand and gather worship and reverence. The powers the Goddess shared with me are meant to be of assistance to you. I’m both the Alastair Carter many of you knew, and also…”

Spreading my arms to the sides, I close my eyes and activate one of my new abilities. Powerful warmth surges out of the core of my body, soon coursing through its entirety. I can feel my feet rise off the ground and loud gasps reach my ears, quickly muffled by powerful whistling of quickly moving air.

Powerful spiritual pressure descends upon the prayer hall as pinkish mist starts rolling around my ankles, heading up my legs, torso, neck, and the top of my head. Everything goes pink, even through my closed eyelids. The warmth expands past my physical frame and I become one with it, embracing it like the extension of my own being.

No, that’s a wrong expression.

It’s like a powerful part of me that has been locked away under restraints no mortal can place on another.

When I open my eyes again, I’m levitating slightly above the stage and everything has a gentle rosy tint to it. There are various levels of denser and thinner emissions coming from the bodies of the gathered people, originating from points like their hearts, brains, or genitals, but I firmly ignore those for now.

We wouldn’t want me going all demigod on them even more than I already am by taking the form of a slightly glowing figure of pink spiritual matter. In everyone’s eyes, I’m a figure of pure energy, sculpted like the finest statue, but without that much detail put into its soft planes. My body is smooth and I lack any equipment at the place of my rounded crotch.

To be perfectly honest, I lack any kind of mortal appendages or orifices. Besides the pink energy forming my smooth body, only my eyes and the inside of my mouth are represented with a brighter tone.

“Alastair Carter the Demigod of Lust and Love,” I finish the sentence I left open before the transformation.

Most of the witnesses stay completely flabbergasted, but a few people move and kneel in their own way, either lowering themselves to one, two knees, or even fully bowing their heads to the ground, if the space in front of them allows for it. Naturally, Elea and some other ladies from my circles belong to the last category, including Lianne, Ross, and some of my old friends.

I slowly withdraw the transformation and float back down onto the stage as the rosy energy dissipates, returning me to my everyday body. I shiver lightly and catch myself before falling forward due to the sudden dizziness that accompanies the shift. Even without doing much, going in and out of my Avatar mode is utterly exhausting.

“Please, rise, everyone, and don’t be afraid or intimidated,” I address the crowd with a warm tone. “As I said, I have ascended to serve and to aid. As for how exactly? Today, I wanted to introduce you to three blessings that I and my Head Priestess can grant to the followers of not only me but also Goddess Lumina. In the end, the two of us are in perfect harmony and the power I use originates from her like everything in this world.”

It takes a moment for everyone to recollect themselves and I wait a moment before moving forward. In the meantime, Elea climbs onto the stage too, wearing an even more regal and priestly version of the violet robes she showed me right after my return from the sea. A true Eastern fairy. All mine.

“The first blessing we can offer is the Blessing of Pleasure,” I continue. “Anyone either looking to enhance their love life or is troubled by physical issues of their personal intimacy which unfortunately don’t allow them to enjoy the affectionate acts just as much as everyone else can now experience the pleasure of their life. This is a temple of lust, love, pleasure, and sex. We don’t judge. If you just want to spice up your usual marriage activities or finally feel good in your own body, we are here to aid you.”

Elea turns to me and I lightly press my palm to her chest, right between her breasts. A faint pink glow emanates from underneath it and she sighs softly. My fingers then roam up towards her neck and she shivers as they trace over her now sensitive skin, reaching and caressing her cheek.

She lets out a quiet moan as I bring it back down to her chest and give her impressive breast a gentle squeeze through the thin material of her robe. Her knees buckle under her and she supports herself on me for a moment. Not wanting her to stay like this for a long time, I dismiss the blessing. We don’t want to embarrass anyone, only to make a short presentation.

“The second blessing might go well with the first,” I say with a smile. “It’s called the Blessing of Stamina and it does exactly what you think it would. You won’t ever have to worry about performance issues or matching your partner’s libido. Always tired about a day of hard work, exhausted so much you can’t show proper love to your wife or husband? Not anymore! A simple blessing will fill you with enough vigour to stay up an entire night! What’s better, there are no side effects such as completely uncontrollable duration of the enhancement. You decide when it activates and ends so there is no worry about the lack of sleep if all you and your partner wanted was a short, sweet, intimate hour before bed.”

This gets some attention and it’s not unexpected. The issue with aphrodisiacs is that you hardly can expel them from your system after taking them. Such cleansing solutions are extremely costly and rarely actually work. It’s no surprise that some people would get excited over the prospect of having a horny switch at their disposal without having to walk around with a raging boner for twelve hours after taking the sex potion.

“Since the effects of this blessing can’t be easily displayed, we’ll move on to the final one, which is… the Blessing of Fertility,” I announce with a brief pause for dramatic effect.

A complete silence falls upon the temple and the gathered people lean forward with rapt attention.

“Now, let me precede the explanation with a clarification that it unfortunately can’t make those physically unable to bear or sire children have one. Yet,” I clarify to curb some expectations early. “That might come later, after I grow more as a Demigod through offering my blessings to you or receiving some honest prayers.”

“How do we properly pray to you?” a man asks hastily, a hopeful edge to his tone making it obvious he belongs to the troubled category.

“I’ll explain it very soon.” I smile warmly and nod at him politely. “As for the blessing itself, it ensures a one hundred percent chance of successful impregnation. If you can make or have a child, you will.”

The loudest murmurs echoed through the spacious chamber as of yet and we exchanged smiles with Elea. There might have been solutions and maybe even magics to raise the potency of one’s seed, but I don’t think there was ever anything so easy and certain available basically for free. Many families are going to be very happy very soon.

“And to show everyone that I’m not exaggerating or even lying, we have a willing candidate to prove the effectiveness of the blessing right here, right now,” I add and the people fall silent.

Everyone’s eyes turn to the small stairs leading up to the stage and every single step my dearest Cornelia makes resounds off the high walls with weight of significance. She’s wearing flowing, white robes in the form of a long waistband made of three wide sheets of cloth that reveal her toned legs and simple top hiding her fair breasts behind two crossing strips. I can easily say she looks like a goddess herself.

As she stops by my side with a slight blush, I wrap my arm around her smooth waist. “I will place my blessing on this brave lady, have a professional mage from the kingdom appraise her to show that she isn’t expecting right now, and escort her to the inner sanctum where she will consummate her relationship with her beloved. When we return, she will be appraised once more. I beg all of you to be patient and understanding for the next half an hour. Priestess Elea will answer any questions you might have. Now, Your Majesties?”

Lianne nods and a man dressed in official wizarding robes joins us on the stage. He presses his palm to Cornelia’s exposed belly and activates a magic spell of our design. His hand glows gold before the light fades away. We wait for about three seconds, staring at her beautiful tummy before he turns to the audience.

“The spell I used transfers mana into another’s body and examines it for signs of life. That life will glow back if it exists in a lady’s womb,” he explains calmly and nods respectfully at the two of us.

Then, the Queen also climbs onto the stage with a clearly pregnant woman by her side. The mage repeats his spell, and this time, after three seconds, the golden glow shines from within her belly, even going as far as to illuminate the silhouette of the forming foetus. People gasp, murmur, and some women coo and hum sweetly.

“We’ll be back shortly.” I bow respectfully and escort Cornelia to the ornate gate behind us.

She steps in first while I turn around to close the massive slabs of metal. After achieving that great feat, I take a good look at the chamber. I’ve been here before but this is the first time after it has been finished. I was forbidden from entering it before today’s grand presentation.

And I can certainly tell why.

The inner sanctum now contains three massive statues reaching the very ceiling.

The first one depicts the Goddess in all her glory. And I do mean all. She wears nothing as her nude divinity graces the admirer. And with how perfectly lifelike her depiction is, it’s hard not to admire her charms, from the perkiest and most tender pair of breasts with diamond-hard nipples to the masterfully-chiselled bare slit of her immortal pussy.

The second one stands on the opposite end of the room and obviously depicts me. Same as her, all my glory is displayed to the viewer. With the emphasis on a certain very glorious aspect. Unsurprisingly, my bare cock stands at very apparent attention. I can only imagine how massive of a snarl must have decorated Petros’ face as he had to work on my dick. I try my best not to smirk. Thankfully, he presented it without any sneaky alterations.

The final statue stands at the very end of the inner sanctum and represents both of us side by side, embracing each other’s waists, and extending a hand towards the entrance, inviting the kind arriving souls into our warmth. Of course, I’m still hard out there and almost poking the divine belly of the heavenly lady.

But, while these figures have been more or less expected, there’s one thing that surprises.

A short distance from the final statue, I find what definitely looks to be a fancy, waist-high, rectangular altar. I guess it would have been fine if it was any normal altar, but each side seems to be depicting… me and Lumina in various very stimulating positions. The side facing the entrance shows us in a simple but sensual missionary, the left wall shows us in a lotus position, the right in a standing spoon, and the back in a quite wild doggy.

I don’t know if I should be angry or happy that this is all and there is nothing more of such fashion in here.

Shaking my head, I drag my attention away from the masterful carvings and notice that Cornelia has fallen a bit behind in our approach. “Everything alright?”

She finds my eyes, blushes sweetly, and releases a quiet sigh. “I just can’t believe this is really happening. I will… We will…”

I quickly retract my steps and pull her into a loving hug. No more words are spoken, just our bodies talking through the affectionate embrace. We stay still for about a minute before she reluctantly pulls away and looks me in the eyes with a slightly shy smirk.

“All right, big guy. It’s time you put a baby in me. We are on a tight schedule here.” She pecks my lips and starts walking towards the altar.

That’s when I notice that she wears no underwear with this extremely alluring outfit of hers. She takes a knowing peek at me over her shoulder and continues to place her feet just the way to make the material of her waistband flash me her enticing privates through the vertical cuts in it.

Arriving at the altar, she turns around and rests her butt against its edge, crossing and uncrossing her legs to even further tempt me with her already glistening crevice.

“What are you waiting for, husband?” Cornelia asks with an inviting purr. “Do you need a Blessing of Stamina to help you out with caring for your sexy wife?”

Smirking at her, I cross the distance separating us and lean forward with my hands on the altar too, joining our lips in a loving kiss. She practically moans into my mouth as I explore hers with pure devotion, and it certainly doesn’t come from the Blessing of Pleasure.

“Take me,” she whispers with a deep sigh.

“That fast? Let me at least show you a tenth of the proper love and care,” I whisper back, nibbling on her lip.

She grasps my clothes and rolls us onto the altar, with her landing on her back and me on top of her.

“If you don’t fuck me right here, right now, I will freeze your cock solid and put it on display as a holy relic.” Cornelia glares at me intensively and my clothes suddenly disappear most likely into her spatial storage.

“As you wish, my love.” I kiss her full lips before moving to her delicious neck, holding her wrists above her head while trailing my other hand down her delicate skin.

When my fingers reach their destination and brush against her heated folds, it’s of no surprise that I find her positively gushing in anticipation. Already a tiny puddle of love nectar formed on the surface of the altar underneath her incredible ass and a trail of it still flows out of her perfect pussy.

She shudders as I tease her a little and start lining myself up with her eager lower lips. The unfiltered and raw emotions that flood my mind through our bond are additionally drilling holes in my soul as her charming eyes peer into mine. The tension between us can almost be seen by the naked eye as it warps our surroundings. Or it might be just me being so captivated by this otherworldly beauty willing to start a real family with me.

A faint shiver passes through my entire body as I switch my mindset from a complete and unshakable prevention of conception to a raging desire for certain impregnation of the lady beneath me for the very first time in this life. In my life.

There will be no stopping me. I can instinctually tell. No spell or barrier will withstand my will to make her a proud mother.

Even with those powerful emotions tugging at our heartstrings, I still slip my tip into her scorching hot embrace with a slow and gentle motion. Cornelia sighs in pleasure and shudders as I gradually fill her up to the very brim. We both grunt as I bottom out in her and look each other deep in the eyes again.

“Goddess almighty… Your cock feels so… Good…” She pants into my face.

“Placebo effect.” I chuckle at her and start with a little thrust. “It’s still the same.”

She tries to chuckle back but it gets broken by a thrilled moan and I feel a warm liquid gush upon my divine member. Cornelia’s cheeks burn even redder as she understands that I know she just came from a single movement due to how horny she is from the thought of babymaking sex. I say nothing, instead sealing her lips with mine and pounding her hungry pussy into the altar like I mean to shatter it into pieces.

“Ahhh! Ahhhh! Yes! Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Deeper! Ahhhh! You need to make sure all of your seed shoots straight to my womb! Ahhhhh!” She moans to the heavens while locking her ankles behind my waist, using them to drive me into herself with every swing I make.

“Don’t worry. You aren’t getting off this altar until you are knocked up.” I grin at her and she trembles at the deep emotion and conviction in my voice, pulling me into an almost reverent kiss.

Our bodies slap together amidst our carnal throes and the altar ends up coated with Cornelia’s liquid love with how wet for me she is. Her bottoms are already completely soaked and still get splashed with each collision of my groin with her girly mound. If not for the silencing formations, I bet even the people outside of the chapel could hear the loud smacking of flesh from how hard and fast we go.

It doesn’t take long before she practically sprints into another orgasm and Cornelia screams in ecstasy as her tight channel chokes my cock with an unbelievable strength I haven’t ever experienced from her, clearly doing its best to milk me dry to the very last drop without taking any hostages.

Groaning from the intense massage, I let everything go and blow the largest load of my life into my incredible and very fertile wife. I practically see stars for the next five or more seconds as I pump my cock deep into her welcoming pussy to paint her furthest depths white. Through my blinding pleasure, I can see her writhing underneath me in another peak, her eyes almost rolled to the back.

Not caring about anything, I collapse on top of her and we both pant heavily as final spurts of my love trickle into her slick passage. Cornelia turns her face to me and we share a few silent pecks full of unconditional love. But, when I try to get up, her feet drive me back into her with a wet squish.

“Do not dare.” She glares at me with overbearing determination.

The next second, our positions are flipped and it’s her now sitting on top of me with my dick still buried deep in her alluring slit.

“This is nowhere near enough,” Cornelia adds, locking my wrists together this time.

I have to be honest. Seeing her so dominant is not that small of a turn-on.

“But, love. You are already pregnant and we both know it.” I smile at her warmly.

“There’s still twenty minutes left and we are going to make sure my pussy is so full of your seed that you can’t even put it in anymore,” she announces with a rough slam of her hips, evoking a pleasant groan from me. “I will not be taking any chances.”

On, boy.

This will be the longest twenty minutes of my life.


Uh oh.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff Diver Dave, and Jeffrey B.! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Alvzorin, Julian, William H., James M., and Kody B.! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - Fandley, S. Kigi, Darth Mole, Luiswu, Skyell, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, James M., Rando C., Sura, Jampodevral, Julian L., Drew P., D3mon Emper0r, Riley M., and Doug C.! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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