I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 193 – A New Quest Together

“I think this will be all,” Lyona says as she slides the last few pages into their respective folder. “I’ll make sure nothing has been missed and let you know about any updates or discrepancies later, Master. Would you like to add something, Your Majesty?”

“No, I’m alright. Thank you, Lyona. Amazing work. I knew you were perfect for this the moment you and Elise paid me a visit to discuss the commission. Alastair truly has eyes for the best.” Lianne giggles and shoots me a wink. “I hope he will reward you appropriately for your hard effort.”

A tiny hint of pink tinges the dainty Vampire’s cheeks as Lyona keeps her gaze on the documents she is currently handling. From the impish grin that I can spot on my horny wife’s lips, I’m fairly certain the trio’s conversation wasn’t limited only to the upcoming expedition. Honestly, I would be delusional to think that it would have been.

“You don’t need to worry about that, dear.” I squint at the playful Queen. “I intend to show my appreciation for everything Lyona does in the way she considers the most appropriate. Besides proper salary and benefits, of course. She is under me now and she can expect her wishes to be fulfilled.”

“Oh, can she? That’s what I like to hear, my beloved.” She smirks at me before shooting one more glance towards Lyona. “If he doesn’t, you know where to find me. I’ll whip him back into shape for you. And lend you a hand or something else.”

Still retaining her very inspiring calm and collected expression, the unapproachable lady takes a peek at me and makes the slightest nod while meeting my eyes. I can tell she is thinking to herself that our little Queen is just being too much and that she would appreciate any rewards from me so I should not worry. 

I’m really getting better at reading the expressions of the quiet girls, aren’t I?

Nevertheless, I meant what I said. Whatever she wants, she will get.

“Alright. I gotta go. I want to visit Cornelia once more before I have to head back. Your fun announcement is certainly going to bring another wave of chaos into our official channels and other aspects. Nobles will expect further opinions from us and another, post-announcement speech is necessary. It will take a few more days for everything to stabilise.” The Queen stands up and I follow her lead.

She trots up to me daintily and leans her lithe body onto my chest. Without further ado, I bend myself forward and let my beloved nymphomaniac steal my lips for a tender kiss. Of course, she doesn’t miss the chance to sneak a hand behind my belt and squeeze her favourite part of me a few times in the meantime. I let her have the pleasure before she gets to her boring and exhausting royal responsibilities.

As we part, she gazes into my eyes with visible hesitation and need, but in the end, Lianne withdraws her fingers too and sighs softly. I peck her cheek for staying strong and resisting her sinful urges. It’s certainly an impressive feat.

With that one last kiss, I bring her to the door and hold it open to her. The Queen waves at everyone to bid farewell to Lyona and our merc girls before being on her way. I close the door after she disappears behind the first turn and face the office again. All the eyes are on me, full of expectation and reverence.

Chuckling to myself, I walk back to one of the sofas and sit down, patting the cushion next to me for the Vampire lady to join. Lyona does so without stopping to think and I meet her bright scarlet eyes. They truly are something out of a movie.

“I might have already said it, but good job. This is exactly what I needed and wanted from you. Therefore, you deserve a reward, Lianne was right. Would you like to receive it right now?” I ask the pale beauty.

She roams her enchanting gaze over my face for a moment, but finally, it skips down a bit, though not to my lips. A more apparent blush taints her whitish cheeks as Lyona looks away.

“May I… take it from behind?” she requests quietly.

It takes most of my willpower to drag the impure thoughts and images out of my dirty mind, knowing well she doesn’t mean it like that. Thankfully succeeding, I nod at her gently and a tiny smile curls her pouty lips up. Nodding back in thanks, Lyona stands up and slowly goes around the sofa as I lean back and relax on the comfy couch.

Soon, I can tell she is standing behind me. Her delicate but strong fingers slide down my collarbone before continuing over my front. Lyona’s hot breath tickles my skin at the connection between my right shoulder and my neck. A moment later, she makes up her mind and two sharp fangs pierce into my flesh with a weirdly pleasant stinging sensation.

A quiet hum reaches my ears as Lyona’s palms join over my chest, her arms embracing me affectionately. I put my hand over hers and she lets it join the small pile. Her fingers mingle with mine as she slowly relishes the blood I’m offering to her. Sip after sip, Lyona drinks her fill, making sure she isn’t going too strong or fast, always keeping my well-being in her mind, already chastised by herself after our first meal together.

All the ladies around me have such strong wills.

A few lazy minutes later, she finishes for good and withdraws her cute fangs from my skin. As expected, her warm tongue takes care of the tiny wounds right away, licking at them kindly and tenderly. Her saliva and my regenerative powers seal the holes shut in a matter of seconds. Done with that too, she places an appreciative kiss on the healed-up spot and rests her chin atop my shoulder, nuzzling her face to the crook of my neck.

Still holding her hands, I rest my head against hers. “How was it?”

Lyona takes a deep breath and releases a very slow sigh full of bliss. “Delightful. Thank you, Master.”

“Since we might take a few days with this request, you can drink a bit more if you would like. Consider it an advance payment for the commissions you take care of in my absence,” I say, brushing my finger against her smooth skin.

“I shouldn’t indulge in my bottomless craving for blood. Given the chance, no Vampire would be able to resist an offer of unlimited access to something this delicious,” she replies calmly. “My thirst has been sated. Although… My hunger…”

She trails off a little by the end and I don’t need more to understand what she means. Rotating my face to reach her cheek, I place a loving peck on it, which has become quite hot and flushed from the recent process of willing transfusion.

“Tell you what. If you still think about me the same way after spending a few days without the scent of my blood around, I’ll see to it being properly sated too. For all eternity,” I promise the quiet Vampire girl and certainly mean to uphold it.

I feel Lyona nod softly after a moment and I kiss her cheek once more. Looking up at the dozen women spread around the room, I find them all staring at us with flushed cheeks, slightly panting mouths, or hands inching towards certain places. This time, they don’t freeze or stop whenever I meet their eyes.

A grin finds its way onto my lips. “Naturally, every single one of you is entitled to a proper reward too. Show me just how much during your respective tasks and I swear to see those interesting vouchers of yours fulfilled without any exceptions.”

That makes a bunch of them shudder in anticipation and I can literally smell the arousal of the Beastkin part of the group. Only their proud uniforms prevent me from seeing it too.

I wonder if Mari and Sirgia came up with some kind of liquidproof panties for them. I know from experience just how flooded some races can get down there at the slightest hint of affection. It might pose a problem during official outings and battles.

After Lyona releases me from her pleasant hug, I get up and thank her for the tingly experience with a peck on the forehead. Then, I move to motivate our troops before their assignments a little bit. Each amazing lady receives some passionate kisses and a few light gropes here and there as a promise of something more in the near future. Naturally, not forgetting about ear rubs and chin scratches for the owners of such.

In the end, no one is left unsatisfied, at least in a certain way, and I bid farewell to everyone, looking really forward to going on a quest with them. As I step out of our headquarters, the streets aren’t as crowded as before but a lot of people still hang around the temple. The booths with our acolytes rarely have someone next to them but that’s not surprising. I don’t expect more than a handful of people to be instantly convinced to sign up. It will be the desperate first most likely.

I take a peek inside to check up on Elea and the others and find a similar sight in the prayer hall. Some residents talk with our priestesses and even my chocolate-skinned representative, but the benches aren’t as full as before. I watch Elea guide a pair of Humans into the inner sanctum, most likely to receive at least one blessing. They must be important if she doesn’t simply take them to one of the smaller rooms, or something.

Well, let’s just hope that they’ve cleaned it up after our own ceremony.

Since everything seems to be alright, I take a dive into my bonds and locate Cornelia. Finding her in our master bedroom, that’s where I head to. Passing by a few of our working ladies, I exchange some pleasantries with them, but it seems that the news has already spread as they don’t stop me for too long and almost urge me to be on my way, knowing well that I’m aiming to speak with my pregnant wife.

Looks like the mansion will become much more lively in the upcoming days and months.

Arriving at my destination, I try to slip inside without much noise so as to not disturb the women currently occupying the bed and its close vicinity. I succeed partially as a few of the ones further away from it take notice of me, like Meru and Ailish. Shino and Sirgia sit on the big mattress with Cornelia between them, resting their shoulders together. I can see Neira and Astrea by the edge. Lianne is nowhere to be found so she must have left already. The others might be doing their stuff too as Elise, Ria, Teffith, and Mari are missing. No need to mention Hecate.

I share a few quick kisses with the first two before moving closer. The kneeling trio notices me only after I lean onto the bed and gently hop onto it too, raising their faces to meet mine. Shino and Sirgia grace me with warm smiles while Cornelia simply blushes and avoids my eyes.

“Al… I… Ummm… I’m sorry…” My magician wife tries to smile a bit hesitantly too.

“Now, what’s that for?” I sit in front of them and place my hand atop their joined ones, which rest on Cornelia’s thighs.

“For exploding like that during the presentation…” She turns even redder. “I couldn’t stop crying…”

I sigh softly and pull her in for a tender kiss. “Trust me, I barely stood straight. It’s good you let it out. Honestly? It made me feel warm because of how much you care. I know our children will feel really loved.”

Some more tears threaten to stream down her dazzling face again and wipe them off before they get a chance to do that. As we rub our noses together and chuckle lightly, Shino’s other hand brushes over Cornelia’s exposed stomach, rubbing it with the gentlest care.

“I was always afraid of how I would feel when meeting Sensei’s children in the future since it was just a matter of time until he fell in love with some amazing woman,” my Japanese lover admits.

Cornelia reaches out to graze her cheek with equal affection. “Now you don’t have to worry about that because you will have yours anytime you want to too.”

Shino’s cheeks grow rosier at that and she shoots me a timid glance. “I know. And I knew I would have been happy back then for him, but I also knew I wouldn’t be able not to feel sad that it wasn’t me. Thanks to being part of Sensei’s family, I feel only joy for you. And for us. I can’t wait to see the little ones.”

“Me too,” Sirgia quietly joins in. “After I learn how to be a good mother from you. I only know how to care for artefacts and weapons.”

My lovely magician laughs openly at that. “You are looking at the wrong person to learn about that from. I’m as clueless as you two. Hopefully, Ria will share her wisdom with us.”

“Being a proper wife and mother were actually very important lessons my family forces upon their female descendants.” Shino giggles shyly. “I’ll try to help too, Cornelia-san. Even if my knowledge comes from a different world.”

“I’m sure all of you will do great.” I smile at them and pull the trio into a group hug. “And that includes everyone in our small family. Though, I would kindly ask you not to plan pregnancy all at once, okay?”

The room chuckles and laughs at my wry smile but I’m only half joking. No doubt a dozen or two newborns is a parenting nightmare. At least by Earth standards. It might be different for royal harems in fantasy settings such as this, but we aren’t exactly royalty either.

“Speaking of children, how are you going to fare now that most of Elea’s attention will be directed towards the temple? It might take a moment before you start showing, but I’ll naturally want you to take it easy at that time, and after birth too. Should we start considering some backup for the brothel? An assistant for you?” I ask curiously.

Cornelia waves her hand at me. “Come on. I’m not doing anything nearly as straining as the others for you to need to shove me aside and rope me to the bed.”

“I know, I know. But, while I hope it won’t sound offensive, my father made me plenty aware that the following months might be complicated for the lucky lady and I just want to make sure that you never lack anything, including proper affection and care, at all times.” I look at her lovingly.

She sighs heavily and smiles fondly. “I’m not offended. I appreciate it. It’s not a mystery to me how exactly many women behave during pregnancy. Just promise me one thing, okay? Whatever I say or do, please know that I love you so much and don’t really mean it. Goddess, with how much of a bitch I am to you sometimes, I can’t imagine just how much worse I might get…”

I snicker and hug her tightly. “It’s not a rule. Everyone reacts differently to that. Hormones are a bitch, not women. Most of the time. So, you have nothing to worry about. I’ll gladly endure everything for you.”

We just embrace each other in silence for a while before parting.

Neira speaks up next. “The brothel will be fine. Even if Cornelia will be unable to work or help out at times, we have many more hands on board than before. There’s Ria, who used to go toe to toe with Elea in supervising the mansion. There’s also Elise, who can easily handle the reception on her own. There are plenty of others who will do everything in their power to make sure that Cornelia can focus on caring for the baby without any worries. Leave it to us, Alastair. We will let you know if we need any more help.”

“I’ll do just that. I trust you.” I nod while meeting the gazes of the ladies present in the chamber.

For the next hour, we chat about various topics related to parenthood and exchange some stories from our lives related to it. It’s a blast hearing about the different views coming from various races and communities populating this fantasy world. They are often so distinct from what we are used to with Shino that it’s fascinating. And it goes both ways too. When she brings up some of the teachings and rules ingrained into her by her teachers and nannies, many of the women are almost befuddled.

We all slowly return to our responsibilities and other stuff. Cornelia is talked into staying in bed for a bit longer and simply resting. She is still a little bit shaky and everyone wants her to relax, calm down her emotions, just lie down and freely think about things. So, we leave her after some more loving hugs and kisses, receiving a promise that she will try to listen to our suggestions.

That’s as good as we can get.

As for me, I follow Sirgia back to her repositioned workshop. The crafty Dwarf welcomes me into her kingdom as usual, starting to tend to her own children right away.

But, man. Things really have changed since we started out. I know I’m not as knowledgeable in all the technical and magical aspects of her craft, but even I can tell just from looking at the various hanging blueprints or the prototypes lying around that she’s come a long way. 

Some of those are related to sex toys, yeah, but the majority is now focused on REAL artefacts.

“Is that my armour?” I point at one of her standing mannequins.

“Yes. I upgraded it a little before your next expedition, Master. I was going to give it back to you before you left but it’s already finished so you may take it,” she explains quietly, coming closer to the set of equipment.

“How did you even get it out of my storage?” I raise a brow at her.

Sirgia blushes slightly and sways her cute hips. “I took off your ring at night and pulled it out…”

I snicker and ruffle through her brown hair. “You sneaky devil. Thanks. I have a question, though. Is it waterproof?”

“All fabrics and materials are capable of absorbing moisture from both external and internal sources. It can be then used to regulate the humidity of the owner’s body in scorching climates. Unfortunately, it can’t filter drinking water yet, but I’m already working on that enchantment,” she explains.

“I see. All fabrics and materials? Underwear too?” I smirk at her.

She turns even more rosy. “Yes, Master…”

“You really don’t miss a thing.” I chuckle and kneel down to share a loving kiss with my petite Dwarf lady. “Thank you for your hard work. I’m sure your family would be proud of your achievements.”

“Thank you, Master.” She smiles prettily. “But, not yet. My best creation is yet to be finished. Do not worry, though. It will be ready for our journey. Failure is not an option. I will win the support of my family for you.”

We hug tightly as I pick the short girl up and Sirgia wraps her legs and arms all around me. She’s always so good to me, thinking of ways to further help me out. I’ll have to make sure she is happy with the end result too. That her family understands her efforts and talent. And hopefully, they won’t be averse to our relationship.

“Let me know whenever you need anything,” I whisper to her sharp-angled ear. “You have my full support, no matter what you choose to do.”

“What if I choose to take over my family by force after they are rude to you?” she asks while staring deeply into my eyes with those big, caramel irises of hers.

“The Dwarf King better not find any faults with that because I’m not stopping for anyone until you get them on a silver platter.” I grin at her and Sirgia’s eyes widen briefly before her cheeks flush strongly and she drowns me in fluffy kisses.

After we nibble on each other’s lips for a while, she moves her mouth closer to my ear. “I’ll need a successor after becoming the head of the house too... Preferably at least six of them so that all branch families end up with good supervisors…”

It’s my turn to stare at her blushing visage wide-eyed, having literally been asked to at best knock her up six times and at worst give her sextuplets. At worst because I have no idea if her petite body can even handle such a number. I don’t know much about Dwarf pregnancies yet but it looks like their families tend to end up quite numerous.

“Whatever your wish is,” I whisper back, kissing her small ear and making my little lover shiver.

Not wanting to waste too much of her precious time, we have some more fun together for a little while before I move out of the workshop, taking the armour with me. I really hope I’m not going to be asked to start such grand families by every single one of my lovers. I can barely wrap my head around the prospect of three or more kids. I would honestly like to find a balance somewhere between a few and repopulating the world.

Though, considering my Class and everything, I shouldn’t be surprised if I end up doing exactly that, bringing Primordials back to Naharren.

Time flies for the rest of the day as I busy myself with various tasks either at the brothel or at the temple. Elea comes back to us very late and completely exhausted. It looks like blessings take a lot out of her and I do my best to pamper and revitalise her. While Rejuvenate works great, she only accepts it initially, demanding a more powerful shot later, which I simply can’t deny her. She ends up pumped up when we are done, and thankfully doesn’t request a soccer team worth of kids afterwards. Might be related to the fact that she is now my Apostle.

Still, I don’t keep my hopes up with that. Who knows? It might turn out that being constantly knocked up is a symbol of status as an Apostle of the Demigod of Sex.

For the late night, the girls leave me alone with Cornelia so that we can cuddle with just the two of us. We appreciate their thoughtfulness and spend that time expressing pure affection to each other without getting too heated. It’s all just kisses, snuggles, romantic whispers, and lots of pleasantries.

The next day is quite unremarkable. I spend it mostly amongst the mercenaries to prepare for the trip as we are heading out the morning after. We train together some more to practise our cooperation and I showcase a bunch of skills and strategies I came up with in the past so that they can get accustomed to my chaotic way of fighting.

We also discuss the details related to our six or seven-man team if we include myself. Obviously, they want me to be their leader, which is to be expected. Ressia becomes my second-in-command after a vote. We create a few sub-groups, mostly pairs, in case we end up split. Though, of course, we have our mental communication. But, it’s always good to have plans ahead of time.

My other free time is spent hanging around the brothel as I usually do before leaving the town. Whoever needs anything from me has the last chance to get it or will need to wait a little for the next opportunity. Not many girls come but I’m aware that they also don’t want to burden me with additional troubles right before the expedition. Still, I do spend a moment or two with some amazing ladies, either simply talking about their lives with us or providing them with some physical comfort. I don’t forget my amazing Slimes and pamper the colourful duo for quite a bit. Now that they have returned to the mansion after our last journey, they have their sights on reclaiming their top spots in the Employee of the Month rankings.

The next morning arrives fairly quickly and I run a quick check through my supplies and equipment, provided by our amazing alchemists, tailors, blacksmith, and many more. With everything being as it should, I go to fetch my team of badass beauties. As expected, Ressia, Yuru, Oniri, Fullen, Besfi, and Suna are already waiting for me, bidding farewell to their battle sisters.

“Good luck, Master.” Lyona makes a polite bow as we prepare to head out so I give her a peck on the cheek.

No one can see us inside the headquarters so I can indulge.

Two carriages are enough to comfortably fit us all and we ride to the meeting point by one of the gates. Even though we have been aiming to show up rather early, we aren’t the first ones to arrive. Leave it to Paul to drag his team out of bed at an early hour to complete sortie. Shino might have taken part in it too.

We step out of our carriages and thank the drivers. The girls form two rows behind me as I approach the other group. Shino, Natalie, Marcia, Kamil, and Paul are talking to each other. Vanessa keeps herself mostly quiet while hanging around the first two. But, I can also spot one more woman I’m not familiar with who seems glued to Paul’s hip.

Not in a weird or sexual way, of course. She isn’t draped over his arm or anything. She exudes a specific presence with her posture, basically screaming military, and stands right next to him like his assistant officer. Her dark emerald uniform certainly matches the theme, and her black hair too. I can see two hand crossbows on her belt and one quite long, almost ballista-sized one on her back.

She is the first one to spot us and her brows rise a little at our sight. Her blue eyes wander over our formation and gear before returning to the front. She whispers something to Paul and they all turn to face us as we arrive in front of them.

“Sensei!” Shino shouts happily as she charges my way, jumping right into my arms.

I laugh openly and catch her firmly, supporting her soft behind as she locks her legs behind me. “What are you, a kid? We are on an official mission.”

She snorts and seals my lips with hers, starting a passionate exchange which definitely isn’t missed by anyone with how lively she gets.

“Still think I’m a kid, Sensei?” Shino grins at me and I roll my eyes, dropping her to the ground.

Of course, she lands on her feet and snuggles to my side. Marcia comes in next, smiling at me impishly.

“Hi there, handsome! Long time no see. Do we plan on going woodcutting this time too?” She waggles her brows and I can only shake my head at that reference.

Kamil snorts, knowing well she is up to no good, but he sends a light nod my way as a greeting. It’s good to know he hasn’t reverted to his quite troublesome ways.

“Good morning, Mister Carter.” Natalie greets me with her melodic tone and starts peeling the unruly samurai girl off my arm, rebuking her best friend for acting out.

She isn’t having much success with Shino’s boosted strength and other attributes.

As for Vanessa, she directs a wry smile my way. It’s understandable. There’s always going to be some sour feelings between us no matter how much time passes. I don’t blame her.

“It’s good to see you again, sir.” Paul finally joins in and extends his hand so I shake it respectfully. “And this is Catherine, our recent addition. She is a Tier 4 Headhunter and a military officer. Though, she’s on leave while she helps us.”

“Oh? Tier 4? That’s impressive.” I nod at her respectfully. “Someone this skilled and experienced is a rare sight. Even my team has only one Tier 4 right now.”

She takes one more glance at my ladies, most likely wondering which one is our ace.

Before she can say anything, Shino giggles and interjects. “You make it sound like your Tier 6 isn’t part of it.”

That makes Catherine go wide-eyed as her gaze snaps to me. It looks like it’s her first time hearing about that part of my profile. To her credit, she gets a hold of herself fairly quickly and sends a polite salute my way.

“It’s an honour to meet you, Sir Carter. I’ve heard a lot about you and I’m looking forward to personally seeing you in action. I admit that while your students have drawn a quite impressive picture of you with their stories, I did not expect you to possess such raw power. Especially considering the fact that you arrived in our world at the same time,” she says.

I smile at her and spread my arms. “I’m sure a lot of what you heard was exaggerated, but I’m just a little special. Did they introduce you to the inner workings of my Class?”

“Yes, sir. You provide enchantments and buffs to those you have sexual intercourse with, also supporting their growth.” Catherine glances at Shino and Marcia.

“That’s part of it, yeah. I also grow stronger the more powerful the feelings between me and my partners are, so it’s not just about a brief quickie and forget. But, that’s details. You aren’t wrong in assuming that the more women I bed the stronger WE all grow. That includes all of those women,” I clarify it a little. “I’ll try to match your expectations, though I most likely won’t interfere too much unless it will be inevitable. This is going to be the first field test for my subordinates and I intend to evaluate their performance while mostly aiding them as their commander. These are Ressia, Yuru, Oniri, Fullen, Besfi, and Suna. We’ll be in your hands.”

My girls salute in perfect sync, hitting their chests with their fists and stomping once on the ground like one man. Thankfully, they don’t shout our motto. Nevertheless, Catherine and Paul look at least slightly impressed.

“Right. I assume you want me to take the lead on this expedition?” the latter asks.

I can feel my women tense a bit but they obediently stay silent.

“Technically, we were commissioned for this task so I would like for our side to lead if you are alright with it this time,” I reply.

“Fine with me.” Paul nods with a smile. “I’m honestly curious how well-trained your unit is. I’ve seen only glimpses of their rigorous practice whenever I was invited to the range.”

“Whenever a fight breaks out, you are free to direct your own team,” I add. “We might need a bit more experience together to work perfectly well as a single regiment. I honestly don’t know if I want us to get any on this trip or not.”

He chuckles and nods. “Same. We shouldn’t wish for any trouble, though. We are escorting important VIPs. Let’s focus on moving them from point A to point B as safely as possible.”

“Agreed.” I smirk back at him. “Ressia! Assume command! Prepare to head out!”

“Sir, yes, sir!” she shouts back and spins around to face the rest, barking orders at them as they start moving with clear purpose.

“Finally, a new quest with Sensei.” Shino giggles excitedly. “This is going to be fun!”

Judging by the glances she and Marcia are directing my way, yeah it will.

Let’s just hope we won’t get ourselves in too much trouble.

It’s a simple escort quest. What can go wrong?



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff_Diver_Dave, and Jeffrey B.! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Julian, William H., and James M.! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - Fandley, Soen K., Darth Mole, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, Alvzorin, Rando C., TheGovnor, Sura, Jampodevral, Drew P., D3monEmper0r, Riley M., Solomon P., Eddie F., Chocotaku, Nicholas G, and Saint.J! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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