I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 210 – A Bloody Mess

Before we return home, it’s only proper that we help a little with the cleaning. Madeline made a bit of a mess while escaping, as intended, of course. Everyone soon gathers near the damaged parts of the castle and we get to work immediately. Proper mages handle the construction while healers assist the wounded, aided by Natalie.

Since things have been planned ahead of time, it all just flows with everyone cooperating perfectly well. A team is with the servants who have experienced the criminal’s presence, another handles the corridors, a different one patrols the city, and so on. While the general idea is to show a tiny bit of incompetence, the situation is perfect to display just how quickly the kingdom can react to such events.

In the end, it would be bad to focus only on the negatives. We don’t want to completely ruin Ross’ name.

A few hours later, the operation looks to be wrapping up and everyone is slowly heading out. Some people still have their roles to play as the post-incident reaction group to continue creating a picture of a legit escape. Shino and the others have to stay behind for a while since they are going to pursue Madeline and try to catch her before she flees the capital.

Thankfully, I did my part, mostly, and can focus back on the issues that need resolving before our next trip with Sirgia. Bidding farewell to everyone and checking up on Lianne for the last time, I return to the mansion and spend some time amongst the ladies, simply taking care of my usual responsibilities related to managing the place. Plus, there are also those Fairies to keep an eye on while I’m still here.

Time flies rather fast and the early evening soon comes. I leave everything to the girls and prepare for the meeting. My usual suit should do just fine. I’m not exactly sure what to expect from the family of Vampires besides being aware of the fact that they are actual nobility so it should be somewhat important to be at least somewhat presentable and respectful. Because they live rather long, it’s a good idea to form a decent first impression.

If it’s even possible with me already stealing the heart of their daughter without introducing myself ahead of time.

Getting myself ready, I cross the street and enter the headquarters. The Oni girl is manning the reception for an hour or two more so that Lyona can leave her post early and I thank our kind friend for her aid. From what I heard, she is the second person after Ressia to help their Vampire supervisor with some things now and then. It’s good to know we can rely on them to step up when needed.

Without further ado, I find myself in front of Lyona’s office and politely knock on the door even though I know she is waiting for me inside and that she has taken notice of my arrival through our connection already. She hastily trots to the entrance and shows up with the faintest hint of a smile while looking up at me.

“Is it time, Master?” Lyona asks calmly, standing proudly in the doorway.

Once more I get the chance to see her in that pretty gothic fashion she seems to wear either casually or for official dealings like during her birthday party and so on. Today, she’s picked up a black frilly dress with purplish accents. It’s pretty clear why.

I smirk softly at the thoughtful lady. “There’s no better time than now. And I see you matched my suit.”

Stepping back, she does a slow twirl to showcase her entire figure, flashing me her smooth, pale back covered only by a few interlacing strings. “What do you think, Master?”

“You look really charming. And to some part ominous, but I guess it’s the effect of your gorgeous eyes and sharp face.” I smile at her.

As she walks up to me, I accept the short Vampire into my arms and lift her chin for a gentle kiss. During our sensual exchange, my hand gently trails over her exposed back until it reaches her neck. As our tongues lightly tickle each other, I tenderly massage the spot I bit in the past, causing the lovely lady to release a few blissful sighs into my mouth.

“I certainly like how it provides me easy access to your delicious neck for a quick bite whenever I crave it,” I add with a chuckle and Lyona’s sharp fangs flicker through my vision briefly.

“Would you like to… taste me right now, Master?” she asks completely innocently.

“As much as your offer entices me, I think it would be better not to take any chances before we meet with your family, don’t you think?” I peck her cheek dearly. “My knowledge about your kin is fairly limited and I’m not sure what they might take note of and what not, even with the evidence of our little fun being fully healed.”

“You are right.” Lyona nods lightly. “I apologise, Master. I find it hard to suppress my desires near you since that night during my birthday.”

“There’s nothing you have to apologise for,” I reply while shaking my head. “Now, let’s have a proper talk with your parents so that you don’t need to worry ever again about such things. I would love to indulge your desires whenever you feel like it.”

“Thank you, My Lord.” She actually bows after backing off. “Your compassion is greatly appreciated.”

Offering my elbow to her, the white-haired beauty quickly links hers with mine and we move out of the building, waving at the Oni receptionist as we pass through the lobby. I catch a few other girls stealing glances at us while trying to be sneaky with partially open doors but I just snort quietly at their behaviour.

It feels like I’m taking one of many sisters on a date and the rest are going to spy on us for the whole evening.

Surely, they wouldn’t, would they?

A carriage waits for us and we hop into one of our famous by this point vehicles. They have gotten recognisable to the point that we had to provide a way to quickly alter some of their elements for a use different from the main intended one. Otherwise, no matter if they were taken for a ride or a ride, people always assumed the same thing.

Now, it’s possible to travel inside one with more window surface uncovered and with the logo protruding a bit more in a different way than on the other carriages. Therefore, it’s easier to spot the difference. Less people are getting surprised when one stops next to them and normal passengers either get in or get off instead of our dazzling staff with some company. The girls are considering picking up one that would be exclusively mine and so forth unique, but I told them that it’s not a pressing matter.

Nevertheless, we enjoy the brief ride to the fullest. Lyona might present a somewhat silent and withdrawn front, but she doesn’t oppose me sitting her down sideways in my lap and showering the cute Vampire girl with lovely kisses. Just like one of two other quiet ladies, she finds my affection just as enjoyable, perhaps even passively seeking it more on her own.

Like, that pretty black dress of hers didn’t have to present her smooth back so invitingly to me.

Nothing too serious happens as we reach our destination in a matter of minutes. We help each other fix our clothes and get rid of any evidence of our quick moment of gentle passion. Thankfully, the air outside is fairly chilly so the faint flush that Lyona’s cheeks gained during our exchange doesn’t take long to disappear. She enters her regal mode and leads us towards her home.

We stop at the gate, closed this time, and two servants dutifully open it for us after sighting their mistress as I gaze up at the stylish letters above. “Can’t believe I didn’t make the connection the first time I was here.”

“It could happen to anyone, Master.” Lyona glances at me with the smallest smile. “I didn’t emphasise my family that much to you besides sharing my surname. I honestly didn’t think it would be important and wanted to keep my status separate from my work for you, not expecting things to develop so differently. But, perhaps I should have expected them to after sensing your blood that day when Elise brought me here.”

I chuckle at that. “And I thought you were just too shy of a girl to appear in front of your friend’s boss while aware of part of his fame.”

“I can see why, Master. My mind practically blanked out at that moment.” She offers me a rare chuckle too.

We enter the premises of her family residence and take a walk towards the entrance. No one helps us with the door so I naturally take that responsibility on my shoulders, escorting my dazzling date inside. The mansion is just as I remember it from my short visit but I let Lyona guide me this time since I have no idea where to go and what to do.

On the way, we stumble on a maid and Lyona asks the girl to inform her parents that she wishes to meet them in some named chamber. It looks like the important rooms are dedicated to some significant people in their lineage or something. Waiting for them to arrive, we settle down in a fairly small but all-that-fancy chamber with white walls and lots of decorative patterns carved into columns and other aesthetics. They are even more prominent than in the one Lyona hosted her birthday in.

I can’t help but feel like this is one of the more meaningful places. Especially judging by the number of paintings presenting busts of multiple similar-looking people scattered all over almost every free surface. If I didn’t know any better, I could easily assume that they all were just a simple noble line as the pictures do not do their eyes justice, either intentionally or because the creators had no way of recreating that ominous glow. I’m leaning towards the former considering that Vampires are a rather secretive community.

“I’m honestly a bit stressed about this,” Lyona admits while we wait on one of the sofas.

“Who wouldn’t be?” I rub her side reassuringly. “It will all turn out okay. If not today, then in the future.”

“I tried my best to slowly introduce them to the thought of us and also the new faith but I can’t completely predict how they are going to act after everything else that I have been concealing comes forth,” she says with a deceitful calmness. “Hopefully, they will be able to sense how special you are sooner than later.”

“Hmmm. Regarding that, shouldn’t it actually be easy, then? You instantly knew something was on from our first interaction,” I wonder out loud.

“It’s said that the older the Vampire the easier it is for them to suppress some of their senses, specifically those related to sensing the scent of all the blood around them. They might not be as perceptible to your aura right away as I was,” Lyona explains. “Besides, I still thought you were a Human initially, just with some special blood. That part might be more problematic for them. We shared a faint connection back then as a boss and their upcoming subordinate.”

“Whatever goes, goes.” I shrug and place a tender kiss on her mesmerising hair.

Soon after, Lyona stiffens a bit, and I’m aware it’s not because of my actions. We both stand up as the doors to the chamber open and two people walk inside. 

A tall man in a stylish black tailcoat enters our sight first. He wears leather gloves and a top hat to almost perfectly match his full golden beard. As if that isn’t enough, he also holds onto a cane with one hand, topped with a scarlet gem. He’s only missing a monocle to complete the look. His eyes are obviously red as most if not all of his kin’s while he has short blond hair woven into a back bun.

This one, I am fairly acquainted with through our little commission. Still, I bet this will come out as a shocker.

Then, a much shorter woman steps past him. She wears an emerald satin dress that flows neatly down almost to the very ground. Her short, curly, and rusty hair matches it just perfectly. Her skin is as pale as her husband’s and there’s no need to comment on her eyes. The main difference is the shape of her face as it appears a bit more angular and soft on the edges than the man’s so it seems that not all Vampires have this kind of menacing presence inherently.

Well, at least it’s now clear after who has Lyona gotten her lithe rather petite frame and sharp visage.

“What is the meaning of this, dear Lyona?” the woman asks with a faint frown.

“Greetings, Mother.” Lyona makes a respectful bow. “I simply wish to introduce you to the man I’ve been speaking about in recent days, just as discussed.”

“Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Altcroft.” I politely lower my head. “It’s an honour to be able to meet you officially.”

The lady of the house scans me with her gaze from top to bottom before turning to her daughter. “Are you aware of what you are doing, Lyona?”

“Yes, Mother, I’m fully aware of all my actions,” Lyona responds. “Alastair insisted that I take an extended period of time to consider everything before we proceeded and I’m extremely grateful to him for that.”

“Then you must be joking.” The woman snorts to the side. “This can’t be the man you’ve been speaking of. You are a smart girl. This is not how we brought you up either.”

“I am not jesting, Mother.” Lyona shakes her head. “This is a very serious matter and should be given proper respect and decorum.”

“A serious matter? When you bring this person home knowing perfectly well who and what he is?” The older female points at me without looking my way, seemingly ignoring me completely.

“It’s only because I know perfectly well who he is that I decided to bring Alastair here and introduce him—”

“Then I don’t think you know anything, Daughter,” Lyona’s mother interrupts her. “Because we know that man really well. Anyone in the capital who runs any business should at this point, really. His services are praised by many, including those of our descent. I don’t know what means he used to either deceive or mislead you, or if you yourself got blinded by his good looks, but you need to see through this veil that has fallen upon your eyes.”

Curious. Looks like I might need to pay more attention to some of our customers from now on. I don’t think I remember spotting any Vampires coming in for a fun time. Maybe they focus more on socialising instead. But, perhaps the girls didn’t really think it important to mention since it’s not like we are offering our services only to Humans or anything. Even if they weren’t that those people were Vampires, they had to notice that there was something different about them.

“If only you allowed me to explain, Mother, then—”

“No, I will not have my daughter risk breaking the covenant by being blinded by hunger or desire and charming a Human!” The woman raises her voice while stepping forward. “This ends here before you cause irreversible harm to yourself and your family!”

“What do you—”

This time, the ginger-haired woman ignores her daughter and her fierce eyes lock on mine as she stops ahead of us. I watch them glow with a crimson hue as her forehead creases from effort. They keep gleaming for a moment and a gentle spiritual wave washes over me without doing much.

Then, they lose the glow and she frowns even more in confusion. Her irises light up once more, starting to pulse with power, but once more the gleam fades away soon after. The delicate magical touch teases me a bit stronger but not enough to affect me in any way. She finally pauses her attempts and gapes at me in disbelief.

As her mouth drops open to say something, I sense a source of quickly growing emotions by my side and Lyona is the one to interrupt her mother this time.

“Did you just…?” she inquires with her brows furrowing deeply.

I don’t think I’ve seen the calm girl show this much on her face besides the peak moments of passion. Yet, the enrage gradually taking over Lyona’s visage is more than apparent. Before I can react, she surges forward while drawing her hand to the side. I catch up on her intentions a bit late and the flat side of that palm meets the woman’s cheek faster than humanly possible and a powerful smack echoes through the chamber.

Lyona’s mother is sent flying to the side and crashes right through a small door leading to some adjacent facility or room that’s part of this chamber. I wince slightly at the sound of wood breaking and multiple things shattering or falling on the other side. She’s definitely created a huge mess out there, not to mention the sole fact of raising her hand against her parents.

“What have you done…” the man speaks for the first time, looking straight at my crimson-eyed lover.

Somehow, I have a feeling that he isn’t talking about slapping his wife harder than a truck smacks in an inexpectant crowd.

“Contrary to what you are thinking, Father, this is not the effect of my Bond, but that of the deep connection the two of us share,” Lyona answers, gradually regaining her composure. “Although, it is a fact that the two of us Bonded each other, alongside me taking the Blood Oath towards Alastair. Therefore, I can’t ignore anyone disrespecting my Master this much, not even if it’s the people who gave me life.”

“Petros was right…” The woman’s voice arrives from the side and we watch her hold onto the empty frame with her dress bearing evidence of quite the tumble. “You have lost your Goddess-damned mind…”

Lyona’s face slowly turns to her. “You would trust a stranger’s word over your own flesh and blood, Mother?”

Footsteps sound in the hallway behind the main entrance and a few more individuals step inside. Amongst them is a pair of Vampires who bear a resemblance to the woman but appear a tad more mature in terms of looks. Those might be Lyona’s grandparents if I’m not mistaken.

And they look ready for things to go down.

“Seeing that you’ve gone insane, I might not have any other options,” their daughter replies. “Petros is a good and honest man with a craft he feels strongly about. He would make a great husband for you, one that does fit the rules of our people.”

“He is the one obsessed with me, Mother. He desires nothing else but to possess me, even if I myself wasn’t aware of that until recently,” Lyona replies. “Do you think he came to you and gave me away out of obligation or kindness of his heart? No, he did it out of spite and hoping that you would eliminate the problem, perhaps rewarding him with my hand after solving the issue of my affair with a Human. And he knows who Alastair is.”

“We can’t let you hurt yourself and those you care about. Even if it means getting rid of blood potent enough to give you such monstrous strength.”

Lyona sighs softly. “It’s not his blood that makes me strong. If you still haven’t realised, Alastair is the Demigod we have been talking about, the one who was acknowledged by the Goddess and the kingdom, spreading their beliefs of love and pleasure from his newly constructed temple.”

That makes everyone, including the mother, examine me once more, but it doesn’t seem to be enough for the woman.

“Even so, an ascended Human is still a Human,” she says firmly. “If you aren’t going to respect our rules, I will have to force them upon you myself before others hear of your treachery and our entire lineage suffers.”

Lyona stares at her mother silently for a moment, takes a glance at her grandparents to confirm that they are most likely going to stand behind her parents, and lets out another hopeless sigh.

“You leave me no choice, then.” She turns to me. “I’m terribly sorry about this, Master. I’m going to make the worst offence to your name a Blood Bond can make. I give myself for any punishment you find fitting of my transgression after we return home.”

Flicking her wrist, she brings out a vial full of my fresh blood from her spatial storage. Instead of drinking it as I expect her to, she uncorks the glass container and pours its contents onto the shiny tiles ahead of her feet. The scarlet liquid unhurriedly splashes onto the floor and spills over it while also staining her dress with multiple droplets that hit the ground from high up.

Yeah, I can see how this can be a huge insult in their culture.

But, it might just be able to save us from an upcoming confrontation as everyone in the room reacts the same way to the powerful scent that fills the air. All crimson eyes glow lightly as their pupils shrink into tiny slits. Everyone focuses on the bloody puddle expanding itself to the sides with shock and confusion. Thankfully, no one enters a blood-craving frenzy like most Vampires would in fiction and movies.

“What is that?” Grandpa is the first one to speak up.

“That is the blood of a Primordial,” Lyona answers matter-of-factly.

“Impossible.” Grandma shakes her head.

“It is possible,” Lyona corrects her. “And you are looking right at its source.”

She doesn’t need to specify that even further as the only one not a Vampire in this chamber is obviously me.

“Alastair is not a Human anymore but a Primordial and he was one long before becoming a Demigod,” she continues. “He is also the male I call my master through the Blood Oath, and the one I offered my everything through the Blood Bond, which was reciprocated without a second thought. Nonetheless, I was shown the deepest compassion and can also call him my lord as he took my first blood amidst claiming me for himself.”

“That’s ridiculous.” The old man scoffs. “Your story is becoming more and more outrageous, Granddaughter.”

She turns to her grandpa as her fingers daintily graze the spot at the edge of her neck. “You can find the imprint of his fangs on my skin, Grandfather. The body does not lie after it has been pierced and marked for the first time. You know that. But, if this is still not enough to convince you, it looks like I’ll have to swallow my shame completely.”

I raise a brow at her declaration, wondering what it’s about when Lyona hesitantly steps closer to me. Looking up into my eyes, she takes hold of my palm and brings it up to her cheek. I caress her skin tenderly as it gains more colour with the rosy tint starting to surface. As she guides my fingers down to her shoulder, I finally catch on with her request which might be too embarrassing to voice out in front of her relatives.

Leaning forward, I seal Lyona’s lips with mine, pulling her into a respectful kiss. We don’t go any further than brushing our mouths together, but then she lets me turn her around and takes my arms to wrap herself in a hug around her lithe waist. My lips gently trail towards her shoulder as I call for the same skill I used back then.

The moment my mouth opens to show my teeth, the entire chamber gasps, followed by a subdued moan that escapes Lyona’s throat as my fangs sink into her soft flesh. She squeezes my hands tenderly as I take a light sip of her delicious blood. I don’t need to see her face to know how much she’s blushing right now. 

Such a brave young lady. I have no doubt that this feels close to having sex with your lover right in front of your family for their community.

Stopping soon enough, I lick her wounds close as they heal up on their own and with the help of my Rejuvenate. After I straighten up, Lyona spins around and steals my lips once more. Since mine are still slightly stained with her blood, she gets a taste of us both as she pursues me with more energy than before. She must be really turned on now and I can’t exactly blame her. I still remember Shino basically cumming right from getting bitten so she might be at least a tiny bit sexually frustrated from my unintentional teasing since I haven’t touched her while doing this.

Lyona takes a step back, throws me a charming smile before steeling her expression, and makes a resolute nod. “Your wish is my command, Master. Please, order me to do whatever it is that you desire.”

There are plenty of things that I desire but they aren’t really the same things she would like me to order her in this very situation. But, I get the idea. She wants me to show off the Oath and the Bond she’s taken with me. It looks like I might have quite some power over my attractive assistant.

Now I gotta figure out an order that will convince everyone that she truly meant what she said.

Well, let’s just hope she forgives me for this.

“Let’s start with rectifying the offence I have suffered from your mother,” I say with a nod and turn to the man standing next to the ginger-haired lady. “Since I firmly believe in shared responsibility in marriage, I think an arm from your father would suffice as he failed to stop her in time.”

Lyona’s eyes widen briefly and her fingers clench into fists, but as her scarlet eyes meet mine, they flash faintly and a weak shudder passes through her entire frame.

“As per your command, My Lord.” She bows down and starts walking towards her parents with stiff movements.

“As if!” Grandpa shouts and the older pair steps between her and the parents.

But, before they can even start intercepting Lyona, my dazzling subordinate explodes with a powerful spiritual aura as bloody mist surrounds her figure. I can spot some dark red lines running over the nape of her neck and down her exposed back, most likely covering her entire body. It does make me a little curious how she looks all over, especially in certain areas, but this is not the time to be mesmerised by this otherworldly beauty and her vampiric quirks.

With a snap of her fingers, she creates threads of crimson that instantly restrain her grandparents. She glares at them from up close and pulls them aside, letting them fall to the ground. Her attention switches back to her father, who tries to put her mother behind him, and her aura crashes right into him from point blank, beading his forehead and face with intense sweat as he is brought to his knees.

“Stop this!” the woman calls out to her, barely able to move.

Lyona raises her right arm, which gets enveloped with scarlet liquid taking the shape of an extremely sharp and long curved blade. I can see it tremble a bit as she struggles internally with the order but otherwise doesn’t seem to fight it with all she has.

Before she drops it down onto the poor man, I place a hand on her shoulder from behind. “That’s enough. You’ve proven your loyalty.”

The sword of blood disperses instantly and Lyona exhales heavily, falling back onto my chest. Her aura slowly disperses as she looks at me with a weak, nervous smile.

“I knew you wouldn’t break your promise, Master, but I have to confess that my heart did begin doubting you near the end,” she admits honestly. “I’m not worthy of your love.”

I kiss the top of her head. “Doubt is a natural thing and we haven’t known each other for that long yet either. I’m sorry for making you go through this. I won’t ever test your heart like that again.”

“I know.” She sighs again and snuggles her back more into me, relishing the way my arms uphold her dearly. “You are not to blame as this was all my idea.”

“I think we are both equally guilty here.” I wink at her. “But that’s a topic for another time.”

“Yes. We’ll discuss my punishment for the earlier offence later,” Lyona agrees with the tiniest chuckle. “Now, Father, Mother, are you finally convinced?”

“How are you this much stronger?” he asks, still on his knees in front of us.

She ponders briefly before summoning her status screen and sharing it with the four of her main family. Their eyes widen to the brim from disbelief.

“I am bonded to the Primordial Demigod of Lust and Love. It’s only natural that I receive part of his power to properly serve My Lord with my weak self,” Lyona explains, slightly downplaying her own capabilities. “And this is all without the enhancement from his blood. Yes, I’m allowed to drink it whenever I wish to, straight from his divine veins, not just from a mere flask. And someday, you might even be able to taste it too, but that’s only if you see through your current misapprehension and properly atone for your doubt.”

The four look at each other as she speaks. Well, we might be getting ahead of ourselves here since I don’t think we discussed that part, but I can understand why and how such a promise comes rather naturally to Lyona. I’m already aware of how much she reveres my blood and it’s not a surprise she would want to share it with her family after receiving my permission.

This might be a decent way of drawing out a more positive response from them in the long term.

“We… We need time to talk about this…” her mother answers. “I…”

“I forgive you, Mother.” Lyona offers her a slow nod. “I understand where you were coming from and won’t hold it against you, just as you understand where the need to defend my master came from. I do regret raising my hand against you, but we are all bound to follow the ancient traditions and customs. And now, you have one of the oldest in front of you.”

The relief is clear on the lady’s face and I can feel Lyona relax a bit too as she fully confirms that her mom doesn’t seem to hold the earlier assault against her.

“We’ll politely excuse ourselves for the night if you don’t mind,” I join in while kindly offering the parents a hand. “There’s no rush to come to any decision as long as you aren’t going to stand against Lyona’s decision. I will be leaving for a journey in the morning so there will be plenty of time you can use to talk about things. I would also like to be properly introduced to your culture after my return as there are still countless things I’m missing since my knowledge comes mostly from the royal library.”

“We shall do that, young man,” Grandpa replies and helps them up too.

After everyone is off the floor, we bid farewell and leave the chamber. I thought Lyona would stay, but she jogs to catch up to me after exchanging a few words and hugs with her parents, mentioning that she would like to spend a night with me and everyone if I’m going to sleep together with my other wives.

So, we step outside, catch a lungful of fresh air, and exchange soft smiles as our fingers intertwine.

Things haven’t gone exactly as planned, but it’s a decent beginning.


Oh well. Could have gone worse.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff_Diver_Dave, Jeffrey B., and Shadow Silvermane! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Julian, Wiliam H., Sura, James M., and D3monEmper0r! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - FSoen Kigi, Fandley, Darth Mole, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, Alvzorin, Rando C., TheGovnor, Drew P., Solomon P., Eddie F., Chocotaku, RandomRandomly, Nicholas G., Cody B., Saint.J, Atomic0chicken, Patrick F., Zadwolf, Seamus M., Jonas, and Timmy! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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