I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 100 - Sky Dragon of Osiris

“Sawtooth Wilderness attacks again!” Yu Yu continued to order.

Once again, the elemental hero faithfully and tirelessly repeated the master’s command, slashing the regenerated slime into pieces with a knife. Then, of course, the slime reborn on its own again, triggering the effect of the “Treasure of Survival”.

(Slime: The ghost knows what I went through today…)

Malik’s puppet once again drew three cards from the deck—he already had a bunch of them in his hand. There are nineteen cards in total, and people who don’t know the truth might think that this guy has a golden finger and is playing cards with a deck of cards.

[The sky dragon of Osiris, attack power 19000]

However, Malik, who was caught in this infinite loop and faced the crisis of quitting smoking, did not panic. Seeing that his slime was defeated again, he hummed and laughed while drawing cards unhurriedly: “I now understand why Lisheed lost to you.

It’s really scary, your talent as a duelist, maybe you are indeed a duelist with Muto Game and Kaiba Seto.

Fortunately, you are not a duelist chosen by God, otherwise you might become a big threat. “

You Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Nani? Could it be that in such a situation, Malik still has a way to reverse it?

Immediately afterwards, I saw Malik’s operation: “Open Gaevka – trap card, grave robber! This card can obtain a magic card in the opponent’s graveyard and activate it immediately!” (animation effect)

Nani! ?

You Yu was shocked on the spot—isn’t he a card in the city? Could it be that Jun Neicheng has been poisoned?

Well, actually, this card is not a rare card. It is not surprising that Malik, a pirated card dealer, has such a thing. But the problem is…

……Aren’t you the heir of the glorious tomb-keeper family? How dare you bring something like a “grave robber”?

Could it be that he was robbing himself, trying to see if there was something good hidden in the tomb of the pharaoh?

What about your dignity and honor as a tomb keeper?

The trap effect had been activated, and a short, thief-looking grave robber appeared on the field, holding a card that was dug out of Yuyu’s graveyard.

Quick attack magic, cosmic whirlwind.

“I also pay 1,000 LP points, and the effect of the cosmic whirlwind is activated!” Malik said solemnly, “Exclude my own ‘Treasure of Survival’ from the game!”

【Malik, LP2100→LP1100】

A whirlwind rolled up Malik’s own continuous magic card in place, made a few turns in the air, and then disappeared from the game as a golden light.

“The effect of the surviving treasures disappears, so I don’t have to continue to draw cards when the slime is resurrected again.” Malik was even more proud, “Hahahaha, in this way, everything you did becomes useless, but only It only increased my hand cards, and by the way, it increased the attack power of God!

Today, Osiris is completely invincible, and you are powerless! “

(Sky Dragon: Boss, I beg you to stop breastfeeding, I’m a little empty…)

You Yu: “…”

Even this move was followed by Malik. To be honest, he didn’t expect it a bit.

In the animation, the game obviously killed Malik by breaking the card! At that time, why didn’t I see Malik printing a whirlwind and scrolling his magic card?

Why did he suddenly change his career as soon as I got on it?

At this time, the sky dragon roared again, and the sound shook the heavens and the earth, and even the black clouds in the sky seemed to respond and released lightning and thunder like trembling.

To be honest, this sky dragon with an attack power of nearly 20,000, almost full resistance, and a powerful suppressing effect is still a bit scary. Everyone here should be counseled.

But it doesn’t matter.

Fortunately, Yu Yu knew the effect of Sky Dragon and Malik’s deck routines in advance. He had more than one plan for dealing with Sky Dragon.

“Gai put a card, the round is over.” You Yu said.

The first task now is to survive the next round first, then he still has a chance!

“Then it’s my turn, draw cards!” Malik raised his voice and emphasized, “At this moment, Osiris’ attack power has increased again.”

The sky dragon roared up to the sky, and its attack power also increased.

[The sky dragon of Osiris, attack power 19000 → attack power 20000]

“You’re screwed in this way!” Malik sneered, “The only thing that can save you now is the Gai card in the backcourt, but the trap card can’t affect the gods, and there is nothing to protect you from this turn. ……

……Although I would like to say that with certainty, this situation is not absolute. After all, if you use a trap card that avoids combat damage, there is still hope that you will survive this turn. “

You Yu raised his eyebrows.

Yo, I didn’t expect that Malik’s awareness of playing cards is good, he doesn’t ignore the backcourt like 90% of the people in the plot?

It seems that it is better to be a little more cautious when mocking Malik for playing cards in the future…

“I activate a magic card from my hand, the Demon Sealing Arrow!”

Malik played a card, and thousands of arrows shot from all directions, instantly piercing the covering cards on the Yuyu field and pinning them to the ground.

“After the Demon Sealing Arrow is activated, both players cannot activate magic and trap effects until the end of the round.” Malik laughed proudly, “In this way, no matter what cards you cover, there is no way to save you!

final hit! The attack of Osiris, the superconducting wave – thunder cannon! “

[Sky Dragon of Osiris, Attack Power 20000 → Attack Power 19000]

The Sky Dragon opened its mouth again. Unimaginable super energy is brewing in the huge dragon mouth, the golden light turns into a spiral vortex, the current overflows, and the rolling sound makes those who face it can’t help but give birth to the illusion of the end of the world…

Even if Malik’s Demon Sealing Arrow consumes one card in his hand, Osiris’ attack power is still ridiculously high.

The attack power of the Jagged Wilderness is only 2,600, and even ten Yuyus will be smashed into **** after this attack.

…but it doesn’t matter!

Coolie wave save me! (chestnut balls)

“Discard the chestnut ball from the hand, and the monster effect is activated!” Yu Yu quickly threw a card into the graveyard, “The damage to allies in just one battle becomes 0!”


The Sky Dragon’s strike that seemed to have the power to destroy the world easily crushed the Sawtooth Wilderness, but immediately hit the chestnut ball that appeared in front of You Yu, and cried out “coolie coolie”.

The attack of the **** of the underworld with an attack power of 19,000 turned invisible in front of the chestnut ball.

You Yu watched the image of the chestnut ball in front of him gradually disappear.

What else could he say?

At this moment, thousands of words have been turned into one sentence—

——Chestnut Ball, forever!

“Che, have you survived for another round with the effect of the miscellaneous fish monster?” Malik hummed softly, “Then I want to activate this card, the continuous magic card – Infinite Handbook! As long as this card exists on the field, both players There is no upper limit on the number of cards in hand.”

According to the rules of Yu-Gi-Oh, if both players have more than 6 cards in their hands at the end of their turn, they need to discard their cards until there are 6 cards left.

However, if the continuous magic card “Infinite Codex” exists on the field, then there will be no limit to the maximum number of cards in the hand in this duel.

[Sky Dragon of Osiris, Attack Power 19000 → Attack Power 18000]

“Even if you rely on that kind of trash to survive, your remaining health is still a candle in the wind in front of Osiris with an attack power of 18,000! Enjoy your last round and welcome your own end!” Malik waved, “The round is over!”

Shouldn’t it be worthy of being a boss-level villain? In one sentence, he successively scolded the chestnut ball as a trash fish, and said that the number one forbidden word in Yu-Gi-Oh, the candle in the wind, just based on this sentence, Malik should almost walk away…

But there is one sentence he said is not wrong, that is, this is the last round!

“Draw a card!”

At this moment, Yu Yu activated his skills and drew cards from fate! This skill can be triggered when the LP is very different or the situation on the field is extremely unfavorable. All in all, the situation must be unfavorable to you.

Although the LPs of the two sides are close, but the opponent’s field has a phantom **** with an attack power of nearly 20,000, while Yu Yu’s side is empty, and the system has also judged it to be “extremely unfavorable”, so he can legally draw.

In this round, let the pirated card boss see what a real printed card is!

Yu Yu didn’t use that card immediately after drawing the card, but drew another card in his hand: “Magic Card – Miracle Fusion activated! This card can fuse monsters with elemental heroes in the graveyard!”

“Monsters fused in the graveyard!?”

From the surprised expression on Malik’s face, it can be seen that this involves his blind spot of knowledge.

“I removed the elemental hero in the cemetery, the Jagged Wilderness, and the elemental hero with light attributes, the Thunder Giant, from the cemetery, and merged them!”

Malik was even more surprised: “Use two fusion monsters for fusion!?”

It’s like a student who slept through the whole semester and got the exam questions for the final exam.

You Yu showed a brand new fusion hero: “Fusion Summons—

——The Shining, the elemental hero! “

The strong light released like the sun, the two fusion heroes turned into beams and merged into the icon of Miracle Fusion, giving birth to a new power.

A white body emerged from the strong light, bathed in divine radiance, and behind it was a sun-like accessory, which was dazzling.

[Elemental Hero·The Flash, Attack Power 2600] (Fusion Condition: Elemental Hero + Light Attribute Monster)

Malik narrowed his eyes.

“Although I don’t know what you’re fighting, any monster is powerless in front of the Sky Dragon! The Sky Dragon’s special ability is activated! Attack the monster summoned by the attack, and the attack power will drop by 2000 points!

Summon Thunderballs! “

The other mouth on the sky dragon’s head slowly opened, and blue thunder brewed in the huge mouth.

The sphere with electric light roared out and slammed into the Flash who had just appeared on the stage. The brand-new hero was wounded before he could stand still, and his body was covered in black smoke under the thunder of the gods, and his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

[Elemental hero · Flashman, attack power 2600 → attack power 600]

“Hey, in this way, this monster is nothing more than a trash fish with an ATK of 600.” Malik hummed, “It’s nothing to be afraid of.”

You Yu ignored him: “The special effect of Flashman, his attack power will increase by the number of element heroes excluded from the game in this duel x300!”

Malik was startled, suddenly realized something, and looked up at the “Fusion Gate” above his head that had been activated from the beginning of the duel.

“It turns out that the material monsters that are fused using the ‘Gate of Fusion’ will not be sent to the cemetery, but will be directly removed from the game…”

“That’s right, and monsters that are used as materials for ‘Miracle Fusion’ will also be excluded from the game.” You Yu said.

In this way, the elemental heroes excluded from the game in this duel are Electric Light, Clayman, Golden Blade, Wilderness, Sawtooth Wilderness, and Thunder Giant, a total of six.

“It’s not over yet~www.mtlnovel.com~ The elemental hero in the handle, Blazing Man, and the elemental hero Winged Man with the wind attribute, merge through the ‘Gate of Fusion’! Come on, elemental hero, The Tornado!”

[Elemental Hero: Tornado, Attack Power 2800] (Fusion Condition: Elemental Hero + Wind Attribute Monster)

“It’s the same as many as you come!” Malik waved, “Osiris, activate the lightning bomb!”

The second mouth of the sky dragon opened again, and another lightning sphere swept in, hitting the body of the giant tornado.

[Elemental Hero: Tornado, Attack Power 2800 → Attack Power 800]

The Big Tornado also has the effect of halving the attack power of the opponent’s monsters when summoned, but it obviously doesn’t apply to gods here.

However, due to the re-fusion, there are two more heroes excluded, and the Flash’s attack power can be further strengthened.

[Elemental hero · Flashman, attack power 600 → attack power 3000]

“You can summon a monster with this kind of attack power under the effect of the sky dragon, you are indeed very strong.” Malik laughed, “But even if this is useless, in front of God, any kind of struggle is powerless. !”

“Is it really?”


“Then let me show it to you. I drew the most crucial card in my hand this round to defeat Osiris, the **** of the underworld.”

Malik was stunned.

He said beat… Osiris?

Under such a situation?

Osiris with 18,000 attack power?

“Activate from the hand…” You Yu took out the key card that was added to the hand by drawing cards through the skill Destiny.

“…Continuous Magic Card – The Power of Four!”

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