I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1366 - Yusei VS Kagemaru

Latest URL: Things only happen in a split second.

When the audience came to their senses, the outcome was already settled. The sage Xinyu on the tenth generation field and the turtle bad beast on the Zhaiwang field cooperated in a wave, and the mighty blue light stream swept across the D wheel of Zhaiwang head-on.

The audience is stupid, and so are the commentators.

Fortunately, the professional quality of the aircraft head commentator was excellent, and he immediately adjusted from the shock.

“Oh… oh so much! A shocking turnaround that no one could have imagined!

Under the huge restrictions that monsters can’t be destroyed and can’t deal damage, Yucheng Judai still won the victory with a beautiful combination!

Double the attack power of the Turtle Bad Beast through ‘Enlargement’, and then use the damage effect of ‘Xinyu Sage’ to deliver a fatal blow… It is possible to come up with such a beautiful combination to complete the beheading in the blink of an eye. The strength of Jojo Judai as a duelist is astounding! “

At this moment, the Zhaiwang people had overturned the car, the D wheel was lying on the ground and spinning, and the people were thrown all the way, and slammed into the outer edge of the track, like a rotten rag.

Maybe it’s because the Zhai King in the form of the Light of Destruction has an extraordinary physique, or maybe it’s because this is the virtual space of the duel link, and the Zhai King lying on the ground still has time to swear, shouting something “impossible”, “I don’t Approve such a duel” or something.

If it were an ordinary person in the real world, I am afraid that there would be no more people at this moment.

I saw the turtle bad beast on the field, Gamecielle, stretched out lazily under the turtle shell, and burped comfortably, as if he was full of food and drink, and dragged his cumbersome body quickly away from the field. Disappeared on the top, hidden merit and fame.

Shouts erupted from the entire stand, and audiences from different worlds expressed their admiration and recognition for Shidai through applause and shouts.

“As expected of the tenth generation senior, the student of Senior You Yu.” Even Yu Xing couldn’t help but say in his heart, “From such a situation, you can counterattack beautifully…”

And originally, King Zhai obviously wanted to play the underworld tactics to make the opponent autistic, but he didn’t expect that he ended up being autistic in the end.

There is an old saying that only magic can defeat magic.

Perhaps only the underworld can punish the underworld.

“Okay.” You Xing secretly said in his heart, “The tenth generation predecessors took the lead in scoring a point, then I can’t lose!”

That’s right, the second player on their side to fight is Fudo Yuxing.

The score between the two teams on the huge billboard became “1:0”. Judai’s D wheel returned to the starting point, he jumped out of the car, raised his hand towards Yusei and gave him a high-five.

“I’ll leave it to you next, You Xing!”

“I will try my best, senior ten generations.” You Xing looked serious.

“Okay, then let’s get back to the game!”

Unlocking the nose of the plane Taking advantage of the high mood of the audience, they continued to step on the table and drink.

“The contestant who ended up in the second match was Fudo Yusei! His opponent was the head of the Tiandi Video Club and the chairman of the world-class dueling academy – Kagemaru!!!”

The well-equipped chairman Kagemaru stepped onto his exaggerated, demon-like D-wheel, and hummed disdainfully.

“Sai Wang Takuma, although it looks like a bit of an idea, in the end, it’s just a guy of this level… heh, it doesn’t matter, as expected, teammates are just a burden, and I never need that kind of thing!

The only person you can trust in this world is yourself! “

When he saw that the crab head was fighting on the opposite side, Kagemaru couldn’t help but twitch the corner of his mouth to reveal a confident smile.

Among the three people on the opposite side, the only thing he feared was the duel Wang Youyu alone. If it was against Yu Yu, he felt that he might have to spend extra.

Of course, even then, he didn’t think he would lose.

Honey juice is self-confident, and the old-fashioned villain of Yu-Gi-Oh!

At this time, Kagemaru felt that the crab’s head looked like an honest man, and at first glance, it didn’t look like he knew how to play cards.

Isn’t this point for nothing!

This wave must be stable!

“Sprint Duel – Accelerate!!!”

【Yu Xing, LP4000】

【Kagemaru, LP4000】

Wheel D rushed out like a shooting star, Yuxing quickly threw off Kagemaru with his superb driving skills, and rushed out of the first corner with a dashing drift!

“I’ll take the first attack, draw the card!” You Xing said.

“Oh, Yu Xing’s driving skills are so handsome!” The eyes of the ten generations in the audience lit up.

It feels like a hero!

“Hmph, there are two hits.” Chairman Kagemaru said contemptuously, “If you want it so much, I’ll let you go first. Do your best to struggle in this round, before falling into a bottomless hell!”

Yusei squinted at Kagemaru from the front for a moment, but said nothing.

I remember that Senior You Yu explained that this person has a high probability of using the legendary “Three Phantom Demons” as the core deck.

Although the Three Phantom Demons have long been lost in the 5DS time and space where Yu Xing is located, this deck of cards is also in Yu Yu’s hands. He specially showed it to Yu Xing, and also briefly introduced the contents of this deck.

Although the strength of a single card is definitely not as strong as that of the Three Phantom Gods, the strength of several cards known as “Magic Demons” should not be underestimated.

This duel must go all out!

“I activate the magic card ‘Sun Exchange’ from my hand.” Yuxing said, “Discard a ‘Light Path’ monster card in your hand, draw two cards from the deck, and then put two cards from the top of the deck. Send the card to the cemetery.”

After checking two cards and sending two more cards to the graveyard, Yuxing then immediately played the card drawn: “The magic card ‘Reinforcement of Light’, send three cards from the deck to the graveyard, and send a card of level 4 or lower” The light path’ monster is added to the hand.

I send three cards to the grave, and add the level 3 ‘Light Path Summoner Luminas’ from the deck to my hand! “

“Graveyard stacking plus deck search,” Kagemaru said, “A deck based on graveyard resources…”

“Then activate ‘Sun Exchange’ again! Send a ‘Path of Light’ to the Graveyard, draw two cards, and send two cards from the top of the deck to the Graveyard!”

Kagemaru frowned.

Anyway, the speed of this pile of tombs is too fast…

“Usually summon ‘Light Path Summoner Luminas’!”

[Light Path Summoner Luminas, Attack Power 1000]

“The effect of Light Path Summoner Luminas, once per turn, discard a card from your hand and Special Summon a level 4 or lower ‘Light Path’ monster in the Graveyard.”

Yu Xing picked out a card from his hand and sent it to the grave.

“I discard a card in my hand and special summon the ‘Light Path Girl Minerva’ in the graveyard!”

[Light Path Girl Minerva, Attack Power 800]

“Then the hand card I just discarded is ‘Screw Hedgehog~www.mtlnovel.com~~ You Xing continued, “The effect of Screw Hedgehog, when this card exists in the Graveyard and there are Tuner Monsters on your field, you can Special Summon it from the Graveyard. .

Come on, Screw Hedgehog! “

[Screw Hedgehog, Defense 800]

“Level 3, adjust the monster ‘Light Path Girl Minerva’!

Level 3, ‘Light Path Summoner Luminas’!

Level 2, ‘Screw Hedgehog’!

Tune the stars! “


“The gathered prayers will become new shining stars, and turn them into shining paths! Harmony Summons—

—Fly, Stardust Dragon! ! ! “

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