I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1389 - Mr. Ma\\\'s progress

Dark Malik discovered that this duel might not be as easy as he thought.

The character in front of him seemed to be a little different from the one he remembered.

Not being able to use Death Su was undoubtedly a heavy blow to a six-year-old. The most basic tactics of his entire deck construction are equivalent to being directly paralyzed, and most of his combat power is wasted.

What a good remedy for the time being, so the six-year-old made a decisive decision and changed to a “gou”-based tactic—

—My backhand is just a shield of light!

The shielding sword of light, magic card, the opponent player cannot declare an attack for 3 turns after activation.

This is also the traditional Gouchang God card of the first generation. It can be unreasonably dragged for three rounds to prevent the opponent from attacking and fight for a chance to regroup.

So Malik’s side is also a little troublesome.

Dark Malik’s side was blocked by the cemetery, and it was difficult to take the initiative to attack, while Omo Malik’s side couldn’t beat the effect of the light seal. So the two sides stared at each other so embarrassingly after two rounds

But soon, the six-year-old seemed to be slightly better at drawing cards.

Stuck in the last round before the light-sealing effect ended, the six-year-old twitched, his eyes lit up, and he began to laugh gracefully again.

“Come on!” He raised his head and laughed, “Hahaha! With this card, you can definitely be buried in the abyss of despair! Look no further, this will be the end of your destiny and bring about destruction. a card—

-Quick attack magic ‘Whirlwind’! “

A black whirlwind rolled up behind the six-year-old’s D-wheel, and the thunder and lightning mixed in the storm continued to bombard the mountain walls on both sides of the silent valley, and the gravel splashed everywhere.

“Whirlwind, you can destroy a magic or trap card on the field.” The six-year-old laughed proudly, “Now I will destroy the field where you hide behind you like a shrunken turtle!

Disappear, the valley of the royal family’s sleep! “

The whirlwind swept across the field, the thunder split the earth, and the majestic and huge valley suddenly turned into a phantom and dissipated from the field.

The seal of the cemetery was lifted, Su Sheng’s prohibition disappeared, and an invisible flame seemed to permeate the field. It was the sleeping undead firebird that was about to move in the cemetery!

Six-year-old: “Hahaha! Are you ready to be baptized by the wrath of the gods? Now will be the arrival of the supreme god…”

Before he could finish speaking, he saw Biao Malik waved his hand expressionlessly: “Open the cover card, the permanent trap ‘The Temple of the Valley of the King’s Sleeping’.

Once per turn, if there are no cards in your field, you can select a ‘Valley of the King’s Sleeping’ from your hand or Graveyard to activate it. “

A card from the Malik Tomb area is automatically withdrawn.

“Therefore, start it again! The Valley of the King’s Family Sleeping!”

The silent valley of eternal sleep once again dominated the entire venue, and the solemn and solemn temple suppressed all the undead. Even the phoenix, which was about to move, had to die again, and there was no movement.

Dark Malik: “…”

what are you…

Then, Malik quickly merged his new trump card “The Tomb Keeper”. When the power user exists on the field, neither himself nor the Valley of the King’s Sleep will be destroyed by the effect.

The situation for the six-year-old immediately became more difficult. Now even if he can draw a whirlwind No. 2 machine, it can’t help him out of the predicament.

Also, even if he did manage to miraculously get rid of this King Gu, it still seemed useless.

Because the “Temple of the Valley of the King’s Sleeping” on the field of Watch Malik is a permanent trap, you can reactivate a Valley of the King’s Sleep every round…

But still it doesn’t matter!

A true duelist, as long as there are cards in the deck, there is always hope!

Even if you know that all the remaining cards in the deck can’t solve the dilemma, it still doesn’t matter, as long as the opponent doesn’t know it, it’s not a big problem.

The big deal is a live printed sheet against the card!

I saw the six-year-old wave his hand, and a card fell from his hand—

– Venue Magic “Closed Forest”!

There can only be one field magic, and when a new field is activated, the old field will naturally be squeezed out. Cracks spread along the Valley of Eternal Sleep, the huge valley cracked open, and ancient huge trees rose from the ground.

Countless trees soon occupied the silent valley, and the criss-crossing branches locked the entire field.

“In a closed forest, for each monster in your Graveyard, the ATK of the face-up Beast-Type monster on the field increases by 100.”

Malik said, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

“Of course… that’s not the point.” He couldn’t help laughing when he said this, “A closed forest, there are follow-up effects! As long as this card exists on the field, neither of us can activate new field spells. !

Also, during the turn this card is destroyed, neither player can activate any field spells! “

The venue is blocked!

Watch Malik’s face also looked a little ugly.

Gan, how can you carry such a card with unknown meaning at the age of six! ?

Table Malik expressed strong condemnation with his eyes.

With such a targeted card, are you sure this thing was not printed by you on the spot?

However, Dark Malik’s aura was not at all cowardly.

Hehe, you underworld guy who played the cemetery blockade first, you are not qualified to talk about me, right?

The two characters on the stage looked at each other and gnashed their teeth, but from the audience’s point of view, they were actually big brothers, not to mention second brothers, they were almost the same hell…

Even many viewers could not help but sigh, it is indeed a civil war of the tomb guards.

Guarding the tomb and guarding the tomb, as the name implies, guards the underworld, so there seems to be no problem with playing cards in the underworld?

But anyway, Dark Malik took a picture of “closed forest”, indicating that Malik’s site is completely blocked.

Although he has a permanent trap on the field “The Temple of the Valley of the King’s Sleep”, he can retrieve the Valley of Eternal Sleep in the cemetery once a turn, but because of the blockade of the field, he can’t do it now…

The six-year-old laughed and swelled rapidly.

He’s doing it again!

Ha, demo, do you want to shoot Wang Gu again? The cemetery is blocked again?

Without that underworld, how old are you?

Then there is no need to hesitate, UU reading www.uukanshu.com directly completes the operation he intends to complete in the first round, and it is done.

The six-year-old waved his hand and directly lifted the cover card in the backcourt that had been covered since the first round—

– Magic Card “Rebirth of the Dead”! !

The huge Su Sheng symbol appeared in mid-air, quickly transformed into a pair of golden burning wings, and gradually changed into the shape of a firebird!

“Susheng, the dead, revive the sleeping monsters in the graveyards of both sides! I want to revive, of course, this card—

-The Winged Dragon of the Sun God! ! “

A huge flamingo appeared in mid-air, and the fire soared into the sky, and the divine might enveloped the entire venue!

But as we all know, mantra is required to control the sun god, and the six-year-old will certainly not neglect this step.

So the six-year-old closed his eyes and crossed his arms. He was just about to start chanting, but was immediately stopped by the opposite side.

“Wait a moment!”

Facing the divine power of the immortal firebird that appeared in the sky, Malik did not panic, instead the corner of his mouth rose slightly.

“I already knew that you would use ‘Susheng from the Dead’ to resurrect the Winged Dragon.”

This is nothing unusual.

After all, even in the age of dueling cities, everyone’s surprise at “Nani Malik actually wants to resurrect the Winged Dragon” is probably equivalent to “Nani Haima actually intends to summon the blue-eyed white dragon.”

Dark Malik frowned slightly: “So what?”

“So, I prepared this especially for you!” Watch Malik shouted, “Take a look at me, after the duel city, my transformation!

Open the cover card! Trap Card ‘Voice from the Graveyard’!

This card can only be activated when the opponent activates ‘Rebirth of the Dead’, and can negate the effect of the opponent’s ‘Rebirth of the Dead’! “

Dark Malik: “???”


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