I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1441 - Demon King Super Dragon

Demon King Super Dragon, Lord of the Flies, Summon!

“Attack power of four thousand…” Yuxing gritted his teeth.

No, that pressure is definitely not just from this attack power panel.

The appearance of this dark dueling dragon is extraordinary, and looking directly at it is like looking directly into the abyss itself.

The dragon seal is still stinging, and it has not stopped for a moment in the entire duel. With the appearance of the Demon King Chaolong, the burning pain brought by the dragon seal has reached its peak.

Youxing can be 100% sure that this dragon is indeed a dueling dragon, similar to their Stardust Dragon, Red Devil Dragon, Black Rose Dragon and so on.

But what is the matter with such a majestic dark force?

Shouldn’t the red dragon Ultramaya Tzolkin, who gave them the power of the Dragon Seal, represent the hope of opening up the future?

“The effect of ‘Sky Wheel Clock Tower’, because of the Synchro Summoning of ‘Demon King Super Dragon and Lord of the Flies’, I will draw another card from the deck.”

Godwin continued to draw cards, and then directly announced that he had entered the battle stage!

“Destroy it with one blow of the Demon King Chaolong, don’t move the stars!” Godwin shouted, “Go on, the Demon King Chaolong·Lord of the Flies, attack directly!

Lord of the Flies Destroy the Overlord! ! ! “

The woman on top of the Demon King Dragon raised her slender and white arms, and her long jet-black hair danced wildly in the wind.

The Demon King Chaolong opened his mouth, and the destructive impact from **** swept toward Yuxing!

“Open the cover card!” Yuxing waved, “Continuous trap ‘Evil Rebirth’! Pay 800 HP to negate the effects of the Synchro monsters in the graveyard and revive the attack state!”

【Youxing, lp1700→lp900】

“Resurrection, Stardust Warrior!”

The dark vortex opened, the light of stardust erupted, and the warriors in exoskeleton armor reappeared on the field, like a solid steel shield!

[Stardust Warrior, Attack Power 3000]

“Heh, meaningless resistance.” Godwin chuckled, “Demon King Chaolong’s attack power is 4000, even if you revive this shield, your HP will definitely be reduced to 100% by this blow. 0.

It’s nice to be your last ditch, not moving the star, but it’s not enough! “

“I then activate the effect of ‘Defense Master’ in the Graveyard!” Yusei said, “When a monster on your side declares an attack, remove this card in the Graveyard from the game, and change the attacked monster on your field to Defense Position, And this turn cannot be destroyed by battle!

According to this effect, I changed ‘Stardust Warrior’ to Defense Position! “

[Stardust Warrior, Attack Power 3000 → Defense Power 2500]

The Stardust Warrior turned from attack to defense, with his steel arms staggered in front of him. The impact of the Demon King Chaolong slammed **** Xingchen’s armor, causing the Xingchen warrior to slip back a few steps, but he finally stubbornly stabilized his figure.

“It’s actually blocked again… well, it doesn’t matter.” Godwin smiled, “Even so, your health is only 900 left.

What else can you do with that kind of life? “

Godwin then draws another hand.

“My battle phase is over, but my turn isn’t over yet,” he said, “First of all, I’m going to use the effect of ‘Demon King Super Dragon · Lord of the Flies’!

Once per turn, reduce the ATK of one of your opponent’s monsters to 0, and restore your HP equal to that ATK! “

“Nani?” Yu Xing’s eyelids jumped.

“Let me take away the attack power of the Stardust Warriors here!” Godwin said, “The Lord of the Flies Hegemony!!!”

A cloud of dark miasma enveloped the Stardust Warrior, and his power was entrapped in the darkness and involuntarily drawn away, and it was continuously charged into Godwin’s body!

[Stardust Warrior, attack power 3000 → attack power 0]

【Godwin, lp800→lp3800】

“Even his health has recovered…” Yu Xing gritted his teeth.

At this point, his field was swept away and nothing was left. On the other hand, Godwin summoned such a powerful ten-star dark duel dragon, and even his health was almost reset to the starting value.

To be honest, it does tend to create a sense of frustration, as if all the efforts so far have been in vain.

“There is also the effect of ‘Defense Master’ that can make Stardust Warriors immune to combat destruction during this round, but it is only combat destruction.”

Godwin said.

“Then I will activate the magic card ‘Devotion to the Dead’ from my hand! Discard a card from my hand to destroy a monster on the field!”

Godwin picked a card from his hand and discarded it into the graveyard.

“I destroyed the ‘Stardust Warrior’!”

The white bandages appeared out of thin air, and they were caught off guard and wrapped around the body of the Stardust Warrior. With a crisp explosion, the Stardust Warrior exploded, and the metal splashed everywhere!

“In this way, your new Accelerated Synchronization Ace will be eliminated, and your field will be empty.” Godwin chuckled.

“But at this moment, the effect of ‘Stardust Warrior’ is also activated!” Yuxing said, “When Stardust Warrior leaves the field due to the opponent’s effect or battle, you can specialize the ‘Warrior’ Synchro monster of level 8 or lower from the Extra Deck. call!”

“Huh?” Godwin raised his eyebrows. “And this effect?”

“I won’t give up!” You Xing said, “As long as there are cards in the deck, as long as there are remaining health points, the duel will continue! This is the real duelist!”

While speaking, a card had been ejected from the extra deck and he had pulled it into his hand.

“According to the effect of ‘Stardust Warrior’, I Special Summoned Level 8 ‘Royal Warrior’ from the Extra Deck!”

The light curtain of Tiaoxing appeared, the five fingers of steel cut the light curtain, and the warrior of golden steel slammed to the ground!

[King Road Warrior, Attack Power 3000]

“You won’t give up as long as you have remaining health… Heh, you really have worth paying attention to, don’t move the star.” Godwin smiled, “Then I’ll cover another card to the field. Come on, the round is over.”

“It’s my turn, draw a card!”

Although he was suspicious of what the other party’s attention meant, Yu Xing didn’t have the time to think about it for the time being.

His current situation is indeed very bad. If he doesn’t think of something in this round, he will soon be defeated by the demon king Chaolong.

But he has a plan!

“First, activate the effect of ‘takeover 5’ in the graveyard during the preparation phase, remove this card and the card with the same name in the deck from the game, and draw a card!”

“The effect of ‘Warrior of Kings’ is activated!” Yuxing said, “Once per turn, Special Summon a Level 2 or lower Warrior-Type or Machine-Type monster from your deck.

I Special Summoned a Level 1 Machine-Type from my deck, and the Tuner Monster “Unknown Synchro”! “

[Unknown Synchronizer, Attack Power 0]

“Then usually summon ‘Adjustment Supporters’!”

【Adjustment Supporter~www.mtlnovel.com~Attack 100】

“Level one, adjust the monster ‘Unknown Synchronizer’!

Level 1, ‘Adjustment Supporter’!

Tune the stars! “


“The gathered prayers lead to the horizon of a new speed, and become a shining path! Harmony Summons—

– Synchronization Adjustment, Power of Hope, Equation Synchronizer! “

[Equation Synchronizer, Defense 1500]

“It’s this synchronization adjustment again…” Godwin frowned, “Is it an accelerated synchronization again?”

“When adjusting the effect of the Supporter and sending it to the Graveyard as a Synchro Material, draw a card!

With the effect of ‘Sky Wheel Clock Tower’, draw a card!

Then I activate the effect of ‘Equation Synchronizer’, once per turn, and draw cards from the deck! “

It was three consecutive draws in one breath, Yu Xing took a deep breath and waved his hand.

“Open the cover card, the trap card ‘Star Shift’! Return the Synchro Monster you control to the Extra Deck, negate the effect of the Synchro Monster with the same level as that monster, and Special Summon it from the Extra Deck!” (animation card )

Yusei picked up the royal warrior on the duel plate and drew a card that was automatically ejected from the extra.

“I’ll return the level 8 ‘Royal Warrior’ to the Extra Deck, let’s fly—

– Stardust Dragon! “

[Stardust Dragon, attack power 2500]

“Stardust Dragon.” Godwin said, “So the next one to appear is…”

“Level 2, coherence adjustment ‘equation coherent’!

Level 8, Synchro Monster ‘Stardust Dragon’!

Tune the stars! “


“The gathered dream crystals will open a new door of evolution, and turn it into a shining path! Accelerate the synchronism—

——Level ten, Meteor Dragon! ! ! “

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