I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1445 - Heavenly Lightning Strike

Looking at the five evil eyes that popped out of his field in one breath, Brother Crab was stunned and had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Gifts from opponents in a duel must always be treated with care, which is an iron rule recognized by everyone. The other party sent five derivatives in one breath without saying a word, and even with his toes, he could think that it would definitely not be a good thing.

“I’ll let you see now, the divine power leading to destruction!” the ultimate illusion **** shouted, “I myself – the ultimate illusion **** – the effect of Otmetl Bischbalkin!

My own ATK becomes the number of monsters on the field x 1000! “

“Nani!” Yu Xing’s face changed slightly, “By summoning tokens to fill the field, doesn’t that mean its attack power is…”

“That’s right, there are ten monsters in total on the field now!” Ultimate Illusion God laughed, “So my attack power has risen to 10,000!”

[Ultimate Illusionary God – Ultrameter Brazil Barkin, attack power 0 → attack power 10000]

The moment the attack power value increased, the pressure from the huge black shadow also seemed to increase sharply, making Yuxing feel a tightness in his chest.

But he quickly adjusted, forcing himself to ignore the psychological discomfort and think calmly.

Although the attack power of 10,000 seems to be very powerful, the Evil God’s Eye tokens on his side of the field are all defensive positions. Even if you hit it, it won’t cause damage…

“Use the equipment magic ‘Explosive Penetration’.” The ultimate fantasy **** grinned, “Equip this card to myself. The equipped monster’s ATK increases by 400, and when it attacks a defense position monster, it gains piercing damage!”

[Ultimate Illusionary God – Ultrameter Bischbalkin, attack power 10000 → attack power 10400]

“Fight!” The Ultimate Illusionary God shouted, “Despair under the ultimate divine power, and then destroy it! ‘Ultimate Illusory God-Ultramitel Bishebalkin’, attack the ‘Evil God’s Eye Token’! “

[Evil God’s Eye Token, DEF 0]

With the blessing of equipment magic, the ultimate phantom **** who has obtained the ability to wear defense will directly deal 10,400 wear and defense damage in the early game!

“Sure enough, it’s coming.” Yu Xing took a deep breath, “Then this is… my reversal move! Open the cover card! The trap card——

– Holy Shield – Mirror Power! “

The trap flipped over, and the sacred dazzling blue radiance bloomed, turning into a hemispherical shield in front of You Xing!

“Is it actually a mirror force?” Ultimate Illusion God said solemnly.

“The holy shield-mirror power can be activated when the opponent declares an attack,” Yusei said, “Destroy all the monsters in the attack position on the opponent’s field!”

The ultimate phantom slammed on the surface of the blue shield, and returned towards the ultimate phantom deity like a sea wave!

Yu Xing held his breath and stared at the situation on the field without blinking.

Can you defeat the ultimate phantom god…?

Unfortunately, things don’t seem to be that simple.

I saw the huge arm of the Ultimate Illusion God with a wave, and the majestic divine power exploded. With just one blow, the blue brilliance of the sacred shield was shattered into pieces!

“This kind of trick is useless!” Ultimate Illusion God laughed, “Do you think this trick will work for me?

Ultra Phantom God – Ultrameter Bishebalkin, when this card is destroyed by battle or effect, it can negate its own destruction!

And after using this effect to negate the self-destruction, then destroy all monsters on the opponent’s field! “

With a loud shout, the divine power of the Ultimate Illusionary God erupted, and a wave of darkness erupted from the abyss, drowning the entire field of Yuxing, and all the evil **** derivatives in the audience were reduced to ashes!

Yusei lowered his head, stepped up the accelerator, gritted his teeth, and galloped out of the darkness. But I saw a sneer on the corner of the mouth of the ultimate phantom god, and continued: “It’s not over yet. When the ultimate phantom **** – Otmetl Bischbalkin used this effect to destroy the monster…

… 200 points of damage for each monster destroyed! “

Yuxing: “!”

“Because the five evil god’s eye tokens were destroyed, I gave 1000 points of damage!” The Ultimate Illusionary God shouted, “Be mine, Fudo Yuxing!”

【Youxing, lp900】


The Evil God’s voice shook like thunder, and the eardrums hurt, and the boundless darkness hit the sky. Yu Xing only felt that the D wheel rushed into a dark and dull space, making him almost hallucinating.

He gritted his teeth and forced himself to stay awake, raised his lead-like hand and took out a card from the cemetery.

“I removed the ‘Hindering Tomato’ that existed in the graveyard from the game, and all effect damage received until the end of the round became 0!” Yuxing said.

A small tomato jumped out of the cemetery, like a tenacious shield to help Yuxing block the impact from the ultimate illusion.

“Oh? Have you defended?” The Ultimate Illusionary God sneered, “But the ‘sacred shield-mirror force’ that you had high hopes for a counterattack didn’t work.

And because all the monsters on your field have disappeared, the battle is drawn back on the field, and my attack continues!

The ultimate phantom **** – Ultrameter Bischbalkin, attack directly! “

The darkness erupted again, condensing into a pitch-black lightning in the sky! The red flame was wrapped around the lightning, and it fell from the sky with a deafening roar!

Heavenly Lightning Strike! ! !

“Then I still have the effect of Meteor Dragon that I haven’t used!” Yusei shouted, “The round that Meteor Dragon is removed from the field, there is a chance to negate the attack of the opponent’s monster!

Nullify the attack of ‘Ultimate Phantasm – Ultrameter Bischbalkin’! “

The stardust scattered around gathered together, and re-transformed into the image of the Meteor Dragon that had already left the scene, just like the phantom shield for Yuxing to block the lightning bombardment of the ultimate phantom god!

“Heh, do you think I’ve forgotten the effect of the Meteor Dragon?” Ultimate Illusionary God shouted, “This is already in the calculation! Activate the quick-attack magic ‘Trap Booster’ from the hand, and use a A trap card!

The trap I’m going to use is-

– Trap Card ‘Synchro Halo’! ” (animation card)

You Xing’s pupils shrank.

Of course he recognized this card. After all, this one in the animation was originally Yuxing’s trap.

“When the attack of a Synchro monster on your field is negated,” Ultimate Magic Shinto, “that monster’s attack power is doubled until the end of the turn, and you can attack again!”

Yu Yu on the side raised his eyebrows.

Dude, is this the trap version of the double chance?

Double Chances~www.mtlnovel.com~ Quick Attack Magic, the iconic card of Yuma, the protagonist of Yu-Gi-Oh zexal. The effect is that when a monster’s attack is negated, it can double the ATK of that monster and hit it again.

In the 5ds animation, this coherent halo is basically the double chance of the trap version, but compared with the quick attack magic, the trap is inherently disadvantageous, and it also restricts the application of only coherent monsters, so it is the double chance of the all-round deterioration version. .

But it’s deadly enough to put it here!

Due to the destruction of all the monsters on the Yuxing field, the attack power of the Ultimate Phantasm had already dropped, but it was boosted again under the effect of this trap!

[Ultimate Illusionary God – Ultrameter Bischbalkin, attack power 5400 → attack power 10800]

A sure-fire hit!

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