I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1447 - Evolutionary Light of Salvation

“Is that so, are you going to lend me your power?” Yu Xing understood.

He was no stranger to this feeling.

In some duels in the past, the red dragon would sometimes lend his power generously. At this time, the next card that Yu Xing draws is often “Dragon of Salvation” – a card that is not in his deck at all, but it is often the key to the comeback.

Now from the dragon seal flashing on his arm, he felt a similar touch.

Somewhat similar, but not the same as when the “Salvation Dragon” was printed in the past. This time, it’s going to be more intense.

He had a hunch that something else would appear this time… something stronger than the power of the red dragon he had acquired in the past.

The dragon seals appeared one after another, connecting into a complete red dragon totem that appeared behind You Xing!

This time the card draw will create a miracle!

“According to the effect of ‘Sky Wheel Clock Tower’, draw cards from the deck!”

The dragon seal flashed, the power of the red dragon erupted, and a card glowing with golden light was drawn from the top of the deck!

“The effect of ‘Stardust Synergist’ in the hand!” Yuxing showed a card in his hand, “When Stardust Synergist exists in the hand or in the Graveyard, he can Special Summon himself by liberating any monsters on his field.

I released the ‘Technology Super Librarian’ on the field and special summoned the ‘Stardust Synchronizer’! “

The curator disappeared from the field, and a mechanical warrior who looked like a stardust dragon jumped out onto the field to take his place.

[Stardust Synchronizer, Attack Power 1500]

“If the effect of Stardust Synchronizer is successful in Summoning or Special Summoning, add the Magic and Trap Cards related to ‘Stardust Dragon’ from your deck to your hand.

I added this card from my deck to my hand——

——Perpetual Magic ‘Miracle of Light’! “

Ultimate Illusionary God: “?”

Miracle of light? what’s the situation?

Cards never heard of…

“Next is the effect of the ‘Stardust Trail’ in the hand!” Yuxing said, “This card exists in the hand or in the Graveyard, and when a monster on your field is Tributed, it can be Special Summoned.

Appear, Stardust Trail! “

The one who appeared was a girl with rose-colored hair. She looked quite delicate and beautiful. She was wearing a lifelike uniform and had a pair of cute horns on her little head.

If any viewers familiar with 5ds can recognize it at a glance, isn’t this weird meow sister Qiu who changed her uniform?

Brother Crab finally printed his wife as his card…

[Stardust trail, defense 2000]

“Activate the continuous magic ‘Miracle from Light’ from the hand!”

The magic card appeared, and the surging red glow turned into the phantom of a red dragon and rushed into the sky, penetrating the rich dark miasma!

“The miracle of light, when you activate it, you can choose a level 1 Dragon-type monster from your hand or deck and place it at the top of your deck. I want this card—

——The ‘Star Gathering Dragon’ of level 1 is placed at the top of the deck! “

Jixinglong? Do you have this card in your deck?

The Ultimate Illusionist raised his head and glared fiercely at Yuxing not far behind, where his avatar and his old enemy “Ultramaya Tzolkin” were located.

He felt that he had reason to suspect that the red dragon was even more shameless than ten thousand years ago.

At first, this product was at best just printing a few big monsters in his own Dragon Sealer extra deck, and if he was more arrogant, at most, he would print a “Salvator Dragon” at the top of his card deck.

And now he suspects that this guy may have printed a whole new system in Fudo Yuxing’s deck, but he has no proof…

“Activate the magic card ‘Flash Regeneration’!” Yuxing said, “This card can use the tuner and non-tuner on the field as materials to Sync Summon Synchro Monsters in your Graveyard!” (animation card)

“Level 4, adjust the monster ‘Stardust Synchronizer’!

Level 4, ‘Stardust Trail’!

Tune the stars! “


“Let the gathered prayers be turned into a new shining star, a path that shines with light! Harmony Summons—

—Fly again, Stardust Dragon! ! ! “

[Stardust Dragon, attack power 2500]

“I want to use the effect of your continuous magic ‘Sky Wheel Clock Tower’, and when the Synchro Summon is successful, draw a card from the deck!”

Ultimate Illusionary Shinto: “That card is…”

“That’s right!” You Xing said, “This card is exactly the ‘Star Set Dragon’ that I just placed at the top of the deck!

And when the ‘Star Set Dragon’ was drawn into his hand, its effect was activated!

When the Star Gathering Dragon is drawn, by showing this card to the opponent, it can be Special Summoned directly! Come on, Jixinglong! “

[Set Star Dragon, Attack Power 0]

The red body is like a dreamy little dragon, which is exactly the attitude of the “Salvation Dragon” upgrade and evolution, Jixinglong!

“Star Gathering Dragon, follow-up effect! When this card is Special Summoned, if you have a Level 8 or higher Dragon-Type Synchro Monster on your field, then Special Summon a Level 1 Dragon-Type Monster from your Deck.

Come on, Stardust Dragon! “

[Stardust Little Dragon, Attack Power 100]

“In addition, there is the effect of ‘stardust trail’!”

Sister Qiu, who had already left the stage, appeared again on the stage, her little hands interlocking and her eyes closed in contemplation.

“When Stardust Trail is used as a Synchro material for a ‘Warrior’, ‘Synchro’ or a ‘Stardust’ Synchro Monster, Special Summon a Level 1 ‘Stardust Token’ on your field!”

[Stardust token, attack power 0]

That’s it, the preparation is complete!

“Level 1, adjust the monster ‘Xinglong’!

Level 1, Stardust Little Dragon!

Level 1, Stardust Tokens!

Level 8, Stardust Dragon!

Tune the stars! ! ! “


“The brilliance of the stars converges, and new miracles open up a shining future! Harmony Summons!

come down from the light–

——Liutian Salvation Star Dragon! ! ! “

The light of Hui Shi illuminates the world and dispels the darkness, as if the red dragon itself resides in the body of the star dust dragon, transforming into a miraculous gesture!

Liutian Savior Star Dragon! ! !

A higher level evolution of the Savior Star Dragon!

Different from Yuxing’s self-comprehension acceleration coherence, this is the evolution completed by Stardust Dragon through the “Salvation Dragon” route, gaining the power of the ultimate **** and evolving to the ultimate posture!

[Liutian Salvation Star Dragon, attack power 4000]

“Brother Crab really keeps surprising me…” Even You Yu couldn’t help but smile.

This is really an incredible big brother.

Liutian Salvation Star Dragon, from the name of this stitching can see its high level of force.

And the strength of its effect is indeed worthy of its status.

Liutian Salvation Star Dragon has three effects.

Effect 1: Once per turn, select 1 monster on the opponent’s field and negate the effect.

Effect 2: In addition to normal attacks, this card can add attacks up to the number of “Stardust Dragon” and Synchro monsters related to Stardust Dragon in your Graveyard.

Effect 3: Once per turn, when the opponent activates a spell, trap, or monster effect, remove this card from the game until the end of the turn, negate the activation and remove it from the game.

Not only has the super powerful attack killing ability of nullifying monster effects and multiple attacks, but also has the omnipotent resistance that cancels all effects.

In Xingchen’s family, he is considered one of the best eldest brother!

Even the ultimate phantom **** couldn’t help but change his face slightly.

“So that’s the case, Fudo Yuxing… Has the potential as a Dragon Seal catalyzed the power of ‘Ultramaya Tzorkin’ and gave birth to such a powerful synch monster?”

This made him more and more convinced that labor and capital really did not get it wrong!

This immovable star is the Dragon Seal with the best potential!

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with him.

“Liutian Salvation Star Dragon, the effect is activated!” Yu Xing shouted, “Once per turn, the effect of selecting effect monsters on the opponent’s field is nullified!

Invalidate the effect of ‘Ultimate Phantasm – Ultrameter Bischbalkin’! “

Ultimate Phantom God: Whoa, whoa, whoa! ! ! (incompetent fury)

“The attack power of the ultimate phantom **** is the number of monsters on the field x 1000 points.” Yusei smiled, “If you lose the monster effect, your attack power…”

[Ultimate Illusionary God – Altmere Bischbalkin, Attack Power 0]

“Also, Star Dragon, the Savior of the Sky, can attack the number of times the number of “Stardust Dragon” in the Graveyard and the number of Synchro monsters described in that card name are added per turn.

I have a Meteor Dragon and a Stardust Dragon in my graveyard, so I can add two more attacks.

Therefore, Liutian Salvation Star Dragon can attack three times in total this round! “

Of course, the latter two seem to be useless at all.

The ultimate phantom roared wildly.

“Ah, ah! Don’t move the star … There is also a hateful Ottama Zall Gold !!!”

“Go back to sleep, another me.”

Ultramaya Tzolkin said through the avatar of Liutian Savior Star Dragon~www.mtlnovel.com~ This world does not need you. It was not needed in the past, nor will it be needed in the future. “

“Fight! Liutian Savior Star Dragon!” Yu Xing waved his hand, “Attack on ‘Ultimate Illusionary God-Otmetl Bischbalkin’!”

Liutian Salvation Star Dragon spread its wings, one accelerated into the sky, and swooped in silver-white brilliance!

The impact that broke through the speed of sound, like a silver-white cannonball pierced through the chest of the ultimate god! The boundless dark miasma erupted, like tons of blood erupting from the body of the ultimate god, but it was purified and evaporated by the divine brilliance the moment it spewed out!


【Ultimate Magic God, lp1400→lp0】

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