I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1452 - strange combination added

Ye Liangchen, a local, was a little stunned.

Holy crap, animation still has such an unscientific effect?

Can the effect of the Stardust Dragon removed from the graveyard be activated as the effect activated by the Wave Dragon Knight?

If the effect of the wave dragon knight chain “Holy Shield – Mirror Power” is processed according to the actual card, and the Stardust Dragon is removed from the game from the graveyard and its effect is obtained, then the activation of “Mirror Power” will be missed. At the time, Stardust Dragon’s “Sacrificial Sanctuary” could not be used to destroy the mirror power.

But if you follow the description of the animation effect, it seems that there is no such problem.

“Therefore, I activate the effect of the Stardust Dragon obtained by the Wave Dragon Knight, the Sanctuary of the Victim!” Yu Xing waved his hand, “When the opponent activates the effect of destroying the card, release himself, and the activation is invalid and destroyed!

Therefore, I released the ‘Wave Dragon Knight’, invalidated the activation of the ‘Holy Shield – Mirror Power’ and destroyed it! “

The wave dragon knight turned into a golden light spot and dissipated from the field, and the shield of the mirror force was eroded and corroded, and quickly dissolved to invisible!

“The effect of the wave dragon knight has successfully resisted the backlash of the mirror force!” the aircraft nose commentator shouted, “but relatively, the wave dragon knight is also temporarily released from the field as the cost of launching, and cannot continue to attack!

In this way, the local player Ye Liangchen also temporarily survived the crisis of this round! ? “

The local man Ye Liangchen also breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

The wave dragon knight liberates and leaves the field, so that there are no monsters on the star field. And after the fusion of the Wave Dragon Knight, Yuxing’s hand number is now 0, and it is unlikely to launch further offensives.

And now that it has entered the combat stage, even if Brother Crab can really show off the operation and say another wave of books, it must be after entering the main stage 2.

That way, even if he makes another big monster, he won’t be able to attack again this round.

No matter how you look at it, this wave should be stable.

At present, it seems that Brother Crab only has the resources that can be used immediately, that is, the two cover cards in the backcourt.

…Can you still print a trap card for Brother Liangchen?

Yu Xing swept his arm, and a cover card was opened in the backcourt.

“Continuous Trap ‘Summon Tax’!” Yuxing said, “As long as this card is on the field, each time a monster is summoned or Special Summoned by both sides, the controller of that monster must take damage equal to half of the monster’s ATK. animation card)

Local Ye Liangchen: “?”

What is this meaningless thing?

As a result, the commentator reacted first: “Yes… that’s right! Yuxing used ‘Wave Dragon Knight’ to copy the effect of Stardust Dragon this turn, and released himself to negate the effect of the destruction card.

However, according to the effect of the “Victim Sanctuary”, the liberated “Wave Dragon Knight” will be Special Summoned from the Graveyard at the end of the turn! “

The local man Ye Liangchen reminded: “Wait…Wait! The Wave Dragon Knight replicates the effect of the ‘Stardust Dragon’ in the cemetery, and can’t return to the field at the end of the round after releasing himself!”

“After the Wave Dragon Knight removes the ‘Stardust Dragon’, the name and effect of the Stardust Dragon will be obtained for the entire round, both on the field and in the cemetery.” Yuxing said, “So at the end of the round, The Wave Dragon Knight will of course be back on the field.”

While explaining, Yu Xing still felt strange.

Why does the opposite have the illusion that the wave dragon knight cannot return to the field? Since they have already copied the effect of Stardust Dragon, they should be able to come back no matter what, right?

Local Ye Liangchen: “?”

That’s not right, isn’t the real card wave dragon knight effect handled like this?

K Club, you lied to me again!

“My round is over.” You Xing said, “At the end of the round, the Wave Dragon Knight returns!”

The golden light spots reconvened and returned to the field, and the light particles reassembled into the wave dragon knight’s posture!

[Wave Dragon Knight, attack power 3200]

“At this moment, activate the cover card!” Yusei waved his hand, “Trap card ‘Meteor Bullet’! When the released monster is re-specialized on the field…inflict 1000 damage to the opponent!” (animation card )

“The combination of the Wave Dragon Knight and the Meteor Bullet!” the plane’s commentator shouted, “The combination of monsters and traps gives a lot of damage!”

The energy beam penetrated from the wave dragon knight and slammed into the d wheel of local man Ye Liangchen.

“However, according to the effect of the ‘summon tax’, you will also be damaged by half of the attack power of the wave dragon knight.” The local person Ye Liangchen reminded, “The wave dragon knight in the attack state can only reflect the effect damage from me.

The Summoning Tax is your own trap, and the effect damage from the Summoning Tax will not be reflected! “

Brother Liangchen vaguely guessed that Brother Crab might want to talk to himself again!

But at the same time he also had an ominous feeling.

Will the animation effect of Nima Wave Dragon Knight be different from the real card again?

If Brother Crab adds another sentence, saying that the wave dragon knight in our animation can rebound regardless of the opponent’s or his own effect damage, then he will split in place.

But fortunately, Brother Crab seems to admit this time: “Indeed. The only thing that Wave Dragon Knight can bounce back is the effect damage from the opponent’s card.

The summoning tax is my own trap, and I can’t use the Wave Dragon Knight to reflect the effect damage of my card to the opponent. “

The local man Ye Liangchen let out a sigh of relief.

Huh, it’s okay, it’s finally scientific. At least at this point, Brother Crab’s wave dragon knight has the same effect as the real card…

But then I heard Brother Crab’s words change.

“But, if you have this card, you can do it!” Yusei waved his hand, “Activate the cover card, the trap card ‘Reflection Barrier’!

When you or your opponent’s card effects cause effect damage, the damage done to yourself… is taken by your opponent! ” (animation card)

The local man Ye Liangchen’s facial muscles suddenly twisted.

Na-Nani? ? ?

What kind of meaningless thing is this! ?

Brother Crab, you stuffed so many strange things~www.mtlnovel.com~ Do you really not get stuck?

But his question was meaningless.

The combination on the star field has been established.

Wave Dragon Knight appeared, the energy of golden light poured into the card of “Summoning Tax”, the surging particles turned into impact and swept towards Yuxing, but then it was blocked by the shield formed by “Reflection Barrier”, A gorgeous 180-degree slalom turned his head and roared towards the local man Ye Liangchen!


The D-wheel of local native Ye Liangchen overturned gorgeously, and the whole person was thrown out of the car and almost ran away at the same time.

What a strange combination this Nima is! ! !

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