I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1469 - your hero is too strong

Elemental hero Sunrise, call!

[Elemental Hero Sunrise Man, Attack Power 2500]

“The first is the effect of ‘Elemental Hero Liquid Man’. When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a fusion material for the monster that should be used first, draw two cards from the deck, and then discard one card from your hand.”

Judai draws two cards, then picks one and discards it.

“The effect of Elemental Hero Sunrise Man!” Judai continued, “When Sunrise Man is successfully Special Summoned, you can add a magic card ‘Miracle Fusion’ from your deck to your hand.”

Judai pulled out the Miracle Fusion that popped out of the deck, waved his hand and inserted it directly into the duel plate.

“Then the spell card ‘Miracle Fusion’ is activated!” Judai continued, “Remove fusion material monsters on your field and in your Graveyard from the game, and Fusion Summon the ‘Elemental Hero’ fusion monster!

I removed the ‘Elemental Hero Flame Man’ and the water-type ‘Elemental Hero Liquid Man’ in the graveyard from the game, and merged them again!

The fusion condition is that the hero monster plus any water attribute monster, fusion summon!

Born from the cold abyss—

——Elemental Hero · Absolute Zero! ! ! “

The fusion of water and fire, the shards of ice crystals were mixed in the freezing storm, and the hero wrapped in plain white armor floated down!

[Elemental Hero: Absolute Zero, Attack Power 2500]

“Did it appear, the combination of Sunrise Man and Absolute Zero Man.” Ed said solemnly.

He knew that this was the strongest elemental hero combination in the ten generations.

“Sunrise Man can increase the attack power of all monsters on the field by x200 for the number of monster attribute types on the field.” Ed said, “But even so, there are only two types of monster attributes on your field, and the maximum attack power increases by 400.

This attack power cannot defeat ‘Dragon Knight-D End’. “

“I know.” Judai smiled, “So I activated the magic card ‘Superior Draw’ from my hand!”

Ed’s eyes moved slightly: “Release your monster’s card to draw cards… So it is.”

“That’s right, this card can release monsters of level 8 or higher on your field and draw two cards from your deck.” Judai said, “So I release ‘Elemental Hero: Absolute Zero’ and draw two cards! “

The extremely cold Absolute Zero hero turned into a burst of golden light and dissipated, and two new cards automatically popped up from the top of the deck, and were drawn into the hand by the tenth generation.

“Then at this moment, the effect of ‘Elemental Hero Absolute Zero’ was activated!” Judai shouted, “Elemental Hero Absolute Zero, when he leaves the field, all monsters on the opponent’s field are destroyed!

Absolute zero! ! ! “

A wave of ice crystals erupted, and a cold current swept across Ed’s grounds! The poor demonic person bore the brunt of it, and was frozen into ice sculptures on the spot. Then came the dystopians, who were also quickly shattered by the erosion of absolute zero.

But only “Dragon Knight-D Final” remained strong, and the powerful absolute zero wave couldn’t shake him at all.

“Eh~” Judai said, “Is the power of absolute zero actually ineffective against ‘Dragon Knight-D End’?”

“That’s right.” Ed was very proud, “Dragon Knight-d is not a scumbag that can be defeated to such an extent. With the effect of d, he will not be destroyed by any magic, trap, or monster effect!”

“There’s still such an ability.” Shidai thought thoughtfully.

“The attack power of Sunrise will increase the number of monster attributes on your field x200.” Ed said, “But now that Absolute Zero has been liberated by you, you only have Sunrise on your field, which means that There are only light-type monsters.

Therefore, Sunrise’s attack power only increased by 200. “

[Elemental Hero Sunrise Man, Attack Power 2500 → Attack Power 2700]

This attack power is obviously unstoppable.

But Judai smiled: “It seems so, but my operation is not over yet.”


“I still have the newly drawn card after the release of ‘Absolute Zero’.” Judai said, “The magic card ‘h-Hot Heart’! Increase the attack power of the monsters on your field this turn. 500!

I increase the attack power of the ‘Elemental Hero Sunrise’ on the field by 500! “

[Elemental Hero Sunrise Man, Attack Power 2700 → Attack Power 3200]

Ed frowned slightly: “Is it the end of the attack power exceeding d?”

“Fight.” Shidai said, “Use ‘Elemental Hero Sunrise’ to attack ‘Dragon Knight D’s End’!”

The flames roared in the palm of Sunrise Man’s palm, and the scorching radiance sprinkled from his back, like the golden glow of the newborn sun!

Although Dragon Knight d finally tried his best to fight back, the undercurrent he sprayed was quickly offset and torn apart by the scorching sun-like flames. The armor of the dragon knight was pierced, and his body was burned to ashes.

【Aide, lp3500→lp3300】

“Actually knocked down the end…”

After a brief silence, Ed hummed softly.

“Hmph, that’s the way it is, Tendai.”

“My turn is over.” Judai said, “At this moment, the effect of ‘h-Hot Heart’ ends, and Sunrise’s attack power returns to its original state.”

[Elemental Hero Sunrise Man, Attack Power 3200 → Attack Power 2700]

“The round is over.” Shidai said, “It’s your turn, Aide, let me go! Let me continue to see the power of destiny heroes!”

“You don’t need to tell me that I have such a plan!”

Ed raised the volume.

“My turn, draw cards!” Ed said, “At this moment, another effect of Dragon Knight D’s End is activated!”

“Ah?” Judai was surprised, “It still works?”

“That’s right, Dragon Knight D is always the strongest hero of destiny, he is immortal!” Ed chuckled, “This Ake exists in the cemetery, and during his preparation stage, you can pass a name in the cemetery. Cards with ‘Heroes of Destiny’ are removed from the game and Special Summoned by themselves!”

Ten generations:”!”

Nani? Does it even come with a resurrection?

It cannot be destroyed by effects, and even if it is hit, it will still be resurrected, and it also has the ability to blow up the opponent’s monsters and deal damage…

“It’s so strong!” Shidai’s eyes lit up, “It’s so powerful, Ed! Your destiny hero is getting stronger and stronger!”

“Hmph, of course.” Ed became more and more complacent, “I said long ago that my hero of destiny is much stronger than your hero…”

Before the words were finished~www.mtlnovel.com~, Judai showed a card: “The effect of ‘dd crow’ in the hand. Discard this card from the hand, and you can put a card in the opponent’s graveyard. Excluded from the game.

And this effect can also be activated during the opponent’s turn!

So I discard the ‘d.d. Raven’ in my hand, and remove the ‘Dragon Knight d-end’ in your graveyard from the game! “

A crow flapped its wings and flew out, and took out the invincible “Dragon Knight D End” from Ed’s cemetery. shriveled cry.

Judai: So strong, your destiny hero is too strong, so I decided to send him to another dimension.

Ed: “…”

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