I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1474 - shining miracle

[Turtle bad beast, attack power 2200]

Ten generations:”……”

Unexpectedly, the sea turtle bad beast who once showed great power and deceived countless people in the hands of the tenth generation would one day be eaten and returned to his own field, even his own monsters would not be spared.

When the tenth generation used to take turtles to trap people, they didn’t think that it would be discovered by themselves that they were trapped by turtles for such a wave. This thing is really a bit of hell.

My **** Xinyuxia, I only exchanged it for six for one, qaq…

Judai looked at the turtles on his field and couldn’t help but feel pain.

So Ed This is the power of your destiny hero? Why doesn’t it feel right…

“It’s not over yet!” Ed waved his hand, “I removed the… seven cards in the graveyard from the game!”

Ten generations:”???”

Cards in Ed’s graveyard flew out of the graveyard one by one. Disc Man, Demon Man, Dystopian Man, Incremental Man, Bionic Man, Gorefiend D, Twin Man, a total of seven cards turned into golden lights and disappeared outside the whirlpool of different dimensions.

what’s the situation?

Seven cards in the graveyard? Say except? Is this really not a foul?

What can this summon?

“By removing from the game seven dark monsters in the graveyard, come here now—

——The Ultimate Treasure God, Rainbow Dark Dragon! ! ! “


Shidai’s eyes widened, everyone was stupid.


The dark body seems to run through the sky, and the dragon stands between heaven and earth! The seven-color rainbow light seems to be covered with a dark filter, and darkness surrounds Shenlong’s body.

[Ultimate Treasure God, Rainbow Dark Dragon, Attack Power 4000]

The ultimate treasure jade god? Isn’t that John’s monster?

And the dark version?

Is this also Edxin’s destiny hero?

Ten Generations: Confused.jpg.

By the way, during the wrgp regular season, John seems to be Ed’s teammate…

“That’s right, this is what John Anderson entrusted to me, a gesture derived from the Rainbow Dragon.” Ed chuckled lightly.

“Oh, that’s right.” Judai smiled, “So, does this duel still contain John’s will? Ha, it seems to be getting more and more interesting…”

“Don’t be in a hurry to get excited, it’s not over yet.” Ed raised his voice, “You can think of a way to deal with this round first.”

[Turtle Bad Beast Gamersiel, Attack Power 2200]

[Ultimate Treasure God, Rainbow Dark Dragon, Attack Power 4000]

Indeed, the attack power of the Rainbow Dark Dragon is 1800 higher than that of the Turtle Bad Beast, while the remaining health of the tenth generation is 1700. This blow is passed, and the duel will end directly here!

“Battle,” Ed waved, “attack with the ‘Ultimate Treasure Jade God Rainbow Dark Dragon’!”

The darkness gathered in the mouth of the rainbow dragon, and the seven-color rainbow was brewing, as if the rainbow impacted by a layer of dark filter penetrated through the space, and slammed on the turtle bad beast head-on!

Judai said solemnly, “Then I will activate the effect of the ‘Defender Master’ in the Graveyard! By removing the Defender Master in the Graveyard from the game, you can turn the attacked monsters on your field into Defense Position!

That monster cannot be destroyed by battle this turn! “

The sea turtle bad beast turned from attack to defense, and the impact of the rainbow dragon slammed **** the turtle’s hard shell. It seemed to have no effect other than splashing a little debris.

“Really tenacious…” Ed frowned.

“It’s a coincidence, that’s what I want to say.” Judai smiled, “Okay! Then it’s me again! My turn, draw a card!”

Judai glanced at the cards in his hand, and immediately showed them: “I activate the magic card ‘Monster Recovery’! Return all cards on the field and in your hand to the deck and shuffle, and then draw five cards from the deck. !”

The turtle on the field yawned lazily again, and immediately turned into a golden light and flew back to the tenth generation’s deck. The card group is automatically washed and cut, and five cards are ejected from the top one by one.

“I usually summon the ‘Guardian of the Dragon Wizard’!”

[Dragon Magician Guardian, Attack Power 1800]

“Dragon Magician Guardian’s effect, when this card is successfully summoned, discard a card from your hand and add a ‘Fusion’ magic card from your deck to your hand.”

Judai discarded a card in his hand.

“Add the magic card ‘Replacement Fusion’ from the deck to the hand!”

Ten generations waved their hands.

“Then I activate the magic card ‘Miracle Touch’ from my hand!” Judai said, “Return the fusion material monsters in your hand, on the field, and in the graveyard to the deck, and Special Summon the Xinyu fusion monsters ignoring the summoning conditions!

I return the ‘Elemental Hero·Xinyuxia’ and ‘New Universe·Dark Panther’ in the graveyard to the deck, contact fusion! “

Xin Yu Xia and the Dark Panther both flew out, turning into two intertwined beams of light rushing into the Milky Way. A pitch-black beam of light descended from the sky, and the darkness attached to Xin Yuxia’s body, transforming into a new posture!

Elemental Hero Dark New Yuxia!

[Elemental Hero Dark New Yuxia, Attack Power 2500]

“Dark New Yuxia?” Ed frowned slightly and thought for a while.

“Elemental hero Dark Xinyuxia, if I remember correctly, his effect is once per turn, and it can negate the effect of a monster on the opponent’s field.”

Ed said, and paused.

“But even so, Rainbow Dark Dragon’s attack power is still 4,000.” Aide said, “Even doing such a thing is meaningless, and it is impossible to defeat it with the power of Dark Xinyuxia.”

“I know.” Shidai smiled.

However, he did not use this effect at all.

“Then I will then activate the quick-attack magic ‘Contact Separation’ from my hand!” Judai said, “Remove the fusion of the Xinyu fusion monsters on your field!”

Ed: “?”

After fusion, should it be released immediately? What’s the point of this?

Ed was a little confused.

“Contact the effect of separation, and return the Xinyu fusion monster on your field to the extra deck. And if the fusion materials needed to fuse that monster are collected in your deck, you can add that set of fusion material monsters from the deck. Special Summon!

Therefore, I returned the ‘Elemental Hero: Dark Xinyuxia’ to the deck, and reappeared, Xinyuxia! Dark Panther! “

I saw that the dark Xinyuxia’s heels hadn’t even stood firm, and the figure was divided into two again, transformed into the postures of Xinyuxia and the dark panther, one left and one right fell on both sides of the tenth generation venue.

[Elemental hero Xinyuxia, attack power 2500]

[New Spaceman Dark Panther, Attack Power 1000]

“The effect of the new spaceman, Dark Panther!” Judai waved, “Dark Panther can choose a monster on the opponent’s field once per turn, and until the end of the turn, get the effect of that monster, and use it as a card with the same name!

Of course, the one I want to choose is the ‘Ultimate Treasure Jade God Rainbow Dark Dragon’ on your field! “

The dark leopard’s eyes clearly reflected the image of the Ultimate Treasure God, and its body was deformed like ooze.

The Ultimate Treasure God: Rainbow Dark Dragon – New Universe Edition!

Ed: “?”

Copied into Rainbow Dark Dragon? But what’s the point of that…

Judai smiled slightly~www.mtlnovel.com~ The proof of the bond with John, I also have it here. “He raised his hand, “Activate the magic card ‘Replacement Fusion’ from the hand! Integrate the ‘Elemental Hero Xinyuxia’ on the field with the Dark Panther used as the ‘Ultimate Jewel God Rainbow Dark Dragon’! “

Ed: “???”

Nani! ?

“The ancient fantasy dragons, combined with heroes from the new universe, converged light into new miracles—

——Elemental hero Rainbow Emperor Xinyuxia, summon! ! ! “

Ed: “???”

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