I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1476 - Feng Dad

“Tendai, now you have no chance!” Ed shouted.

But instead of the slightest panic, Judai did not panic, but the starlight shone in his eyes.

“Oh, there is a super handsome hero!” Judai was excited, “It’s amazing! I really want to know what kind of abilities he has!”

“You’ll find out soon.” Ed smiled, “The first is to destroy the first ability of the Phoenix, the attack power of the monsters on the opponent’s field is reduced by the number of ‘heroes’ in your graveyard x 200 points!

Now I have four ‘heroes’ in my cemetery, so Rainbow Emperor Xinyuxia’s attack power drops by 800! “

The ability to destroy the phoenix people was activated, and the vortex of flames emerged from the soles of the Rainbow Emperor’s feet. The flames erupted from bottom to top, and even the sacred seven-color light on the Rainbow Emperor’s body seemed to dim a little.

[Elemental hero: Rainbow Emperor Xinyuxia, attack power 4500 → attack power 3700]

“Ah, the attack power of the Rainbow Emperor…” Judai returned to his senses, “Oh, fortunately, most of the heroes in the cemetery have been removed from the ‘Ultimate Jewel God Rainbow Dark Dragon’ in the last round. Except in the game…”

If it wasn’t for the seven heroes that were eliminated in one go, there should now be eleven heroes in Ed’s graveyard, and the attack power of the monsters on your side would drop by 2200!

“However, even if it is weakened, the Phoenix Man’s attack power still cannot defeat my Rainbow Emperor Xinyuxia.” Tendai reminded with a smile.

“Hmph, naive. Now let you see what is the power of the strongest destiny hero!

First of all, I activate the effect of ‘Heroes of Destiny Negator’ in the graveyard!

Destiny Hero and Negative Man, if he exists in the Graveyard, and if there is a “Destiny Hero” monster in the Graveyard on the side of the field, this card can be Special Summoned from the Graveyard.

However, this effect can only be used once in a duel. “

The hero of destiny who had just entered the cemetery as a fusion material quickly popped out of the cemetery and was photographed on the field by Ed.

“Therefore, I special summon the ‘Heroes of Destiny Negator’ in the cemetery!”

【Heroes of Destiny · Negative People, Attack Power 1100】

“Enlightenment, Judai!” Ed shouted, “Heroes of Destiny – Phoenix Destroyer’s final ability activates! Select a card on your field and any card on the field, and destroy all the two cards you choose! “

Ten generations:”!”

The ability to directly blow up cards?

“Also, this effect does not take the target effect.” Ed chuckled, “Therefore, I will destroy the ‘Destiny Hero Negative Man’ on my field and the ‘Elemental Hero: Rainbow Emperor Xinyuxia’ on your field. !”

The Destroyer Phoenix spread out his arms, raised his head and let out a long roar!

His wings spread out behind him, and the flames covered the red wings, like a burning phoenix!

Two flames erupted from the soles of Negator and Rainbow Emperor Xinyuxia at the same time! Negative people instantly vanished in flames, and the rainbow light barrier on Rainbow Emperor Xinyuxia briefly resisted, but it seemed that it was about to burst!

“Open the cover!” Judai waved his hand to open the backcourt, “Perpetual trap ‘safety zone’!

After this card is activated, equip it as an equipment card to ‘Elemental Hero: Rainbow Emperor Xinyuxia’! The equipped monster cannot be selected as the effect target of the card, nor will it be destroyed by the effect! “

The trap was activated, the light blue energy barrier was attached to the Rainbow Emperor’s energy field, and Deng was about to disperse the flames that enveloped the Rainbow Emperor Xinyuxia.

“Did you catch it?” Ed frowned.

“Hey, even though your Phoenix Destroyer is very strong, I’ll have a headache if I’m underestimated.” Judai smiled.

“Don’t get carried away, the tenth generation, the power to destroy the Phoenix people is more than this level.” Ed said, “I’ll cover a card, the round is over!”

“Then it’s my turn, draw cards!”

Judai glanced at the card he had drawn and played it directly: “I summon the ‘Elemental Hero, Shadowmist Girl’!”

[Elemental Hero: Shadowmist Girl, Attack Power 1000]

“Elemental Hero: Rainbow Emperor Xinyuxia, the effect is activated again!” Judai said, “Send the ‘Elemental Hero: Shadowmist Girl’ on the field to the graveyard, and shuffle all monsters on the opponent’s field and return them to the deck!”

The shadow fog girl turned into a phantom and disappeared from the arena, the Rainbow Emperor’s divine power was activated again, and the whirlwind of colorful rainbow lights once again enveloped Ed’s audience!

“No matter what abilities the Phoenix Destroyer has, as long as they shuffle back the deck, they’ll be fine!” Judai chuckled.

“Oh, the abacus is good,” Ed said, “but it’s useless! The effect of ‘Heroes of Destiny: Destroyer of the Phoenix’ is activated!

Once per turn, choose a card on your field and any card on the field, and destroy all the selected cards! “

“Eh!?” Judai was shocked, “Can the effect be activated even during the opponent’s turn?”

“That’s right, this is the strength of the Phoenix Destroyer. His effect is a two-speed effect, which can be used in both his own and the opponent’s turns.” Ed said, “Also, the target selected by this effect can also be itself!

Therefore, I destroy the ‘Heroes of Destiny: Destroy Phoenix’ itself, as well as the ‘safety zone’ of the permanent trap on your field! “

The ability to destroy the Phoenix people was activated again, and two flames rose from the ground, engulfing the traps that destroyed the Phoenix people themselves and the backcourt of the tenth generation respectively!

“The Rainbow Emperor Xinyuxia protected by the ‘safety zone’ cannot be the target of the effect, nor can it be destroyed by battles or effects.” Ed said, “But as a side effect, when the ‘safety zone’ leaves the field, the Rainbow Emperor Xinyuxia itself will be destroyed. It will be destroyed!”

It is true that the safe zone can provide almost perfect resistance protection for almost any monster, but the risk is that the equipped monster will explode with it when it leaves the field.

The trap and the phoenix people were burned and disappeared at the same time. When the rainbow emperor Xinyuxia’s colorful storm swept through, the destroying phoenix people had already been burned and disappeared by their own flames, avoiding the swept of the colorful storm.

Immediately afterwards, the Rainbow Emperor Xinyuxia himself exploded due to the departure of the safety zone, and disappeared from the field as an extremely dazzling light.

“But in this way, you will have no defense on the field!” Judai said, “And the ‘Elemental Hero · Shadow Mist Girl’ that was just sent to the cemetery as the condition for the activation of Rainbow Emperor Xinyuxia’s effect, the effect is activated!

When this card is sent to the Graveyard, add a ‘Hero’ monster from your Deck to your hand.

I added ‘Evil Heart Hero Dark Venus Demon’ from the deck to my hand! “

Ed’s eyes moved slightly.

That card is…

“Dark Venus Demon effect, discard this card from your hand~www.mtlnovel.com~ Add the magic card ‘Dark Summoning’ from your deck to your hand!”

Judai drew the magic card that popped up from the deck.

“Then the magic card ‘Dark Summoning’ is activated!

Remove the fusion material monsters from the hand and the graveyard from the game, and perform a dark fusion of evil heroes!

I excluded the ‘Evil Heart Hero Dark Venus Demon’ and the level 8 ‘Elemental Hero Sunrise Man’ in the cemetery from the game!

The fusion condition is that the evil-hearted hero plus the monster of level 6 or higher! Fusion Summons!

Guide the power of evil with a righteous heart, and be reborn as a hero——

——Evil Heart Hero, Evil Blade Demon, Summon! ! ! “

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