I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1478 - The organizer himself

【Aide, lp0】

The strength made a leap, and he started with a top-level destiny hero like Feng Dad, but in the end, the result still did not change.

Ed lost again.

His health returned to zero after taking the final blow. He lowered his head and didn’t say a word for a while.


Judai put on a happy pose as always.

“What an interesting duel!”

Ed raised his eyelids to glance at him, and snorted softly.

“Hmph, you are lucky today.” Ed put away the deck and closed the duel plate, “But don’t expect your luck to be so good next time.

Next time, I will definitely win! “

“Of course.” Judai smiled and nodded again and again.

Ed always said that, and Shidai always responded. I don’t know since when this seems to have become a tacit understanding between them that doesn’t need to be said.

Although Ed said at first that he must end today, as if he really made up his mind, but now it seems that he is actually mentally prepared for such an outcome.

After all, he didn’t know ten generations for a day or two, and the two of them had played more than one game or two, and losing too much had already become a habit.

“Very exciting duel.” Yu Xing also stepped forward to express his admiration, “Heroes of Destiny… is indeed a powerful force that cannot be underestimated.”

“Of course.” Ed said this very proudly, “Heroes of Destiny is the best hero series designed by my father himself!

Maybe I lost today, but that doesn’t mean Destiny Hero lost. “

“Yes, yes, after all, the possibilities of destiny heroes are endless, and there is the potential to exert stronger power.” Judai laughed.

Ed gave him a sideways glance, and after a moment of silence, the conversation changed.

“The knockout round…it may be much more difficult than before.” Ed said slowly, “Unlike the regular season, as long as you lose one match in the knockout round, you will immediately be disqualified.

And the players who can advance to this stage are all the strongest from the strongest of all time and space.

Although I am reluctant to admit it, during the regular season I also encountered quite a few formidable opponents, some of which are beyond my current ability…”

“I know.” Judai rubbed his hands excitedly, “That’s why it’s exciting! It’s exciting to think about fighting against so many powerful enemies!”

Ed smiled lightly.

“Are you looking forward to it? Hmph, it really has your style.”

Ed snorted, then pulled out the deck of cards in his duel tray, rummaged for a while, then picked out a few cards, and handed them to Shidai pretending to be nonchalant.

“Take it.”


Judai took the card he handed over in a daze, took a look at it, and couldn’t help being surprised.


One of them is the Destiny Hero-specific magic card “Fusion Destiny” that Ed used in the duel just now – this card allows Destiny Hero monsters to fuse in the deck.

The other one is the latest and strongest Destiny Hero who showed his might and kindness in the duel just now, the “Destiny Hero Destroy Phoenix Man” known as Feng Dad.

Judai looked up in surprise: “But this isn’t yours…”

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m just borrowing it from you for the time being.” Ed pouted with his arms crossed, “Don’t hold back Mr. You Yu in the knockout rounds.”

“But Ed…”

You Yu stepped forward and patted Shidai on the shoulder, then smiled: “It doesn’t matter, just accept it.”

Shidai looked at You Yu and Aide, and seemed to understand something.

“Okay, then I’ll accept it.” Shidai smiled, “Don’t worry, Ed, I will make your destiny hero shine in the knockout stage!”

“Hmph, I hope so.”

Ed waved his hand and left immediately.

Shidai looked at the Phoenix Destroyer in his hand and couldn’t help but chuckle.

After working for a long time, Ed, this guy turned out to have made a special trip to deliver the card.

It would have been better to have said that from the beginning, what an awkward guy…


The knockout and regular season formats are different. The knockout matches are played according to the relay-style rules similar to the wrgp in the original 5ds animation.

The two sides first sent their first-rounder to fight. After the first person in the team loses, the second person needs to inherit the field and cemetery of the previous person to continue fighting.

Such a competition system has higher requirements on the overall strength of the team. If there is a shortcoming among the three members of the team, the shortcoming will be given for nothing as soon as they go up, then the latter two must take over the duel under the unfavorable situation that their own field is empty and the opposite field is impregnated, which will be better than normal singles. Fighting alone is harder.

But for Yu Yu, there is no problem.

After all, their team has no shortcomings. Whether it is the tenth generation or the star, whether it is a warrior or a **** drawing, it is of the top grade among the many dimensional duelists, and it is difficult to meet any opponents.

You Yu didn’t need to say more. At this point, wrgp players and audiences from all dimensions have acquiesced that the first-generation duel Wang Youyu is a standard hexagonal warrior among duelists, a ceiling-level powerhouse with no shortcomings.

It must be said that there is a shortcoming, it may be that the duel king is a bit inconsistent with the coin dice or something, but this is only a small problem.

In the knockout stage, it is not that there were no duelists who wanted to rely on coin dice to opportunistically, but the final result proved to be useless.

The one who should be killed by Youyu is still killed, and it has no effect on the result.

I don’t know if it was because of the schedule, the three of You Yu went all the way to the quarterfinals without encountering any obstacles. The three consecutive games starting from the top 64 were basically abusive games.

Along the way, the only tougher opponent he encountered was the personal enemy of Judai—the overlord Judai from a different time and space.

But this duel is really not much to say.

In those days, the tenth generation defeated the overlord with his own strength, and now the tenth generation has completely controlled the power of the overlord, and the souls of the overlord and Yubel have been integrated in the body at the same time, which is no longer the same as the strength of the year.

The current ten generations to win the overlord is naturally a matter of course.

The starting Overlord was defeated by the tenth generation without any suspense, and it was naturally impossible for the remaining Mage and Hades of the Overlord team and the Dragon God of the Dark Realm to make any waves.

The tenth generation classmates won the mvp of this duel steadily. Not only did they defeat the overlord, but they also defeated the opponent’s second-rounder, Grafa, the dragon **** of the dark world. It was not until the magician Larmor came on stage that Tendai retired because his resources and blood were exhausted.

But it doesn’t matter if he quits at this time. In the second round, You Xing successfully won Larmor, and the opponent was eliminated without even getting a chance to meet You Yu.

They successfully advanced to the quarterfinals all the way, and the quarterfinals schedule was released. It seems that they are finally about to encounter a wave of acquaintances.

President Haima’s team.

Although You Yu and the president’s team failed to meet in the quarterfinals, if they can successfully win the duel with their opponents during the quarterfinals, then they will meet each other during the quarterfinals~www.mtlnovel .com~ Before the quarter-finals, You Yu ran into President Haima outside the arena area.

President Haima glared at You Yu viciously, and said harsh words every day. The content is also relatively the same, nothing more than saying what you ↑ Yu↓ you wash my neck and wait, this arena will be the place where you and I will end!

…and games ↑game↓ too!

But unfortunately, President Haima did not seem to get his wish in the end.

His team failed to advance, and unfortunately stopped in the quarter-finals in this wrgp competition.

The opponent the president encountered during the quarter-finals was the future trio led by Z-One himself.

The organizer will go out in person.

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