I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1492 - rise to the challenge

【Antinomie, LP0】

Antinomie’s triangular eagle gradually decelerated, and after reaching a certain speed, it maintained a constant speed and moved slowly along the track.

The speed of the D wheel of the tenth generation also dropped, and he followed the triangular eagle and moved forward slowly.

“Good job.” Antinomie glanced at Judai and chuckled, “As expected of you, Yucheng Judai. History calls you one of the few duelists who can create miracles. One, the bond between you and the elves is unmatched even among the strongest of all generations.

In today’s battle, I have personally experienced that there is no false element in the rumors. You are indeed the strongest duelist worthy of this title. “

“Haha, it’s just luck.” Judai smiled and rubbed his nose, “You are also very good. I haven’t met many guys like you in WRGP all the way. The best among the powerhouses of all dimensions…”

“You’re the winner.” Antinomie chuckled, but then said seriously, “But don’t think you can sit back and relax if you win this game.

Winning against me is just the beginning, our team… we have come to this point after fighting through countless doomsdays. “

“I know.” Shidai smiled, “Then I’ll give you a piece of advice, don’t underestimate us. Whether it’s You Xing or Teacher You Yu, you will never lose!”

Antinomie smiled and didn’t speak any further.

But when his triangular eagle slowed down and was about to stop, he noticed that Judai actually slowed down and seemed to be about to stop and pull over, and he couldn’t help showing surprise.

“Are you going to leave the track too?”

Antinomie said in her heart that I left the arena because the return to zero was over. You obviously still have remaining HP, so what are you parking for?

“Because my mission has been completed.” Judai smiled, “As you said before, the resources in my deck and hand have been exhausted, and there are not many cards left in my hand, even if I stay on the field. There is no fighting force.


After a pause, he smiled slightly.

“And it’s something we’ve agreed on long ago.”

Shidai glanced at the direction of his teammates, and their second round, Yuxing, had already stepped on the D round and was ready to hand over.

It is indeed allowed according to the rules of the relay race. If a duel ends and a player has remaining health, but the team judges that he can no longer fight, then the next duel can be directly exchanged for the second-rounder to play.

It’s just that few teams choose to do this, because it’s obviously giving up their advantages in most cases.

Antinomie also frowned: “Are you looking down on us?”

“No, it’s just because your opponent is you, that’s why you have to do this.” Judai said sternly, “Mr. Yu Yu told me that the purpose of this duel is to accomplish what you failed to accomplish – to defeat Darkness and save the future. ?

What we need in this duel, then, is more than mere victory.

We need to prove in this duel that we have the power to entrust the future! “

Antinomie was silent for a moment, then looked at Fudo Yuxing on the opposite track again, and seemed to suddenly understand something.

As we all know, Fudo Yuxing is the only pure synchronization user among the three players in the Yuyu team, and the operation of the entire deck is based on the synchronization summoning.

And the next one in their future trio, Apollo, who is about to play, uses the card group “Emperor Machine”, known as the Synchro Killer, who is an expert in dealing with Synchro.

But the three of You Yu’s side did not choose to let Yu Xing avoid Apollo, but deliberately let Yu Xing face Apollo.

If a duelist like Judai who doesn’t play coherence at all, or Yuyu who doesn’t rely on coherence power is used as Apollo’s opponent, Apollo’s machine emperor will probably be greatly restricted, right?

But they did not choose to do so, but chose to face the difficulties.

WRGP races are essentially just to complete the loop, winning or losing by itself means nothing.

Antinomie suddenly seemed to understand something again.

The deck used by Apollo is the Emperor of the Machine, and the birth of the Emperor of the Machine is the starting point of the future shattering.

Fudo Yuxing is the representative of homology, and he firmly believes that homology is the power to open up the future.

So the next duel is not just a simple victory or defeat, but also contains a special meaning.

“I understand.” Antinomie closed his eyes gently, “I have already felt your determination. Let’s see if you have evolved to the point where you are worthy of entrusting the future. “

The two teams completed the relay, the second-rounder went on the field, and both Yusei and Apollo galloped onto the track.

“Oh! No one would have imagined that Judai from the lower city would voluntarily withdraw from the arena when there was still life left, handing the duel over to the next player, Fudo Yuxing!” the plane’s commentator shouted.

The two sides rushed to the track, Apolia glanced at Yu Xing, and said indifferently: “Will you choose to fight with me one-on-one by your own strength?”

“That’s right.” You Xing smiled lightly, “Emperor Machine’s full strength, let me experience it.”

“Hmph, as you wish.”

Apollo raises the volume.

“My turn, draw a card!”

The last time Antinomie’s health was zero was the turn of the tenth generation. According to the rules of wheel battle, when one side’s health reaches zero, no matter whose turn it is at that time, it must end forcibly.

After the replacement of the personnel on both sides is completed, they will automatically skip to the next side’s turn.

So now it’s automatically into Apollo’s turn.

“It’s my turn, draw cards!” Apollo shouted.

Although the personnel of both sides have been exchanged and entered into the second duel, the tenth generation “Elemental Hero, Shen Xinyuxia” still remains on the field of Yuxing and can resist the attack.

“I activate the magic card ‘Angel’s Almsgiving’ from my hand, draw three cards from the deck, and then discard two cards from my hand.”

Apollo changed his hand, swept his gaze from his hand, and narrowed his eyes.

“I usually summon the ‘Machine Emperor Soldier, Sansei One’!”

The mechanical soldier, whose shape resembled the mind of the miniature emperor, jumped out of the field and stood in front of Apollo.

[Machine Emperor Soldier, Sanity Type One, Attack Power 1800]

“Then activate the spell card ‘Steel Call’ from your hand.” Apolya said, “When you have a Machine-Type monster on your field, special summon the effect of a Level 4 or lower Machine-Type monster in the Graveyard by negating the effects, and the turn ends. time damage.

I’ve Special Summoned the ‘Machine Emperor Soldier Shenkong I’ that exists in the cemetery! “

[Machine Imperial Soldier·Shenkong 1~www.mtlnovel.com~Attack Power 1200]

“The magic card ‘Double Summon’ can add one more normal summons.” Apolya said, “I usually summon the ‘Emperor Soldier, Shenlu Type 1’!”

[Machine Imperial Soldier·Shenlu Type 1, attack power 1600]

“In this way, the preparation is complete.” Apollo twitched the corner of his mouth.

Yu Xing frowned, a little confused.

It doesn’t seem to be the same as the King Machine deck used by Apollo’s clone trio before, a tactic I’ve never seen before…

“Then this time, I will do my best!

If there are three or more monsters with “King” in their name on your field, this card can be Special Summoned from your hand——

– Appear here! Machine Emperor Shenlong – Star! ! ! “

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