I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 184 - Is it really that persuasive?

“Quick-attack magic – fusion release!” Mr. Ito Nobuy wrote proudly on his face, “Use this card to release the fusion of ‘Elemental Hero Nova Lord’ and restore it to the state before fusion!”

The hero in golden armor just appeared, and his body was captured by a swirling flame. There were two painful groans from the armor, and then its body was split apart under the irresistible magical power, and it returned to the state before the fusion of the solid man and the flame man, and returned to the game with an attack. Yu’s field.

[Elemental Hero Solid Man, Attack Power 1300]

[Elemental hero Blaze, attack power 1200]

The attack power of Solid Man and Flame Man is below that of Uncle Xin’s red Cyclops. And the effect of Blaze can only be used once per turn, and it can’t be used again now.

“Then I’ll cover and place a card, and the round is over.” Another cover card was placed beside You Yu’s feet.

“Ha, are you helpless?” Mr. Xin was quite proud, “I told you a long time ago that I am very strong in duels! In my turn, draw cards!”

He turned over the card he had drawn, his eyes lit up, as if he had been waiting for what he was waiting for.

The perfect hand!

“I’ll cover and place a card first!” Mr. Xin put an extra card at his feet, and then slowly drew out a card in his hand, his face full of pride and anticipation, “I’ll let you take a look, I An ultra-rare card handed to me by a friend in the International Illusion Society that hasn’t even been officially released yet…”

You Yu was slightly interested.

An ultra-rare card that hasn’t been released yet? Is it so powerful?

“The first thing I want to activate is the magic card – Treasure from the sky!” Mr. Xin first played this magic card that Qianna said had been eating ashes in his warehouse, “The players on both sides can fill up to six cards in their hands. .”

Then, when You Yu drew cards from the deck, Mr. Xin pouted and said with a smile, “At this moment, I want to activate quick-attack magic from my hand – the price of desire!” (animation card)

Yu Yu frowned.

What kind of card is this? How come you don’t seem to be impressed at all?

“Hey, it’s normal that you don’t recognize it. This is also a UR-rank rare card.” Mr. Xin said, “The Price of Desire can be activated when the opponent’s player’s hand count increases outside of the card-drawing stage. I can special summon two sinkers. The monster sleeping in my hand!”

You Yu: “???”


It’s okay to shoot two monsters directly from your hand. This card is so simple and rude, right?

“The first monster I want to special summon is this guy… Crescent Dragon!”

Appearing on the field was a monster in armor, with a dragon’s head and a humanoid torso, holding a crescent-shaped machete in his hand.

[Crescent Moon Dragon, Attack Power 2200]

“And then there’s this guy, a rare card among rare cards. It was originally a collector’s card, so I’ll show it to you today for my little Qianna…”

When Mr. Ito Nobuy said this, he suddenly put away his smile and became serious, and raised the card he held tightly in his hand.

“…Come across the starry sky and come with a heavy Wea. One of the I Summoning Planets series—

——The Grand JUPITER! “

Boom! ! !

Descending from the sky, the huge body that fell like a battleship covering the sky is a giant with a green body and a body like a steel cast.

The soles of steel stomped on the ground, causing the ground to collapse. The dust stirred up made the surrounding people unable to open their eyes. The shadow cast by the huge body covered the entire duel arena, and everyone had to look up at the huge iron lump, and at the same time have a humble feeling of looking up at the giant from the bottom of their hearts.

Planetary Series Magnificent Jupiter, Summon!

[Majestic Jupiter, attack power 2500]

Although I don’t know what the ability of this monster is, its size and momentum instantly shocked passersby.

“What kind of monster is Nani? The pressure feels like a god!”

“What kind of character is the uncle on the opposite side? There is such a level of monsters?”

“Is the duel king suppressed?”


Different from a group of chattering audience, You Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and sensed something different from the magnificent monster that appeared in front of him.

“Master!” The transparent black magician girl elf appeared, “I can feel that this monster is unusual, its power… very strong!”

“Well, I found it too.” You Yu nodded.

The planet series, he remembered it should be the series that appeared in the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX comics.

As the name suggests, it corresponds to the nine planets of the solar system (the comics were the nine at the time), plus the ten cards designed by the sun itself, which rules the nine planets. In GX comics, it also contains a powerful force beyond common sense.

It is worth mentioning that the card corresponding to Earth in the planet series is also an element hero series. Elemental hero Earthman, the ace before the Masked Hero was obtained in the early tenth generation of Manga City Tour.

It’s just that in theory, there are no elemental heroes in this era, so I don’t know what the card corresponding to the planet Earth is.

To be honest, I didn’t expect to see the planet series here…and it was actually in the hands of the store manager, Mr. Nobu Ito.

You Yu chuckled: “Looks like this duel…will be more interesting than I thought.”

“Be conscious, boy!” Mr. Xin’s fighting spirit rose to the extreme. “The effect of the magnificent Jupiter is activated! Once per turn, discard two cards from your hand, and you can absorb a monster on the opponent’s field as an equipment card!”

Mr. Xin picked out two cards in his hand and sent them to the tomb area: “Absorb the ‘Elemental Hero Solid Man’ for me!”

The steel giant opened his arms and released boundless gravity centered on himself. The invisible force grabbed the solid man’s body like an invisible hand, and the arrogant traction made the hero unable to resist, so he had to groan and was dragged over as equipment.

Before being dragged away, the elemental hero reluctantly glanced at his brother Flame Man on the field, as if saying, look, I know, it’s not good for the two of us to appear together…

“Equip the solid warrior to the magnificent Jupiter! Then Jupiter’s attack power will increase the original attack power of the equipped monster!”

[Majestic Jupiter, attack power 2500 → attack power 3800]

The faces of the melon eaters were all horrified.

“Attack power…3800!? Isn’t this attack power close to God?”

“More than the legendary blue-eyed white dragon…”


“Hahahaha, then the outcome is decided!” Mr. Xin laughed loudly, “My good granddaughter, just accept it for me!”

You Yu: “…”

People who eat melons: “?”

Qianna covered her face and turned around, trying to pretend she didn’t recognize this bad old man…

“The attack of the magnificent Jupiter! Crush the flame man for me!”

The giant waved his fist and exploded like the top of a mountain.

The poor Blaze’s attack power is only 1200, and the difference in size between the two sides is even more terrifying. He resisted with all his might, and punched out the flames from the air, but he couldn’t even break the defenses of others.

With just one blow, the flame’s hero shattered in an explosion. The giant’s heavy blow was like a blast, and the fiery air waves swept in all directions.

[You Yu, LP3800→LP1200]

“The outcome is decided!” Mr. Xin’s face was full of excitement, like a five-hundred-pound child, “I still have monsters that haven’t attacked. Come on! Red Cyclops…”

“Flip the cover card,” Yu Yu raised his hand, “Trap Card – Hero Mark! When the monster is destroyed by battle, Special Summon Elemental Heroes below level 4 from the deck.

I special summon the second ‘Elemental Hero, Blaze’! “

With a burst of flames flying, Flame Man No. 2 appeared on the field half-squatting, blocking the Cyclops’ attack line.

[Elemental hero Flame Man, DEF 1800]

[Red Cyclops, Attack Power 1800]

Nobu Ito snorted: “If the attack power is the same, the battle will not be successful…”

“Not only that~www.mtlnovel.com~ The moment Flame Man is special summoned, the effect is activated.” You Yu pulled out the deck, “I added another ‘Fusion’ card from the deck to my hand.”

“Cut, it’s fusion again.” Master Xin snorted, “Then use ‘Crescent Dragon’ to attack Blaze! Smash the wall monsters for me!”

“Open the cover card, it won’t be broken by half!” You Yu pointed to his feet, and the other cover card flipped over, “Half the card is not broken, so that a monster on the field will not be destroyed by battle during this round, and the battle damage will also be reduced. Halved.

Of course, because Blaze is a defensive position, he will not be destroyed by battle, and the damage I take is also 0. “

A layer of transparent spherical shield protects Blaze in the middle. The crescent-shaped blade slammed down and slammed into the shield, sparks flying, but it did not cause any damage.

Nobu Ito frowned.

Special summoning monsters even if you take a lot of damage on purpose… Is the purpose of adding “fusion” to your hand?

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help muttering: “What a tricky kid, can’t he just be beaten down by me?”

…so you don’t want to date my China-chan?

Could it be that my granddaughter really persuaded her to quit?

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