I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 35 - Nightcrawler World

Kill once!

It should be said that he really deserves to be the duel king. Dealing with fish-level mobs like Mr. T is completely one-sided.

…… Of course, it may not have nothing to do with the other party’s initiative to die.

After watching the play, You Yu opened the task panel to check the situation of this series of tasks again, but suddenly froze.

The task description in the panel has been updated, and it is marked with “task canceled”.

The follow-up supplementary explanation is that the evil consciousness that Darkness invaded into reality has been severely damaged, and now it has returned to a dormant state, waiting for the next opportunity to invade.

You Yu: “…”

So the meaning is, because the power of the dark game is too strong, so the OTK just now… directly beat Darkness back to sleep?

…What about his reward?

You Yu suddenly felt a toothache.

Darkness, the boss, is a little too unsatisfactory. Even if it is still in a sleeping state, it is not strong… It seems that it is still a little too weak.

You Yu seemed to have finally guessed why he had never heard of the Darkness quest in the Linked World version 1.0 in his previous life.

Now I think it’s probably because Darkness woke up, and I just had time to explore the way in the world. As a result, my face was too dark, and I ran into the full-level bigwig Muto Game who was driving a trumpet. There was no chance at all. ……

The player’s mission was cut off by the NPC, how dare you believe it! (Someone completely forgets the fact that this quest was originally cut from the player’s hands)

You Yu had hoped that he would be able to swipe this little boss a few more times and get more experience in exchange for a spar card draw pack. It seemed that he could only do so.

…but it doesn’t matter.

It’s just a little interlude, and the mission that would hit Darkness was originally out of his plan. If I have to say, harvesting a monster elf is already a **** profit, and there is nothing to be dissatisfied with.

There is still about half a month before the public beta.

He still has a lot to do in half a month.


An hour later, You Yu came to the other end of the city, in an empty alley that was not at all angry and almost seemed a little weird.

It seems that there is always something like this in every city. Dark, lonely, poorly lit or no light source at all, every breeze blowing from the alley feels like someone is breathing softly behind your neck.

These are often forgotten corners by people in the city. Serious people will not come to this kind of place all year round, and most of the non-serious people know that the more such a place is, the more they need to stay away.

You Yu walked through the dark alley, which looked like a dead end. But near the end, there was a rusted iron door on the wall.

The only lighting was very bad, and the iron gate was hidden in the shadows that the light couldn’t reach. If you didn’t pay attention, you wouldn’t even notice it.

He stepped forward, knocked lightly on the iron door three times with his knuckles, then stepped back and stood still.

After a while, the door panel slid open in front of him with a creak.

A burly man appeared behind the door. He was wearing a black leather jacket, with a silver non-mainstream pendant hanging around his neck, black tattoos painted on his sturdy muscles, and the words “I’m not easy to mess with” seemed to be written on his fleshy face.

This guy is more than half a head taller than You Yu. He looked down at You Yu, and narrowed his eyes a little displeased.

“This is not the place for a little white face like you to come.” He said grimly, “Go away, before I want to beat you.”

You Yu raised the dueling plate on his left arm and gestured to him.

The strong man raised his eyebrows: “A duelist? I don’t know where you heard about this place, but we are not an ordinary dueling hall, so if you know each other, get out of here!”

At the same time as he spoke, the eyes staring at You Yu also changed suddenly.

It was something close to killing intent. A pure darkness burst out from the depths of his pupils, forming an aura that was invisible to the naked eye, and pressed towards You Yu like a mountain.

Yes, that’s right, this man is also a Dark Duelist.

He is trying to use the dark energy he has mastered to scare away the ignorant boy in front of him.

But he never expected that You Yu would stand in front of him so calmly and not be frightened at all. He raised his head and looked straight at the strong man’s eyes, and his pupils seemed to light up with a strange red glow in that brief moment.

A moment ago, the strong man only felt a turbulent aura released from the body of the young man in front of him. The image of the other party was suddenly raised like a mountain in his eyes, and he immediately pressed the dark energy he released back and brought him back. There was a feeling of tension as if the heart was being grabbed.

The strong man broke out in a cold sweat and realized one thing at the same time.

The young man in front of me… is a hidden master!

He tried to suppress the other party with his little three-legged cat’s dark energy, and it was ridiculous to think about it now.

You Yu stood on the spot with his arms crossed, the red glow in his eyes gradually dissipating.

The strong man gasped as if he had just finished a long-distance run. He couldn’t help wiping his sweat and smiled shyly.

“I’m really sorry, I didn’t see it…”

You Yu smiled nonchalantly: “Then can I go in now?”

“Of course.” The strong man said, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com stepped aside, “I’ll take you to see Mr. Xiao.”

You Yu nodded and walked in. The strong man let him advance, and then closed the dilapidated iron door with a creak.

Behind the door was a long series of stairs, which looked a few years old, and each step made a sound that sounded like metal rubbing.

There were no lights in the narrow passage, but not too far ahead, there were two neatly hanging torches lined up on the walls on both sides. The orange-yellow fire light danced briskly, and the shadows cast by the two on the wall changed like jagged ghosts.

The strong man walked to the front to lead the way, and You Yu followed closely behind.

The phantom of the black magician girl floated out from the deck in You Yu’s hand again, reminding: “Master, this place seems a bit weird. There are a lot of dark energies gathered in this place. Although it is not powerful, the people here may be Everything is special.”

“Well, I know.” You Yu smiled slightly, “Thank you just now.”

Of course he himself has no supernatural powers.

Just now, You Yu used mental power to counterattack the dark energy of this strong man, and made the other party mistakenly think that he was a high-level dark duelist, relying on the elf power of the black magician girl.

If there is a spirit possessed, the bearer can also exert the power similar to the dark duelist.

This is also the reason why You Yu dared to come to this place.

After passing through the long corridor, they finally came to the end. The strong man stepped forward, stretched out his hand and pushed open the last door in front of him, and the almost dazzling light suddenly spilled over.

A luxurious hall with a completely different style of painting and people coming and going was suddenly revealed in front of the two of them.

The strong man turned his head and smiled at You Yu: “Welcome to the Nightcrawler World.”

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