I play the role of the Villain in order to be my own Hero.

[15] Seria Tokyo Island

Located on a man-made island just off the coast of Tokyo, the Tokyo Astral Academy is built as a special institution that's different from any other. This is the second Astral Academy that will be opened in Japan.

Unlike the first, which was open to the public masses, this new brand academy will only exclusively enroll a select few who was scouted by their newly formed school faculty for the first years of its opening.

The new academy is built on this island due to its convenient spot. Since the island is already a bustling center for Astral research and development, this location hopefully will provide students with an advantage as they're exposed to the latest innovations and breakthroughs in the field of Astral.

Eva can see many laboratories and research facilities from a distance as her father's car approaches the island's grand entrance. The many buildings seem to stretch infinitely in every direction, and its futuristic architecture reflects the cutting-edge nature of astral studies.

A big sign labeling its island name can be seen even from afar. 'Welcome to Seria Tokyo Island'

As the car passes through the front gate of the island, Eva heart races with excitement as she sees the many different things that she hasn't recognized. There is a large laboratory building with a giant dome on one side, and she sees a small park with a large fountain at the center of the island.

She looks up to see the central tower of the island rising high into the sky, looking down over the entire island as it juts up from the ground. The main building is surrounded by other smaller ones. Some are for the faculty, while others are dedicated to specialized laboratories. She spots one for astral engineering, one for astral history, one for astral physics, and more.

There is also a mall, a hotel, and a restaurant. Eva also sees a resident's area where many scientists presumably stay, as well as the newly built dorm for the student housing provided by the academy.

The car eventually stops at the entrance of the main building, where she can see the academy's crest displayed on a huge banner hanging above the entrance. As Eva walks towards the entrance of the building, she notices many things on display around her, such as the latest inventions in astral engineering, like the Neutralize Anchor.

"Honestly, I'm impressed..." Her father remarks as he takes a look at the numerous items on display around him. "They put a lot of effort into a new school."

"That they do..." Eva agrees with her father's assessment. "They went all out."

The main building itself is massive, with a large foyer that extends all the way to the second floor. Eva eyes are drawn to a huge skylight that allows natural sunlight to filter in, making the main entrance feel more spacious than it looks from the outside.

The main floor of the building is lined with various exhibits and information on various fields of astral studies. Some of which she finds surprising. There is an exhibit showcasing astral history, showcasing the past of the art and techniques of astral biology. There's also one for astral engineering, with various inventions from the field, including an engine that uses Astral Power to help power up planes and other vehicles.

"Welcome to Seria Tokyo Island, General Richard Lawrence, and Miss Eva Lawrence. I am Kisho Nagumo, the Headmaster of the academy." A voice cuts through the air, causing Eva and her father to turn around in surprise.

Standing behind them is an average-looking man with long dark hair tied up in a ponytail, and dark eyes that gleam with intelligence and passion. He's dressed in a smart suit, but he looks very casual in the way he carries himself. His expression is relaxed as he smiles warmly at the two of them.

"Pleased to meet you," Richard returns the greeting as he shakes hands with the Headmaster. "Richard Lawrence. My daughter, Eva."

"Pleasure," Eva greets him with a bow, taking his outstretched hand and shaking it firmly in turns.

The Headmaster bows in return, smiling politely at the two of them. "The pleasure's all mine." The Headmaster then ushers them towards a table where he invites them to sit down. "Please have a seat," he says.

The Headmaster, Kisho Nagumo, took a seat opposite them and reached into his briefcase. He pulled out two folders and placed them in front of Richard and Eva.

"These folders contain all the essential information you'll need about the academy," The Headmaster explained warmly. "You'll find details about our curriculum, various policies, and the unique opportunities our academy provides."

As Eva opened the folder, she felt her heart beat faster with excitement. She eagerly read through each page, feeling more and more curious with every word. The information she was reading painted a clear picture of amazing opportunities that she could have.

Richard, however, couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. He observed the Headmaster closely, noting the way he carried himself with an air of confidence and authority. It was almost as if he were in disguise, concealing his true identity behind a facade of warmth and charm. Richard instincts as a seasoned Astral Agent were kicking in, and he couldn't ignore the faint sense of suspicion tugging at him. For what reason does the Headmaster of the academy himself welcome them personally? Surely, there should have been someone else available for such a task.

Ignoring the nagging doubts for the moment, Richard forced a polite smile and began flipping through the pages of his folder. The content appeared comprehensive, and the academy's curriculum was impressive in theory. But he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the Headmaster than met the eye.

Kisho Nagumo, seemingly oblivious to Richard scrutiny, continued to speak with enthusiasm. "Our academy is dedicated to fostering not only knowledge but also values such as integrity, teamwork, and empathy. We believe that being an Astral Agent is not just about power, but about using that power responsibly for the greater good."

Richard nods, feeling a bit more reassured but still cautious. "I'm glad to hear that," he replies, his protective instincts ever-present.

"As for you, Eva," The Headmaster turns his attention to her, "We're excited to have you here. I was impressed by your bravery and tenacity during the incident a few months back. You were truly inspiring, and I can't wait to see how far you'll go. We believe you'll make a valuable addition to our academy."

Eva smiles, compliment means nothing to her, but hey, she'll take it. "Thank you, sir. I'm really looking forward to learning and contributing."

"Excellent," The Headmaster says with a nod. "Before we proceed further, I understand you have some unique health circumstances that you've informed us about. We take the well-being of our students very seriously, and we want to make sure you'll have the necessary support during your time here."

"Not this again..." Eva sighed in her mind"Yes, I have a rare condition that affects my mobility, but I've managed to cope with it. I'm confident I can handle the challenges, and I promise to reach out if I need any assistance."

The Headmaster nods thoughtfully. "We will work closely with you to accommodate your needs. We have dedicated staff and facilities to ensure every student can thrive here."

Richard listens attentively, and while still cautious, he can see the sincerity in the Headmaster's words. "Thank you for your understanding," he says, acknowledging the Headmaster's willingness to accommodate Eva situation.

The Headmaster then explains the academy's unique curriculum, which includes a mix of theoretical studies, practical training, and real-world simulations. Eva excitement grows as she learns about the hands-on experience and the opportunities to screw everything up. Imagine a highly wanted terrorist suddenly appearing out of nowhere during your training session. That could be fun.

Richard glanced at the page, his worries momentarily pushed aside by his daughter's enthusiasm. "Looks like they've got a lot to offer," he acknowledged with a nod, still maintaining a watchful eye on the Headmaster.

"We also offer the student a residence," The Headmaster adds, his gaze meeting Richard as he continues. "Your daughter can choose to stay there or in the hotel if she prefers it more. This residence also includes a special medical facility that's designed to support the students with special health needs."

"We appreciate the offer," Richard replied, keeping his tone polite but cautious. "Eva will decide where she feels most comfortable staying."

Eva nodded, fully aware of her father's protective nature. "I'll consider it, but I'd like to explore the options first," she said, trying to strike a balance between independence and her father's concerns.

The Headmaster nodded understandingly. "Of course, Miss Eva. We want all our students to feel at home here. Take your time to make the best decision for yourself."

Eventually, the meeting concluded, and the Headmaster excused himself, leaving Eva and Richard to discuss their thoughts privately. Eva, still brimming with enthusiasm, couldn't wait to embark on this island.

But she notices her father's tense posture. His eyes clouded with doubt and suspicion. "What's wrong, Dad?" she asked. "Why the long face?"

"It's nothing, sweetheart. I'm just worried about you," he replied as he ruffled her hair affectionately.

"Stop it, Dad," Eva groaned in protest, batting away her father's hand."I know you're worried," Eva said, smiling at her worrywart father. "But I've never been more certain about anything in my life. This academy is where I belong. I want to make a difference, and I want to be the best Astral Agent I can be."

Richard softened at the sight of his daughter's determination. He knew he couldn't hold her back, and deep down, he was proud of her courage and passion. "Fine, just remember your promise, Eva," he said, looking into her eyes. "Stay vigilant and trust your instincts. If anything feels off or dangerous, don't hesitate to reach out to me."

"I know, Dad," she said with a reassuring smile. "I will."


Eva sat on the bed of the hotel, lazily tinkering with the new cane her father had gifted her as she watched the sunset over the sea. She can hear the sound of waves crashing on the beach and smell the saltwater in the air, making her feel at ease and comfortable.

As she turned on the tv, she couldn't help but smile when she saw what was happening all around Japan. There was a sudden increase in terrorism everywhere, all while claiming the attack under her cause.

What's dangerous about Eva actions during her declaration on the broadcast station was not Eva herself. But the idea and radical movement that has come along with it. While hatred and opposition toward the regime had always been a reality, fear had immobilized many, forcing them into silent submission under the yoke of tyranny.

Eva impassioned speech acted as a catalyst, stirring the hearts of the oppressed and prompting them to break free from their chains. Eva speech drives them to move, and many people from the underground city answer her call and begin attacking many AGA sites independently.

As the Republic of Japan declared war against terrorism, the flames of the radical movement leaped beyond the nation's borders, compelling major countries like the United States and Germania to intervene on the international stage. The AGA's influence ran deep in these nations, forcing their involvement in the escalating conflict.

Yet, amidst the upheaval, other nations like Britannia, China, Russia, and many more remained curiously silent. Their reticence spoke volumes, leaving observers to wonder about their motives and potential involvement in the unfolding events.

"Well, this is going to be fun..." Eva says with a smile on her face. She was enjoying the chaos that was unfolding, not caring about the politics of what was going on. "Still, it seems like it's going to be a while before I can do anything else."

She needs to find a recruit and better learn the ins and outs of every faction out there. There are so many unknown variables, and she doesn't feel comfortable doing anything until she has some level of clarity on what's happening.

Just then, she hears a knock at her door, pulling her out of her thoughts. "Who is it?" Eva asks.

"Miss Eva, it's me. Ryuji, your favorite butler." A young male voice answers through the door.

"Oh, it's you," Eva replied, gripping her cane and slowly getting off the bed. She made her way towards the door and opened it, revealing the young man standing on the other side.

"You're here already... I thought you'd be here tomorrow," Eva remarked, eyeing Ryuji curiously.

A mischievous twinkle danced in Ryuji eyes as he explained, "The mister is busy and had to leave suddenly, so he sent me ahead to help you get settled."

"All that talking, and he leaves me unannounced. Will it kill him to at least call or message me first?" Eva grumbled, her frustration evident in her tone. "Well, thanks for coming on such short notice, but you've got the wrong girl."

Ryuji chuckled playfully in response, "I don't think so. Well, miss, did you already have a dinner plan for tonight, or should I book something for you?"

"Why do I get the feeling you have other intentions here?" Eva asked with a raised eyebrow. "Anyway, I'm not hungry. I think I'll just stay in and get some rest."

"Ouch, and here I thought we were having a real heart-to-heart." Ryuji gasped, sounding deeply hurt.

"Just order me whatever. I'm not picky. Now you can leave," Eva retorted, ready to close the door on his unexpected visit.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," Ryuji scolded teasingly, wagging his finger at her. "The mister told me to take care of you, and that means I need to make sure you eat a proper meal. I don't know what you want, so we'll just order everything on the menu and see where it takes us from there."

Eva rolled her eyes at Ryuji persistence. "Fine, fine! You don't have to order everything, jeez," she relented with a heavy sigh.

"Yay!" Ryuji exclaimed sarcastically, clearly enjoying the playful banter. "Now come on, let's go to the restaurant. I heard the food here is really great."

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