I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 1081: Gaia VS Stardust

“Then it’s my turn, draw.”

Although President Kaiba had developed a D-Wheel prototype, it was obviously not comparable to future technology. For example, the “autopilot” system that was common in the 5DS timeline was not available now.

In other words, Yuei Vu’s first “Riding Duel” could not rely on computer-controlled autopilot, and must be manually driven by the driver himself.

Yuei Vu had to play cards while riding a bike, which was indeed a difficult job for a first-time riding duelist.

Fortunately, Yuei Vu had already prepared for this day. Because he had long predicted that riding a motorbike and playing cards would be the future trend, Yuei Vu had also asked Kaiba to design a special motorbike for him, and he usually trained in driving skills—especially the skill of riding a motorbike and playing cards at the same time.

So although it was his first experience, he was not completely unfamiliar with it.

"Activate the Spell Card ‘Graceful Charity'." The D-Wheel galloping under Yuei Vu flipped out a green Spell Card, "Draw 3 cards, then discard 2 cards."

The hand changed, and then he showed another card in his hand.

"The effect of ‘Gaia the Magical Knight'!" Yuei Vu said, "This card can be directly Normal Summoned without Tributing if I control no monsters, or the opponent controls a monster with 2300 or more ATK.

Come on, Gaia the Magical Knight!"

The neighing of the horse and the sound of horse hooves seemed to approach from the void. The red horse rushed out in the wind, with a dark cloak flying behind the knight and a pair of spiral double guns in his hands.

[Gaia the Magical Knight, ATK 2300]

Yusei's D-Wheel galloped in front, and there was dust behind the tires. He turned his head and looked through the windshield at the knight who appeared from Yuei Vu's side and rode his horse and walked on the side of the D-Wheel. His mind moved slightly.

"Are you using the Gaia deck this time?"

"Gaia the Magical Knight's second effect!" Yuei Vu said, "If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: I can Special Summon 1 Level 5 Dragon monster from my hand or GY in Defense Position."

He drew another card in his hand.

"I special summon the Level 5 Dragon in my hand – ‘Curse of Dragonfire'!"

The red flames swirled into a vortex on the field, and the flames burst out. The golden dragon, whose body was burned red, rushed out and spread its wings from high above!

[Curse of Dragonfire, DEF 1500]

"Next is the effect of ‘Curse of Dragonfire'!" Yuei Vu swept his arm, "Once per turn, I can Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from my Extra Deck, using monsters I control as Fusion Materials, including this card!"

He picked up two cards on the Duel Disk in one breath.

"I use the two monsters on the field, ‘Curse of Dragonfire' and ‘Gaia the Magical Knight', as materials for fusion!

The fusion condition is 1 ‘Gaia The Fierce Knight' monster + 1 Level 5 Dragon monster! Fusion Summon!

The golden storm, the knight who controls the cursed dragon——

——Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons!!!"

The golden dragon and the knight on the horse disappeared in the galloping wind, and a beam of fire stabbed out like a sword! The golden dragon spread its wings and flew up from the flames. The knight waved his spiral double guns in both hands, and the whirlwind of fire pierced through the sky and the earth.

[Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons, ATK 2600]

"The effect of Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons," Yuei Vu waved his hand, "Target 1 other card on the field; this card loses exactly 2600 ATK, and destroy that card.

I destroy the ‘Stardust Dragon'!"

Yusei's eyes moved slightly.

Thinking back to the time when chasing the future man Paradox, Yusei had fought side by side with Yuei Vu. Others may not know the Synchro Monster "Stardust Dragon" from the future, but Yuei Vu should remember its effect.

Stardust Dragon could invalidate and destroy any effect that included "destroy cards". It was the natural enemy of card-blasting effects, and it happened to be in a restrained relationship with "Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons" that relied on card-blasting.

Mr. Yuei Vu knew this and deliberately activated Gaia's effect. Is it a trap?

Yusei's mind raced in a flash, but he finally chose to go with the flow.

"Activate the effect of Stardust Dragon!" Yusei counterattacked unceremoniously, "When a card or effect is activated that would destroy a card on the field, I can Tribute ‘Stardust Dragon'; negate the activation and destroy it! Victim Sanctuary!"

The Stardust Dragon spread its wings and flew into the air, emitting a sharp and high-pitched dragon roar. The light of the star points covered the entire body of the silver dragon, causing it to gradually dissipate, and a layer of transparent silver-white light immediately bound and enveloped the spiral spear stabbed by Gaia.

The domineering energy backfired, and it seemed that Gaia himself was about to be blown to pieces.

But at this moment, Yuei Vu quickly pulled out Gaia on the duel disk and showed another card in his hand.

"At this moment, the effect of ‘Soldier Gaia the Fierce Knight' in the hand is activated!" Yuei Vu said, "This card can be Special Summoned from the hand by Tributing a Dragon Fusion Monster on my field.

This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn!

I offer the ‘Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons' on the field as a sacrifice to Special Summon ‘Soldier Gaia the Fierce Knight'!"

The Magical Knight of Dragons, who was locked by the Stardust Dragon's counterattack, immediately turned into a light spot and dissipated from the field. The silver-white impact was fierce and fell into the air. The Soldier Knight took his place immediately, wearing gorgeous blue armor, holding a silver trident, and a flying cloak behind him.

[Soldier Gaia the Fierce Knight, ATK 2600]

Yusei's mind moved slightly.

Is the purpose to lure me to use the effect of Stardust, and use the second attack to cause greater damage?

“Battle!” Yuei Vu said, “Soldier Gaia the Fierce Knight, attack Yusei directly!”

The Gaia Warrior flying beside him suddenly accelerated and flashed to the side of Yusei’s D-Wheel as fast as a flash. The trident drew a scarlet trajectory and chopped him down without saying anything!

But Yusei still had a defense method!

“Open the set card: Trap Card – Scrap-Iron Scarecrow!” Yusei said, “When an opponent's monster declares an attack: Target the attacking monster; negate the attack!”

The Gaia Warrior’s trident attacked fiercely, but only a simple and ridiculous scarecrow was released from the flipped trap, and the red eyes seemed to be mocking.

The trident hit the scarecrow’s body violently, and sparks flew like raindrops. The scarecrow shook violently, and quickly retracted into the trap card, and returned to the covered state.

"‘Scrap-Iron Scarecrow' will not be sent to the graveyard after activation, but can be Set back to the field instead," Yusei explained.

Some of the students watching were shocked.

"If it is not sent to the graveyard, does it mean that it can block an attack every turn?"

"Is this too strong?"

Yuei Vu was not surprised, and just quietly drew two cards.

"Set two cards, I end my turn."

"At this moment, the effect of Stardust Dragon in the graveyard is activated!" Yusei said, "Stardust Dragon Tributed by its own effect can be Special Summoned from my GY at the end of the turn.

Fly again——

——Stardust Dragon!!!"

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