I Possessed a Character in an Academy Without a Protagonist

Chapter 106

“The enemy is gathering cavalry. Their position is the southwestern plains. It seems they want to clash hard this time.”

“Let’s give them a beating!”

“Let’s smash them to pieces!”

Southern 4th Castle.

The commanders of the suppression army shouted in unison.

“Shall we give them a rotation like they want? Still, we can’t rule out the possibility of traps. I don’t think it’s a matter for me to decide alone, so I’ll leave it to a vote. Those who believe we should mobilize the entire army for an attack, raise your hands.”

Hands shot up here and there.

Only one person didn’t raise their hand.

A strange fellow who was fully armed even indoors and didn’t take off his helmet.

It was the Holy Knight Commander, Pelaine.

“Since a majority has already been reached, but… I will hear dissenting opinions. Holy Knight Commander?”


Attention turned to Pelaine at the Commander in Chief’s words.

Taking a deep breath, he spoke.

His voice was low.

“I believe it is still too early to initiate a rotation.”

“Too early? Why is that?”

“We’ve won too many battles. Already, the prisoners amassed at the 4th Castle exceed 10,000. I understand that the speed of constructing the prison is slower than the rate at which we’re capturing prisoners, and as of now, I know we are utilizing both the arena and the zoo for accommodations. Mobilizing the entire army at such a time could lead to issues in the prison, resulting in us losing the 4th Castle from within.”

“Are you saying we can’t manage the prisoners properly!?”

“What nonsense is a commoner spouting!?”

“Calm down. That was a completely valid statement.”

As the arrows of condemnation began to rain down, the Commander in Chief slammed his desk, quieting everyone.

It seems many had held grudges against the fact that a commoner, and a small order at that, was attending the meeting with voting rights.

“So we aren’t leaving the management to the mage mercenaries? Along with physical management, the barriers have been mobilized as well. Even if the suppression army vacates the 4th Castle, there will be no unfortunate incidents of immediate capture.”


At that remark, Pelaine could find no words.

It seemed he was the only one who did not trust those mage mercenaries.

To think of entrusting the management of so many prisoners to mere mercenaries?

It was hard to accept, but if he pushed it, it was clear he would lose the support of the Commander in Chief, who had been protecting him, so he decided to stay silent.

“Have we noticed any possibility that the enemy may have set traps?”

Pelaine believed there was a high likelihood of traps.

His intuition, honed from witnessing countless battles up close, was shouting at him.

Isn’t there a lowland behind the plains?

After the recent heavy rains, that lowland would be nothing but a quagmire now.

If the enemy lured us into the mud and surrounded us with infantry, we would lose our mobility and have no choice but to fight under disadvantageous conditions.

However, pointing this out would probably lead everyone to say that we could just slip away before entering the quagmire.

A decision had already been made.

He didn’t want to leave a bad impression by squabbling over what had already been determined.

“There isn’t.”

“Understood. Then I will issue a gathering order to the entire army. We’ll depart soon and form a charge formation. We’ll conduct a surprise attack.”


The commanders hurriedly stood up and rushed out of the meeting room.

Pelaine also exited and arrived directly at the inn where the Holy Knights were stationed.

“It’s time to set out. Everyone, gear up and prepare the warhorses.”

At Pelaine’s command, the youthful-faced soldiers began to move in unison.

They were just out of their boyhood.

Most were orphans who had undergone the rigorous training of Pelaine and the vice commander, Taylor.

Everyone worried for their first real battle, but contrary to their fears, they all followed orders without a hint of struggle.

The Holy Knights had been stationed in the rear in each battle, yet they had still shown considerable effectiveness.

Especially, the Holy Knights often had the upper hand in close-quarter combat where other knights struggled.

“Are we going to fight on that plains? There’s a lowland behind that could easily lead to us being lured into a trap…”

“The Commander in Chief knows that too. But just in case, if we do enter the lowlands, position the warhorses outside so we can pull them out quickly.”

“Yes, I’ll do that.”

It wasn’t that he didn’t trust the Commander in Chief.

It was simply precautionary against any possible future incidents.

There was no harm in being careful.

Soon, fully armored knights began to file out through the castle gates.

Despite the orderliness developed through multiple battles, Pelaine still found them lacking compared to the rebel army’s cavalry.

Why in the world were the enemy not equipping their well-trained cavalry adequately?

Was Duke Lorraine really skimping on investing in such core forces capable of raising tens of thousands of troops?

It was hard to think that way.

“Advance! Steady march!”

The Commander in Chief’s order was relayed through each commander.

Soon, a formation of about a thousand knights began to slowly move while maintaining their shape.

Their target was a small hill beyond the plains.

Thanks to the bright moonlight, they could already see the enemy’s spears rising on the hill ahead.

The moment Pelaine and the Commander in Chief saw that, they instinctively realized.

The enemy had not yet fully established their defensive posture.

Those massive spears looked intimidating at first glance, but without sufficient numbers, they were essentially worthless.


A firm and short command rang out.

There were no detailed instructions.

However, the cavalry maintained formation while gradually picking up speed, first to a brisk trot, then to a full gallop.

It was as if the entire unit moved like a single organism.

“Enemy cavalry! They’re retreating!”

Clearly caught off guard by the charge, the enemy was in disarray.

The enemy cavalry fled in disorder, grabbing anything within reach to mount and escape.

The spearmen lacked even the will to resist.

As the cavalry reached the hill, the spearmen immediately surrendered.

“Send a message to the castle guard. Bind these and have them brought to the 4th Castle. We will pursue the enemy cavalry.”

“Commander! There’s a lowland beyond that!”

“I know. We’ll catch them while the enemy has lost their mobility. Even if they counterattack, we are fully equipped to win.”

There was no hesitation.

No matter how much cavalry they were, they could not leave behind units with significant utility in such open terrain.

Until now, they had always managed to retreat skillfully, but this time was different.

The Commander in Chief judged it was an ideal opportunity to destroy the enemy cavalry power in one fell swoop.

“Let’s pursue! Charge while maintaining formation! Prepare for counterattacks!”

The cavalry was surging over the hill and into the lowland.

The scenic view of green grass was now marred with boulders scattered around and uneven ground.

As they dodged between large rocks, their formation was gradually breaking apart.

A foreboding atmosphere began to creep over them.

And that sensation was felt by everyone in the cavalry.

“We’ve caught up.”

The enemy cavalry appeared.

They had dismounted as they reached the quagmire.

“Dismount! Pursue the enemy!”


The knights all jumped off their horses at once.

Though they preferred mounted combat, each knight was like a walking fortress even without their mounts.

“Uwaaaaaah… Ah…”


The warriors’ cheers faded away as they trudged through the muck.

From beyond the lowland, figures emerged from the woods.

Animal-eared subhumans armed with axes and clubs.

“Damn it. We’ve walked right into it.”

They were surrounded by enemies.

A quick glance showed them to be numerically overwhelming.

Before long, the enemy had closed in from the rear, tightening their encirclement.

“Keep the horses out of sight. It’s close combat now.”


The knights spaced themselves apart and drew their swords.

Facing the rushing subhumans, who looked ready to pounce at any moment, they stood their ground.

The standoff grew longer, with barely ten meters between them.

Should they be the ones to break through? Just as the Commander in Chief was pondering that…



The sound of horns blared, and the enemy surged forward, their battle cries filling the air.

The entire field was overrun with dark figures.

Unlike the enemies they had faced before, who had cowered in fear, these were charging at them as if driven mad, drooling in excitement.

The knights felt an unfamiliar fear creep in, their arms trembling.

“Don’t be afraid! They’re just a bunch of crazy bastards!”

The Commander in Chief’s shout cut through the din.

At that moment, the two factions collided.




“Haa… Haa… Haa…”


Taylor’s sword came crashing down with a dull thud.

The clean cut that should have been at the back of the enemy’s neck was completely smashed.


Taylor stared at the sword, dismayed.

Every edge of the blade had been dulled and lost its cutting power.

He tossed the sword away.

Then he drew his one-handed sword from the scabbard.


“This fucking—!”

A sharp impact hit the back of his head.

He nearly toppled over but managed to keep his ground in the muddy slush.

Turning around, Taylor found—


“Ugh, shit.”

He plunged his sword into the throat of the rushing subhuman.

Yet, the beast was still fighting, relentlessly hammering at his helmet with its fists.

Unable to pull out the embedded sword due to how close they were, Taylor drew a dagger from his waist and shoved it into the enemy’s mouth.

“Grr… Gah…”

“Just die. Damn it.”

Finally, the beast’s movements slowed down.

Taylor flipped over, pinning it down and repeatedly plunged the dagger into its face.

By the time its features were unrecognizable, the enemy lay limp, motionless.


“Damn it!”

But that wasn’t the end.

Another subhuman came charging from behind.

In a swift reaction, Taylor buried his dagger into its forehead, but it had embedded too deep to pull out.

More foes were rushing in from every direction.

“Hah… Haa… Fuck. Come at me.”

Hot steam filled his helmet.

Sighing deeply, Taylor rose to his feet.

It didn’t matter that he had lost his longsword, arming sword, and dagger.

His bare hands were enough.

*Thud! Bang!*

“Grrk! Ugh!”


Though the subhumans rushed at him recklessly, penetrating his armored gaps to deal damage was impossible.

Taylor concentrated on not letting them grab his legs, pummeling each one’s face into submission.

With each swing of his metal-clad fist, sickening sounds echoed, and blood splattered into the air.






The last subhuman’s face was crushed.

As the quivering figure collapsed, Taylor struck it once more to ensure it was done, slowly rising to his feet.

His arms felt unrecognizable.

His legs were weak, and he was out of breath, feeling as though his chest would burst at any moment.

He yearned to throw off this heavy clanky armor.

But he knew that if he did, he’d likely be shot by an arrow from who knows where, so he trudged through the slush toward the edge of the lowland.

“Damn it. I’m out. This shit…”

He glanced back and saw knights still entangled with the subhumans in the mire.

Despite the numerical disadvantage and being surrounded, they were far from losing.

Up until now, not one had fallen, cutting through the subhumans one after another.

Of course, Taylor wasn’t taking a break to escape.

It was because the commander ordered him to check the rear.

If it weren’t for that, he wouldn’t have managed to break through while beating down over twenty subhumans single-handedly.

As he stepped out of the mire, he relished the delightful sound of grass beneath his feet.

With lighter steps, he felt as if he were floating.

Holding back the urge to rip off his helmet for a breath of fresh air, Taylor straightened his back.

At that moment, an overwhelming sense of weakness washed over him.


He saw the enemy cavalry.

A mass of enemy cavalry filled the horizon.

It wasn’t just an illusion of numbers stretched sideways.

From the lowland, he could clearly witness a cavalry force in ten ranks descending upon them.

“Shit… we’re fucked…”

But the bigger issue was, they weren’t the enemy cavalry he had seen before.

They weren’t clad in leather armor wielding short spears.

Every single one was decked in shiny silver full armor, heavy cavalry.

At least five thousand heavy cavalry were charging full speed toward them.

The pounding of their hooves grew louder, evoking an illusion of an earthquake.

“Commander! No! Commander in Chief! It’s an emergency! We have to retreat!!!”

Taylor stumbled, turning to run.

The enemy’s subhuman infantry weren’t trying to encircle them.

They had merely been stalling for time.




*Clang… Clang…*

The sound of metal rang softly.

A wizard sat in a chair, flipping pages of a book, furrowing his brow and looking up.

A one-eyed subhuman with wolf ears, the rebel army’s vice commander, Darius, was menacingly grinning as he tapped the iron bars.

“Let’s quiet down. Everyone is trying to sleep. Don’t your subordinates deserve some sleep time too?”

“Mr. Wizard. Have you thought about our deal?”


The wizard let out a heavy sigh.

The ‘deal’ was a request to secretly release prisoners, including himself, in exchange for a lump sum of cash.

It was so straightforward and brazen that it felt oddly respectful.

“Are subhumans usually this blunt? Can’t you express your desires more indirectly? Given such a low level of diplomatic skill, it’s no wonder you got chased out from the plains and stuck in the Great Forest, huh?”

“I still haven’t heard your answer.”

“Ha. An answer. I’ll give it to you. I’ll even say it simply enough for a fool like you to understand. Mercenaries live on trust. You might think we’re just money-hungry, but that’s before we take a contract. Once we do, we owe endless loyalty to our client. It’s not like we’re just doing this for a day or two, so there’s no reason for us to betray our client for a few dirty coins…”

“Ten million Tillion.”


“If you don’t want it in cash, we can prepare gold or silver of the same value.”

The wizard’s eyes widened in surprise.

Ten million Tillion?

That was more than enough to abandon mercenary work, buy land, and live as a landlord.

Trust and all that jazz could easily be sacrificed for such a sum.

But the issue lay with the client.

If they betrayed the royal family, the repercussions would be severe.

Though the sum was enticing, they ultimately had to forfeit.

“Ah, no way. It’s just a lie anyway. How could you come up with such cash?”

“Mr. Wizard. Since when were you in a position to choose?”


“Take a good look around you.”


The wizard stood up, surveying his surroundings.

Now that he thought about it, the atmosphere seemed quite chaotic.

The whole army had just set out to annihilate the enemy, yet soldiers were moving to fortify their defenses rather than regroup.

“Communication magic has been received! Our forces are in danger of being encircled!”


As if to hammer it home, a fellow wizard rushed in to deliver the news, passing by in haste.

Just as the wizard was taken aback, a disconcerting laughter echoed from behind.

“Ehehehe. Are you starting to get the situation now? If you accept the ten million Tillion and release them, your safety will be guaranteed. If you insist on being stubborn, all the wizards stationed in this castle will meet the most gruesome end.”


It was no longer a transaction.

It was extortion.

Would they be hunted down by the royal family after receiving ten million Tillion?

Or would they rather be torn apart by the subhumans?

It was a binary choice.

But really, it wasn’t a choice at all.

The answer was painfully clear.

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