I Possessed a Character in an Academy Without a Protagonist

Chapter 113

“What, what?! Trie! Did you just…!”

“Well done, Trie.”

I patted Trie on the shoulder, leaving the dazed Aintz and Erica behind.

For a moment, I was so stunned that I couldn’t quickly deal with the foe.

If it weren’t for Trie, that guy would have drawn a dagger and charged at us by now.

Just imagining it made me dizzy.

“Surround them!”

“Capture them alive!”


The sound of a horn blared loudly, and the sound of footsteps rustled from all directions.

There were roughly 100 infantrymen surrounding us…

If all five of us consumed our mana to fight, we could easily take down about 70 of them.

Then the enemy would have to retreat, but that should only be a last resort.

For now, let’s try fighting without using magic.

“Trie. I want you to take the lead. We’re going to break through the siege toward the fortress.”

“But that’s too thick! Wouldn’t it be better to break through the rear?”

It was true that there were more gaps in the back.

If we had to break through, that would be quicker and safer.

But there was a reason we had to head straight for the fortress.

“No. We’re breaking through the front. Just trust me.”

“Got it. I’ll need to keep up, right?”

Trie turned with a look that showed no signs of doubt and started running.

It seemed that, just as I trusted Trie, she trusted me as well.

“Guys, we’re running. I’ll follow in the rear, so don’t worry about behind you.”

“Schlus! Is this really okay? We’re not even part of this war yet. Didn’t we need to declare war or something to kill the enemy? This would be a war crime…”


My hand went up without me realizing it.

Erica, still half-turned, rubbed her reddened cheeks while looking back at me.

It wasn’t like I wanted to hit her, but I didn’t have the luxury to explain gently in a situation where five lives were on the line.

“Follow Trie. That’s an order.”

“Y-yes… I understand…”

“I don’t think I need to be hit, Schlus!”


Only then did Erica and Aintz start running.

Iris seemed to be running too, but her short strides made her way too slow.


In the end, I had no choice but to scoop Iris up and run.

Maybe my strength had increased quite a bit because it wasn’t that hard holding Iris.

“They’re running away! Block them!”

The enemies were rushing toward us, and the encirclement was becoming skewed.

To make matters worse, Trie, who was cutting down one enemy after another, suddenly stopped.

Enemy spearmen were lined up horizontally in front of us, preparing themselves.

I set Iris down and stood beside Trie.

“Trie. Do you think we can break through?”

“If I have a reliable comrade guarding my back.”

“Then let’s give it a try.”

I was trembling like crazy, but Trie showed no signs of tension whatsoever.

In fact, she even looked a bit excited.

I could understand to some extent since it was a chance to prove the swordsmanship she had dedicated her life to…

But honestly, Trie was starting to look a bit scary.

“You taught me how to deal with spears, right?”

“Sure, but I’ve never learned how to deal with a line of spear soldiers.”

“It’s pretty much the same. Just pay a little more attention to your sides.”


It was such a half-hearted explanation, yet it was frustratingly easy to understand.

I had learned how to deal with spears pretty well from being beaten by Trie with a staff.

The problem is that there are just too many of them now.

I gritted my teeth and drew my greatsword from its scabbard.

It seemed better to keep Vafe hidden if possible.

“It might actually be easier! If you get confused, I’ll charge in and you can follow!”

No, I couldn’t just leave it all to Trie any longer.

Before I knew it, I was right next to Trie charging at the line of spear soldiers.

Looking back, Aintz and Erica were following closely behind us.

As long as we could break through, we’d be fine.


Trie let out a vigorous shout.

It must have had the dual purpose of motivating herself, but it seemed to sufficiently intimidate the enemies as well.

Confusion spread across the faces of the enemies who had pointed their spear tips at us.

A dozen or so spear soldiers were afraid of two swordsmen?

That simply doesn’t make sense.



I was the first to thrust through and swung my sword.

The spear aiming for my forehead was harmlessly redirected by the blade of my sword.

Just as I attempted to push through, another spear tip surged toward my chest.


Just then, a silvery-white blade surged in from right beside me, effortlessly chopping the spear away.

Now there was no spear aimed at us.

We were already halfway through the length of the spears.

At this point, the battle was already determined.



“Run away!”

“A knight! There are two knights! Flee… Ugh!”

After that, there was no holding back.

I just swung my sword at the helpless spearmen over and over again.

My arm moved automatically and unconsciously, proving that my training with Trie wasn’t in vain.

By the time I had cut down about five of them, the spear soldiers had already dropped their weapons and were making a run for it.

“Breakthrough successful… or not.”

“I think so.”

We didn’t have time to celebrate.

Newly replenished enemy infantry were blocking our way.

Damn it.

It looked like all the enemies waiting in the back had gathered now.

There was no way to get through like this.

Even if the two of us could manage it, we still had to worry about Erica, Aintz, and Iris following behind.

There was no guarantee that they wouldn’t get caught by the enemies approaching from behind while we broke through such a thick line.


So, did we ultimately need to use magic?

I didn’t want to make such a loud entrance.

Seeing as Erica and Aintz looked unfit to ask for magic, I knew Iris wouldn’t cast any killing spells.

It seemed like I was going to have to unleash some wide-area magic right from day one.

Just as I was preparing to pour my mana into ‘Selection and Concentration’—


“Enemy knights are approaching!”

The encirclement suddenly erupted in chaos.

Trie and I turned our heads to see a dozen heavy cavalry charging down from the fortress’ front gate.

Fearless and undeterred, they charged toward over 200 enemies.

“Stop them!”


The cavalry clashed with the enemy.

The sound of hoofbeats trampling infantry echoed as they plunged deeper.

It was literally a rampaging force.

The knight at the front cleared the oncoming spear tips while relentlessly cutting down enemies.

Even after a polearm successfully snagged his armor from behind, it didn’t spell the end for him.

He immediately drew his longsword, slashing and killing enemies rushing from all directions as he advanced.

Soon, two knights arrived beside us, surrounding Erica, Aintz, and Iris.

Me and Trie.

And two reliable knights.

The strongest shield from the southern lands was now right here.

“We’re retreating in this formation.”

A rough voice emerged from the black helmet.

As we escorted the three people, we slowly made our way out of the encirclement.

The other knights had entirely collapsed one side of the encirclement while waiting for our arrival, blocking the enemies’ re-encirclement.

“Get on.”

“You over there.”


There was no time to be puzzled.

The knights began to mount us one by one.


A low voice.

The hand reaching out to me belonged to the knight who had come rushing from the front.

As soon as I heard the voice, it felt like I could see his face through his armor and helmet.

Without a word, I grabbed his hand and got on the horse.


There was no longer a reason to fight.

As the knight in black armor gave the command, one by one, the cavalry with us began to head towards the fortress.

The knights who had defended their position until the end soon followed suit.

Dozens of knights moved as if they were one body.

“Damn it! Let’s get those bastards!”

The enemies, who had tried to chase us, soon gave up when the distance grew wide and stopped.

They then focused on recovering the bodies that had fallen.

Looking back, there were at least thirty corpses sprawled on the ground.

“Open the main gate!”

The wooden door of the fortress swung open.

Cavalry rapidly flooded inside, and within 10 seconds, the door shut again.

I quickly grabbed the knight’s hand in front of me and got down from the horse.

“I-I’m alive…”

“Is it safe here?”

It seemed Erica and Aintz had calmed down a bit at last.

It was alright to feel reassured.

In this fortress, the enemy would need to bring all kinds of siege weapons just to barely breach it.

“Yeah. It’s safe. You can relax too, Iris.”

“W-wait? I’m all good… Ugh?!”

As I circled my arm around Iris’ back and pressed down on her opposite shoulder, a funny reaction erupted.

Though she looked calm on the outside, she was actually in a state of extreme tension.

Maybe it was embarrassing to be found out since she shot me a slightly upset glare.

Once she regained her composure to be annoyed, that was good enough.

“The Saintess is here…”

“The Saintess…!”

The knights looked at us, or rather Iris, with wonder as they cleared a path.

Bringing Iris along wasn’t just for her healing magic, but I also hoped she would boost morale.

Having a saintess alongside us.

That simple illusion would bolster the soldiers’ courage to fight.

“Schlus Hainkel. And you comrades, please enter.”


The knights flocked into the tent.

I took a quick look at the soldiers guarding the fortress and then stepped inside the tent along with the others.

The soldiers seemed quite weary.

They must have been troubled by the enemy’s siege for the last few days.

Soon, Iris, Trie, Aintz, and Erica followed me into the tent, all looking puzzled.

The inside of the tent was quite spacious.

It appeared to be a space used as a meeting room, with a desk and scroll maps pushed off to one side.

Soon, thirteen knights lined up in two rows in front of us, and they all knelt on one knee.

Seeing this, Erica was quite flustered, having misinterpreted it as a gesture towards herself.

“Schlus Hainkel. Are you injured anywhere?”

“No, I’m fine. Please rise.”

I shook hands with the knights as they stood up after removing their helmets.

When the knight in black armor took off his helmet, I found myself face to face with a middle-aged man whose chin was shabby, indicating he hadn’t shaved in a while.

If my memory serves me right, this man should be the vice-captain, Taylor.

“Wait! Why are these knights calling you ‘Sir’?!”

“This is the Holy Knights. We fight under the command of Schlus Hainkel.”

Aintz and Erica’s mouths dropped open.

It was definitely a good call not to inform them beforehand that the Holy Knights would rush to save us once we reached the fortress.

They likely would have spilled everything from Pope’s decree.

“S-so you’re the lord?”

“I’m not a lord; I’m just an investor, really. Well, I own almost all the shares…”

“Essentially the owner!”

Yeah, that word fit better.

“Are you the captain? Thank you so much for saving us…”

“Hahaha. I’m the vice-captain. The captain is over here.”


Taylor laughed loudly, pointing at another knight.

While everyone was taking off their helmets, he was the only one fully armored and standing still.

Without uttering a single word.

When he briefly glanced around the tent entrance, his subordinates immediately closed the flap tightly.

He then sighed deeply and struggled to take off his helmet.

“Pelaine Armstrong. The Holy Knight Commander formally greets Sir Schlus Hainkel.”


Iris and Trie both widened their eyes in shock.

It was understandable.

The one staring back at me, dripping in sweat from their short hair, was a woman with luminous gray eyes.

Of course, that was not enough to shock Iris.

What stood out from her messy hair were those enormous animal ears sprouting from atop her head.

It was hard to believe that she was the same person who had mercilessly slaughtered subhumans just moments ago.

“Nice to meet you.”

As the atmosphere froze solid.

I stepped forward and shook hands with Pelaine.

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