I Quit Being The Villain

Chapter 143 Not A Beast?

The next day, the officials of Guangping County received orders from the county governor.

Go to various villages and towns in Guangping County, recruit young people, and go to the county seat to build a palace in case of emergency.

Nominally, it is to prepare the place where the new emperor will stay in the palace for his future eastern tour.

This time, Guangping County recruited almost all the young men, more than 200,000 people.

For a time, the entire Guangping County was panicked.

However, the young men in the mountains did not dare to go against the will of the imperial court, so they could only bid farewell to their wives, daughters and parents silently, and came to the place where the palace was built in confusion to perform their own corvée.

But things are far from over.

In one day, Guangping County levied taxes three times in a row. The vicious tax collectors brought officers and soldiers to search for food from house to house, while the people could only watch all this silently.

After the tax collectors left arrogantly, they comforted each other in a low voice and cleaned their own house.

And he wondered how many kilograms of rice were left at home, how many days would he be able to eat, and how many days would the crops mature.

These are the common people, and these are the leaders of Qian.

They do not have the pleasure and grievances of Wandering Xia, the infatuation of the children of aristocratic families, the fame and fortune of soldiers, and the hearts of scholars and scholars.

They ploughed at sunrise, rested at sunset, and handed over half of the harvest to the imperial court, leaving only the rations they could barely make ends meet.

It is like this every day, every year, and forever.

They just want to live.

But now, even living has become a luxury.

Guangping County Governor ordered the Yellow River to divert its dike and merge into the Bohai Sea.

So far, 16 counties in Guangping County were flooded, 8,000 people were killed and injured, and more than 400,000 people were displaced. …

At the mouth of the Yellow River dyke, several officials in charge of diverting the dike from the dyke looked at this scene with complex eyes.

There are two leaders, one is the county Sima Zhou Bo, and the other is the county commander Li Xian.

"The people north of the Yellow River in Guangping County will suffer. I don't know how the people will curse me and wait..."

Li Xian, the commander of the county, sighed.

On the other hand, Zhou Bo was much calmer. He laughed at himself and flicked his official robe.

"The clothes of civil servants are embroidered with birds, and the clothes of military officers are embroidered with animals.

Put on this skin, which one of us is not a beast? "


Yuezhou, Tai'an House, the residence of Jinglue.

The matter of Guangping County naturally reached the ears of Cui Lang, the military envoy of Yuezhou.

"Building a palace for His Majesty, and even diverting the route of the Yellow River, so that His Majesty can have a panoramic view of the river?"

Under the corruption of the beautiful maid, Cui Lang spit out a grape seed while listening to the report of his confidant, with a mocking expression.

"This Chu Anguo is really caring enough, not to mention that it's too early for His Majesty to tour the East, and even to say whether or not he can govern..."

As a shepherd of a state and a Cui clan of one of the seven clans, Cui Lang also knew a lot about the situation in the DPRK.

Now the imperial power is firmly in the hands of the Holy Queen. After the witchcraft case, the imperial party was swept away, and the new emperor was isolated and helpless in the imperial court, almost a puppet.

Now there are people who persuade the queen to become emperor...

However, this matter was too taboo, Cui Lang didn't want to say more, just said: "Forget it, let him go, although the Song clan loves to ignore this person, but he is also a Song clan person, don't make extra troubles. "

As for the suffering people in Guangping County, they are not in Cui Lang's consideration at all...


Yu Xuanji quietly left Taiqing Mountain and headed down the mountain.

She grew up in Taiqing Mountain since she was a child, and she has not been down the mountain for more than ten years...

Therefore, she didn't know much about the outside world, and at most she heard some things from her brothers and sisters when they came back from the mountain.

But those brothers and sisters are talking about slaying demons and eliminating demons, and there are not many things about people's livelihood.

It is already September, and it is already late autumn in Yuezhou. Although it is not winter, it is still very cold, and the air is filled with unpleasant gloom.

It is completely different from the four seasons like spring on Mount Taiqing.

Yu Xuanji had to put on a big cloak to resist the cold. Accompanied by Aunt Mei, he rode a carriage and drove all the way.

After half a day, he left the vicinity of Taiqing Mountain.

This is Yu Xuanji's first time going down the mountain in these years. Although she has a cold temperament, she is also a girl at heart.

Seeing the world outside Taiqing Mountain made Yu Xuanji a little excited and excited.

The outside world is also full of mountains, beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the maple leaves are red, dyeing the great rivers and mountains red, and the scenery is beautiful, making Yu Xuanji think, maybe the life of the people is not so bad.

That son of Song is just exaggerating...

But soon, Yu Xuanji couldn't relax.

Because she saw some refugees curled up on both sides of the road. They seemed to be very cold, and their bodies kept shaking. Yes, in this weather, how could they not be cold when they were still wearing thin clothes?

The refugees were in ragged clothes and had dirty faces, but when they saw Yu Xuanji's carriage, no one dared to go forward to beg.

Because in their cognition, the people who ride the carriage are all nobles.

And the nobles will beat people with whips...

Yu Xuanji fell silent. She looked at the refugees on the side of the road, silent, as if a mountain was pressing down in her heart, which made her suffocated and made her breathless.

turn out to be....

What Song Gongzi said is true...

Naturally, Taiqing Mountain has also heard about the changes in Guangping County.

These hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced, and the sixteen counties of Guangping County have been turned into large swamps, engulfed by floods, and countless casualties. The entire Guangping County is filled with sorrow.

Taiqing Mountain is one of the three major sects of Xuanmen and Daomen, plus the people of Guangping County are basically Taiqing Mountain believers.

Of course, Taiqingshan couldn't ignore such a tragic situation.

Although the chief culprit in this matter was the governor of Chu Anguo, but Chu Anguo was an official of the imperial court, with a salary of 2,000 stone, so Taiqingshan could not accuse him of anything.

After all, Chu Anguo's banner was to build a palace for the new emperor...

Therefore, Taiqing Mountain can only send disciples on the mountain to go down the mountain to help the victims.


Guangping County, Xiaoan County.

Dressed in a Chinese robe, Song Yu sat in the chariot, surrounded by black armored knights, which made the refugees on the side extremely in awe, and avoided them from afar.

Song Yu boredly looked at the ragged, yellow-faced homeless people around him, without the slightest fluctuation in his eyes.

Although he is the initiator of this catastrophe, these people are not even ants in his eyes, and naturally they will not make him feel guilty.

Use the lives of hundreds of thousands of people to accompany him in a play, to make Yu Xuanji willingly return to the Song clan with him.

Song Yu thinks it's worth it...

Song Yu said lightly, "Are you all ready?"

Hongyuan on the side laughed softly: "Young Master, everything is ready. As long as the wicked seed of the Su family goes down the mountain, the son will just wait and watch the show."

Song Yu nodded. His two maids, Hongyuan, looked charming and naive, but her heart was the most ruthless, and she did everything without compromise.

On the other hand, Luluo is cold-hearted and thoughtful.

Therefore, Hongyuan did a lot of dirty work, and for some things that Song Yu was inconvenient to come forward with, Luluo was the messenger, and the two women were his right-hand helpers.

Song Yu slowly got up, walked out of the chariot, and smiled at the old man who was driving: "Elder Wu, please take action."

The six arts of the gentleman are among the royal ranks.

But not everyone can drive the lord.

This white-haired, taciturn royal named Wu Qisi was born in Qingzhou Wu clan. Now he is worshipped by the Song clan. His strength is unfathomable.

Looking at the whole world, his strength can be called a small Great Master...

Song Yu is the son of the Song clan, the only son of the prime minister Song Xiu, and has a distinguished status.

So Wu Qisi was dispatched to be Song Yu's guardian.

In the Song Dynasty, the status is not low, even Song Yu, he has to be called Wu Lao.

Old Wu's expression was stern, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "Young master, rest assured, although this person has a good talent, he has not yet completed his cultivation and returned to his true self, so it is not worth mentioning."

Hearing this, Song Yu nodded with satisfaction.

He fought such a big battle this time, turning a county into ruins, not just to make Yu Xuanji return to his heart.

We must also completely solve the scourge of Sujing. . . .

A smile appeared on Song Yu's face, looking at the displaced people who were all over the place in the distance, he chuckled lightly: "Next, it's time for a play..."


The farther away from Mount Taiqing, the greater the number of victims.

The tombs of Tianlu were all submerged, and there were even those who supported the coffin and walked away with no bones left. The victims were starved and had no food, no clothes in the cold.

Thousands of miles away, starving and dying.

The light words on these books are so heavy and solemn in reality.

The more Yu Xuanji walked, the more frightened he became, and the more he walked, the more his heart ached.

Before Song Yu told her that life was ruined, she didn't feel much, but now seeing the tragic state of these refugees with her own eyes, it gave Yu Xuanji an unparalleled impact!


The people are so miserable...

Yu Xuanji couldn't help but stopped a passing victim and asked softly, "Old man, what happened?"

The old man with a face full of ravines was fleeing with his own grandson, and when he saw Yu Xuanji in a big cloak, he was obviously dressed as a nobleman.

Awe suddenly appeared on his face, and he didn't know where to put his restraint.

However, seeing Yu Xuanji as a kind-hearted nobleman, the old man hesitated: "I don't know, I heard that it was for the emperor's practice palace, and the Yellow River was diverted so that the emperor could see what the Yellow River was like.

My house was flooded, the house was gone, and the land was gone.

My son and two daughters were drowned by the water, and this eldest grandson is left, thinking about going to the county town to see if we can beg for food..."

In the old man's words, there is no anger that his hometown was overwhelmed, no sadness about the tragic death of his relatives, only numbness.

Perhaps in his view, all this is life.

I am just a leader, destined to experience these hardships...

Seeing Yu Xuanji was heartbroken.

Yu Xuanji is the princess of the former dynasty. Since she was a child, she was taught that the common people in the world are her subjects.

It's just that she has a good heart and doesn't want to see the world in chaos because of her.

At that time, countless people will die in disputes, which is not the result she wants to see.

But now, Yu Xuanji discovered that under the rule of the Great Xia Dynasty, people's livelihood was so difficult.

The government disregarded the life and death of the people, and in order to cater to the emperor, they could divert the Yellow River and flood hundreds of thousands of people!

Yu Xuanji's mentality gradually changed.

She suddenly felt that maybe what Song Yu said was right, that there is indeed a need for salvation in this world!

It's just that Yu Xuanji still has a hint of hesitation in his heart.

Song Clan, is it really the right choice...

Just when Yu Xuanji was thinking deeply, she suddenly saw a familiar figure...

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