I Raised Snow White!

Chapter 11

11. Teacher replacement (1)

[Episode 11] – Teacher replacement (1)

Grasping her Princess’s forearm, the Marquis of Lorenzo began to smear her slimy obsession over her body.

As she molded her porcelain into a swampy, slimy, disgusting mess, she began to mold her princess into the shape she desired.

“Princess, your mother, Her Highness the Queen, was truly a beautiful person.”

The princess quietly began to listen to the story.

I’ve heard this story dozens or hundreds of times already, but the princess didn’t rebel, but quietly lifted her head and looked into the eyes of her marquis.

Obviously, the marquise’s eyes must be dark orange.

‘…It’s like a bottomless swamp.’

Now it looked nothing but a muddy, dark brown.

“Your Highness, the Queen, she has been intelligent since she was a child. She was literally sent down from heaven, knowing ten when she learned one, and creating another ten when she learned ten.”

The Marquis’s voice trembled. Just as a deeply religious person remembers the object of their faith and offers her prayers, the Marquis recalled her past with her ecstatic voice.

“As I always tell you, even such a queen, until she met me, was an ordinary, ubiquitous noble lady who was called the ‘flawed piece’ of her family.”

It’s always the same story. The princess could only look at her weary eyes at her marquise. She knows what will happen the moment she stops talking about it.

Her “I made her her queen with my own hands. I, with her own hands, molded her into her beautiful queen. Therefore-“

The Marquise’s hand, which had grasped her forearm, turned to the princess’s face. Her rough, old hands grasped the princess’s face, as if she were sculpting her face with her two hands.

“Princess, just follow my words. I will make the princess like her highness.”

“…Yes, thank you as always, Marquis.”

At that, the princess forcibly raised the corners of her mouth and smiled. Hearing that satisfied laugh and reply, the Marquis happily stroked her princess’s hair.

“This time, I won’t make a mistake.”

The princess couldn’t help but laugh bitterly at the feeling of putting soggy mud on her head. The unpleasant feeling of sand mixing through her hair reminded the princess of the image of her second queen.

‘When Her Highness stroked her hair… I didn’t feel like this…’


The day after I heard from Aincel that the name of the princess was unknown.

Tak, Tak, Tak.

In a room with excessive silence, Bang Shaw and I were sitting facing each other. I crossed my arms, tapped my forearms with my fingers, and glared at Bangsho, who was sipping coffee.

As if she couldn’t bear the silence any longer, Vinshaw lowered her coffee cup and looked at me, but in an instant, she lowered her head to avoid my gaze. Vivian’s eyes are scary.

I tilted my head to the side and asked Vinshaw.

“Bangshaw, do you know why I called you today?”

“Sorry… I don’t know…”

As if she really didn’t know, Bangchoe rolled her eyes in all directions as if she was frantically thinking about why she had been called here. Because when she called, she called without saying why.

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I glanced at the bang show and brought out the reason for singing the bang show.

“I called about the princess’s ‘in charge of education’.”

“About the princess… Education officer?”

At the moment of the bang show, he blinked her eyes wide, wondering if he had heard it wrong. I lifted the coffee cup in front of me, took a sip, and continued talking. Bang show will also need time to think.

“I don’t like the princess’ current ‘educator’, the Marquis Lorenzo. She is a very obsessive woman, as far as I remember.”

“…Have you investigated the Marquis of Lorenzo?”

“I wouldn’t even call it an investigation… but that’s it.”

I can’t say I saw anything in the game… So I had to say this. Bangshaw looked troubled as he brushed her beard.

“Certainly, the Marquis of Lorenzo doesn’t have that tendency. However, because of her experience as a godmother to Her First Queen, Her Majesty also made her the ‘educator’ of her princess.”


“Even if Her Majesty the Queen says that the Marquis of Lorenzo is not to her liking, wouldn’t it be a bit difficult to bring her down, who has become her educator by order of Her Majesty?”

Vinshaw only spoke her opinion.

Yes, because of His Majesty’s orders, the things I can do now are extremely limited. I was the same as Bang Show until yesterday, and my thoughts stopped here…

Last night I couldn’t sleep.

A flashing idea hit my brain.

Ainsel, who heard my idea, said, ‘Get some sleep and think again’, but I thought this idea was the only way to rescue the princess from the hands of the marquis.

“Whoop whoop…”


“…? Her Highness the Queen?”

A great idea made me laugh without even realizing it. I heard the sound of Ainsel’s sighs in my ears as well, but now I wasn’t the one who was intimidated by the sound of Ainsel’s sighs.

I put down the coffee cup in her hand, crossed her legs and looked at Bangshaw.

“Yes, I cannot disobey His Majesty’s order simply because I do not like it.”


“But, you can switch to another ‘educator’. It is quite common for the ‘teacher’ of a class to change to a better ‘teacher’. Isn’t it? Bang show.”

“Yes, yes..? Uh… Uh, that’s true, but…?”

“In the first place, Your Majesty would want a better teacher for the princess. At that time, her Marquis would have chosen her to be her ‘in charge of education’ because it was her best choice. Am I wrong?”

“Uh, huh? Yes, eh? That, right?”

I was convinced after seeing Bang Show’s reaction.

‘This is unconditional.’

I smiled and thought I should tell Bangshaw about the brilliant idea I came up with last night. This will be unconditional. I vigorously nodded my head as if to make a declaration.

“Then, I guess I can be the princess’ ‘educator’!!”

“..? Yes?”

“Because you’re old, did you even eat your ears, bang show? Isn’t the ‘in charge of education’ of the princess better than the Marquis of Lorenzo right in front of you?”

“…Where are you talking?”

I raised my palm and pretended to hit Bang Shaw’s head. Then, Bangshaw’s body trembled greatly, and he raised his hands to try to block mine.

“I will ask you again. Who is that in front of you?”

“You are the most beautiful in this country, Wow, Her Highness the Queen..!”

“Yes, it is. Do you want to say that I, as queen, are less inferior than the Marquis de Lorenzo? I can’t be the princess’s ‘in charge of education’?”

“Tongue, realistically unreasonable..!”

You are truly loyal.

I felt down because of Bang Show, who was prepared to be hit but only gave realistic answers. I tapped Bangshaw’s missing forehead with the palm of my hand, then sat back down and looked at Bangshaw.

“Why do you think it is realistically impossible? As you know, am I not the one who passed countless tests and surpassed countless young ladies to become the queen? Do you want to say that I am being pushed by her marquise?”

“Th-It’s not like that… Certainly, considering the tests Her Highness took when she ascended to this position, Her Highness seems to be enough to be the princess’s ‘educator’…”

“Then what is your problem?”

“But… Throughout the past, there is no record in the history of this country that Her Highness was in charge of the princess’ education..!”

“What does that matter?”

I smiled and leaned back on the sofa and placed my hands on my crossed knees. Bangshaw stared blankly at me with her mouth wide open as if she was really dumbfounded.

“Isn’t history owned by those who record it? Then I guess I can write a new history.”


A week after declaring that to Bang Shaw.

Thump, thump, thump.

As I was enjoying coffee elegantly in Vinshaw’s office, I heard a sound like a wild boar running in the hallway. Hearing that, Bangshaw sighed deeply, saying that something had come.


The Marquis of Lorenzo, who had entered with the force of almost destroying the wooden door, looked back and forth between Vinshaw and me with her deadly force. Bansho, who met those eyes, swallowed the hiccup.

Her face seemed to be urging me to explain why it was so red and what the situation was right now. Taking a deep breath, the Marquise held out to us her crumpled paper, which she calmly held in her own hand.

“Please explain. What do you mean?”

On her crumpled paper, there was something similar to her ‘exclusive notice’ that Bangshaw and I sent her last night. Come down from the princess’s ‘in charge of education’ and take on the role of supporting me. It contained such content.

‘Well, given the nature of the marquise’s character, if she’s going to help me, she’ll quit before then.’

Binchou looked down at the crumpled paper, sighed deeply, and looked at the Marquis. He calmly continued his explanation, as if he were calming an angry child.

“As her wife knows, she said that Her Majesty the Queen would be in charge of ‘education’ for the princess.”

“What is that…”

“As a result of comparing and judging Her Highness’ performance with her performance, it is one. She held a meeting in the palace hall, and in the end she decided that Her Majesty’s performance was higher. So she sent me a document asking you to be removed from her ‘her education unit.'”

The Palace Castle was one of the administrative departments of the kingdom. Since it was in charge of affairs related to the royal family, it was also a department that even members of the Senate could not carelessly touch.

Honestly, I thought it wouldn’t work when Vinchou said he would hold a meeting with the Ministry of the Interior. The Minister of the Imperial Household was also one of the members of the Council of Elders. However, for some reason, the Imperial Household Ministry sided with me.

So that’s how I was able to send a letter similar to the notice to her Marquis. I should send a thank you letter to the Minister of the Ministry of the Interior later.


“…Need more explanation? Aren’t you as old as me now? Since she also has the feelings of her junior aristocrats that she can rest now, will she accept it quietly?”

Upon hearing that, the face of the Marquise’s wife crumpled even more. Her face, which was already wrinkled, began to distort like a broken mirror.

“Does the Prime Minister think that Her Highness the Queen can take good care of the Princess?”

“I am not the one who judges that. It’s courtier. And personally, I don’t believe in Her Highness the Queen.”

Isn’t this bald?

While sipping sweet coffee, I was surprised by the stupid hair that came out of Bangshaw’s mouth and turned her head to look at Bangshaw. Vinshaw smiled at me and continued her words to the Marquis.

“In the first place, there will be few people who believe in Her Highness, even in the palace. Still, if you ask me why this meeting passed… I’m sure the palace ministry judged you to be in trouble.”

“…What the hell is wrong with me..!”

“Are you asking because you really don’t know?”

As if he really didn’t know, he asked the marquise’s wife who appealed as if she was unfair. I was busy watching the story between the two of them while sipping coffee.


Binchou let out a long sigh and narrowly opened his eyes and looked at the marquise’s wife.

And then, the words that made me doubt my ears burst out of Bangshow’s mouth.

“I mean, are you really unaware of the rumors that you were involved in the suicide of Her Highness the First Queen, ‘Aurora Snow White’ two years ago?”

In an instant, I almost dropped the coffee cup I was holding.

Just now, what?

The first queen committed suicide?

“I know! Didn’t you say that you were investigated and not accused at that time!”

“Isn’t it true that even rumors disappear when there are no charges? The palace must have judged it based on the rumor, saying that it would be better for the princess to have Her Highness by her side than you-“

I couldn’t hear the sound of the two fighting anymore.

What, what the hell is that?

Surely, Ainsel said, ‘Vivian was jealous of the first queen who was favored by the king, so she held a ceremony to change her body.’

If the first queen committed suicide two years ago, Ainsel’s words would be a lie. It’s only been over a month since I came to this world due to the failure of Vivian’s ritual.

I touched the earring containing Ainsel and urged an explanation, but Aincel did not respond.

As if you weren’t here.

‘What are you… hiding from me?’

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