I Raised Snow White!

Chapter 19

19. Just Compassion

[Episode 19] – Just sympathy.

After that, the dinner ended with the Queen Mother saying that she was tired. I also didn’t know what to say anymore, so after just saying hello, I headed to the guest room where the princess was resting.

…There weren’t many mentions of the first queen in the game. Just that she died of illness and that the king really loved his first queen.

There was only such a small background. The story of how the first queen blindly sought her love from her majesty seemed to have no explanation in her memory.

After hearing the story of her queen consort, I made her extreme choices because of her love, her first queen and the king who misses her all day in her corner, her very I tried to understand a little bit.

‘Maternal love and affection are different….’

However, the more I thought about the story, the more I couldn’t understand it at all. Even though they loved each other so much, they didn’t give her love at all to the princess who was born out of that love.

There is a word that a child is a ‘blessing’.

Isn’t the princess a ‘blessing’ to them?

Entering the guest room, I looked down at the princess who was soundly asleep under the blanket. The princess, curled up in her sleep with her blanket over her head, was wandering in her dreamland, unaware that I had come.

As she gently lowered the blanket to her shoulder so that the princess wouldn’t wake up, she saw Ainsel, who was clutching her princess’s hand. He must have been talking to Ainsel under the blanket while waiting for me.

‘It was good that you gave me a hand when I left the banquet hall.’

He gently released each of the little fingers of the princess holding the mirror tightly, and rescued Ainsel from the princess’ hand. As I wiped the mirror covered with the princess’s fingerprints, Ainsel secretly appeared.

-Is the story with the Queen Mother over?

“…Yes, it’s over. Were you having a good time with the princess?”

-Yes, after the lady-in-waiting left, I had a small talk with the princess. That it was fun to play on a boat today, or that Her Highness, the Queen Mother, wasn’t as scary as I thought.

I remembered the image of the princess, who had covered her head up to the top of her blanket and made her own secret base inside her, talking to Ainsel in whispers, and for some reason I laughed.

I quietly headed to the terrace holding the Ainsel so that the princess wouldn’t wake up. As I stepped out onto the terrace, the fragrant night breeze from the garden ran through my hair.

I put the ainsel back on my ear, sat on the terrace railing, and looked down at the garden at night. Thanks to the bright starlight and moonlight, the garden at night with a faint blue light created a different atmosphere from the daytime.

Unlike the night sky in the city, the brightly rising moon sprinkled soft blue light over the dark garden, and the jewel-like stars that flowed like the Milky Way glittered and illuminated the garden with the moonlight.

Is it thanks to the garden that has a gentle atmosphere on a summer night? Hearing the story of the first queen to the queen, she felt her tumultuous heart become a little quieter.

“…I heard the story of the first queen from Her Highness the Queen Mother.”


“I didn’t know what to say even after hearing it, I don’t think it’s a story I can understand. I don’t even want to understand under.”

For some reason, I laughed out loud. Ainsel wouldn’t be able to say anything about the first queen anyway, so this was no different than my own talk. I wiped her face in frustration and asked Ainsel.

“You did that, right? It is said that Vivian performed a body-changing ceremony ‘because she was jealous of her first queen, who was loved by the king’. And, she failed.”

-…Yes, that’s right. To that extent, Vivian truly loved the king. He wants to be loved by him, so much so that he became my second queen.

…There is no normal.

Vivian Island, Royal Road, First Queen Island.

From my point of view, everything was not normal.

Cooling my head, which was pounding the more I thought about it, with the night breeze, I continued my thoughts. First of all, it was clear that the first queen would not be in perfect condition right now.

‘I don’t know if she is dead or alive, but once you look at the timeline, you would be right to think that she is alive somehow. After the first queen’s suicide, Vivian married as her second queen.’

The reason why Vivian held her ceremony was ‘because she was jealous of her first queen who was loved by her king.’

If so, it was highly likely that Vivian met her first queen. Could Vivian, who met her first queen like that, go crazy with her jealousy, ‘seeing her first queen loved by her king’?

That’s why I performed a ritual to change her body.

‘It’s a guess, but it’s probably right. Because the only thing Ainsel could say was the contents of Vivian’s consciousness. If you look at the nature of fairies who don’t lie, that word must be true.’

However, Vivian ‘failed’ her consciousness.

As a result of her failure, I entered Vivian’s body. If so, what was the cause of her failure? In the first place, Vivian was one of the ‘Kurven Witches’, who are said to only exist in 13 people in this world.

It was difficult to say that such a witch failed simply by mistake. No, is it possible that she failed because she made a mistake blinded by jealousy? It was because Ainsel and Sylphy said that they stopped Vivian.

Why couldn’t Ainsell talk about her first queen in the first place? Did she make a ‘contract’ with the first queen? She told me not to talk about herself? If so, does that mean that she too can “See fairies”?

“……Ha. I don’t know.”

Probably the first living queen.

The reason why Vivian lost her consciousness.

Aincel can’t talk about the first queen.

All of that was only vaguely predictable, and nothing could be known for sure. I let out a big sigh, letting the night breeze cool her heated head.

“For now, I will assume that you are being threatened. Ainsell.”

– You…

“So, do we have to talk about it when it’s all over? Got it?”

-…Okay. I’m so sorry.

To my words, Ainsel barely answered with a choked voice. Seeing Ainsel react like this, it seemed that she was really sure that someone had forced her to silence her.

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“…Let’s go in, it’s cold.”

I must have been on the terrace for quite some time, and when the night wind brushed my body, I got goosebumps. Now I had to return to the main palace, and I came into the room to wake up the sleeping princess.

When I entered the room, I saw the princess still asleep on the bed, snoring softly. I gently sat down on the bed and looked down at the sleeping princess curled up.

The figure lying on its stomach with its body curled up was like a young puppy.

As she brushed the disheveled hair of her princess’s cheeks behind her ears, she remembered the portrait of the first queen she had seen earlier. Because she is her daughter, the resemblance is very similar.

I asked Ainsel in a very low voice so that the princess wouldn’t wake up.

“The reason Vivian hated the princess… Is it because she resembles the first queen?”

-…Yes. That’s right. She said she hates her and her likeness… She just took her anger out on me.

Listening to Ainsel’s answer, I somehow felt bitter.

As I looked at the face of the princess who was quietly sleeping, I remembered the expression on her face as she looked at the portrait of the first queen in a room full of portraits earlier.

Calling the first queen drawn in the portrait as ‘Oh Mama’, the princess’s expression with a sorrowful expression, as if she really missed her, as if she wanted to meet her, kept flickering in front of her eyes.

Does this child who yearns for parental love know that she has never received anything worthy of being called love from them? Does she know that she is not even interested in herself in the first place?


“Your Majesty and the First Queen loved ‘only each other’ and had no interest in the princess born as a result. Doesn’t this mean that ‘mother love’ and ‘affection’ are different?”



My appetite was terrible.

I also didn’t ‘affection’ the princess. At best, ‘sympathy’. The feeling she felt when she looked at the princess who was left alone in this vast castle without being loved by her parents was nothing more than ‘sympathy’.

So, I only helped the princess until the king came out of the room and everything went back to normal. If everything goes back to normal…

‘At that time, I wouldn’t have to be by the princess’ side.’

I thought I should wake her up as I gently tidyed up her hair. If I stay here for too long, I’m sure Ellie in the main palace will be worried.

As I was about to shake her princess’s shoulder so slowly, her princess’s tiny hand grabbed my index finger. I looked down at that figure, sighed again, and lay down on the bed.

Even when I lay on the bed, the princess wouldn’t let go of my finger. Like a child begging me not to go. As a child stretches by holding on to the hem of her mother’s dress.

“…I can’t help it.”

I sighed heavily like someone who had given up, pulled the blanket up to my waist, and lay down. It felt like if the duvet was covered over, the princess would be covered up to the top of her head.

Even if you spend at least a day in the villa, the queen wouldn’t say anything. In the first place, if the princess went to say her good morning to her queen mother tomorrow morning, it was clear that she would like the queen too.


I felt like I should sleep like this today, even if I was a little uncomfortable.

I gently patted the princess on top of the blanket that covered her shoulders and fell asleep. Between the flickering drowsiness, I heard Ainsel’s voice vaguely in my ear.

-…Good night, Vivian. See you tomorrow.

I fell asleep without answering that greeting.


It was inside a white space.

The princess turned her head and tried to check where this place was. A man and a woman far away in a pure white space in all directions. It seemed that two people could be seen.

The princess recognized who the two were.

For some reason, the princess ran after the two as her heart pounded and she felt a cold sweat. However, no matter how much he ran, the distance between the two of them could not be shortened.

“Oh my God..! Obama Mama..!”

Run, run, run again.

The anxiety of the pure white space and the nervousness of not being able to close the distance made the princess’s feet heavy. As if my feet were shackled, as if something big had grabbed them.

“Let’s go together..! Mama!”

The princess felt that for some reason he had to follow the two of them. I didn’t know why. But, for some reason, he himself was busy chasing the two of them in this space.

The moment when I managed to walk out, one step at a time, as if someone was holding onto me. The princess was able to grab hold of the black-haired woman’s clothes.

The moment I lifted my head with such joy.

The princess woke up.

The moment she opened her eyes, the princess was able to confirm what she was holding on to in her dream. The finger of Her Highness the Queen, who was soundly asleep next to her.

The dazzling white light I saw in my dream was the morning sunlight pouring down from the window. With dreamy eyes, the princess half-raised him and looked at Her Highness’s finger, which she was holding.

Then he tilted his head as if it was strange, and with his head that couldn’t turn, he remembered the memories of last night. Surely, he must have been playing with Aincell while talking to him in the futon…?

I fell asleep at some point, but when I opened my eyes, it was morning.

And Her Highness the Queen, who is sleeping next to her.


Why is Her Highness sleeping in my bed?

The princess, who couldn’t figure it out no matter how much she thought about it, raised her half-raised body fully and rubbed her sleepy eyes while yawning until his mouth was torn.

Then shook Her Highness’s shoulder, who was sleeping next to her, and urged her to get up quickly. Her Majesty the Queen, waking up with a sound of ‘uh-huh’, stared blankly at the princess with dreamy eyes.

Seeing that appearance, the princess shook Her Highness’ shoulders as if telling her to get up quickly.

“No matter how much I tell Her Highness, you can’t sleep in my bed…”

“…??? Huh?? Is it your bed? This is a detached palace, isn’t it..?”


Upon hearing that it was a detached palace, the princess turned her head to check her surroundings, and finally confirmed that this was not her usual room.


The princess, who was fully awake just like that, remembered what she had just said, and her face turned red with shame.

Like a bright red ripe apple.

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