I Raised Snow White!

Chapter 9

09. Hope to be close (2)

[Episode 09] – Hope to be friendly (2)

“How is it? Aren’t you afraid now?”

As I smiled and stroked the princess’s head, the princess seemed to have noticed that she had come out from behind the tree.



Seeing the crumpled face of the princess, without realizing it, I quickly removed my hand from her hair. The princess’ crumpled expression had the power to make it feel more like a warning than any threat.

Is it because of the children’s colorful expressions?

Looking at the princess who made a face and glared at me as if to kill me, I lightly lifted her arms as if to declare surrender, showing that I had no intention of touching her any more.

“I’m sorry for petting you arbitrarily.

I didn’t run away like before, but I was still busy staring at me as if I didn’t like me. The lips are pursed, the eyebrows raised sharply.

It was the expression of a typical child when angry.

As expected, it seems that one magic wasn’t enough.

I took out the flower from the princess’s ear again and put it on my hand. As expected, the princess’ eyebrows, which had been raised sharply, lowered lightly, as if the child couldn’t overcome the curiosity.

“Take a good look, I will show you a different magic.”

Suddenly, Ellie came to the princess’s side and crouched down. Together, the two of them gazed at the flower in the palm of my hand, their sparkling eyes shining with curiosity.

I don’t have a few magic tricks I learned in my school days, but it seemed to be enough to satisfy the princess and Ellie. I clenched the hand where the flower was placed into a fist and trembled as I performed a powerful performance.

“Let’s start? One two-“



Bincho was walking weakly through the wide hallway of the palace. The place he is heading to is the corner room of the royal castle where the king lives in seclusion. Vinshaw went there unconditionally once a day to check on His Majesty’s condition.

In addition, it was one of Bangshaw’s daily routines to refill the ‘it’ that His Majesty would use in the room once a day while living in seclusion. Bangshaw sighed and bit the knights guarding the front of His Majesty’s room.

Knock- Knock-

“Your Majesty, this is Bang Shaw. The weather is very nice today. Roses are in full bloom in the garden today, the garden is full of the scent of roses.”

Vinshaw knows that this conversation is meaningless, but he doesn’t stop talking. In a calm voice, Bangshaw started talking about how the outside world was changing day by day.

“The princess seems to have a hard time in class. She is said to be the Marquis who taught Her Highness the Queen…But she seems to be having a hard time with the still young princess.”

From noble mtl dot com

The door won’t open.

Binshaw knew that.

“Perhaps because you use your brain a lot, they’ve been looking for something sweet lately. When you’re looking for something sweet, the first thing you look for is candy, just like Your Majesty. hahahaha.”

No sound could be heard from inside the door.

Bangshaw strongly bit his lower lip.

Along with the growing dissatisfaction with His Majesty and the regretful feeling that His Majesty must have had a hard time, today, too, Vinshaw cooled his emotions by biting his lips.

“Your Majesty, I will leave it at the door. Then, I hope you are well today.”

Binchou left ‘it’ in front of the door and headed to the end of the corridor as usual. Bangshaw, who had spread the distance so that he could not hear his footsteps in the ‘room’, blankly looked at the room where the king lived.

As I stared blankly at the door like that, the room opened just a little bit and only my slim arms came out of the room.

Who would think that arm is that of an adult male?

Vinshaw was delighted to see that His Majesty was still alive, and at the same time felt as if his heart was burning in a hot fire.

The thin arm that came out of the room pulled it as if it had snatched it from the door and disappeared into the room. At the same time as the sound of the door closing, the knights settled down again as if they were accustomed to it.

It’s already been 2 years.

During the two years that passed, His Majesty did not step out of that room. Vinshaw, who had taken care of His Majesty since he was a prince, was now just incredibly sad about this situation.


However, there was no time to be immersed in such sadness. Since His Majesty had let go of state affairs, it was none other than the Prime Minister himself who had to rule state affairs instead of His Majesty.

There was also the Council of Elders, and Her Highness the Second Queen, but…

The Council of Elders were like hyenas seeking the power of Her Majesty, and the Second Queen… It seems that people have changed recently, but I couldn’t believe it completely.

Binshaw, tired of the endless tug-of-war with the Council of Elders, hoped that His Majesty would return even now. He is too old and sick to fight here.

Vinshaw brushed his hair, which was already slipping away, and looked at his palm. His hair, which had been plucked out countless times because of his stress, seemed to represent his sadness.

‘I’m going to go really bald if I keep going like this…’

After brushing off the hair strewn across her palm, Bangshaw started walking down the aisle again. He thought carefully about what he had to do today and headed to his office.

Just as he was heading to his office, Vinshaw noticed someone at the end of his hallway looking down the window. An elderly woman with her gray hair was looking at the window with her sharp eyes.

“The Marquis of Lorenzo?”

At Vinchow’s call, the person called the Marquis of Lorenzo turned her head and looked at Vinchow. The old woman bent her front legs slightly and bowed her head, looking at her bangs. She was still a dignified greeting.

“Meet Your Excellency.”

“Ah, as I always say, it’s okay not to say hello like that, Marquis.”

“No, these etiquettes should be followed for granted anytime, anywhere, even if no one is watching. Your Excellency.”


Binchou cleared his throat at the words of the Marquis Lorenzo, who spoke firmly.

I’ve known her for many years, but she was still a difficult person. When she was young, the Marquis of Lorenzo, as the guardian and educator of Her Highness the First Queen, she herself had the experience of assisting Her Majesty by her Majesty’s side.

‘She’s in charge of education for the princess now…’

So she naturally interacted frequently as an ‘educator’, but because of her iron-clad aristocratic etiquette, she was difficult to deal with from long ago.

When the conversation did not continue, Vinshaw was about to say hello, wondering if the conversation would end like this. The sound of chattering under the window was heard, and Bang Shaw naturally looked there.


It was a sight that left me speechless.

She was happy to see the princess laughing and talking in her garden, but when she saw the person playing with the princess, she couldn’t help but doubt her own eyes.

“Huh, what kind of combination is that?”

She is the 2nd Queen Her Highness, is she enjoying talking to the princess laughing and chatting? The princess next to her also showed no signs of being afraid of Her Highness, the Second Queen.

Binshaw, who saw the princess smiling brightly as if she was really having fun, somehow felt emotional. How long has it been since I’ve seen a princess like that?

And at the same time, I felt a bittersweet feeling as well as a tearful feeling.

‘Isn’t that kind of appearance originally expected of His Majesty? This is what Her Majesty, her real father, should show, not her stepmother, the Second Queen.’

Vinchou let out a small sigh and spoke to the Marquis of Lorenzo, who was watching the scene by her side. I’m sure the Princess’s education manager, the Marquis Lorenzo, would be pleased with that appearance.

“Isn’t it a very heartwarming sight? I don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve seen a princess smile like that.”

However, contrary to Vinchaud’s expectations, the Marquis Lorenzo made a small clicking sound as she looked at that delightful sight. Would the Marquis, who values such manners, kick her tongue in front of her husband?

“…No matter how well a parrot can talk, it is a leak, and no matter how well a monkey can imitate, it is nothing more than a beast. No matter how good a man may behave, if he does not have the manners that a man should have, how is he different from a parrot or a monkey?”

“…Mrs. Marquis?”

“…Excuse me. Because the princess’ class time is running out.”

With that last word, the Marquis of Lorenzo turned and disappeared at the end of her hallway. Vinshaw opened her eyes wide and stared blankly at the figure of the marquise who had disappeared to the end of her hallway.

Who did you say that to?

Binchou soon knew who the Marquise’s wife had spoken to. No, there’s probably only one person out there who can hear that. Bangshaw brushed his beard and clicked his tongue.

‘I never thought the Marquis would say that Her Highness, the Second Queen, is like a ‘beast’.’

No matter how you think about it, those words were harsh enough to be charged with insulting the royal family. It wouldn’t be strange if Vinchow immediately blamed the Marquis.

However, Bangshaw did not do that. He had sympathized with the Marquis’ words to some extent. Bang Shaw was a person who thought that people do not change easily.

In recent years, it is said that Her Highness the Second Queen has been good to the maids, and the maids have come to follow Her Highness the Second Queen, but there are many evils that the Second Queen committed in the past.

Do people change when they die and come back to life?

In the first place, I couldn’t know because I had never seen anyone other than Her Highness, the Second Queen, who came back from the dead. Bangshaw let out a long sigh as he heard the princess laugh from the window.

“Soon the Marquis and Her Highness the Queen will collide.”

She was extremely strict about her etiquette and education. I saw the princess taught by the Marquis playing with Her Highness, the queen who had never once said yes to anyone.

Couldn’t she be the heart of her parents who saw their child playing with a bully in the alley?

‘From the point of view of her marquise, this must never have happened. Especially if she was ‘her godmother’, the guardian of Her Highness the First Queen… She would inevitably become attached to her princess.’

Bangchaud sighed deeply at the situation where her head hurt. If the Marquis and Her Highness the Second Queen collided, would she be good for herself? Whose side should she be on?

Seeing the princess happy under the window, putting a flower crown on her head, Vinchaux smiled bitterly.

Just because this whole situation was a matter to be resolved once Her Majesty came out of the room.


There was only one thing she overlooked while playing with the princess.

“No more? Is it over now?”

“Heh, heh… Princess… Why don’t you rest for a bit..?”


There was something that couldn’t be bridged between the stamina of a child and the stamina of an adult. She showed all of her magic tricks she had learned during her school days and even her finger tricks because she had nothing more to show.

The princess started to run to Ellie’s side as if it wasn’t fun. I was the one who played with her until she collapsed from exhaustion, but seeing her go to Ellie’s side as if she was tired of it now, she felt a bit bitter.

In the end, exhausted, I leaned against a tree and stared blankly at the sky. As I stared blankly at the sky like that, Ainsel shouted cheering me from under the tree.

I naturally turned my gaze to the tree where the voice was heard.

-The princess wants to play! Give me more strength!

“Just a little… Rest…”

There stood a small mirror earring with its back against a stone. On the head of the mirror earrings was a very small corolla, the size of a finger.

Around the time I made corollas for the princess and Ellie, he grumbled a little, asking why he didn’t have his own, so he made a very small corolla and put it on Ainsel’s head.

It’s a visual of a flower placed on a very small mirror, but Ainsel seemed to like it quite a bit. Leaving Ainsel’s nagging behind for a while, I sat blankly and looked at the princess playing with Ellie.

It was nice to see them putting the corollas on their heads, braiding their hair, and making rings with the rest of the flowers, as if they liked the corollas they made for them. This won’t scare me or anything like that.

Now, so that the princess would not feel her trauma, she would just avoid talking about the funeral or something like that. I closed my eyes as I listened to Ellie and the princess chatting happily.

At that time, I wondered if it would be okay to sleep with a sigh.

Baslak- Basslak-

I heard someone stepping on the grass in the garden and walking towards this place. I only blinked one eye at the sound to see who was approaching this place.

An elderly woman with grayish white hair was approaching this place with footsteps. For some reason, her eyebrows were furrowed, as if she was very angry.

‘That person is…’

“Princess. You are here.”

The old woman looked down at the princess playing in her garden with a cold gaze, and she let out a long sigh. For some reason, I was annoyed at the sound of her long sighs, as if telling me to listen.

The princess must have been surprised to see the old woman, and she swallowed her hiccups with a hiccup. The princess’s face, which had brightened up at the old woman’s words, began to darken again.

“Go back. Time to start class.”

“Ah, it’s still… Time until the evening class…”


The old woman who interrupted her princess called out for her princess and let out a long sigh. Said the old woman firmly, as if she didn’t need to hear any more.

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“Didn’t I always tell you? In order to become a great person like Her Highness the Queen, you have to have the eyesight to see people.”

The old woman who said that was looking straight at me. It’s not like she’s talking to the princess, it’s like she’s looking at me. I frowned at her when I realized what she meant.

‘So, you warned me not to get close to the princess right now? Now?’

I knew who that woman was.

Because he was an NPC who appeared as an ‘educator’ even in the game. She knew that she was her first queen’s guardian, and she knew that she was the first queen’s ‘godmother’.

“The Marquis of Lorenzo.”

I got up slowly and approached the Marquis. We got so close that our noses almost touched each other, but neither the Marquis nor I kept our distance. Because it was a battle of pride.

‘Gray hair and orange eyes. And her eyes are as bad as Vivian’s.’

As expected, this is the Marquis of Lorenzo I know.

I crossed my arms and looked down at the marquise, bowing her head. As if she didn’t like her appearance, the Marquis’s eyes sharpened.

Okay, I looked down at the Marquis and smiled. I don’t know because I didn’t look in the mirror, but it must be the same ‘villain’-like smile as Vivian.

The Marquis bowed her head in disapproval and greeted me.

“…Meet Her Highness, Second Queen.”

…I’ve fostered princesses over 300 times, and I’ve never had a princess educated by a marquise except once.

That’s why.

“The old wife of the Council of Elders, who appeared in front of her now? No, would you rather say something like this?”

Because the princess who was educated for a long time by the marquise’s wife had a straight line with a ‘bad ending’.

It was also because of the Marquis’ twisted greed.

“What is the first queen’s dog doing here?”

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