I Really Didn't Want to Increase My Favorability!

Chapter 187

Chapter 187

“What are you guys doing?”

“Xu Lin!?”

Seeing Xu Lin and Shaoyao suddenly appear, the six people quickly stood up, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Su Qingwan hastily pulled down the hem of her skirt that Qin Yunhe had accidentally tugged up and stood behind her, her face flushed.

“We were just practicing some combat skills,” Chu Fengyi said, “but perhaps we were a bit too casual about it.”

“Alright then,” Xu Lin smiled. At least they were having fun together, which was progress.

Qin Yunhe jumped down from the mat and walked up to Shaoyao, pulling out a piece of chocolate from somewhere.

“Mom doesn’t let me eat sweets.”

Xiao Shaoyao glanced behind her. Although her mom hadn’t come along, she would surely find out if she ate it, right?

“Just say the police lady gave it to you.”

“Are you a police officer, sister?”

“Yes.” Qin Yunhe smiled and took Xiao Shaoyao’s small hand.

Even though she and Ms. Ye had a bit of a remote confrontation this morning, she wouldn’t let that unhappiness affect the child.

She always liked kids, but she didn’t have much patience when it came to taking care of them.

Last time, when she was asked to look after a relative’s child, who was actually quite well-behaved, she still found it quite frustrating.

But this little girl was so pretty. If her future child looked this good, would she be more patient? ƒrēewebnoѵёl.cσm

“You’re so pretty, sister. Can I be a police officer when I grow up?”

“Of course, but you’ll need to work hard.” Qin Yunhe felt even happier hearing such sweet words from Shaoyao.

“Got it.”

The other five had also come down, put on their shoes, and walked over.

“Do you still remember me?” Chu Qingchan gently stroked Shaoyao’s cheek.

“Yes, you’re Sister Chu. There are two Sister Chus. The one with the blonde hair is Sister Fengyi. Sister Fengyi gave me a lollipop last time.”

“Oh, very smart, little girl. But I don’t have any lollipops this time,” Chu Fengyi laughed.

“Give me one next time secretly.”

“Watch out for cavities,” Chu Fengyi said kindly, a rare sight.

“Hello, Shaoyao.”

“Hi, Sister Ji Yun.”

“I don’t know these two pretty sisters.” Xiao Shaoyao looked at Bai Xiaoxiao and Su Qingwan.

“This is Sister Su, and this is Sister Bai. Sister Su is my teacher.”

“A teacher…”

Upon hearing the word teacher, the little girl immediately looked a bit scared and quickly glanced past Su Qingwan, causing everyone to laugh.

“Don’t be afraid. Teacher Su is very nice and never assigns homework.”


“Really.” Su Qingwan glanced at Xu Lin. Indeed, there was no homework for him.

“Why is Sister Bai so thin? You need to eat more.”

“I eat a lot,” Bai Xiaoxiao said shyly.

“You need to eat more,” Xu Lin said seriously, and Bai Xiaoxiao nodded.

Under Xu Lin’s supervision lately, she had indeed started eating healthily. Whole grains, meat, dairy, vegetables, and fruits were all included.

After a few days, she felt more energetic and focused in class, even if she hadn’t gained much weight yet.

“Why are you looking for us?”

“Can you guys take care of this little girl for me? The competition is almost over, and the winner might have to go on stage soon.”


“Shaoyao, which sister do you want to go with?”

He didn’t want to give her directly to any one of the girls. As a ladies’ man, he needed to be fair.

He had to keep everything balanced. If he chose someone, the others might overthink it, and even if they didn’t, he would.

“I want to go with the police sister.”

Shaoyao originally wanted to choose Chu Fengyi, but after touching the chocolate in her pocket, she looked at Qin Yunhe instead.


“Wanwan, who said I’m not popular with kids?”

“You’re using food to lure her.”

“That’s also a kind of popularity.”

Qin Yunhe stepped forward to pick up Shaoyao, but Xu Lin quickly waved his hand.

“She’s already five. Her mom doesn’t allow her to be carried. Just hold her hand and don’t let her get lost in the crowd.”

“Okay. By the way, Xu Lin, after you get married, will you have kids soon?”

Qin Yunhe casually asked. Xu Lin and the five girls around him were taken aback by the sudden question.

“Well, that depends on the woman.”

“Oh, if it were me, I’d really want to have a child. I’m not very patient, and I hope taking care of a child will make me more patient.”


Xu Lin nodded. He knew this was Qin Yunhe speaking her true thoughts, and also asking for his opinion. If he got married, he would want a child too.

Before his rebirth, he had thought about lying flat, never getting married or having children, just living with his parents and finding a comfortable, easy job.

Saving some money, doing what he wanted. After having 5 million, he felt even more so.

But after coming back, he met so many girls, and suddenly he began to look forward to marriage and started making different plans for the future.

The five girls around him, listening to their conversation, also started thinking about their own futures.

Half a year ago, Ji Yun never thought about her future, especially in terms of relationships, marriage, or children.

But since half a month ago? Or maybe a month ago, when she realized she might like a boy and chose to be honest with him.

She began to think a lot. She, who previously only thought about studying and getting into college, started considering changes in her life.

In simple terms, she didn’t think much about marriage or children. She was just determined about one thing.

If Xu Lin chose her, she would stay by his side no matter how long or what the days were like.

She knew that during the time spent together, she would definitely find answers to questions she currently didn’t understand.

Bai Xiaoxiao was even more confused, but she remembered her childhood dream of being like her parents.

Regardless of wealth or poverty, or being far from home, she just wanted the two of them to be happy together.

As for children, she liked boys, but what if Xu Lin liked girls? Then they could have two kids?

Oh, why am I thinking so much? No matter what the future holds, I need to take care of my health first. As the elders in her family said,

If she stayed so thin, it would be hard to have a healthy child, and it would be very harmful to her own body. So she had to eat well.

Su Qingwan felt that her thoughts about marriage and children hadn’t changed much since middle school.

She wanted a more stable and peaceful life, but she had set her sights on someone who wasn’t so stable.

But the one she liked was the foundation of stability. She had always listened to her parents, but she was inherently a very self-reliant person.

So she hoped for someone who could protect her but wasn’t too domineering, a reliable man to live life with.

She believed in her own judgment. Xu Lin must be that kind of person. As for children…she didn’t particularly like kids.

However, if Xu Lin likes children, she would definitely be willing, but there must be two. One child would be too lonely she grew up alone herself.

Chu Fengyi was very familiar with the concept of marriage. She fully accepted the memories from her past life, unlike Xu Lin. She could feel everything.

So she understood that marriage wasn’t that simple. It required facing many issues, especially with a man like Xu Lin who had a wandering eye.

But at their wedding, she was so happy. Even though they went through a lot together later, she never regretted anything.

The only regret was that she and Xu Lin didn’t have a child… she had some health issues.

But in this life, although she had a small frame, having a small frame didn’t mean she couldn’t have her own children. If it really didn’t work out, there were always scientific methods.

Chu Qingchan’s thoughts were very simple. If she did marry Xu Lin, she wouldn’t think about singing or acting anymore. She would just spend her days eating and drinking with him.

As for children, if Xu Lin wanted them, they would have them. If not, it didn’t matter. They would just happily spend their days together.

Anyway, the family had money, and Xu Lin was very capable. Of course, he could do less busy work and spend more time with her and the children, and she would be very happy.

Enjoy life, travel more together, maybe even a family world tour?

Xu Lin didn’t know that a single sentence between him and Qin Yunhe had led to so many thoughts from them.

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