I Really Want To Go Against The Sky

Chapter 52: Dominant monster

Tianshui Jiayuan Community is a large area, covering an area of ​​about seven hundred acres, which seems to have built 21 high-rise residential buildings.

The land is really wide and the building is thin. Every building is far apart. The middle green plants are surrounded by parks, lakes, sports equipment, basketball courts, football fields, swimming pools. local.

No way, luxury residential areas, rich, focused on a quality of life.

The greening vegetation in this community is diverse and complex, and it is almost like a small plant park.

After accepting Zhu Caiwei’s gift-giving contract, Yang Fan also secretly searched the Internet and found that the developer of Tianshui Jiayuan’s community and the Hongjingwan villa area were the same real estate company, with a strong strength. Their real estate, not only sells thieves expensive, but also the supply of the special mother is in short supply, you say that people are not angry?

On this Tianshui Jiayuan, although it is not a single-family villa, the price of each floor is even more expensive than some small villas. It is expensive enough for a square of 100,000, and the starting price is here. Not counted.

As for the six 1501s that Yang Fan now owns, the value is not less than 80 million. After careful calculation, there will be almost 500,000 squares. The cows want to fly.

Yang Fan twirled in the inside and turned for a long time. It was hard to find where the 6 buildings were. It was too big. There wasn't even a road sign. The first time people came in, it was easy to get lost.

"But this community is really good! No wonder the rich people in Rongcheng like to buy the house here. If I have money, I will definitely have to set it up here."

Yang Fan turned and sighed. It’s really poverty that limits his imagination. When he lived in happiness, he didn’t feel how bad he was. Instead, he felt that if he could have a happy house and dreams. The smile woke up.

However, since he saw the vastness of the Hongjingwan villa area, the domineering of the Jiufengshan Peak Villa, and the park ecology of the Tianshui Jiayuan Community, this is a proper eye-opener.

This only knows that he used to be a poor man. It’s no different from those who are hiding in the ruined temple every day and arguing that the emperor’s breakfast every day has at least two eggs.

Yang Fan sighed twice and sighed: "It's a pity. This kind of good community has not been good for a few years. There is not enough strength to guarantee, no matter how good the house is, and then a luxurious place, in the last days." They are just making wedding dresses for others."

The demon animal awakens, the end of the world comes, the original economic system of human society will soon collapse, the most valuable thing in people's minds will no longer be a gold check, no longer a luxury car, but the flesh of food, vegetables, and monsters. There are also a variety of spiritual medicines, and how to work hard to survive is the mentality of every normal human being in the last days.

What to enjoy, does not exist.

Under the huge crisis of survival, even those who are at the guru level, they are not brave enough to improve their own strength.

Those younger brothers, even dare not be a little lazy, the family's resources are not out of thin air, there is no corresponding cultivation and contribution, there will be people to replace your position in minutes.

These former luxury houses before the end of the world were not destroyed by powerful monsters, or were permanently requisitioned by the later martial arts strongmen. There is no reason to talk about them.

Yang Fan galloped all the way. Every time he passed a building, he would stand downstairs and let out a little mental stimulation. If he didn't notice any abnormalities, he would continue to rush to the next building.

Whether they are poor or rich, they are all members of the Terran. Although Yang Fan is a bit of hatred, he will never die if he catches up.

It is so noble!

All the way down, there was almost no movement in the residential building, but along the way, Yang Fan discovered that more than a dozen security guards were scattered and hidden behind some dense vegetation in the community. If it was not his sensitivity, he could not find it.

"There are knife wounds, scalloped marks, and some bodies that have been smashed in half. There are both human means and traces of monsters. Is it a coincidence, or is someone already mixed with the monster?"

Yang Fan’s eyes became extremely cold. He hated the monsters incomparably, but he hated the traitors who sold the human beings and sold their souls to become the servants of the beasts.

The damage these people have to the inside of the Terran is sometimes even more dramatic than the Beast.

The bodies of these security guards in the small area are scattered, three or three, and they are hidden in one place. The culprits and the monsters did not appear at the same time. Therefore, Yang Fan is still not sure whether humans are beginning to collide with the monsters.

However, whether it is there or not, this murderer who wants to kill others, will not be a good person, and must not be light.

Yang Fan continued to wander into the depths of the community, or because of the city government's annihilation, Yang Fan did not find a pet such as a cat or dog in the community. Even the sound of insects in the grass was unspeakable for a long time.

Rich people know better than their ordinary people to cherish their own lives. Obviously, the influence of the monsters in the Hongjingwan villa area has already profoundly affected the local tyrants in Tianshui Jiayuan.

The level of cleanliness in this area is much more thorough than those in the streets and parks in the city.

"Where is it hiding?"

Yang Fan’s eyes are swimming, and there are no lights in the nearby buildings. It seems that everything is safe.


The old machine in the pocket suddenly vibrated at this time. Yang Fan felt it and opened it. A message with only two words appeared at the top of the screen.

"help me!!"

The source of the information shows the name of Yang Guo, below the message, and a quick positioning icon.

Yang Fan’s heart is suddenly tight, and it’s really an accident!

However, this little girl will not be a black body, so many buildings are all right, why did she encounter danger?

Without hesitation, he quickly opened the positioning information, and Yang Fan quickly pointed out the direction and galloped all the way to the No. 6 building.

In just three seconds, Yang Fan jumped over a distance of more than a thousand meters and rushed to the downstairs of Building 6.

Looking up, the whole building has no light, everything seems so quiet and peaceful, Yang Fan did not smell the smell of the monster, but he smelled a faint **** smell, just in the elevator door in the building.

Yang Fan sneaked in the past, and at first glance saw two young people wearing security costumes, each holding a half-foot-long watermelon knife, and the body stood straight and guarded the elevator and the corridor.

On the watermelon knife, the blood is dry, and there is a black and black light. The **** smell that Yang Fan just smelled is from these two watermelon knives.

Obviously, the security bodies with stab wounds in the community should be from these two people.

Two people stood there, motionless, eyes staring straight ahead, and the look on the face was stiff and numb, without the slightest emotion.

Not only that, even if it is close to the side of the two people, Yang Fan did not feel that the two had a little breathing fluctuations, heartbeat, and the pulse could not be sensed.

Walking dead!

Yang Fan's face changed slightly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The brain immediately licked these four words.

Connected with these four characters is a kind of ruling monster that has been scented by many warriors during the Western Chu City period.

Such a demon animal is comparable to a spiritual master in human beings, with superior intelligence, natural spirits, and good at spiritual control. It can not only control the evil beasts, but also influence and control human thinking, turning human warriors into pairs. It is only a demon servant.

This is the wise man in the monster group, similar to the commander in humans.

Any group of people with such a genre of monsters will often develop and grow rapidly in a very short period of time, deterring one side, and even the human master-level warriors will not easily enter.

Fortunately, this special kind of monster is extremely rare, even more scarce than the animal trainer in humans. But every time they appear, they pose an immeasurable threat to the safety of the human race.

And these kind of monsters are extremely embarrassing, and they are afraid of death very much. Basically, they rarely appear alone in front of people. Many times their images only exist in the textbooks of martial arts students. Few humans can really capture or hit. Killed this kind of dominating monster.

Yang Fan did not think that within this small Rongcheng, there would be a ruling warrior, and it happened to be met by him.

This luck is simply invincible!

If it is before entering the slaughterhouse, Yang Fan may still have some jealousy, but now, he is already a veteran level seven, and is a first-class industry gods, even if he encounters a three-level monster, he also dares to fight.

What's more, in addition to the mental control of the bulls, the control of the monsters has a lot of strength, and the typical magician's physique, as long as it is close, kills one.

And Yang Fan, what is best at it seems to be the spiritual defense.

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