I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 110: Revelations.

20 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(Info dump)

(General P.O.V)

"You sure about this boss?"

Johnny asked, drumming the side of his pants as they watched the abandoned oil export warehouse.

The warehouse was on 5th street, right at the edge of Crime Alley. Danny's men were all behind him, armed with Zip ties, bats and knucks.

There had been some contention on carrying guns but Danny had strictly forbidden it.

Getting caught with a gun at this particular moment, with the heat in Gotham was a bad idea.

They would be facing 10 to 20 years on intent to do harm.

Maybe even distribution when taking into account what some of his people used. Mostly Marijuana, nothing too hard.

The gun subject wasn't the reason for Johnny's question. Johnny was more concerned with their newest recruit.

One they had come across as he attacked members of the Odessa Mob seeking to move into Park Row.

A young boy with powers. Bat powers.

Danny could feel the rest of his men watch him, waiting for his answer.

"The kid is powerful. But also reckless. Better he be with us than alone. We can watch his back."

He replied, hoping they would drop the subject.

Just then gunshots rang out from inside the warehouse. A few seconds later, something sped out through the rafters, breaking glass.

The figure turned out to be a young boy with black hair, big black wings and clawed hands.

Danny tensed watching as the boy flew off now that his part was done. Good. He could listen to orders.

Danny rolled his neck, throwing away the butt of his cigarette.

"Okay boys, time to show these riddler goons why trying to move into our territory is a bad idea."

There was a loud explosion from the warehouse' huge double doors, providing a way in.

"The kid did his part. Let's go."

Danny added, lowering his red Oni mask.

Instantly, a surge of power went through his body. He stepped off the edge of the roof they were on and started running down the wall.

Half a dozen men followed him down.

(Davian's P.O.V)

"That place sounds like a nightmare."

Chase commented.

"Oh it is...great sword San."

I wasn't the one who answered...

Rama Kushna did. She smiled at me knowingly. Almost daring me to ask the question I wanted.

"You...you can hear him?"

I forced myself to be calm. I had always tried to hide Chase' existence away from prying eyes.

"Yes. I can."

The goddess answered, taking another sip of her tea.

I frowned.

"Ah...I see."

That wasn't good, exactly. But if there was anyone I would rather know about Chase, it was her. (Not like I had a choice really)

"Does that bother you Great Sword San? That I know of your well concealed presence? Keep in mind, as the god of Fate, no strings of destiny are hidden from my gaze."

Rama Kushna explained, her eyes firmly locked onto mine but seeing past them.

Past me. Her gaze playful.

"It does."

Chase bluntly replied.

Rama Kushna giggled. She had a good laugh. One that sounded girlish instead of what I was expecting.

"That said, I would be grateful if you could tell us what any of this has to do with Davian. Humans die, mystical beasts die and gods die, what of it?"

Chase stole the question from my lips.

It was the same thing I'd been wondering as well. What did the Graveyard of Gods have to do with me?


Rama Kushna hummed, reaching out her hand into seemingly nothing. Only for a small blue portal to open before her palm. Her hand slipped in and pulled out a jar of honey.

"I find that a dash of honey goes well with the tea."

She explained, scooping some with a spoon before adding it to her cup.

She offered but I refused curtly, a little impatient to hear her answer. What was she hiding?

"It concerns you because of this."

She pointed at the small portal she had just created, it's edges rippling.

"Magic is...neutral. inert. Shapeable but immutable. The only rules it has are...surrender to it. Adapt to it."

She waved a hand and a yellow mist poured forth from her palm. Then the mist changed form into a crystalline flower, gleaming beautifully.

The flower broke down and formed into a small marble made up of flame.

"Mmmh...they are the exact same size."

Chase commented.

"Exactly. I reiterate. The magic inside this construct, while shapeable is immutable. It adheres to rules of equivalent exchange. It only took what was needed to create what I wanted."

The marble ball split into two smaller spheres. The second marble changed into a crystal flower similar to her first construct, only smaller, half it's size infact.

The two constructs rotated around each other, drawing closer. When they touched, there was a burst of energy and yellow mist was produced that quickly dispersed into the air.

"Neutral. Opposing forces do not combine. At least not perfectly. Not unless you're willing to give up a big part of yourself to bind them together."

"Magic is not a short cut, it's a mystical force capable of producing miracles by expending the life force within a being."

She concluded.

Her other hand came up.

"Spirit energy on the hand, is personal. It's reactive. It's not like magic. Infact, it wouldn't be wrong to call it, it's anti-thesis."

This time there was a rainbow colored miasma swirling above her palm. Tendrils of spirit energy danced around her fingers.

"It's oriented. Mutable in the sense that it can be dark at its core or light. It can be green or blue. Not both but either."

"It can do things magic can't...it doesn't require you to surrender to it. Infact, it's the opposite. It surrenders to the invocation of it's wielder."

I stretched out my palm.

A slow breath left my lips.



I called onto my Reiryoku and watched as purple wisps of energy extended out from my fingers, licking the air.

"I think I understand what you're getting at. The only question I have. You said Rei...spirit energy was personal. What does that mean?"

She smiled, staring at my Reiryoku with interest.

"Exactly that. When you use a spell you can not regain the life force expended."

"Spirit Energy is different. With enough skill, you can call it back. It's your energy. The by product of your soul. It doesn't want to be anywhere else."

She explained.

And a part of me knew she was right. I had felt it before. The feeling that I could absorb the remnants of Reiryoku left behind after a Kido spell.

"That said, one should always be careful with this particular quirk of Spirit Energy. You risk absorbing the natural energy in the air every time you take it in."

I closed my palm.

"And natural energy is bad...why?"

"Imagine having the natural energy in Gotham coursing through your soul."

Chase pointed out.

I immediately shivered.

"I see."

"Very perceptive of you Great Sword San."

Rama Kushna complimented my Zanpakuto.

I think she was enjoying teasing him.

Chase snorted but I could tell he was a little happy with the praise. That's a first...

"Ok, correct me if I'm wrong then. From what I can gather, anyone can learn to use magic. It's highly versatile but adheres to certain universal laws."

I stopped to gauge her expression.

"Spirit Energy on the other hand can only be accessed by a select few. It's not as versatile but is highly specialized according to the wielder's preferences."

I continued.

"Not always but you're not wrong so far."

She cut in.

"Right. The only thing I don't see is the connection you're trying to make with the portal you created."

I motioned at the small rift in space.

"So how about we cut the bullshit and you give me a straight answer."

I told her, my impatience leaking through.

"But I already did."

Rama Kushna protested cheekily.


"Think about it. Both of you. I started off by explaining what the Graveyard of the gods is, then we discussed the difference between magic and spirit energy. The latter being highly specialized and capable of feats magic cannot..."

"You're just saying the same thing!"

I slammed the cup down.

A brief silence reigned between us. The goddess tilted her head, black eyes twinkling with humor.

"I'm not here to hold your hand, Great Spirit san."

She said curtly.

Chase hummed in thought.

"I think I get it now. Davian, you hold control over death. To some extent. Barragan's presence and what Deadman said about a group of Supervillains using your energy to create monster and hollow hybrids...it's easy to make the connection."

He paused.

"You. Before any of them, you were the only thing capable of producing Reiryoku in this world."

My mind went blank.

"No, you can't mean what I think..."

"You are responsible for all of it. Our enemies, the ones hiding in the darkness, somehow managed to gather your power and use it for their own nefarious ends."

My eyes fell onto the portal next to the goddess.

Everything clicked.

"They can use my energy to pierce the boundaries between the physical world and the afterlife. In this case...the divine spirit within Barragan had been Oceanus. Who, according to you had been imprisoned in the Graveyard...of the gods."

I looked up at Rama Kushna.

"You said I was the bridge. How literal did you mean by that?"

I questioned, reeling from the revelation.

She smiled.


I pressed my palms into my face.

"That's why you wanted to see me. No, that's why you gave the mission to deal with Barragan in the first place."

It made so much sense.

"I was cleaning up my own mess. They can create rifts into the Graveyard using my Reiryoku. Then pull out whatever god they want out into the real world."


She poured more tea on my cup.

"And there's more to come. Oceanus was just the first. Whoever is behind this has a particularly unhealthy interest with the Graveyard of the Gods. More... incursions will happen."

Her tone turned gloomy.

"Elder gods, slaughter gods, gods that humanity needed before Prometheus gave them fire. Gods humanity cannot survive even knowing of their existence. Evil gods..."

I brought the cup to my lips.

The tea was tasteless on my tongue. All these revelations...

Only one question remained.

"Who's the one responsible?"

For the first time since the conversation begun, Rana Kushna frowned.

"I don't know, they are hidden from my gaze. Which should be impossible barring a few..."

She shook her head.

"What that means is less than assuring. The next incursion should happen a few months from now."

"How do you know that but don't know the identity of the one behind all of it?"

I enquired.

"As the goddess of fate, I can see events that naturally disrupt the flow of time. It is my job to set the scales right. I am am overseer of destiny, just as you're the overseer of death."

She answered.

"Is there a way to stop this... incursion from happening? And why would this... mysterious enemy wait months to send another god out into the world...why not now? Why wait that long?"

Chase asked.

"You would have to journey into the Graveyard yourselves to prevent anyone from coming out, but I wouldn't recommend that course of action. Which take us to your second question. They would have to wait that long because of Tigris."



Chase and I spoke at the same time.

I had never had him curse before. Even Rama Kushna looked surprised.

"I take it you know who he is?"

The goddess prompted.

Chase sighed.

"Tigris...just as Hell has Cerberus to guard it's gates..."

"Tigris guards the Graveyard of the gods. Fully capable of destroying any god with ease...none can escape him while inside. He has full authority and can NEVER be defeated."

Rama Kushna explained.

'Well. Fuck.'

And that's not to mention, the Supervillains that had been trying to use Reiryoku to create monster-hollow hybrids.

The only good thing was that now I knew what my enemy was planning.

"I need to get stronger."

I steepled my hands together.

"Much much stronger."

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