I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 116: A True Abomination (1/2)

20 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(Davian's P.O.V)

A Gillian.

A fucking genuine Hueco Mundo- Menos Grande level Hollow.

This was bad.

Not just because of the kind of Reiryoku running through the thing but what it meant.

I'd thought I would have to worry about getting cloned by one of the numerous mad scientists in DC but this was worse.

They could manipulate spirit energy and use it for their own ends.

Not to mention it was mine. And that particular thing was the most infuriating of all. They stole from me.

No mercy.

But I had to be smart about this. The Gillian as mentioned previously was very very dangerous. 

Something about the corrupt spirit energy and chaos magic fusion made me tense in trepidation.

The chaos magic had changed the Gillian. Or rather...the man at the core of the hollow.

This was the second reason I decided to not spare Savage, Klarion and whoever else was in their little merry band of psychopaths. 

They had fucked up my chances at getting Bronze Tiger to be my teacher. A major setback.

I couldn't outright kill the Gillian without doing the same to Bronze Tiger. Fuck fuck fuck...

'What would Chase say to do in this situation?'

He would probably tell me to focus on what mattered at that very instant. Slow steps. 

I sized up my opponents.

They seemed content to wait for me to make a move. Big mistake. So what mattered at that moment?

Making sure Klarion didn't restore the dome to cut off my spirit energy again. I couldn't let him drain any more of my power.

That means he gets to die first.

"You wanted to see my power right?"

I said lowly, only loud enough for Shiva to hear.

I could feel a surge of interest from her soul.

"Watch closely."

Shikai put my parameters at the level of a captain in terms of combat potential. While my Reiryoku was still not at that level...it had been inching closer.

I pulled on as much as I could without losing control and slipped into Shunpo.

(General P.O.V)

The plan was going perfectly. Now all they had to do was exhaust him enough that capture would not be an issue. 

Failing that...there was a contingency in place. One that would guarantee success no matter the outcome.

Savage knew what his biggest resource was. Time. Knowledge to a smaller but no less important extent.

Deciphering the secrets of Davian's Spirit energy had been a slow going endeavor but with the source itself, the time till he had an army strong enough to face anything would be drastically cut.

This was his new dawn. The dawn of light.

And this boy... standing in defiance to a noble cause would learn...

"He's up to something. Remember..."

Savage addressed Klarion.

"Yeah yeah...we let him think he has the..."

A shadow appeared by Klarion's side. Purple eyes blazing with murderous intent and pinning him to the ground with fear.


Davian said, swinging Chesha Neko out and decapitating the Chaos Lord in a clean move.

He pushed his right hand towards Savage who had been standing next to the Chaos Lord.

"Hado no. 7: Akai Inazuma."

The smell of ozone permeated the air, followed by streaks of electric energy, zapping out towards Vandal Savage.

He gave no reaction as his body was immediately shredded by the power.

Klarion blinked...

'so merciless...so chaotic...'

His head flew through the air with a shocked look in his eyes.

Davian had attacked without warning, only seeking their deaths.


Klarion's frightened visage changed to a gloating expression.

The rest of his body turned into a dark sludge that splashed onto the ground. Tiny pops sounded out as a red magic circle appeared below Davian's feet.


His form flash stepped away, appearing on the roof of a building that had survived the Gillian's rampage.

His previous position went up in a massive explosion.

"Hahahaha!! Did you really think we wouldn't see through your plan?!"

Klarion yelled from the shoulders of the Gillian where he and Savage had appeared through a portal.

"Give up. Your resistance is futile."

Savage added, cold eyes gazing down at the soul reaper.

Another Shunpo and he was upon them, above their forms ready for a second swing. 



The Gillian seemingly sprouted an arm from the side of it's neck, lashing out at the soul reaper.

Davian blocked the swing on his weapon, the force carrying him back. 

He stepped on a platform of Reiryoku and bounced off it, coming back towards the two Supervillains from a different angle, moving as fast as lightning.

Only for a magical circle to appear on his path, courtesy of Klarion. Red flames roared out of the magic spell. 

Davian's form flashed to the sides around the Gillian, evading the wild swings of it's gigantic arms and Klarion's chaos spells while trying to get close.

When that failed, he begun attacking at range.

Chesha Neko broke off into numerous tube like constructs, all aimed at the Gillian.

"Hado no.4: Byakurai!"

The tubes glowed at the ends. Then hundreds of straight lightning beams exploded forth, streaking at the Gillian.

Klarion's finger blurred across the air as he wrote something on reality. A spell inscription that glowed red.

The Kido spell tore the Gillian into pieces but Klarion and Savage's forms evaded the attacks by temporarily going intangible.

The Gillian roared, seemingly unfazed by the Hado spell. Then it stretched it's hand out towards Davian. 

The soul reaper evaded capture by climbing higher into the air while narrowing his eyes.

Byakurai had torn holes through the Gillian. However, right before his eyes, those wounds healed. It was like time was reversed on it's injuries.

'No, not time. It can devour spirit energy', he realized. 

That's why they were unworried. With time, the hollow could simply outlast him while he expended more energy to deal with it.

He needed to find an effective way to put it down without using spirit energy.

Davian allowed gravity to pull him towards the ground, aiming his hands at the hollow below him. 

"Hado no.1: Sho!"

The strings around him changed into glowing purple palms.

Different from other Hado spells, Sho used no spirit energy. Instead the spell caused the propulsion of air in a controlled thrust. 

Like an air Cannon. 

The spell landed on the Gillian, battering it with dozens of pressure blasts. 

Savage controlled the Gillian by raising both of his hands, an action that was mirrored by the hollow to cover it's front from the onslaught.


Savage called out, his tone strained as he poured as much focus into the task as he could.

Just because the strategy was going according to the plan didn't mean it was easy to fight Davian.

A hole in space manifested beside them, growing large enough to swallow the Gillian and teleport them away to another portion of the training yard.

The ground previously under them was swiftly covered by many palm impressions. 

Davian's senses warned him of an imminent attack from his back.

He turned around in time to see a cero get launched towards him by the Gillian.

Through some quick thinking, his Fullbring shield appeared around him. 

The energy from the cero exploded around the shield, pushing it to slam onto the ground and bounce before landing on the side of a cliff, next to a stairway leading to the peak of the hill.

The dust settled and Davian was revealed, unharmed but annoyed.

He blew away a few strands of his loose hair. He couldn't get close to them without Klarion teleporting them away.

In that case, all he had to do was keep them in one place long enough for his attack to land.

He held his palms closer to his chest, an exorbitant amount of Reiryoku gathering there in a swirling yellow sphere of energy.

Davian had discovered something funny about Kido. 

Incantations could push already powerful Kido spells to another level. Logically, remembering every incantation from the anime was impossible.

However these few days spent studying up on magic had led to the exploration of different concepts. 

One of them being...creation of his own incantations to resourceful Kido spells in a bid to increase their power.

His steps were measured as he walked forward, his mind going at fast speeds as he considered everything. 

The Gillian could absorb direct attacks. 

However, he didn't think it could absorb a spell made to suppress it's movements instead of inflicting damage. 

That meant the absorption was limited. Selective even.

"Bakudo no. 4: Hainawa - (slither and bind, suppress and restrict. Heavens and hell matter little to the rogue. Bind all under the sun with the ropes of eternal convection.)

The light pouring from his palms intensified.

The energy in the swirling storm of power contained within the sphere, lashed out through the air in a wild barrage of lightning ropes. 

They stretched out towards the Gillian and bound themselves around it's huge form, holding it's body in place and with it Klarion and Savage.

(Davian's P.O.V)

I tugged on the rope and shit forwards, streaking through the air towards the Hollow. 

The only way I could win this without having to result into a massive drawn out fight was by actually going in for the kill. 

At this point, I had to do the merciful thing and put my would be teacher out of his misery. 

One sure way of killing a hollow was targeting it's mask.

The Gillian struggled under the bindings.

Chesha Neko lengthened in size as I slashed out along the mask, splitting the Gillian's face from chin to forehead. 

A screech sounded out as I flew past the creature, then spun in the air turning to face them from above. 

Klarion and Savage seemed to be holding on to the swaying monster as its Reiryoku begun going haywire. 

Now for the finishing move. 

An entire swarm of shrouds, simply floating in midair after being beckoned to the real world by the deaths in the island, rotated around my body before plunging into me through my back.


I felt the power of the Spirit King take hold once more. My Reiryoku went from close to Captain Level to completely unreadable.

The storm of spirit energy was released in a wave of green energy, revealing my spirit king form.

All that happened in a split second. Power roared within my empty eye sockets as the Reiatsu I could produce more than tripled.

Every creature still alive in the island turned instinctively to stare at me.

I could feel the remaining Shadows, those left alive watch me with existential fear. The ones dying gazed at me with yearning.

I could feel the souls of Shiva, Ra's Al Ghul...and their lifespans. 

The former looked at death as the reward after the final battle, the latter looked at me as if I was anathema. He hated me. He feared me.

And I was tempted to change my objective from dealing with Savage and Klarion to showing the Demon's Head the true beauty of death.

Instead I clamped down on the urge, using my anger to let out an infuriated howl.

"Vandal Savage! Klarion you Leach of magic! Your souls are forfeit! For the crimes against life and the insult upon my divine station...DIIIIEEEE!!"

I declared, relishing the brief but potent surge of fear I could feel from the two.

"Come king of Spirits! This day will be the beginning of my ASCENSION INTO GODHOOD!"

Savage yelled back spreading his hands out, hiding his fear under layers of bravado.

But that's what he failed to understand. Before death...all was revealed.

I hoisted the long green Scythe, spun with it and came down for a diagonal slash that cleaved apart the Gillian from head to toe. 

My speed was too fast to register, let alone react to. 

The scythe went through bone and flesh easily, separating the hollow into two parts. 

The Spirit King's scythe had one distinct feature, anything I injured with it, guaranteed death. 

Even a simple scratch. 

"Absorb that, bitch."

The corrupt Reiryoku within the Hollow destabilized, escaping through the wound infected by the Scythe. 

"No...no no no! No! No! You can't do this! You promised!!!..."

Klarion howled, the energy escaping the hollow tearing him apart.

I could hear loud screams which were immediately drowned under the massive explosion that followed. 

Hundreds of souls poured out of the Gillian, glowing beautifully in the air as they ascended into the sky. 

The area around us had become a crater. We had destroyed so much of the island but it was finally over. 

Fuck them. A smile worked it's way onto my face. 

They tried to fight me and died. I killed them all. I will kill everything that stands in my way. Every single Fucking...

I rubbed my eyes. 

No, why would I think that? The problem with the spirit king form is that it changed the way I thought.

I tightened my hands on Chesha Neko.

Something wasn't right. By all indications it was over but something was off.

The Gillian was gone. Klarion and Savage too. I couldn't feel them anywhere on the island. 

So why did I feel a chill crawl up my spine as I turned around to look out into the ocean?

And this heat in my chest...

A hunger that was steadily creeping up from within me. Was it caused by the Spirit King form?

I fell out of it, my body suddenly feeling a bout of weakness. As per usual when I entered this state.

Cheshire was suddenly there, holding me up.

"Steady... you alright?"

The voice that came from her was distinctly male.


I called out. 

"Yeah... don't try to move. You fought that thing and won..."

He said in awe.

I pulled myself up, twirling Chesha Neko while surveying the island with my Reikaku.

"Hey Deadman...let me ask you something. Do you think that it was too easy?"

I enquired from the disembodied spirit.

"Too easy?! Are you kidding me! The whole island is barely standing. You went all ham on that...thing..."

His voice trailed off as he felt it too.

"Fuck! I knew it!"

I cursed out, tensing in preparation.

There was a rumble from below the island. Deep enough that Reikaku couldn't pin point the source but I knew something was coming. 

Something I had not foreseen. Savage's final plan unfolding. 

Later I would come to realize the depth of this man's insanity. The depths he would have gone to, just to ensure that I wouldn't win. 

Savage had used the Island's Lazarus Pit to be reborn into something else. 

The Gillian, the dome 

meant to drain my energy...all of it were steps to his final apotheosis.

Vandal Savage's New Dawn composed of him dying and then getting reborn as something completely different from human. A fusion of human, Chaos Lord and Hollow. 

A true abomination.

And I had played right into his hands.

It begun with a rumble and then the Island split into two.

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