I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 118: Something Brews Within Part 1.

20 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

The air crackled with tension and power.

Both combatants watched each other, ready for the other to make a move first.

Would Davian pull his fist away from Savage's hold or would Savage make the next move?

The decision seemed to fall on whose Reiatsu would emerge as the victor.

The weight of both individual spirit pressure clashed against each other with the force of a Tsunami. Or rather, several Tsunamis.

Red eyes met golden eyes amid the flash of a streak of lightning that highlighted the two figures hovering in mid air.

No words needed to be said. The tempo of the colliding Reiatsus reached a crescendo and with a shockwave that could be heard from afar with the tornado of water around them being forcefully expelled.

The drops fell on them in a misty spray.

That seemed to be the signal and the fight truly begun.

Streaks of purple lightning washed down Davian's body as he pulled his hand back from Savage's hold.

The action was nothing more than a blur.

Then he bent the arm and thrust out his elbow towards Savage.

The immortal displayed his superior martial arts skills by blocking the elbow with his forearm and pulling in closer to the Soul Reaper.

His palm slashed out towards Davian's neck.

The latter read the movement of Savage's soul and knew the attack carried with it a lot of lethality.

He kicked out, both to create distance and to try and get the upper hand.

Savage merely grinned, sweeping away Davian's leg with a few well timed jabs to the shin.

Davian felt his leg go numb. A burst of Shunpo from his right leg pushed him away from Savage.

The Immortal smiled evilly and followed after him with a shout,

"Where do you think you're going?!"

Unlike Davian, he could fly unaided in the air. An instinctual ability copied from Klarion.

Davian poured more Reiryoku into his numbed leg while lifting up his hands in a boxing pose.

A hundred different blows were exchanged in a second.

Davian could scrap. Meaning he wasn't a newbie at street fighting but Savage was on a whole other level.

The punches, palm strikes and finger jabs came from seemingly impossible angles and at different speeds.

This was turning out into a reenactment of his fight with Shiva.

His head rocked with lightning fast strikes while his forearms stung from the blocks he did manage to intercept.

The difference between Shiva and Savage was made clear.

While he had Shiva outstripped in almost all physical parameters, Savage with his new power was his equal.

A blinding punch to his temple followed by a palm strike to his solar plexus that robbed him of his breath, informed him he was wrong.

Savage had way more speed and strength than him.


The immortal commented, dodging a hasty haymaker and an uppercut from Davian that sent a pressure wave to the sky, scattering the dark clouds above them.


Davian growled, blurring forward in a Shunpo, anger occupying his mind for a few seconds.

Savage dodged the lunge almost too easily, delivering a kick at Davian's belly that folded the younger man in half.

"Unfocused. Quick to emotion."

Savage commented once more, slamming his elbow on Davian's back, sending him shooting towards the water.

Davian's body spun and flipped uncontrollably as the air passed him, his body on a direct trajectory towards the ocean.

Savage watched as the Spirit King's body made a huge splash.

"King of Death huh? How disappeared..."

A fist slammed onto his cheek, whipping his head back and folding his neck to stare the wrong way.

It was fast. It was sudden. It was unexpected.

The shockwave produced blew the humid air away, revealing Davian with his fist stretched out, slightly steaming from having delivered his first true attack.

Savage's golden eyes blinked in confusion. The confusion was expelled by the agony of having his neck twisted and broken.

Davian who had sneakily used Shunpo to escape the dark waters of the Atlantic, had come in from Savage's blind side.


He said, grabbing Savage's arm as the Immortal's body lost control of it's flight.

"Don't count me out just yet, you bastard."

On the drop of these words, Davian braced his right hand on Savage's shoulder and then pulled.

The Immortal's arm came off with a sickening squelch. Hot golden ichor spurted out, dying Davian in the face.

Then he pulled his hand back and slammed a heavy fist, one reinforced with as much Reiryoku as he could, at the Immortal's chest.

Savage's back exploded out with more blood and organs. The remains of his body descended in a shower of guts towards the ocean.

Davian looked on as the Immortal fell into the waters below.

Without a word, he unsheathed his sword.

He knew that much was still not enough to actually put this enemy out of commission.

He could still feel the raw shocking strength of Savage's soul. It hadn't waned in the slightest.


The water below churned with bubbles as the golden ichor spread out.

In the depths of that sea, the self proclaimed King of Life breathed, his body regenerating from its destroyed form.

The flesh knitted, biomass stolen from the schools of fish swimming away from the scene.

But he could call upon them. The flesh, bone and blood constructs, those with the breath of life in them.

Sea life swam their way towards him as Savage unknowingly tapped into a force as old as time.

One of the seven hidden forces of reality related to the life-giving powers of the ocean. The Life Force.

Thus he had an epiphany.

He'd underestimated him.

The Spirit King was powerful. Golden eyes opened in the murky depths.

He couldn't fight him as his equal. But he could fight him as his opposite. Play to the strengths he had access to, not the ones he coveted.

'I realize it now. I cannot beat you in the spirit. So I will just beat you in the flesh.'


Davian's brow scrunched up he felt many 'somethings' cut through the water swimming fast towards him.

6 huge black tentacles covered in golden veins broke through the surface of the ocean.

He could sense the soul of the creature whom the limbs belonged to. An octopus, only this was no regular sea creature.

For starters the limbs were too long and too thick.

Its flesh was twisted. It's once graceful form distorted, with the gigantic limbs armed with razor-sharp spikes and bone spurs.

Beady red eyes stared at him in ravenous hunger.

Davian could sense Savage's energy brimming inside the Octopus. Only now it was clear enough to notice the vast difference in it's signature.

It wasn't a simple fusion of a Hollow's energy, a chaos Lord or a metahuman. Now it was it's own structure and form.

An opposing force to the force that had been created upon the Spirit King's emergence.

If Davian's power was control over souls, then Savage seemed to have tapped into the opposite. The control of the Flesh.

Davian engulfed himself in a Fullbring shield. The sharp tentacles slammed onto it and bounced off.

The soul reaper narrowed his eyes when the Octopus changed tactics.

The tentacles ensnared themselves around the shield, wrapping their length along the walls of the bubble.

Davian was about to retaliate heavily, when he changed his mind, allowing the creature to drag the shield underwater.

Nothing was visible in the darkness, yet his Reikaku managed to capture everything.

Almost... everything. Savage was hiding from him. Doing something.

He tightened his grip on the Zanpakuto, his suspicions having been proved true. His lips twisted in revulsion.

The octopus' main body was huge. More than twice the size of a truck. Not to mention, it was only the first of many.

Hordes of enhanced ocean creatures converged upon him from all sides, each more twisted than the last.

Fish with elongated bodies and dagger-like fins, their once innocent eyes replaced by savage gleams.

Crustaceans with armored exoskeletons cracking their pincers menacingly.

Eels with jagged spines slithering with deadly precision. The waters churned with a nightmarish array of horrors.

And every single one of them shared the Octopus' features. Black and golden veins across their bodies. Huge forms with writhing flesh and red eyes, gleaming with savagery and madness.

He allowed them to get close before releasing his Reiatsu and stunning anything that entered his Reikaku's range.

Millions of sea life, the weakest ones at least, immediately died, floating to the surface of the water.

The most powerful of the horde were merely stunned. Savage's influence seemed to block the effects of his Reiatsu.

The millions dead were quite literally like a drop of water in the ocean. More took their place, charging towards the lone green light in those depths.

Davian's Reiatsu slammed onto those as well. Each successive wave of monsters fell under it's heaviness.

Davian was getting annoyed now. Savage had concealed himself from his spirit sense.

The Soul Reaper pulled his Reiatsu close to him, kneading it into a funnel around his form.

Weaponizing it even more.

Then in an ingenious move that his control barely allowed, he started twisting the Reiatsu in a sphere around him.

A massive whirlpool appeared on the surface of the ocean, sweeping away the sea life, shredding and tearing apart their flesh under the gyrating motion of the water.

The sea was quickly filled with dark blood.

With a resounding bang, Davian released the full effects of his Spiritual pressure, throwing everything away including the water itself, to the point the floor of the ocean was revealed.

He held a hand up, straining his Reiatsu to keep the water at bay while he stood in the air above a section of the ocean floor left exposed in the open air.

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