I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 128: Waking Up.

20 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

6 days had passed.

During this time, shock and interest had spread through the corners of the supervillain and hero world.

Anyone in the know, was surprised when details about the battle at Infinity Island came out.

The Scarlet Devil's name was now synonymous with death for Supervillains. Many small time caped crooks gave up their villainous ways due to his reputation.

He had done the impossible more than once.

He took down Trigon, a literal demon god and then proceeded kill not only Penguin, but 2 other well known Batman villains, in the latter's own city.

Not to mention the most shocking thing of all, Vandal Savage was dead. Slain by Davian's hands. Davian's real identity was also now known to the public.

It wasn't clear who had released this information however, but interest had already started to gather about his background.

Unfortunately that wouldn't lead to anything good.


"How many this time?"

Commissioner Gordon asked the officers who had been the first at the crime scene.

His eyes surveyed the bullet holes on the concrete pillars of the orphanage's gate.

"20 of them. Mostly small time gang members affiliated with Falcone's and Penguin's splintered criminal empire."

The officer replied as they watched the 20 goons harmed with guns and knives being carted away.

"These men are loyalists. Once word of the Scarlet Devil's identity was leaked, they went after the orphanage he grew up in."

The officer explained, leading Gordon through the wrecked gate of the orphanage.

"Luckily, the PRT (Park Row Ties) were able to anticipate this attack and laid an ambush. They called us after kicking the men's asses and tying them up."

The officer added with a little excitement.

Personally Gordon saw no reason to celebrate.

Sure the PRT had stopped the attack on the orphanage but what no one was thinking of, was the possibility that someone had put the men up to this attack. 

And that meant whoever was behind this wouldn't stop until they hurt Davian.


Inside a dark room, were a series of screens placed along the wall.

The screens displayed dark silhouettes, human forms clad in shadows.

Ra's Al Ghul sat before the half a dozen terminals, his hand rested on his cheek, body leaned back as he stared at his compatriots.

The Light was having a meeting. The events of the past week necessitated a discussion. After all, 2 of their members were dead.

"Someone managed the impossible. They killed the Immortal. It's...concerning."

Brain, in a heavily accented french tone said gravely.

There was a brief silence from the rest of the Light.

"Yes. Quite unexpected. It has thrown some of our plans into disarray."

Another voice came from a different screen.

"How have we been affected exactly?"

A female voice joined in.

"Cadmus is still operational and the League is unaware of our...new allies. A few projects have suffered but that is because replacing Klarion is no easy task."

The earlier deeper voice explained.

"Then it's business as usual?"

Brain asked.

"Yes. But with more caution. We cannot afford tp bring any attention to ourselves."

Luthor informed the rest.

"Very well. I look forward to the success of our objectives. Farewell."

Brain's screen flickered shut, followed by the rest.

Lady Shiva, standing beside Ra's Al Ghul gazed at him in...not concern but something close.

"You told them nothing about our...guests."

She pointed out.

In response, Ra's Al Ghul sat up, interlocking his fingers and placing them under his chin, an intense look on his face.

"No. No I didn't. And you want to know why?"

The Demon's Head enquired.


Lady Shiva asked.

"Because you've already decided to train him."

Ra's stared at her.

"I'm curious to see how much you can push him."

Lady Shiva looked out into the Island, at the shimmering shield around the place designed to hide it from all manners of detection.

The shield had seemingly appeared around the Island once the fight with Savage had ended. The disembodied spirit, Deadman had informed them that it had been the doing of his goddess.

It filled Shiva with even more interest in Davian. 

Who was he to grab the attention of a goddess?

"Me too. I'm curious how far he can go before his will gets broken under the strain."

She replied, a cruel smile on her face.


Later on, after the mandatory training Lady Shiva imposed on the shadows, she found herself in Davian's room, checking up on him.

He had been comatose for an entire week and no one knew when he would wake up. 

She gazed at his sleeping features. Even while unconscious, his face still contained the hard lines set to his jaw. 

"Mmph." Shiva snorted.

"Even asleep you refuse to show weakness..."

She said to herself, admiring his tenacious personality.

Though they would have to beat that recklessness he approached everything with, out of him.

Still she was curious... curious to see what the finished product would be.

Hearing the approach of Davian's 'friends', Shiva left.


That night, her dreams were plagued by different scenes of battles. Scenes of Davian going up against multiple armies. His future numerous loses and wins. His triumphs and suffering...

And her...one of the many guiding lights he would have in his long long life.

With the moon shining as brightly as ever, sending rays of light through Lady Shiva's windows, the beautiful and deadly assassin sat up in bed, the sheet on her body falling away to reveal flawless skin on a tight body.

Her nipples were hard in the cool breeze of the night, the massive breasts on her chest rising and falling with her gentle breathing.

Her hand found her Katana and she unsheathed it slowly.

"I've killed for less than watching me sleep."

She addressed the presence she could feel in the room with her.

A draft of air, swept through the curtains.

With no warning, Rama Kushna's figure appeared under the gaze of the moonlight.

Her eyes shone with amusement.

"I know you have, Shiva. That Spirit, that conviction is something I've always admired. But now I wonder, are you up to the task you want to take on?"

Shiva's grip on the Katana loosened somewhat as she studied the blue skinned, beautiful figure in her bed chambers.

Rama Kushna was dressed in pink silk laces that barely covered anything, leaving her curves prominently displayed.

"Who are you?"

Shiva finally asked, lowering the Katana.

In response the goddess smiled, waving a hand and locking the window behind her. She seductively walked forward, while biting her lip.

"How about I just...show you instead."

The sounds of moaning coming from Lady Shiva's room was enough to make the shadows outside embarrassed. 

Not enough to leave their posts but enough that when morning came, it had been an unbearable experience standing outside.


When morning did eventually arrive, Lady Shiva had left her room as an almost different person. 

For starters, the second Deadman spotted her, he'd immediately knelt down in respect to his goddess.

That hadn't been enough to clue everyone in on what had changed but Ra's Al Ghul and Cheshire were in the know. 

Of course, Deadman had explained more. Turns out, Rama Kushna had made Shiva her Avatar in order to better train Davian.

While Shiva was powerful in her own right, to forge the Spirit King anew needed more than just skill.

Davian had no idea what he was in for.


The Justice League had also undergone a few upheavals.

The Flash was back. There were now two speedsters in the Justice League.

The only concerning thing was that Barry barely cracked any jokes now. He carried with him a certain remorse and weight.

Black Canary's counseling failed to work and the cracks growing along the League's structure were more and more becoming apparent.

Batman was off doing his own thing and they had lost a few more members like Martian Manhunter. 

It was reaching a point of no return in some matters.

Then, an entire week after Vandal Savage's defeat, more shocking news hit the world. 

Upon Amanda Waller's death inside the Ark, the A.R.G.U.S craft that had been stationed above Infinity Island, information exposing the League's mistakes was released to the public.

This had been her final fuck you to the world. 

While most of the information exposed was bad for PR, there was enough material to prosecute a few high profile heroes like Batman and Flash.

What they had done was revealed and the public backlash was immense. The two of them were responsible for the death of four guards, indirectly or not, this saw to a change in how the people viewed the superpowered community.

No action had been taken yet. However, more investigations had been carried out. Aimed at looking deeper into the evidence provided.


While this was happening, Ma'alef'aak was in the prime position to begin preparations for his takeover of Earth.

Faith in the heroes had never been low. It would only take a few more months before all his agents were in position and then soon...

"No one will stand on my way to victory."

The White Martian said to himself as he stood on a deck watching Intergang and his own men ferry through more weapons from Apocalypse.

"As long as I deliver the Earth to him...then he shall help me conquer Mars."

The White Martian said to himself.


1 week and 4 days later,

Davian, who up until then had been unconscious, finally woke up. 

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