I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 130: Make An Army.

20 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

The second I was pulled into my inner world, I was rendered speechless.

Dark clouds hung overhead.

The graveyard looked...old, patches of weed and yellowed grass covered the cracked gravestones.

In addition, the air inside was thick with energy.

Spirit power swirled around in storms. Whirlwinds of sharp Reiryoku regularly sprouting in locations within the sizable terrain of gravestones.

What had happened here? What had happened to my Inner Dimension?


A voice rumbled from behind me.

I turned around to face the source.

"Chase what..."

"We need to talk."

My Zanpakuto spirit cut in.

Speaking of him, he was different. For starters, Chase was no longer a cat. He stood at almost 6 feet, just below my height.

Dressed in a top hat, a purple and white patterned scarf, a tuxedo with coattails and a purple cane, Chase' new look was distinctly Victorian.

His face on the other hand was effeminate, his skin a lighter brown than mine and his eyes were torqouise, just like before; the only part of him that had remained unchanged.

To complete his look, silver hair not unlike mine fell from under the top hat in a shaggy mess.

"Chase... you're different. You're human."

I pointed out, still a little surprised.

"Almost human."

He removed the top hat, revealing two blue cat ears twitching.

"What is this new form?"

I questioned in curiosity.

"After unlocking your Bankai, this form came naturally. I believe it has to do with our increased bond. A soul reaper usually only achieves Bankai after both he and his Zanpakuto reach a new level of connection."

He explained.

My mind went back to the rush of power I had felt during that time. The Hand of God and the Hand of the Devil.

I looked at my palms.

Within that time, I had held the power to reshape creation. And now it was gone. I made a fist.

No matter, I would get back that power and more.

A grim face flashed through my mind. A body shrouded in green energy... Batman.

Enough power to make him pay.

"As I'm sure you're no doubt aware, things went horribly..."

"Where were you?"

I interrupted.

Chase opened his mouth and then closed it, seeming to struggle with a response.

His silence was confirmation enough.

"You chose to stay silent, didn't you? You chose to abandon me."

I spoke up.


He protested.

"I never expected the situation to escalate like it did. At first, I was cut off from you but then, when the Magic formation went down and you were up against an opponent that was your direct opposite, I thought you could handle it without me. I wanted You to deal with it without relying on my help."

It stung a little.

I looked up and sighed.

But I understood why he'd done what he he'd done.

"Even before I ended up in this crazy world, I've always handled my shit, Chase. Guess I forgot that a little."

I said, mostly to myself.

"I need to know something though"

This was the real question. He knew it and I knew it.

"How long did you know about Nick?"

A honest to God tumbleweed rolled in between us.

My eyes met his. And Chase understood his place. He knew lying or playing games with me wouldn't fly. Not with something so close to my heart.

With a slight huff he looked away.

"Ever since you awakened the Fullbring." He finally answered.

"That was over a month ago."

To my surprise, my response was calm.

"You kept this away from me, for an entire month."

The tension was thick. I was angry. But most of all, I was disappointed.

"For the record, it was his idea to keep his presence hidden. There are laws in this universe, Davian. Ancient laws that can overlook one soul from beyond the multiverse but not two. He hid to protect you."

"You're talking about the spies and watchers. I've constantly been feeling their presence but ever since I woke up...I feel none."

I mused, rubbing my chin and noticing I needed a shave.

"That's part of what I wanted to talk to you about. You're stuck inside a pocket realm."

Chase dropped a bombshell.


I asked, a bit dumfounded.

The next few minutes were spent as he explained our situation to me.

"So let me get this right. we're stuck in a dimension out of phase with the main reality created by Rama Kushna, to give me a chance to train my abilities and get strong enough to deal with the coming threats? Is that about right?"

I rattled off, sighing when Chase nodded.

He'd also revealed that the reason my inner world was so out of whack was because...well, it reflected my condition.

I was in a way, out of whack too.


I gave a thoughtful nod, looking out into the graveyard.

"Here's the plan..."


When I opened my eyes next, it was to find Shiva's hands wrapped around my chest. She held me from the back, her ample chest pressed onto my bare back.

We were also naked.

Her scent and body proximity was enough to make my lower body excited.

Despite the compromising situation, the fact that her hands were glowing blue pointed that this was more than just her attempt to seduce me.

"What are you doing?"

I asked her.

"Hold still. That blue skinned goddess gave me the necessary knowledge on how we could hasten your recovery. Skin to skin contact allows me to better connect with your essence..."

She said, rubbing circles around my chest.

"And urge the body and soul to a faster path to healing."

She concluded.

"I think you're enjoying this a bit too much."

I told her, extricating myself from the hold.

I stood up, grabbing my t-shirt which was slung over an arm rest and got up, looking around.

The chamber was wide and contained a lot of weapons put in frames and cases.

"Your room looks about how I thought it would."

I commented, trying really hard not to stare at the way her body seemed to coil inside the sheets.

Her long black hair seemed to fall over one eye and the way her lips were slightly turned up at the corner was devastatingly hot.

"You could leave like a coward afraid of a woman's touch."

She smiled at me challengingly.

"Or you could stay and we could prepare you for training."


I sighed, discarding my t-shirt and jumping back in bed.

Shiva chuckled, coiling her hands around my body once again.

It was heaven and hell.

Heaven because... goddamn.

And Hell because, contrary to her very confusing actions, Shiva and I did nothing. She only aided me in my recovery.


I could feel I'd regained a little of my energy control. Not a lot to make a difference right there and then but enough for me to notice.


A few hours later, we were interrupted by a knock on the door. The Demon's Head wanted a word with me.

"We shall do this 3 hours a day after normal training."

Shiva had instructed, getting up from the bed and offering me a view of her back.

I looked away, knowing I couldn't afford to lose sight of what was important. I needed power.

Enough power to kill a charged up Batman and deal with the consequences from that action.

To that end,

"Why did you choose to train me?"

I asked as she wrapped herself in a towel.

Shiva stopped by the door to the shower.

"That would be telling now, wouldn't it?"

She waved me off.

"You should only concern yourself with training. Everything else should come second."

I left her room, accompanied by one of the Shadows instructed to lead me to Ra's.

Using Reikaku, I changed directions instead, walking towards the eastern portion of the island where I could feel Cheshire and Deadman.

The Shadow jumped to block my way.

"I wouldn't keep the master of the Island waiting. It is through his..."

He begun but a slight flex of my Reiatsu and he smacked onto the ground.

"Wha-what is...this?"

He groaned.

"Reiatsu. Tell the Demon's Head I'll be there in a few. I just need to check on my friends first. You know how it is."

I threw over my shoulder, leaving.

Finding Cheshire was not hard at all. One just had to follow the sounds of battle coming from the training yard.

Deadman had seized control of the practice dummies and was controlling them remotely to attack Cheshire, who was like a shadow, jumping from one dummy to the other.

Her speed was inhuman.

"Chase, do you see that?"

I questioned my Zanpakuto.

Through Reikaku, her previously peak human body was flowing with spirit energy. Not a lot of it but it was still Reiryoku.

"Her mask, it used up the Reiryoku stored within it to jumpstart her spirit energy. She has the meager reserves of an academy student but still, very impressive."

My Zanpakuto complimented.

"Does this mean the same will happen to Danny and the boys? The Masks were meant to function for only a short time and then lose their ability to erase the wearer's presence. Now that we know they can practically make someone into a soul reaper, it changes things."

I reasoned.

"What, you're thinking of starting an army of spirit energy users?"

He asked in amusement.

He was laughing but it wasn't a bad idea. Not really. Batman had the League. I could make my own team as well.

The task of Killing a genius, highly trained billionaire with a fucking Green Lantern ring was not going to be easy.

I was a solo act. I didn't mind moving solo. That said, I was smart enough to realize the advantage of having someone watch your back.

As I looked out into the field where Cheshire was sweating as she tried to keep up with Deadman's onslaught, I realized something.

It'll start with these two.

I'll make them strong and in doing so, make myself strong as well. 

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