I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 134: Coming Threat.

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(General P.O.V)

(Nanda Parbat)

At the foot of the stairway leading up to the Goddess Rama Kushna's shrine, monks of the order prostrated themselves in worship to her name.

The low chants rose up in a wave of one unified mantra, spreading out across the city and the barren white wasteland surrounding it.

At the highest point in the city, the sun shone down on the spires of the beautiful Pagoda which served as the main building of the shrine.

Inside the beautiful garden, next to the pond, Rama Kushna lightly touched upon the water, sending small ripples across it's surface.


She hummed, mulling over the vision only she could see.

"I propose a truce, Imp. Something unexpected approaches the planet."

She said, eyes glowing as she looked at a specific point in space.

A few seconds passed. Rama Kushna snorted.

"You fail to grasp the threat they are about to face. There is a reason Darkseid conquers. He is Power Incarnate."

She shivered, feeling a gaze immediately land on her from millions of light years away.


A deep voice boomed out across time and space. The entire mountain range shook.


Hidden under layers of folded space, Batmite yelped in fright.

Was she insane? Calling upon an entity like Darkseid was like trying to reason with a wild lion.

He folded space around him tighter so that it fit him snugly. No way he was going out now.


Rama rose up, her body wreathed in blue flames as she released her own authority.

(And I see you, God of Evil. Begone, you are unwelcome here!)

She proclaimed.

The monks at the foot of the stairway looked up in marvel as the statue of Rama Kushna glowed. A pressure wave burst out and the overpowering evil intent that had been locked onto the mountain disappeared.

The deep voice left behind a promise.


Darkseid's will disappeared, causing Rama to frown, turning towards the same spot she had been watching before.

"The smart thing to do would be to put our squabbling to the side and..."

Batmite popped out of the in-between.

Immediately, he begun ranting.

"Are you crazy?! Cuckoo? Loony? Why'd ya have to call on that guy huh?! I almost shit my pants!! Even back home that guy ain't someone to mess with!..."

Rama raised an eyebrow. 'Did the Imp forget he could warp reality how he wanted?'

"That's not the point!" Batmite barked out, reading her thoughts easily.

"Can I warp reality at a cosmic scale? Yup but am I evil?"

The Imp shook it's small head.

"No. I'm a jokester, a performer. I play around, pull pranks but you don't see me out here destroying creation or trying to enslave all sentient life in the multiverse do you?!"

A low breeze swept out across garden.

"I still don't see your point."

Rama shook her head.

Batmite groaned, throwing his hands up in a frustrated move.

"Just... don't do that again. Okay?!"

He smiled, his face splitting up into a malicious smirk.

"Now then, what is this I hear about a truce?"

"You've changed a lot of things Imp. Things I've let slide. However, Karma is unavoidable and like death...it's fair. Cease your machinations with the mortals. Particularly one mortal."

She warned, leaking a little of her aura out.

Batmite studied his nails, acting oblivious.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Rama Kushna smiled.

"Oh really? Because if hypothetically you did and decided not to heed my advice, I can tell you with certainty your immortal existence will end in approximately 6 months, 4 days at 1336 hrs."

She dropped a bombshell.

"The truce wasn't for my Champion's benefit, it was for yours."

In 5 months, Davian would no longer be another powerful but mortal. He would ascend to a true Powerhouse.

She had seen it though the details were foggy.

That time everything would change.


Batmite begun only to be interrupted rather rudely.

"This talk is over Imp. Begone."

Rama dismissed the extra dimensional being, pulling on her own considerable influence in Nanda Parbat to banish him.

Batmite popped out above Gotham city, his face looking like he'd bitten on a sour lemon.

"Truce huh? I'll show you truce."

Batmite ground out, picking a direction and flying there.

(Davian's P.O.V)

I carried Cheshire through the halls with easy familiarity. A month here and I now knew where the confusing hallways led to.

My path led me away from the atrium of the main building complex. I took a turn and headed for the hot springs adjacent to the Training Yard and what passed as the armory.


Deadman fucked off to wherever disembodied spirits go to when they get tired of all the normies. His words not mine.

So it was just me and Cheshire headed for the hot springs.

Speaking of her, she came to when I was simply leaning my neck and shoulders on the edge of the pool.

The steam and heat from the water was doing wonders for my tense muscles.

I hadn't bothered to bring her into the water with me. She was entitled to her decency and to be honest, a part of me just didn't care.

And that's because I had more important matters in my head.

"We meet up tonight then, my Master. The first step to recovering, remastering and building off what you've already learnt. I am proud of your progress."

Chase commented.

"Thanks. The month hasn't been the easiest but it wasn't wasted."

My reply was punctuated by a brief pull on my Reiryoku.

Purple energy crackled across my palm. My control had gotten to the point it was a few months ago. Which meant I could perform any of the rank 10 and below Kido I had mastered.

But why stop there?

"Ugh...where am I?"

Cheshire groaned, getting up.

"Tonight it is then."

I told my Zanpakuto before closing the connection and turning to the deadly mercenary.

"So you wanna wash my back or...?"


She ended up not washing my back.

How rude.

Infact, Cheshire didn't seem to be my biggest fan, owing to the fact I'd beaten her.

Despite that, there were highlights to my win. Shiva gave me the entire day off so I was at least free to pursue some ideas I had.

When evening finally rolled around, my physical body fell unconscious and I found myself gazing out into the graveyard of my Inner Dimension.

The weeds and grass growing around the gravestones seemed to have decreased. The cracks on the, head stones, crosses and the walls of the crypts had also reduced significantly.

My soul was on it's way to recovery and my Inner Dimension reflected that.

"How do you want to do this?"

I asked Chase while sitting cross legged before him. We were both in an open space under the shrunken tree whose branches, Chase loved to sleep on.

My Zanpakuto spirit raised a hand and pointed at my neck.

"Moving to Kido above 10 is not going to be easy. Your control has improved but the biggest hurdle is actually learning the specific Kido and their incantations. Fortunately, your friend thought that far."

I was surprised at his revelations.

"Nick...found a way to help me learn Kido?"

I thumbed the gemstone that I had woken up and found on me.

This thing had been the sole reason my body and soul were stable. Finding out it had some other function was slightly surprising.

"Send in your Reiryoku and we'll see."

Chase told me.

Immediately, I got right into it. The gemstone sucked the spirit energy away instantly.

My mind buzzed a little and I started feeling weightless.

The ground before me seemed to have disappeared. I looked up and saw a pair of green glowing eyes regard me from the sky.


My late friend's memory apparition then begun to speak.

"This is a recording. I don't have a lot of time till this memory fades away. I'm sorry I left again."

He said sounding remorseful.

I clamped down on the tide of emotion and continued to listen.

"So I couldn't save everything...but here are my memories on what I think you'll need the most. Every instance of Bakudo and Hado spells being used in both the Bleach Manga and Anime."

"It's not a complete list or anywhere comprehensive but you can use what you see to make your own variations and iterations like you did with Akai Inazuma. Go crazy and master Kurohutsugi will ya? And..."

The transmission abruptly ended, along with the eyes disappearing.

A second later, memories and scenes flashed through my mind, the knowledge contained within also including tid-bits about the DC universe I was in.

Nick really knew his stuff. This universe was Earth 16. The Young Justice universe. In his memories, I could see I was just at the start of the show.

There was more than a decade of bad shit to deal with in the coming years. The Reach, the Lords of Order and Chaos, The Light (though with Savage and Klarion dead, I wasn't as wary of the rest) and the big bad of the whole show, Darkseid and Apokalips.

There was also something in there about rogue Kryptonians. All in all, I was in for a few interesting years it seemed.

Despite the significance of knowing how future events would play out, the information was not completely useful to me.

I had changed a lot of things. Call it the butterfly effect but I didn't think things would play out like they did in Canon. And I was fine with that. I was fine with making my own path.

And my path demanded power, so I ignored the extra info and dove into the meat of it all. His memories on Bleach.

Particularly Kido.

Above rank 10, Kido weren't that much different in comparison to Under Rank 10 Kido. That's mostly because I could super charge enough energy into a Byakurai to turn it into Sokatsui.

Sokatsui was Hado #33 and was an offensive skill that sent blue flames storming out towards an opponent.

Of course the higher the Kido, the more stringent the demands on my control but the offensive and support effects could not be argued against.

This was the way to go if I wanted to bolster my power before I regained Bankai.

I got to my feet, stretching a little. I could tell something was different with me now. Maybe it was the memories. Maybe it was the clear path to power I was presented with.

I stood legs apart and aimed my hand at the tree next to us.

"What are you...?"

Chase question was cut off by the build up of power.

"Bakudo no 21: Sekienton."

A burst of red smoke surged out, covering the tree and the surrounding gravestones completely, obscuring not only sight, hearing and sound but also dulling Spirit Sense.

There was no time to waste. The grind was back on.

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