I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 49: Chesha Neko: Life Fibers!

12 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

The reporter's voice crackled over the radio in the helicopter as they flew over the devastated city of Gotham.

"Good morning, this is Rebecca from Channel 7 News, reporting live from above Gotham City. As you can see, the city has been completely decimated by an unknown explosion that occurred earlier today. Witnesses on the outskirts of the city, report flashes of purple and black energy in the sky above Gotham just before the explosion. The cause of the explosion is still unknown, but the devastation it has left behind is undeniable."

The camera panned out to show the full extent of the damage. The once-bustling city was now a sea of rubble and destruction. Buildings lay in ruins, some still burning. The smog and smoke covered the skyline completely and the streets were filled with debris and dust. The camera then zoomed in on the collapsed bridge that connected Gotham to the mainland.

"As you can see infront of me, the bridge that connects Gotham to the mainland has collapsed. It appears that the explosion was so powerful that it caused the bridge to cave in. Emergency services are working tirelessly to rescue those who are trapped, but it's unclear how many people have been affected."

Rebecca's voice was filled with emotion as she continued to report on the devastation.

"What is that?"

The pilot asked, diving closer to the bridge. There was a man floating inside a green bubble shield, around him was an intricate web of purple strings that were reinforcing the bridge and saving the people stuck inside cars that were submerged in the water.

Rebecca leaned forward.

"Follow him!" She commanded, scooting closer to the edge of her seat. She had on an awed expression. The purple mesh of strings glowed beautifully in the morning sun.

"You're seeing it first here on Channel 7 news folks! The first responders and it's not the government or emergency services. Whoever this metahuman is, villain or hero or vigilante, he's putting himself on the line to save those he can."

The man who had on a red Oni mask and white hair waving behind him, briefly stared up at them before zooming past, leaving them behind.

He was too fast to follow so the pilot banked right again, showing more of the burning city.

"People across the world are saddened and surprised by what has happened here in Gotham today. It's a city that has already suffered so much, and now this. We don't know who or what is responsible for this attack, but we will continue to investigate and bring you the latest updates as we receive them."

The camera continued to capture scenes of the destruction, showing the people of Gotham picking through the rubble of their once-beautiful city. The reporter's voice grew quieter as she struggled to find the right words to describe the scene.

"It's hard to put into words this devastation. The people of Gotham are strong, but I can't imagine how they must be feeling right now. All we can do is hope that those who have been affected can find some comfort and support in each other during this difficult time."

With that, the camera panned out once more, showing the full extent of the damage caused by the explosion, in doing that, the black dome that was over the commercial district appeared on the edge of the camera's line of sight.

Rebecca nudged her news crew mate with her heel, motioning towards the black dome stretching out for over a hundred square miles.

The camera man understood, lining up the camera and zooming in on the dome.

"The only conclusive report we are sure of is that the explosion has something to do with that Black Dome."

Rebecca's voice was ominous.

(Davian's P.O.V)

"And who are you supposed to be?"

Superman asked.

"Does it matter? Another weakling casualty."

The Flash snarled, picking himself off the ground and streaking towards the shield.

He landed over a million punches across the length of the shield in a matter of seconds. The shield rippled and trembled but held.

I placed a palm flat on the interior of the shield.

"Hado 5: Akai Inazuma!"

If Hado no.4 was pale lightning then I came up with my own variation. I didn't know a lot about Kido. During practice I had decided to pour more energy into the chant than usual.

The result was while Byakurai could be controlled, Akai Inazuma (red lightning) was a wild and uncontrolled blast of lightning.

The lightning covered the shield jumping over to the Flash. The speedster released a loud scream, his body locking up painfully before the Akai Inazuma seemed to be absorbed by him. he opened his four eyes in glee. His mouth opened up in a gasp.


"Well, that clearly didn't work. I think you supercharged him instead of dealing damage."

Chase said, the Flash's body begun vibrating and producing dark red lightning. The punches this time were harder and faster.

"I'm going to rip you apart boy!"

He promised.

The shield rippled dangerously, and I could feel the mental strain from using so many abilities at once.

'Fuck. I'm more tired than I thought if I slipped up like that. Stupid! Of course a speedster can absorb lightning in some form.' I thought, pulling in more energy from the core to reinforce the shield.

"Stop panicking."

Came Chase's voice.

"I'm not..."

My words died out as another punch landed in a tenth of a tenth of a second made the shield tremble. My hands were heavy and my knees weak. I realized, yeah I was panicking.

"The Flash and Superman...they scare me more than anyone. One is busted due to possessing so many powers. The other has one ability. Speed taken to the limits. He could kill me before I even knew it. And both of them are possessed by demons."

I told Chase.

Not to mention, my shield, one that had survived a massive explosion just a couple hours before, was now on the verge of breaking under the onslaught of a speedster. Superman was yet to even make a move. He hovered in the sky, looking down with his arms crossed over his chest. His face was set in a mocking expression. As if I was nothing but dirt under his shoe.

"Good. You have assessed your situation." Chase started in a confident tone.

"The only thing left is to defeat them. Right now you're too weak to fight a direct battle. So use your head."

I looked up at the rippling shield.

'Use my head huh?'

My eyes narrowed. How can you beat a speedster? Incapacitate them. Or restrict their power. If that fails...deny them traction. The red streaks continued landing blows on my shield. I reinforced my eyes as much as I could. I still couldn't see his form as he moved. But I didn't have to track him. I only needed to see what he would do once in a while.

"The Archer is stable."

Chase told me and I grabbed the Sheath off Green Arrow, dismissing the shield at the perfect time.

That instant was just as the Flash's vibrating hand passed over my shoulder. Chesha Neko swung out, there wasn't time to avoid killing blows. The Flash had regeneration so he could handle fatal blows.

The sword passed through him like a hot knife through butter. There was no resistant. His body faded away into an afterimage. Even at such close range he was still fast enough to avoid me. I had accounted for that.

Reikaku didn't work on anyone with low spirit energy. The Flash's ability allowed him to tap into the Dimension of power that governed time. It was entirely different from spirit energy. So it didn't show up in my Reikaku as much as you would expect. The solution to this was a different application of my strings.

A few strands of spirit energy threads, inter spaced above my skin like thin caterpillar hairs, vibrated as they sensed the distortion of air molecules. Something was speeding towards me from the left.


I sent as much power as I could afford to my legs, the pants ripped apart. My Purple Reiryoku briefly flashed blue from the heels. I felt myself briefly connect with something foreign. A power that clashed against my spirit energy. The collision seemed to manifest as purple streaks of lightning.


Time seemed to stop.

My body was vaulted to the side of the Flash as I escaped his bullrush. I reached out with a finger, touching one of my strings hanging in the air, it seemed to undulate with power. A power that was exuded by the speed force aura coursing through The Possessed Flash.

The shrouds above me had increased in number. When before they were over a dozen, now there seemed to be over a hundred. As if I was the eye of a massive typhoon formed by their black robed forms.

I looked around again. Superman was still hovering in place. Like a dictator looking down at those he deemed unworthy to breath the same air as him. On the other side was Constantine. He was still on the bench but this time his face was set in an intense expression. His eyes were sharp and he seemed to be staring at my previous position.

Time had really stopped. My hand seemed to be covered by a boiling energy, sparks of power blazing through the air. My whole body and any strings connected to it seemed to vibrate. No, time hadn't stopped. I was the one who was too fast. Then my body decided to remind me that it was already under too much strain, not including the speed force.

I started to slow down. The Flash's legs begun moving. His unfocused eyes followed me, beginning to widen in surprise. Then the trap was sprung. His feet tripped on a few invisible wires. The thin strands cut through his speed force aura before slicing through skin, flesh and bone.

The Flash tumbled through the ground with a wordless scream. His legs bled profusely. His feet from the ankles to the soles were cleanly detached from his shins.

Time begun moving normally. A dark red shadow escaped from the Flash's mouth with a screech.

Strings covered The Flash from head to toe, creating a cocoon before I pulled him towards me. I placed the sheath above the cocoon and begun the process of healing the speedster.

I sped up the process by using thin wires to attach the feet to his shins. Blood loss was the only thing he had to worry about.

Fortunately for me he seemed to have experienced a shock and passed out. Either because of the demon leaving him or the pain, we were spared the screams of agony one might expect from someone who had just had their feet severed.

"Bullocks mate. That was decidedly cruel."

Constantine commented from the bench, through my Reikaku, he appeared as a large bonfire. I felt him shift in place before standing up and walking towards me.

Even while doing all that, my eyes never left The Man of Steel's own. There was nothing I was more wary of than an attack from the Kryptonian. If Constantine was a large bonfire, Superman was like the sun. I felt insignificant before him.

"Don't worry. The sheath will heal him."

I told Constantine who was watching the green glow suffusing the cocoon with the Flash inside.

I felt movement through my Reikaku, that same sun that made me feel insignificant was descending to the ground. Superman's cape flapped behind him as he flew down.

His descent slowed and mere inches from the scorched grass, his soles stopped. Constantine tensed, left hand going inside his trouser pockets.

"I can exorcise it but I'll need you to keep him busy, lad."

Constantine stated.

"How do you take down an unstoppable force like Superman?"

I asked Chase, standing up and preparing myself.

"He already underestimates you. Play off that."

Chase advised.

"I'll have to use 'that' skill."

I told him, stepping around Green Arrow.

Chase was silent for a while before speaking.

"Normally I would call you stupid. However, I don't think you have a choice. However, you know what this means right?"

I nodded.

"I do."

I called every string I had created or branched off. The whole park begun flashing with glowing threads that converged in my position. The Shrouds flew higher to escape the strings. Superman still watched me impassively.

Then I felt the first of the strings pierce through my skin. The network of threads spread out across my body.

I gritted my teeth at the pain. My eyes never left Superman's. Such arrogance. To stand and watch an enemy power up.

My eyes flashed purple. Reiryoku roared around my body as new intricate clothes formed around me. A skin tight costume made up of Chesha Neko's strings, stretching through my body, going deep into my cells. Into my mitochondria.

Power unlike nothing I had ever felt before suffused my entire body.

"Chesha Neko: Life Fibers!"

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