I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 51: Times Up.

13 advance chapters in my Patreon.



Chapter 51 Times Up.

(Davian's P.O.V)

I got up to my knees quickly. There wasn't time to waste.

"What are you doing here Cop killer?"

Harley asked, sliding off the vine to land on the floor which if you take the collapsed Skyscraper was basically the wall in a horizontal inclination.

"Get out of here Harley! Now!"

I yelled at the clown, eyes cast to the sky at the sun rays stubbornly cutting in through the smog covering the city.

"You just need to get him back to the park."

Chase told me.

"Don't fight him, just lead him there."

"I know."

I replied. My body was starting to feel the effects of keeping the Shikai active this long. My Reikaku was stretched as far as I could. I knew he was coming. I could feel the shiver going down my neck. For a minute everything was silent.

"What do you..."

Before Harley could complete her sentence, the floor erupted as something burst through. He came from the ground while I was watching the sky!

Superman snarled, punching out and nailing me on another cross guard. My arms were painfully slammed onto my chest and we both flew towards the ceiling.

"Bakudo 8: Seki!"

His fist was halted by a blue ball that appeared along the second punch's path. The force was repulsed back to him and he bounced back to the ground, landing on the floor and causing the whole building to shake.


Harley said trying to keep her balance.

"Get her out of here."

I called out to Poison Ivy while pointing a hand down at Supe's position.

"What are you doing?"

Chase asked in alarm as he could feel the massive amounts of power I was funneling to my arms.

"Just an experiment. What would happen if I were to mix different Kido spells together? My repertoire is very lacking. I only know no more than 5 spells in the first category. I can't seem to go above level 10."

Was it highly dangerous? Yeah. Did I care? Not really. Not when I was desperate to survive.

Chase said nothing. However a split second later I felt his essence.

"This is foolish. But I shall help you shoulder the burden."

He answered.

Could he even do that? My thoughts were interrupted as 4 glowing eyes appeared down in my vision. Here goes nothing.

" Hado combo 1 and 4: Sho Byakurai!"

My body was rocked back as a straight beam of plasma with lightning streaks around it's length shot out of my palm. The kickback slammed me back onto the ceiling but it still managed to complete it's function and Superman could only stand and take the blow head on.

There was a shockwave that rang out, vines formed a wall infront of Harley, protecting her from the worst of it. When everything settled down, I floated to the ground slowly.

"Did we get him?"

I asked Chase.

"You should know the answer to that yourself."


I muttered as the dust cleared, revealing a massive hole that went down into the tunnels. I blinked. Where could he have gone?


The skill threw me 20 meters away from my previous position. Superman came in through the ceiling this time, stomping down on where I previously was.

His costume was in tatters and his face was set in an ugly sneer.

"Impressive. I didn't think anyone could hurt me in this body."

He said.

Then his body begun exuding heat and a red energy.

"But no more games. Get ready to be crushed Insect! Raawgh!"

This time I could barely react to his speed. His punches came in heavy and fast, landing on the massive shield that I constructed to hold him off. The thick plate of ultrathin threads buckled and folded.

He was hurt but not really going down and I was slowly getting overwhelmed and pushed back. At least until a massive Vine batted him away. He broke through the collapsed building, carving a groove onto the street before taking flight and rounding up towards the building.

I looked at Poison Ivy.

"You just made yourself a target. I thought I told you two to leave?!"

The queen of all things green sneered.

"You are in no position to order me around."

"Aaw let us help you kick Big Blue's ass. I've always wanted to land my bat right on that perfectly manly face."

Harley grinned maniacally from beside Poison Ivy.

"You're crazy."

I shook my head.

"Both of you."

"He's preparing something."

Chase warned.

I ignored the two Supervillains and immediately flew out of the building.

"I feel like that's enough time for Constantine to be done with his preparations. I don't think I can take more of this."

I told my Zanpakuto.


I broke through the morning air using Reikaku to track him. That's when I came face to face with a truck on a collision course with me. With quick thinking, I created a long bastard sword and swung, separating the vehicle into two parts.

"Did he just throw a truck at me?"

"Heads up."

Chase said and I groaned. It wasn't one truck either, multiple wrecked cars fell down on my head. I spread my hands out, creating a web of strings by anchoring them to the surroundings. 2 minivans, one police car and an old Truck landed on the web and held.

But he wasn't done.

"Is that a fucking 12 wheeler? Where did he even get it?"

I wondered out loud.

"He's fighting smarter. He started out by underestimating you but now that he sees you can hurt him, he has decided to keep his distance and attack from afar."

Chase intuited.

How was I going to handle a 12 wheeler? If strength was what I lacked then...I only had to give it to myself.

A huge Avatar of Strings emerged around me. By basically creating more and more strings then adding them to my mass, I grew to over 20 feet. A huge Purple humanoid with no discernible features. Superman threw the truck down but I simply punched through the metal before my fist was intercepted by his block.

A shockwave ruffled the web holding the cars together. Heat vision landed on my shoulder, making me stumble back before he dove down and slammed onto the huge Avatar's knee. I couldn't control the fall and found myself looking up at the sky.

Ok, note to self, huge constructs equals heavy and slow. Superman came down on me but before he could slam me through the ground like I had done, a thick vine landed on his side. The vine raptured into smaller pieces and green sap. It also threw him across the street.

I let the strings fold into my body, compressing more and more strands into the armor I wore, reducing the huge size but also creating a more ideal form. One that was balanced in strength and speed.

At the end of the street Superman touched down on the cracked tarmac. His cape was in tatters, his costume was burnt and seemed to have seared into the flesh of his midsection and his perfect hair was loose and messy.

Similarly, my body ached and I felt dead on my feet. We had been fighting for some time now. It was a miracle the surroundings were not destroyed as much as they should have been.

"Let's end this."

The Man of Steel stated.

"I couldn't agree more."

I replied, taking a step forward.

Then a sudden pain hit my chest. I struggled to breathe as I looked down. An attack? How? I hadn't seen it...

"I have some bad news my Wielder, your time is up. Your body is seizing up. The Shikai was too much for it to handle."

Chase delivered the news in a grim tone.

"Oh Fuck."

I muttered, taking a knee.

It's over now.

(General P.O.V)

"Take this!"

The sky briefly lit up with wide streaks of hot white lightning, falling down towards Wonder Woman.

The demigod brought her arm bracelets clashing together. The effect produced was a wide beam of divine energy rippling through the skies, dissolving Shazam's attack and throwing him back, his back bounced off the side of the massive dome.

The champion of the gods was too slow in his reaction and an uppercut from below launched him into the sky. Back in the air the channel 7 news chopper spun out of control from the pressure wave produced by the clash of the two god legacies. They had closely been filming the events as the fight had happened closer to the dome.

From what the world could see, Wonder Woman was possessed. She had four glowing red eyes and was standing protectively over the black dome.

Breaking through the clouds, Shazam found himself staring at the dark void of space. The fight was not really going the way he wanted. He had to hold back not to hurt her but Shazam had forgotten one thing. Even at his best, Wonder Woman still kicked his ass.

Shazam found himself being pulled back by a glowing rope. No not a rope, the Lasso of Truth. The artifact was wrapped around his chest and he felt his body get spun to face the earth. Something then landed on his back.

"It's over boy."

Wonder Woman told him as she tugged on the lasso, ensuring he couldn't even wiggle.

They started to fall. The heat from re-entry hitting his face unimpeded. Even with his durability, Shazam knew the fall could hurt him. Seeing no other choice but to take her out, Billy opened his mouth.


Huge streaks of Lightning stronger than the attack from a few minutes ago fell upon the pair. Wonder Woman was hit point blank. The move had been so unexpected that she didn't put up any guard and hence felt each individual streak strike her body.

Then the unexpected happened.

Laughter rang out as Billy Batson found himself slowing down in the air, the Lasso painfully biting into his chest now that he wasn't in his Shazam form. The smoke dissipated showing a grinning Wonder Woman.

"The power of Zeus used on the daughter of Zeus? Thank you for the power up."

Then she begun spinning the Lasso and him with it.

The wind whipped around the young boy as he found himself launched out. His environment moved so fast, messing with his perception that he couldn't concentrate on calling his powers.

Luckily, before he could smack onto the ground, a yellow glowing portal appeared, transporting him somewhere else. Billy landed on a green inflatable balloon bouncing house. The construct folded around him, arresting his impact.


Billy yelled and a lightning bolt tore through the concrete ground and into the tunnel, striking him.

Shazam walked out into the tunnel, ready to take flight once more when he noticed he had company.

"Green Lantern? Batman? Robin?"

He called out, spotting the three of them. Batman was leaning on Green Lantern's shoulder and Robin stood next to both of them. The latter had his Eskrima sticks pointed at Shazam but eased up with a confused expression on his face.

"Is it just me or are you a kid who can turn into a giant dude with cool abilities?"

Robin asked a suddenly nervous Shazam.

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