I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 86: Batman Wakes Up.

17 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(Davian's P.O.V)

Falcone's men finished loading up the money.


I rubbed my hands, feeling an old excitement come back to me. There was something cathartic about stealing from bad guys. 

They didn't really deserve most of what they had as it had been procured through less than legal means.

That didn't mean I was a good guy either. Nope. Robin Hood in this case, would have taken the money and helped people with it. I was going to take the money and use it to start my vendetta.

"You ready?"

I asked Chase.

"I was created ready."

My Zanpakuto spirit answered.

The way he had phrased it made me frown in confusion. I shook my head. No time for Chase' eccentricity.

I got to my full height, Chesha Neko barely making a sound as I slid it out of it's sheath.


A second later, purple strings danced in the air before twining and combining to form something ferocious.

(General P.O.V)

The inside of the van was not as cramped as Danny thought it would be. Then again, with most of his men injured it made sense that the force he could gather would be small.

They were barely 10 of them. Five in each van. Sarge, his second in command was in the one behind them. 

His team was supposed to be the look out and act as interference incase they needed back up.

One of his men, the driver, a young Albino boy who was barely out of his teens cleared his throat. Danny almost sighed. He knew the question in all their minds.

It wasn't like him to bet all his chips on one guy. Especially one who clearly had a grudge against the Bat.

"Ah boss?"

Finally the kid found his voice. 

Danny tried hard not to show a smile, keeping the impassive expression that he had perfected.

"Yes Johnny?"

The chatter in the compartment behind them died out as the others tried to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"Why are we trusting this guy? I mean... I've seen the news. He's bad...news."

Johnny answered, fingers drumming on the steering wheel.

"Nice phrase."

Danny complimented offhandedly. He patted his chest, feeling for his trusty gun.

"We are not trusting him. We're giving this a chance because for the first time in many years...We can truly change something."

He looked through the corner of his eyes and saw the kid listening intently. Good.

"Most of you wouldn't know but there was a time Gotham wasn't a cesspit of corruption and suffering."

"I would take trying to change things step by step, to sitting around and watching my city, my home, get even worse."

He paused, looking out of the wind shield into the dark clouds above the city.

"If this does work, we can change the lives and fates of everyone in Park Row. If it doesn't, we'll still be 5 million dollars richer and won't have to take the blame for the raid on Falcone. Win-win."

Danny explained, frowning for he had talked too much.

Johnny nodded, a slightly surprised look on his face. A small smile lit up his face.


"Oh, there is also the fact that he's the one who killed Penguin."

The older man added knowing the revelation would shock everyone listening.


Johnny's head whipped towards their leader. Danny could even hear the shuffling from the rest.

This time he chose not to comment. Or rather, he couldn't.

Davian had given the signal. Which turned out to be a massive purple cat with flames dancing around it's bristle like fur, smashing through the huge double doors to the warehouse.

Immediately there was screaming coming from the warehouse. The cries cutting out quickly after.

Johnny gulped, clutching the steering wheel tightly. His face looked pale.

Danny knew that Davian was powerful. More than that, the reason he had rallied himself behind him was different. 

The kid hadn't said much but Danny knew a lot. His information network was one of the best in the city.

Davian had killed the Penguin. He had killed the Penguin in Gotham. Batman's playground.

And Danny suspected, he wouldn't stop there. 

Powerful and from all indications, set on bringing the hurt to the villain populace.

That was something the old Henchmen could get behind. 

Though it was also something he couldn't tell his men. Not yet.

But Danny could speculate, the next few months would be very entertaining.

They waited for a few more seconds, managing to see a shadow with a red mask jump into the warehouse before he decided that it was their turn.

It was go time.

Danny, clicked on the radio.

"Team A, get ready to deploy. Remember, our job is to grab the stash. Do not, and I repeat, do not engage. Let our new friend and his huge cat handle Falcone's men. Team B, watch our backs."


The light from the boom tube died down, leaving the three Superheros standing on a deck looking out into a massive chamber made up of crystals.

As Superman led Karate Kid and Dawnstar through the Fortress of Solitude, the two heroes from the future, couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder.

They had heard of the legendary fortress, seen recordings and even experienced it in the simulation loops, but nothing could have prepared them for the sheer beauty and majesty of the structure before them.

The Fortress was not just an architectural marvel either. It was symbolic. No matter how many times it had been destroyed, whether by Luthor, Dominus or the Eradicator, it was always rebuilt.

It was as important to Superman's legacy as the symbol of hope on his chest.

They shared looks, seeing the wonder and excitement reflected in the other's eyes.

Superman turned to them with a gentle and slightly proud smile,

"Welcome to the Fortress of Solitude. This is my home away from home, and I'm happy to show you around."

Karate Kid sighed,

"It's really something. Do you have a Kryptonian Martial hall, where one can watch recordings of Torquasm-Vo masters?"

The young hero asked.

Dawnstar dug her elbow into his ribs.

"You're being rude."

Superman laughed.

"The Fortress is also a repository of Kryptonian knowledge, of course there is a Martial Hall."

They kept on walking after Karate Kid managed to get a promise out of Superman to take him there.

Even more incredible sights awaited them: towering holographic statues of Kryptonian heroes and creatures, high-tech laboratories filled with wondrous machines, and even a zoo filled with exotic alien creatures from other worlds.

Finally, they arrived at the heart of the fortress, a massive crystal chamber that glowed with a soft blue light.

Superman ran his palm on the walls of the room,

"This is the heart of the Fortress, the Crystal Chamber. It's where I come to think, to meditate, and to recharge my powers."

Karate Kid and Dawnstar both stared in wonder at the chamber, their eyes tracing the intricate patterns etched into the crystal walls.

The light from the chamber seemed to fill them with a sense of peace and tranquility.

After a few moments, Superman turned to his guests and said, "I'm glad you both could join me here. The Fortress of Solitude is a place of great power and beauty, but it's also a place of solitude."

"I don't often invite others to visit, but I felt that you both would appreciate a tour."

Karate Kid and Dawnstar nodded in agreement, still lost in the wonder of the chamber.

They knew that this was a moment they would never forget, a moment when they had been allowed to glimpse the innermost sanctum of one of the greatest heroes in the galaxy.

"Thank you Superman."

Dawnstar replied, bowing her head slightly. Karate Kid gave him a thumbs up.

"Please call me Kal-El. And this is Kelex."

He told them, introducing a robot with a streamlined design and shiny, gold-orange finish. 

It had two slim arms which end in three pinchers. Kelex floated through the only other entrance to the crystal chamber.

"He will show you around some more, while I get to deciphering what message is inside this device."

The Man of Steel informed them, holding up a small triangle with inscriptions on it's surface.

"Follow me."

A smooth but slightly mechanical voice came out of Kelex, the robotic assistant turning to leave.

"I hope we get to see the Martial Hall first. I heard it's...

Karate Kid begun only to be cut off.

"Superman, sorry for the interruption but you are needed at the Watchtower. Batman is awake."

Red Tornado said, appearing on a transmission above the crystal console at the center of the chamber.

Karate Kid and Dawnstar shared a look.

"We're coming with you."


Bruce woke up feeling...good.

More than good...he felt great. Where was he?

He looked around seeing the gray walls of the room, with a transparent energy field looking out into open space.

Rubbing his face, he felt the light stubble across his jaw.

He must have been unconscious for almost a week. The last thing he remembers...

"Was getting your can kicked in by dear old Trigon. Hello!!"

A tiny man dressed in a small batsuit said, popping up next to Bruce's shoulder, buzzing with energy.

The detective blinked, his face settling into a passive glare as something on his hand pulsed, sending green metallic prongs to hold the tiny man captive.

The intruder merely laughed.

"Now we're talking! You adjusted to the ring very quickly!"

The tiny man clapped, popping away from the hold to hover upside down infront of Bruce.

"It's hard to know whether it's because I loosened the restrictions or you're just that good!"

The small man whistled cartoonishly. 

"Who are you?"

The Dark Knight growled, idly acknowledging that there was a green lantern ring on his finger and that the tiny man had implied he had loosened the restrictions on it.

He would need to explore it's functions a bit more. From what he knew it worked on will. 

The biggest question he had was why had a green lantern ring in the first place. The most important question however was who this being was.

He was already in telepathic communication with the Ring, using the artificial intelligence within it to tap into the Watchtower systems, alert the League while also recording his interaction with the strange man. 

He was also running the man's image through the League and Earth's database to find out his identity.

"Wow. I give internal monologue a 1000000/10... incredible!"

The tiny man's eyes were literal cartoonish stars as he clapped his hands again.

Batman narrowed his eyes. 

The Imp could read his memories.

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