I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 90: I Understand.

18 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

To Stewart, space had always carried this feeling of awe.

The sheer expanse that stretched out for billions of light years in all directions was simply put, mind boggling.

The final frontier.

Similarly awe-inducing was the object on his ring finger that could allow him to travel that impossible distance in seconds. Less, depending on how far he was going.

FTL made things so much easier.

Green Lantern Stewart left a trail of green light as he pulled further away from the cradle of humanity.

Earth was already no bigger than a blue marble in his eyes.

Normally he would take his time, doing circles around the rings of Saturn just to see the first rays of the sun hitting the asteroid belts around the second biggest planet in the Sol system.

And then there was the sunsets on Mars. Those were just perfect in the only way nature could achieve.

The urgent sermons he had received from OA killed that idea.

The sermons were in actuality more like an order. To either make it back with the new Green Lantern chosen by Hal's ring or not come back at all.

He chose the third option, going to OA anyway.

Maybe he could mitigate the disaster that might unfold from the whole situation.

Stewart knew Batman. Bruce was unyielding, sharing a stubbornness that was inherent to the Guardians.

That could spark a conflict the likes of which Earth was not remotely ready to survive, let alone win.

Which is why Stewart had to hurry back. Maybe Ganthet could help. He was atleast willing to compromise on a few issues.

Emboldened by the sway the Guardian had over the rest of his kind, Stewart immediately activated FTL and jumped into hyperspace.

Only for him to smack on a green shield before he could even move a single parsec.

Stewart managed to catch himself before he was rebounded off into unstable space rifts.

Not even his will, as muddled as his emotions were, could save him from a super massive blackhole were he pulled into one.

He reoriented his body and looked at what was responsible for blocking his way.

A giant brown alien.

One that was wearing a green ring on one of his three fingers.

"Where are your manners poozer? You even forgot how to properly greet your superior?"

Kilowog's voice rumbled out, as he floated in open space, behind him was an entire squaldron of Lanterns.

Different aliens from different sectors, all clad in Green Lantern uniforms.

"Oh Fuck."

Stewart said before he could help himself. This was the exact thing he was trying to avoid!

Kilowog laughed, his ring lighting up.

"Cursing infront of me? Intolerable. It seems some remedial lessons on Green Lantern discipline are in order!"

The Green Lantern responsible for training new Green Lantern rookies said, the smile on his face promising some hard times ahead.


Stewart nodded in greeting.

"A little far from your usual patrol route. And you're...not alone."

He eyed the others warily.

Their faces displayed different emotions. The prominent one being boredom.

Stewart already suspected what their mission was and it filled him with chagrin that his colleagues considered Earth to not be a threat.

"Had you completed your mission, I would be enjoying the hot springs in Asunio."

Kilowog replied, flying forwards.

"I see. If I could have a moment with the Guardians, explain to them..."

Stewart begun only to be rudely interrupted by another Green Lantern floating behind Kilowog.

"The Guardians have more pressing matters to attend to than waste time on the selfish needs of a backwater...

Arx, a hairy faced humanoid creature begun before he teetered back, fearfully as a construct of a knife appeared below his hairy neck.

"Finish that sentence, I dare you."

Stewart growled out, holding his ring steady before him.

There was a shift in the air. Or rather space. A hum of power that pulsed from each of the Lanterns as they prepared to fight back against Stewart.

It made him angry. These were his colleagues. People he would die for yet...Earth was his home. How did they not understand that a show of force like this would only make things harder?

Allowing these many Lanterns there would cause more chaos after the planet had just recovered from the loss of Gotham.

Kilowog's ring glowed with power then a large scissors construct snipped the connection between Stewart and the knife he had created.

"No one bullies the new rookies except for me, poozer."

The giant Bolovaxian growled out.

'Ring whats the charge?"

The former marine turned space cop mentally enquired.


Even if the charge had been at a hundred, Will alone couldn't take on close to 500 Green Lanterns.

But Stewart could certainly try. Maybe even call in Gardner for support or Kyle Rayner.

The latter hadn't been heard from since the fall out from his then girlfriend Alexandria Dewitt's death at the hands of Major Force.

Kyle had then proceeded to trump the limitations imposed on the Green Lantern ring and in a burst of rage, had utterly destroyed Major Force.

Then he had simply...disappeared.

He was the second one to use the ring's full capabilities after Hal.

Stewart was afraid of what a driven man like Batman could do if pushed far enough.

"Kilowog, you have no idea how bad this could get. Let the Justice League handle this."

Stewart said as he sent an Omega Alert through his ring to the Watchtower.

Hopefully he could stall them lomg enough that the League would have a sufficient response to the untimely visit from the Green Lantern Corps.

"It's out of your hands now. Step aside Lantern."

Kilowog rumbled, his tone brokering no argument.

Shit. Okay, one last card to play then.

"Let me talk to Ganthet. He can..."

Stewart's words trailed off as the Lanterns made way for someone.

"John, it's good to see. I wish it was under better circumstances."

A blue skinned alien, wearing a red outfit that flowed down his form spoke up.


Stewart blinked in confusion.

'What was he doing here? Could one ring really matter enough to bring a guardian away from OA?'

"We have much to discuss John. Much."

Ganthet replied, shaking his head slightly.

"This is not just about the ring in Batman's hands, is it?"

Stewart guessed.

The silence from the Guardian confirmed it.

For the second time Stewart cursed infront of a superior.


(Davian's P.O.V)

The agreed pick up point for the 10 million dollars I would use to pay for Artemis' sister's service was of course, the parking lot behind Luigi's.

5 minutes away from the parking lot, something begun stirring in my senses.

"I can feel the masks ahead. They are ahead of schedule."

I smiled, it was good having competent minions.

"Or maybe you're just late? They could have been freezing their butts out in the cold."

Chase told me.

I ignored him, deciding not to let him ruin my night, which was turning out to be productive.

I gently landed next to the driver's side of one of the mini-vans we had used to load up the cash and knocked on the window gently.

A second later, it rolled down, revealing the driver staring at me with his hands tightly holding onto the steering wheel.

My unannounced arrival must have started them. His partner lowered the gun they had trained on me.

"Where is it?"

I asked without wasting time.

"Ju...just a-a sec."

The driver stammered as the side door opened and a duffel bag was held out to me.

I grabbed it before nodding and disappearing in a burst of speed. Now to really start this thing off.

I've wasted enough time as it is.

"You have killed 3 of the Batman's most prolific villains, I think you're well ahead of schedule. You need to slow down."

Chase informed me in that tone of his that told me I should have been expecting a lecture.

"I am slowing down. No more murders until I'm strong enough to face the whole Justice League at their best and come out victorious."

I assured, hoping he would drop the subject.

"You know that's not what I mean. You're jumping from one thing to another without resting. The meeting you're going to could have been conducted tomorrow, after you had a shower and some food. Your body still needs a break. There are bags under your eyes. You're exhausted."

He rattled off.

"I'm fine."

I told him while gritting my teeth, jumping across the street onto the roof of a building.

Artemis' apartment complex was only a few blocks away.

"Are you?"

He asked after a few seconds.

I slowed down before stopping.

"What are you now, my therapist?"

I questioned, feeling a little bit angry that he kept on pushing.

"At this rate you might need one. You're acting as if you don't know what your problem is."

Chase shot back.

I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe it's you! Maybe it's this world! Maybe it's everybody!"

"Classic behavior. Blame someone else for your own problems."

My hand tightened on the handle of Chesha Neko at his statement.

"Admit to yourself what you can't. You're running away. Running away from having to mourn the loss of a friend."

He added, this time much softly.

All the anger washed out of me. I rubbed my eyes, feeling the dull ache of a migraine behind them.

I looked up at the snow falling from the sky.

"It's not wrong to feel. It's wrong to not feel. I'm not telling you to abandon everything and grieve. Being pro-active is commendable. But mental and physical fatigue will not only be detrimental to your health but also to your plans. Give yourself time. Do you understand?"

I took a second to mull over our whole argument and the reason I was so mad at Chase.

He was opening up fresh wounds that I had decided to just ignore.

I was trying not to think too much about Raven. If I did, I would abandon the long game. I would lash out like I did when Nick died.

I couldn't protect Nick and now I had also failed to protect her.

What I could do without burning down the world, was atleast offer some sort of compensation to her soul by doing something good, cleaning up this city.

Chase wasn't wrong.

But he also wasn't completely right.

"I understand."

I understand that I can't kill this momentum.

There wasn't time to grieve. I could grieve when the last of Batman's Rogues were bleeding on the ground before me.

I could grieve when I saw Batman's face as he realized I had done what he couldn't.

Only then would I allow myself to break down.

The next series of Shunpo deposited me at the agreed meet up joint.

And waiting for me there, was someone that instantly caused me to unsheathe my Zanpakuto.

I activated Shikai and bound her to the wall with strings.

"Stop! What are you doing?! That's my sister!"

Artemis yelled, drawing her bow and nocking an arrow while aiming it at me.

I ignored her, narrowing my eyes at Cheshire.

"You have a lot of nerve showing up infront of me."

I spoke, walking towards her.

I hadn't forgotten the less than stellar welcome to DC she and that other guy had given me.

Now it was time for payback.

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