I Reincarnated as A Little Girl?!

Chapter 15 – Arriving in the city.

We had been walking for almost 3 days, we stopped twice on the road to get food so we were a little late.
But I don't really care about that now, because we should be close to getting to the city.

"Are we coming yet?" I asked the maid to confirm if I was correct.

The maid was distracted so I asked again.
After I asked again the maid finally answered.

"Yes, we are already very close." The maid said as she continued walking without slowing down.

Finally we are near the city, because I was bored of walking for so long, not even a monster appeared for me to kill and have fun.

Well, since we're coming now I'm pretty happy, because I'll finally get in touch with people, other than a bunch of maids who obey everything like dogs.

'Let's go to the city!' I scream for happiness in my mind as I continued walking.


After walking for another hour I started to see the city wall, it was an ordinary brick wall but it was very tall.

"Finally we arrived." I said to the maid as I started walking even faster.

I'll have to do it now, right? Yes I had to do it, it's for my safety.

I ran in front of the maid and stopped her, when I did that the maid stopped walking on time.
The maid seems to already know what was going on, so she began to shiver immediately.

"What do you think you are doing?" The maid asked as she walked away from me slowly.

"Go there." I said as I pointed to a scrub on the edge of the road, I think this is the best place to do this.

"What are you going to do when you go there?" The maid was still shaking with my attitude.

I'll have to fool her again, because if I don't fool her she won't go there. And if I do it in the middle of the road it can go wrong and I will be seen.

"You'll stay there until I get to town, then you can leave." I told the maid heavily to fool her.

Because the maid is so dumb she easily believed and started walking into the thicket.
When the maid was already there I started to approach.

"I'm sorry." I said as I pointed my hand at the maid.

Seeing this the maid panicked.

"Please do not do that." The maid said while kneeling and begging.

But I couldn't soften now, that's accurate.

I began to imagine an air bullet, as powerful as a firearm, and the next moment I pointed at the maid's head.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you live." I said as I prepared to shoot the bullet in the maid's head.

"Please don't -" I didn't even wait for the maid to finish talking.

I shot her in the head.
I closed my eyes not to see the scene.
When I opened my eyes again the maid was lying on her back with a huge hole in her head, she was bleeding a lot.

The maid seemed to want to say something as tears fell from her eyes, but no voice came from her mouth.

"I'm sorry, but that was necessary." I said as I turned my back and headed toward the city.


I still kept thinking about the maid as I walked towards the city gate, but nothing to be done, if I had left her alive, I'm sure she would do something against me.

Well, now it's time to get into town.

After walking for a few minutes I arrived at the city gate.
When I arrived at the gate there were 2 guards, but oddly enough none of them blocked my entry.

Was it because I was a child? Well, I don't know but I appreciate it, because I wouldn't want to waste my time on it.

When I entered the city I came across something I had never seen in this world.
There were people everywhere, finally there were people besides the maids.

I kept walking the city streets, on every side of the streets, had stores and more stores, it was a magnificent sight.

It also had many food stalls on the streets, it seems that many people live only from this trade.

There is also the residential area in this city, there were several houses where the simplest people lived.
Of course there were mansions, but they were only for nobles.

There was also the castle, which was where the queen apparently lives.
It seems that no one enters that castle, only with a personal authorization given by the queen.

'But now is not the time for that.' I still had to look for the adventurer guild, as that was the only way I had to make money now.

I remember the maid told me that the guild was on the main street, and it was a two story wooden building.

She also said I'd see a lot of muscular men coming out, a normal guild, right?

I arrived on a huge street leading towards the castle door, so this must be the main street, right?
I kept walking and looking at all the buildings until I saw one that was clearly the guild.

It was a building, just like the maid had told me, and there were too many men coming out of the guild.

'I think they are one Party's?' Party's are an adventurer's group, right?

I remember a little about that because of the light novels I read.


I walked towards the guild, many people were looking at me as I walked for guild.
Was it because I was so cute? Or was it because it was strange for a girl my age to join the adventurer guild?

'Well, whatever.' I didn't care about that, I just kept walking and joined the adventurers guild.

As soon as I opened the guild door, everyone inside looked at me immediately, I think I caught all the guild's attention.

'Hey, look at that girl.'
'Yes, she's very cute'
'What is she doing here?'

I was listening to a lot of whispers but I ignored them all and headed toward a woman who was behind the counter.

"Hello, I'd like to sign up for the guild," I said as I looked straight at the woman behind the counter.

"Eh?" The woman was speechless for a while.


As soon as I said that, all the men inside the guild started laughing at me, even the women started laughing too.

'This is pissing me off.'


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