I Reincarnated as A Little Girl?!

Chapter 247 – I’m going to have to look into this.

"Haaa~~ Haaa~~ Haaa~~" When I woke up, I was lying on the bed. I passed out momentarily because of the pain, I never thought I would go through this.

My body was still sore, but it was much better than before. My bones seemed to be back in place and no longer seemed to be tearing at my flesh.

But I was not calm, while I slept I had a terrible nightmare. It seemed so real, it was as if Lincy was really being killed and I wasn't there to help her.

I couldn't calm myself down. I tried to use magic, but I couldn't, it was hopeless.

I could hear Lincy's screams in my mind, I could hear her calling my name. My breathing was ragged and I felt like starting to cry.

"Please, someone heal me." I was completely desperate and there was no one around. I felt alone, I felt as if everybody had abandoned me because now I am useless.

I feel useless because I can't do anything to help Lincy.

"SOMEBODY, PLEASE," I shouted loud enough that my throat hurt. And at the same time, I could feel tears streaming all over my face. I was not well at all.

When was the last time I felt like this? No, in this world I have never felt anything like this.

I lay down and started to cry out loud, I was feeling that a part of my heart had been ripped out of me. Lincy had died, I was sure of it, and I couldn't do anything to help her.

I am useless.

I'm useless.

"What is it?" Suzan came into my room and ran to the bed. She is seeing me in this state, but I don't care anymore, "Hey, hey, why are you crying? Calm down." Suzan came over and hugged me, hugged me lovingly.

"Lincy died... Hic... Hic..."

"What?" Suzan didn't seem to understand what I was trying to say, but she continued hugging me and stroking my head.

"Lincy, she died... I saw that... Hic..waaa" I couldn't hold back my crying, it was the first time I had ever cried in this world, and maybe one of the times I most cried in my entire life.

"What do you mean? How did you see it if you didn't get out of bed?"

"I saw...Hic... I'm sure it was all real, I'm sure she died."

"Calm down, it was just a bad dream, okay?"


"It's okay."


"Got it, calm down." Suzan continued to hold me and try to calm me down, but it was useless. That imagery wouldn't leave my head, the imagery of my dear Lincy being stabbed several times wouldn't leave my mind.

"Bleeeeh" Thinking of that image one more time, I couldn't hold my vomit. A large amount of vomit mixed with tears and it was all on the bed.

Suzan had soiled herself, but she didn't care, she kept hugging me.

I was weaker than I thought, I can't take this, it's too painful.

What if she's not dead? No, I am sure that all of this was real. My God, what do I do?


"Has she calmed down?"

"Yes, it took a while but I managed to get her to sleep."

I had gone out for a while, but when I came back this place was a living hell. Larissa was crying as I had never seen a person cry before, she had even vomited all over the bed.

I didn't know exactly what had happened, but I was extremely worried.

Larissa had some sort of heavy that Lincy had been killed, and she was insisting that it was all real and kept blaming herself for Lincy's death. I don't know how she concluded that that nightmare was real.

I have never heard of a case where a person has dreamed something that really happened.

But... What if it's true?

What if that girl really died?

I looked everywhere for her but couldn't find her anywhere. Could it be true? No, a person can't dream about another person's death like that. Well, I always thought that Larissa was special.

She is a blessed child, a more mature child than usual, and more powerful than anyone I have ever encountered during my work as an adventurer.

And during my position as master of the guild of Grenrok, I have never seen anyone more powerful than her.

Maybe she has an ability that allows her to predict or see the death of people?

No, such a convenient ability does not exist... Or rather, this ability should not exist. I can't imagine dreaming about the deaths of people close to me in that way.

'But she was so confident that it was true, she's acting like Lincy is dead.' What a headache.

Am I supposed to go after Lincy to prove that she's not dead? What if she is dead? What will I do?

"Suzan, do you think that's possible?"


"Dreaming about the death of a close person like that? And that dream is a reality."

"I don't know. I've never seen something like that before."


"But the way she was acting, she was very convinced that her friend was dead. Larissa isn't the type who would act that way for no reason, is she?"

"You're right, even she is a child she's too serious to joke about something like that. But couldn't it just be her mind that's shaken because she's lost her magic and her friends are far away? She might just be very worried."

"Even though she's a serious person, she's still a child. Maybe that's it, but I don't rule out the possibility that it's all real."


"So what are you going to do? We can't just come to her other friends and say that supposedly Lincy died and that Larissa had an outburst because of it."

"You're right, I think I need to look into that a little bit."

"Go ahead, I'll be with her."

"Right." My job as guild master was to help the adventurers, and since Larissa was such an important adventurer, I couldn't leave this matter aside.

But I also can't forget about the investigation in the guild, I'm very close to finding out who the culprit was. When I find him/her, I will have the pleasure of ripping his/her head off with my bare hands.

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