I Reincarnated as A Little Girl?!

Chapter 249 – I Hope to Find You

Only a few hours had passed and my wife Anneorah had arrived in the capital. As soon as she arrived, she was greeted by some adventurers who were in front of the adventurers' guild.

The adventurers said that she seemed troubled by the guild's appearance at the moment, I can understand her, it was as if the guild had never existed there, it was an unrecognizable building.

She said a little prayer in front of the guild in honor of the adventurers who died, and then she was brought to my mansion, this is where she was at the moment.

"So you're finally here." As soon as I found her, I hugged her and also kissed her on her mouth, it had been a while since we had done something like that.

"Yes, I came as fast as I could when you contacted me. Tell me, what happened?" Anneorah seemed upset about what had happened.

"I don't know either, I just know that we were suddenly attacked by some kind of magic in which our adventurers began to be twisted"


"Yes, their bodies were twisted and crumpled like a piece of paper, and-"

"I don't need that much detail, please." She was still weak when it came to things like that.

"Okay, but you must know why I called you here, right?"

"Sure, you want me to find a friend of yours, don't you? She disappeared during the attack?"

"Something like that. She's been missing for a long time, so I thought you might find her somehow. I should have called you before, I took too long."

"I understand. But you don't want my help just for that, don't you?"

"I also want you to investigate the wreckage of the guild and try to find the traces of the magic of whoever did that. I guess that wouldn't be such a hard job, would it?"

"The destruction and the girl's disappearance make a lot of days, maybe the trail that was left would be gone by now. Do you have information if the girl who disappeared could use magic? That would make things easier."

"I don't know about that, but since she was friends with Larissa, I'm sure she has at least some magic in her body."

"I see, that's good. Is Larissa the little girl you said had injured herself?"

"That's right. Actually, this missing girl was a very close friend of Larissa. Since she's been missing that little girl can't act normal anymore." I felt really bad every time I looked at her.

It was as if she was a completely different person. That girl who was sometimes angry, that little girl who smiled practically all the time now seemed to have no feelings.

"I see."

"The same day Lincy disappeared, Larissa had a nightmare that Lincy was being killed by someone. But she swears that was too real to be heavy, and since then she strongly believes that her friend is already dead."

"And seeing her friend supposedly die in front of her without being able to do anything about it ended up leaving her that way."


"I feel sorry for this girl. From what you said, she was a very spirited and strong girl."

"Yes, she was, but now she's like a traumatized child."

"..." Anneorah said nothing and remained silent. She closed her eyes and seemed to be thinking a lot about it, maybe she is also praying in her mind for Larissa. She is a very religious woman since I married her.

Unfortunately, I can't be that religious.

After we finished our conversation, she went to the room where Larissa was and tried to talk to her, but Larissa ignored her and did not want to talk to her.

But of course, she didn't force Larissa to answer anything, she just stroked the little girl's head and then left the room along with me. Leaving only Suzan by Larissa's side.

"That girl is going to take a while to recover."

"Can you say that?"

"Yes, I have met people in the same situation, their minds were broken by things that happened in their lives. For them to act normal again took a long time."

"But do you mean that Larissa had her mind affected at that level just because of a nightmare?"

"That's what it's like. That girl sure has a much weaker mind than it seemed, she wasn't prepared for something like that. Do you know if there has been another case of people close to her dying?"

"I've never heard anything about it. She has several friends here in Grenrok and they are all doing very well. Well, they were fine until Lincy disappeared."

"I see, so she just wasn't prepared to lose a friend or something." Anneorah seemed very sad for Larissa, and I can understand. I'm not feeling very good about it either.

The way Larissa was acting hurt my heart. Even though she was an adventurer who was even stronger than me, she was still a child.

I hope that we find your friend and that she is well.

After that, we left the house and went to the adventurers' guild. This was the last place Lincy had been seen before she disappeared.

But you might be wondering why I called my wife Anneorah here, well, you could say that she is a master in magic to track someone.

With just a little bit of magic power or whatever belongs to a person, she can find that person.

She worked only with this, she was often hired for jobs like this, so she spends most of her time away.

So with her here, we could track who had done the attacks since there was certainly magic leftover from the person who attack inside the guild.

Tracking Lincy was a bit more complicated, but I'm sure she'll manage.

I wish I had called her earlier so that everything would be simpler. But she was too busy at the time.

"Okay, I'll get started." Saying this, Anneorah crouched down and began to scour all the ground around the adventurer's guild. Lincy had probably been walking around here and she would be able to find some trace of her.

I couldn't help her at the moment, so I just let her get on with her work and just watched.

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